/************************************************* * * = PACKAGE * JACE.Reactor * * = FILENAME * TimeValue.java * *@author Prashant Jain * *************************************************/ //package JACE.Reactor; package JACE.ASX; public class TimeValue { public final static TimeValue zero = new TimeValue (0,0); /** * Default constructor */ public TimeValue () { this (0, 0); } /** * Constructor *@param sec seconds */ public TimeValue (long sec) { this (sec, 0); } /** * Constructor *@param sec seconds *@param nanos nanoseconds */ public TimeValue (long sec, int nanos) { this.set (sec, nanos); } /** * Sets the seconds and nanoseconds of Time Value *@param sec seconds *@param nanos nanoseconds */ public void set (long sec, int nanos) { this.millisec_ = sec * 1000; this.nanos_ = nanos; this.normalize (); } /** * Get seconds *@return Seconds */ public long sec () { return this.millisec_/1000; } /** * Get nanoseconds *@return Nanoseconds */ public int nanos () { return this.nanos_; } /** * Get time in milliseconds. *@return time in milliseconds */ public long getMilliTime () { return this.millisec_; } /** * Get a String representation of the Time Value. *@return String representation of the Time Value */ public String toString () { return (new Long (this.millisec_/1000)).toString () + ":" + (new Integer (this.nanos_)).toString (); } /** * Get current time. *@return the current system time */ public static TimeValue getTimeOfDay () { return new TimeValue (System.currentTimeMillis ()/1000); } /** * Compare two Time Values for equality. *@param tv Time Value to compare with *@return true if the two Time Values are equal, false otherwise */ public boolean equals (TimeValue tv) { return this.millisec_ == (tv.sec () * 1000) && this.nanos_ == tv.nanos (); } /** * Compare two Time Values for non-equality. *@param tv Time Value to compare with *@return true if the two Time Values are not equal, false otherwise */ public boolean notEquals (TimeValue tv) { return !this.equals (tv); } /** * Add two Time Values. *@param tv1 The first Time Value *@param tv2 The second Time Value *@return sum of the two Time Values. */ public static TimeValue plus (TimeValue tv1, TimeValue tv2) { TimeValue tv = new TimeValue (tv1.sec () + tv2.sec (), tv1.nanos () + tv2.nanos ()); tv.normalize (); return tv; } /** * Subtract two Time Values. *@param tv1 The first Time Value *@param tv2 The second Time Value *@return difference of the two Time Values. */ public static TimeValue minus (TimeValue tv1, TimeValue tv2) { TimeValue tv = new TimeValue (tv1.sec () - tv2.sec (), tv1.nanos () - tv2.nanos ()); tv.normalize (); return tv; } /** * Add Time Value to "this". *@param tv The Time Value to add to this. */ public void plusEquals (TimeValue tv) { this.set (this.sec () + tv.sec (), this.nanos () + tv.nanos ()); this.normalize (); } /** * Subtract Time Value from "this". *@param tv The Time Value to subtract from this. */ public void minusEquals (TimeValue tv) { this.set (this.sec () - tv.sec (), this.nanos () - tv.nanos ()); this.normalize (); } /** * Compare two Time Values for less than. *@param tv Time Value to compare with *@return true if "this" is less than tv, false otherwise */ public boolean lessThan (TimeValue tv) { return tv.greaterThan (this); } /** * Compare two Time Values for greater than. *@param tv Time Value to compare with *@return true if "this" is greater than tv, false otherwise */ public boolean greaterThan (TimeValue tv) { if (this.sec () > tv.sec ()) return true; else if (this.sec () == tv.sec () && this.nanos () > tv.nanos ()) return true; else return false; } /** * Compare two Time Values for <=. *@param tv Time Value to compare with *@return true if "this" <= tv, false otherwise */ public boolean lessThanEqual (TimeValue tv) { return tv.greaterThanEqual (this); } /** * Compare two Time Values for >=. *@param tv Time Value to compare with *@return true if "this" >= tv, false otherwise */ public boolean greaterThanEqual (TimeValue tv) { return this.sec () >= tv.sec () && this.nanos () >= tv.nanos (); } private void normalize () { if (this.nanos_ >= ONE_MILLISECOND) { do { this.millisec_++; this.nanos_ -= ONE_MILLISECOND; } while (this.nanos_ >= ONE_MILLISECOND); } else if (this.nanos_ <= -ONE_MILLISECOND) { do { this.millisec_--; this.nanos_ += ONE_MILLISECOND; } while (this.nanos_ <= -ONE_MILLISECOND); } if (this.millisec_ >= 1 && this.nanos_ < 0) { this.millisec_--; this.nanos_ += ONE_MILLISECOND; } else if (this.millisec_ < 0 && this.nanos_ > 0) { this.millisec_++; this.nanos_ -= ONE_MILLISECOND; } } private long millisec_; private int nanos_; private final static int ONE_MILLISECOND = 1000000; }