/************************************************* * * = PACKAGE * JACE.ServiceConfigurator * * = FILENAME * ServiceConfig.java * * Services can be suspended, resumed, removed, and reloaded. Reloading requires that * the user calls a prepareForReload method after removing a service. You can't access * the ServiceObjects that are loaded directly -- anything loaded with a class loader * must be wrapped and have its methods called via reflection. This is because a * loaded class doesn't exist in the same space as one loaded with the system loader. * * * *@author Prashant Jain, Everett Anderson * *************************************************/ package JACE.ServiceConfigurator; import java.io.*; import java.util.*; import java.net.*; import JACE.OS.*; import JACE.Misc.*; /** *

* Provide the base class that supplies common server daemon * operations. Also provides a global point for interacting with * the service repository. */ public class ServiceConfig { /** Begins the process of loading a service configurator file: * parses the command line and calls either loadOldConfigFile or * processDirectives depending on whether or not the user wants * to try to load a C++ svc.conf file. */ public static int open (String [] args) throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { // Parse the command line ServiceConfig.parseArgs (args); // Create a repository and class loader if (ServiceConfig.svcRep_ == null) ServiceConfig.svcRep_ = new ServiceRepository (); if (ServiceConfig.loader_ == null) ServiceConfig.loader_ = new ServiceLoader(); if (ServiceConfig.oldConfigFormat_) return ServiceConfig.loadOldConfigFile(); else return ServiceConfig.processDirectives (); } /** Parses the command line * Valid command line options: * -b Run as a daemon (not implemented yet) * -d Debug mode * -n No defaults * -o Attempt to load a C++ ACE service config file * -f Load services in the given file [see below for info] * */ protected static void parseArgs (String [] args) { GetOpt getopt = new GetOpt (args, "bdnf:o:"); for (int c; (c = getopt.next ()) != -1; ) switch (c) { case 'b': // Note: not supported yet! ServiceConfig.beADaemon_ = true; break; case 'd': ServiceConfig.debug_ = true; break; case 'n': ServiceConfig.noDefaults_ = true; break; case 'o': ServiceConfig.oldConfigFormat_ = true; break; case 'f': ServiceConfig.serviceConfigFile_ = getopt.optarg (); break; default: ACE.ERROR ((char ) c + " is not a ServiceConfig option"); break; } } /** Called by ParseNode subclass * Asks the Service Repository to spend a service */ public static int suspend (String name) { return svcRep_.suspend(name); } /** Called by ParseNode subclass * Asks the Service Repository to resume a service */ public static int resume (String name) { return svcRep_.resume(name); } /** Called by ParseNode subclass * Asks the Service Repository to remove a serivce */ public static int remove (String name) { return svcRep_.remove(name); } /** Should be called before the user wants to reload * a service. This calls garbage collection to * (hopefully) obliterate the names of any unused * service classes, and creates a new instance * of the ClassLoader so there won't be problems * reloading. */ public static void prepareForReload() { ServiceConfig.loader_ = new ServiceLoader(); System.gc(); } /** * Parse a service configurator file, creating classes as necessary * * This is getting too complicated -- since CUP and JLex are available, it would be nice to * develop a grammar for this. Unfortunately, there may be file problems when trying to get * CUP and JLex to produce more than one parser per program. * * Current formats: * * load Service_Object "" * * resume * suspend * remove * */ protected static int processDirectives () throws FileNotFoundException, IOException, ClassNotFoundException, IllegalAccessException, InstantiationException { if (ServiceConfig.serviceConfigFile_ == null) ServiceConfig.serviceConfigFile_ = "svc.conf"; ACE.DEBUG("Processing directives in file " + ServiceConfig.serviceConfigFile_); File configFile = new File (ServiceConfig.serviceConfigFile_); // Check if file exists and is a normal file if (!configFile.exists () || !configFile.isFile ()) throw new FileNotFoundException ("File " + ServiceConfig.serviceConfigFile_ + " not found"); // Check if the file is readable if (!configFile.canRead ()) throw new IOException ("File " + ServiceConfig.serviceConfigFile_ + " not readable"); // Set up the stream FileInputStream fileIn = new FileInputStream (configFile); // Parse the file StreamTokenizer in = new StreamTokenizer (fileIn); // Set '#' as comment character to be ignored and set '/' as // ordinary character (was original comment character) // in.commentChar ('#'); in.ordinaryChar ('/'); // Set characters in ASCII range 33 to 47, ASCII range 91 to 96, // and ASCII range 123 to 126 as ordinary characters in.wordChars ('!', '/'); // ASCII range 33 to 47 in.wordChars (':', '@'); // ASCII range 58 to 64 in.wordChars ('[', '`'); // ASCII range 91 to 96 in.wordChars ('{', '~'); // ASCII range 123 to 126 String commandName = null; String serviceName = null; String className = null; String classType = null; String args = null; // Create a state machine int state = ServiceConfig.COMMAND_NAME; // The apply() method on ParseNode starts the process of actually executing the // desired action (suspend, load, etc) ParseNode result = null; while (in.nextToken () != StreamTokenizer.TT_EOF) { switch (state) { case ServiceConfig.COMMAND_NAME: if (in.