How to use CIAOServerResources.xsd Assuming we store two CIAO:ServerResources documents in two XML files called "RTLinuxServerConfig.xml" and "RTwIN32ServerConfig.xml" respectively. Two things need to happen in order to use the PolicySet's defined in these files. First, we need to tell the DnC tools what are all the CIAOServerResources files a DeploymentPlan needs. This can easily be done by enumerating all these file in the element under the . For example, the following XML document snippet shows a DeploymentPlan will reference to two aforementioned CIAO:ServerResources files. The property name "CIAOServerResourceRef" is a CIAO-specific extension that signifies this need. The values of these properties simply specify the filenames. CIAOServerResourceRef tk_string RTLinuxServerConfig.xml CIAOServerResourceRef tk_string RTWin32ServerConfig.xml Second, we can now use the policy sets defined in these files by associating a policy set with the entity the policy set will be applied. Currently, only associations with component instances are supported. A component instance in deployment plan can specify the policy set it wishes to be instantiated with. A PolicySet is referenced by its name and the CIAO:ServerResources name. .... InstanceUsesResource CIAO:ServerResources here_we_insert_the_name_defined_in_CIAO:ServerResources CIAO:PolicySetName tk_string here_we_insert_the_PolicySet_name_defined_in_the_ServerResources If only the name of the CIAO:ServerResources is specified, we are using it as a collocation constraint. In this case, the will contain no sub-element. Component instances with different values will be deployed to the same target node with different ServerResources names. DAnCE should create two differnet NodeApplication on the same node. Likewise, specifying different CIAO:PolicySet IDs will force component instances to be deployed into different containers (if they have the same target node and ServerResource ID.)