package gjt.test; import java.awt.*; import gjt.FontDialog; import gjt.DialogClient; import gjt.Util; /** * Activating the button causes the FontDialog to be displayed. * Selecting a font from the FontDialog causes the button to * use the selected font.

* * This unit test overrides FontDialog to reset the labels * displayed in the buttons, and to reset the list of font * sizes displayed. See FontDialog for a discussion of the * overridden methods.

* *Note: The FontDialog takes forever to come up in * Netscape. * * @version 1.0, Apr 25, 1996 * @author David Geary * @see gjt.test.UnitTest * @see gjt.Util * @see gjt.FontDialog * @see gjt.DialogClient */ class LotsOfSizesFontDialog extends FontDialog { private static String _defaultSizes[] = { "8", "10", "12", "14", "16", "18", "20", "22", "24", "26", "28", "30", "32", "34", "36", "38", "40", "42", "44", "46", "48", "50", "52", "54", "56", "58", "60", "62", "64", "66", "68", "70", "72", "74", "76", "78", "80", "82", "84", "86", "88", "90", "92", "94", "96", "98", "100" }; public LotsOfSizesFontDialog(Frame frame, DialogClient client, Font font) { super(frame, client, font, true); } public String getPreviewButtonLabel() { return "Preview Selected Font"; } public String getOkButtonLabel () { return "I'll Take It"; } public String getCancelButtonLabel () { return "Nevermind"; } public String[] getFontSizes () { return _defaultSizes; } } public class FontDialogTest extends UnitTest { public String title() { return "Font Dialog Test"; } public Panel centerPanel() { return new FontDialogTestPanel(); } } class FontDialogTestPanel extends Panel implements DialogClient { private Button fontButton; public FontDialogTestPanel() { setLayout(new BorderLayout()); add("Center", fontButton = new Button("Fonts ...")); } public boolean handleEvent(Event event) { if( == Event.ACTION_EVENT) { LotsOfSizesFontDialog d; d = new LotsOfSizesFontDialog(Util.getFrame(this), this, fontButton.getFont());; } return true; } public void dialogDismissed(Dialog d) { FontDialog fontDialog = (FontDialog)d; Font fontSelected = fontDialog.getFontSelected(); if(fontSelected != null) fontButton.setFont(fontSelected); fontButton.requestFocus(); } }