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { commandName = in.sval; // This is a hack, but it should work until CUP is easier // to deal with when multiple parsers are needed if (commandName.equals("load")) result = new AddServiceObjectNode(0); else if (commandName.equals("remove")) result = new RemoveNode(0); else if (commandName.equals("suspend")) result = new SuspendNode(0); else if (commandName.equals("resume")) result = new ResumeNode(0); else throw new IOException ("COMMAND NAME missing or invalid: " + commandName); ACE.DEBUG("Command node type: " + ((Object)result).getClass().getName()); } else throw new IOException ("Illegal COMMAND NAME argument in file " + ServiceConfig.serviceConfigFile_); state = ServiceConfig.SERVICE_NAME; break; case ServiceConfig.SERVICE_NAME: if (in.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) serviceName = in.sval; else throw new IOException ("Illegal SERVICE NAME argument in file " + ServiceConfig.serviceConfigFile_); if (!commandName.equals("load")) { result.init(serviceName); result.apply(); in.whitespaceChars (' ', ' '); state = ServiceConfig.SERVICE_NAME; } else state = ServiceConfig.CLASS_NAME; break; case ServiceConfig.CLASS_NAME: if (in.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) className = in.sval; else throw new IOException ("Illegal CLASS NAME argument in file " + ServiceConfig.serviceConfigFile_); state = ServiceConfig.CLASS_TYPE; break; case ServiceConfig.CLASS_TYPE: if (in.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) classType = in.sval; else throw new IOException ("Illegal CLASS TYPE argument in file " + ServiceConfig.serviceConfigFile_); state = ServiceConfig.ARGS; // Set space to be an ordinary character to allow // arguments to be parsed in in.wordChars (' ', ' '); break; case ServiceConfig.ARGS: ACE.DEBUG("Processing arguments"); args = new String(""); if (in.ttype == StreamTokenizer.TT_WORD) { args = in.sval; // If just two double quotes, there are no args if (args.length() == 2) { args = new String(""); } else args = args.substring(1, args.length() - 1); } // Quick hack until more parsing necessary -- set the needed data ((AddServiceObjectNode)result).init(serviceName, className, false); ((AddServiceObjectNode)result).params(args); result.apply(); state = ServiceConfig.SERVICE_NAME; // Set space back to whitespace-character to extract the // next token in.whitespaceChars (' ', ' '); break; default: throw new IOException ("Illegal argument in file " + ServiceConfig.serviceConfigFile_); } } return 0; } /** Parses the svc.conf file, treating it as a C++ ACE svc.conf file. * This will involve attempts to infer the class name from * the service initializer path, and isn't very accurate. */ public static int loadOldConfigFile () { parser ps = new parser(); try { ps.parse(); } catch (Exception e) { ACE.ERROR("Error: " + e); return -1; } return 0; } /** * This is called when apply() is called on AddServiceObjectNodes. Similar * methods could be developed for later data types (AddStreamNode, etc). This * tries to load the ServiceObject and its classes. When trying to find info * from the C++ files, this generates possible file paths. */ public static int initialize (AddServiceObjectNode son) { Class c = null; if (ServiceConfig.oldConfigFormat_) { // Generate a lot of possible file locations and names ClassNameGenerator cng = new ClassNameGenerator(son.locator()); String attempt = null; boolean ready = false; // Try to load the class based on the names we can infer from // the C++ svc.conf line while ((cng.hasMoreElements()) && (!ready)) { try { attempt = (String)cng.nextElement(); c = loader_.loadClass(attempt, true); ready = true; } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { } } // Couldn't find the class if (!ready) { ACE.ERROR("Can't find class with locator: " + son.locator()); return -1; } } else { try { c = loader_.loadClass(son.locator(), true); } catch (ClassNotFoundException e) { ACE.ERROR("Can't find class with locator: " + son.locator()); return 01; } } try { Object service = c.newInstance(); // Can't cast this to a ServiceObject, even though it will look just // like one -- Java puts things loaded with a non-standard class loader // in their own name space. The ServiceObjectRecord is a wrapper that // gets around this by using reflection. ServiceObjectRecord svcObjRec = new ServiceObjectRecord(service, son.name()); // Split the argument array up into smaller pieces String [] argArray = OS.createStringArray (son.params(), " "); // Initialize the service -- start it running svcObjRec.init(argArray); // Put it in the service repository svcRep_.insert((ServiceRecord)svcObjRec); } catch (IllegalAccessException e) { ACE.ERROR("Error " + e); return -1; } catch (InstantiationException e) { ACE.ERROR("Error " + e); return -1; } return 0; } // Set by command line options private static boolean oldConfigFormat_ = false; private static boolean beADaemon_ = false; private static boolean debug_ = false; private static boolean noDefaults_ = false; public static String serviceConfigFile_ = "svc.conf"; private static ServiceRepository svcRep_ = null; private static ServiceLoader loader_ = null; // States for the state-machine used in parsing the config file private final static int SERVICE_NAME = 0; private final static int CLASS_NAME = 1; private final static int CLASS_TYPE = 2; private final static int ARGS = 3; private final static int COMMAND_NAME = 4; }