package gjt; import java.awt.*; /** * Layout manager for a Scroller.

* * Lays out 3 Components: a horizontal scrollbar, a vertical * scrollbar and a viewport (Panel).

* * Valid names/Component pairs that can be added via * addLayoutComponent(String, Component):


"East" Scrollbar (vertical) *
"West" Scrollbar (vertical) *
"North" Scrollbar (horizontal) *
"South" Scrollbar (horizontal) *
"Scroll" Panel (viewport) *
* * @version 1.0, Apr 1 1996 * @author David Geary * @see Scroller */ public class ScrollerLayout implements LayoutManager { private Scroller scroller; private Scrollbar hbar, vbar; private String hbarPosition, vbarPosition; private Component viewport; private int top, bottom, right, left; public ScrollerLayout(Scroller scroller) { this.scroller = scroller; } public void addLayoutComponent(String name, Component comp) { Assert.notFalse(comp != null); if(comp instanceof Scrollbar) { Scrollbar sbar = (Scrollbar)comp; if(sbar.getOrientation() == Scrollbar.VERTICAL) { Assert.notFalse("East".equals(name) == true || "West".equals(name) == true); vbar = sbar; vbarPosition = name; } else { Assert.notFalse("North".equals(name) == true || "South".equals(name) == true); hbar = sbar; hbarPosition = name; } } else { Assert.notFalse("Scroll".equals(name) == true); viewport = comp; } } public void removeLayoutComponent(Component comp) { if(comp == vbar) vbar = null; if(comp == hbar) hbar = null; if(comp == viewport) viewport = null; } public Dimension preferredLayoutSize(Container parent) { Dimension dim = new Dimension(0,0); if(vbar != null && vbar.isVisible()) { Dimension d = vbar.preferredSize(); dim.width += d.width; dim.height = d.height; } if(hbar != null && hbar.isVisible()) { Dimension d = hbar.preferredSize(); dim.width += d.width; dim.height = Math.max(d.height, dim.height); } if(viewport != null && viewport.isVisible()) { Dimension d = viewport.preferredSize(); dim.width += d.width; dim.height = Math.max(d.height, dim.height); } return dim; } public Dimension minimumLayoutSize(Container parent) { Dimension dim = new Dimension(0,0); if(vbar != null && vbar.isVisible()) { Dimension d = vbar.minimumSize(); dim.width += d.width; dim.height = d.height; } if(hbar != null && hbar.isVisible()) { Dimension d = hbar.minimumSize(); dim.width += d.width; dim.height = Math.max(d.height, dim.height); } if(viewport != null && viewport.isVisible()) { Dimension d = viewport.minimumSize(); dim.width += d.width; dim.height = Math.max(d.height, dim.height); } return dim; } public void layoutContainer(Container target) { Insets insets = target.insets(); Dimension targetSize = target.size(); top =; bottom = targetSize.height - insets.bottom; left = insets.left; right = targetSize.width - insets.right; scroller.manageScrollbars(); reshapeHorizontalScrollbar(); reshapeVerticalScrollbar (); reshapeViewport (); scroller.setScrollbarValues(); } private void reshapeHorizontalScrollbar() { if(hbar != null && hbar.isVisible()) { if("North".equals(hbarPosition)) { Dimension d = hbar.preferredSize(); hbar.reshape(left, top, right - left, d.height); top += d.height; } else { // South Dimension d = hbar.preferredSize(); hbar.reshape(left, bottom - d.height, right - left,d.height); bottom -= d.height; } } } private void reshapeVerticalScrollbar() { if(hbar != null && vbar.isVisible()) { if("East".equals(vbarPosition)) { Dimension d = vbar.preferredSize(); vbar.reshape(right - d.width, top, d.width, bottom - top); right -= d.width; } else { // West Dimension d = vbar.preferredSize(); vbar.reshape(left, top, d.width, bottom - top); left += d.width; } } } private void reshapeViewport() { if(viewport != null && viewport.isVisible()) { viewport.reshape(left, top, right - left, bottom - top); } } }