package gjt; import java.awt.*; /** * Similar in fuction to the MessageDialog, YesNoDialog poses * a question, that is answered by selection of either a Yes * button or a No button.

* * Note that the YesNoDialog is a singleton - meaning there is * only one YesNoDialog in existence per applet. Clients * may obtain the YesNoDialog by invoking getYesNoDialog().

* * @version 1.0, Apr 1 1996 * @author David Geary * @see GJTDialog * @see MessageDialog * @see gjt.test.DialogTest */ public class YesNoDialog extends GJTDialog { static private YesNoDialog _theYesNoDialog; private Button yesButton; private Button noButton; private String message; private boolean answer = false; private ButtonPanel buttonPanel = new ButtonPanel(); static public YesNoDialog getYesNoDialog( Frame frame, DialogClient client, String title, String message) { if(_theYesNoDialog == null) _theYesNoDialog = new YesNoDialog(frame,client, title,message); else { _theYesNoDialog.setClient (client); _theYesNoDialog.setTitle (title); _theYesNoDialog.setMessage(message); } return _theYesNoDialog; } private YesNoDialog(Frame frame, DialogClient client, String title, String message) { super(frame, title, client, true); yesButton = buttonPanel.add("Yes"); noButton = buttonPanel.add("No"); setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add("Center", new YesNoPanel(message)); add("South", buttonPanel); pack(); } public void show() { yesButton.requestFocus();; } public boolean answeredYes() { return answer; } public boolean action(Event event, Object what) { if( == yesButton) answer = true; else answer = false; hide(); client.dialogDismissed(this); return true; } private void setMessage(String message) { this.message = message; } } class YesNoPanel extends Panel { public YesNoPanel(String question) { add("Center", new Label(question, Label.CENTER)); } public Insets insets() { return new Insets(10,10,10,10); } }