/************************************************* * * = PACKAGE * netsvcs.Time * * = FILENAME * TS_Clerk_Handler.java * *@author Prashant Jain, Everett Anderson * *************************************************/ package netsvcs.Time; import java.io.*; import java.util.Date; import JACE.OS.*; import JACE.Connection.*; import JACE.Reactor.*; import JACE.ASX.TimeValue; /** *


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Requests the remote time on a server at regular * intervals.
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TSClerkHandlers are created by a TSClerkProcessor. There * is one handler for each server that the Clerk Processor factors into * its calculations.
*/ public class TSClerkHandler extends SvcHandler { /** * Constructor. TSClerkProcessor specifies the server machine and * port, as well as the interval at which to make the query. */ public TSClerkHandler (String hostname, int port, TimerQueue tq, int timeout, TSClerkProcessor parent) { this.hostname_ = hostname; this.port_ = port; this.tq_ = tq; this.timeout_ = timeout; this.initialTimeout_ = timeout; this.processor_ = parent; this.sendMsg_ = new String ("TIME_UPDATE_REQUEST"); } /** * Called to start this handler in a new thread. This only * does it when the state of the handler is INITIALIZING. */ public int open (Object obj) { if (this.state_ != RECONNECTING) { Thread test = new Thread(this); new Thread (this).start (); } return 0; } /** * Accessor - return the host name of the server */ public String hostname () { return this.hostname_; } /** * Accessor - return the port used to contact the server */ public int port () { return this.port_; } /** * Accessor - returns the difference between the local time and * the remote server. */ public long delta () { return this.delta_; } /** * Called when the thread starts. Schedules itself with the * timer queue. */ public void run () { this.timerId_ = this.tq_.scheduleTimer (this, null, new TimeValue (this.timeout_), new TimeValue (this.timeout_)); } /** * Accessor - return the state */ public int state() { return this.state_; } /** * Sets the state of the handler */ public void state(int newState) { this.state_ = newState; } /** * Provides a new time out interval (exponentially increasing) so * that if the server doesn't respond, we don't keep trying to * reconnect as often. Maximum value is 5 minutes. */ public int recalculateTimeout() { this.timeout_ *= 2; if (this.timeout_ > this.max_timeout_) this.timeout_ = max_timeout_; return this.timeout_; } /** * Start the recovery from a server disconnection by closing the * port and recalculating the timeout value. */ protected void errorRecovery() { ACE.DEBUG("Time Service failure with server " + this.hostname_); this.timeout_ = this.recalculateTimeout(); this.reschedule(); } /** * Removes this handler from the timer queue, and reschedules it * (presumably with a new timeout value) */ public void reschedule() { this.tq_.cancelTimer(this); this.timerId_ = this.tq_.scheduleTimer (this, null, new TimeValue (this.timeout_), new TimeValue (this.timeout_)); } /** * Called back by the timer queue. If the handler isn't connected, * it tries to reconnect to the server. Otherwise, it requests * the remote time. The server is said to have disconnected when * an exception is thrown in the socket system, or the result is * a string with length <= 0. */ public int handleTimeout (TimeValue tv, Object obj) { if (this.state_ != CONNECTED) { this.processor_.initiateConnection(this); // If still not connected if (this.state_ != CONNECTED) { // used to set state to reconnecting here this.state_ = RECONNECTING; // Reschedule to try again later this.errorRecovery(); return 0; } // If connected, poll the server at the requested intervals this.resetTimeout(); } StringBuffer ack = new StringBuffer (); int ackLen; try { // Used to calculate the turn-around time long sendTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); this.peer ().send(this.sendMsg_); ackLen = this.peer ().recv (ack); long recvTime = System.currentTimeMillis(); if (ackLen <= 0) { this.state_ = DISCONNECTED; return -1; } else { long delta = (new Long(ack.toString())).longValue() - recvTime; delta += (recvTime - sendTime) / 2; this.delta_ = delta; System.err.println("Delta: " + this.delta_); } } catch (NullPointerException e) { ACE.ERROR ("connection reset by peer"); this.state_ = DISCONNECTED; return -1; } catch (IOException e) { ACE.ERROR (e); this.state_ = DISCONNECTED; return -1; } return 0; } /** * Resets the timer interval to be the one supplied to the * constructor. */ public void resetTimeout() { this.timeout_ = this.initialTimeout_; this.reschedule(); } private TSClerkProcessor processor_; // Reference used to re-establish connections public static final int MAX_RETRY_TIMEOUT = 300; // Wait at most 5 minutes before trying to reconnect // States public static final int CONNECTED = 0; public static final int DISCONNECTED = 1; public static final int RECONNECTING = 2; // If there has been a failure, try reconnecting // at least every MAX_RETRY_TIMEOUT seconds private int max_timeout_ = MAX_RETRY_TIMEOUT; // State of the handler private int state_ = DISCONNECTED; // Difference between the remote time and the local time. private long delta_ = 0; // Name of the remote host private String hostname_; // Port used for the connection private int port_; // Current timer interval private int timeout_; // Reference to the Clerk Processor's timer queue private TimerQueue tq_; // Message to send for a time update private String sendMsg_; // ID of the handler in the queue private int timerId_; // Desired time interval to receive updates private int initialTimeout_; }