package gjt.test; import java.awt.*; import java.applet.Applet; import gjt.Util; import gjt.DialogClient; import gjt.MessageDialog; import gjt.ProgressDialog; import gjt.QuestionDialog; import gjt.YesNoDialog; /** * Tests 4 gjt custom dialogs: *
MessageDialog (a dialog which displays a message) *
QuestionDialog (a dialog which asks a question) *
YesNoDialog (a dialog with yes/no buttons) *
ProgressDialog (a dialog which records progress of task) *
* @version 1.0, April 25, 1996 * @author David Geary * @see gjt.test.UnitTest * @see gjt.DialogClient * @see gjt.MessageDialog * @see gjt.ProgressDialog; * @see gjt.QuestionDialog; * @see gjt.YesNoDialog; */ public class DialogTest extends UnitTest { public String title() { return "Graphic Java Toolkit Dialog Test"; } public Panel centerPanel() { return new DialogLauncher(); } } class DialogLauncher extends Panel implements DialogClient { private MessageDialog messageDialog; private QuestionDialog questionDialog; private YesNoDialog yesNoDialog; private ProgressDialog progressDialog; private Button messageDialogButton, questionDialogButton, yesNoDialogButton, progressDialogButton; public DialogLauncher() { setLayout(new GridLayout(0,1)); add(messageDialogButton = new Button("Message Dialog")); add(questionDialogButton = new Button("Question Dialog")); add(yesNoDialogButton = new Button("YesNo Dialog")); add(progressDialogButton = new Button("Progress Dialog")); } public boolean action(Event event, Object what) { if( == messageDialogButton) { messageDialog = MessageDialog.getMessageDialog( Util.getFrame(this), this, "Example Message Dialog", "This is an example of a message dialog.");; } else if( == questionDialogButton) { questionDialog = new QuestionDialog(Util.getFrame(this), this, "Example Question Dialog", "Name: ", "Gumby", 45);; } else if( == yesNoDialogButton) { yesNoDialog = YesNoDialog.getYesNoDialog(Util.getFrame(this), this, "Example YesNo Dialog", "Another cup of Java?");; } else if( == progressDialogButton) { progressDialog = ProgressDialog.getProgressDialog( Util.getFrame(this), "Example Progress Dialog",;; ProgressThread thread = new ProgressThread(progressDialog); thread.start(); } return true; } public void dialogDismissed(Dialog d) { if(d == messageDialog) { System.out.println("MessageDialog Down"); } if(d == questionDialog) { if(questionDialog.wasCancelled()) System.out.println("CANCELLED"); else System.out.println( "Name: " + questionDialog.getTextField().getText()); } if(d == yesNoDialog) { if(yesNoDialog.answeredYes()) System.out.println("YES"); else System.out.println("NO"); } } } class ProgressThread extends Thread { private ProgressDialog dialog; private double percentComplete = 0; public ProgressThread(ProgressDialog dialog) { this.dialog = dialog; } public void run() { while(percentComplete <= 100) { try { Thread.currentThread().sleep(500); } catch(InterruptedException e) { } dialog.setPercentComplete(percentComplete); percentComplete += 10; } } }