Code Generation Test ======================== While the tests in CIAO_ROOT/tests/IDL3 target IDL3 support and IDL3-specific code generation in particular, the tests in CIAO_ROOT/CIDL target CIDL features and code generated from .cidl files. The test in this directory particularly stresses the code generation of the CIDL compiler. This code includes the executor mapping IDL, the servant code, and the executor implementation code. The latter is not fully generated of course, it's merely classes (one for each component executor, home executor, and facet executor) with the spec-defined operations filled in, but with the IDL-defined operations and attributes left blank. The IDL files in this test include most if not all of the IDL3 features that might cause a problem in code generation - catching operations and attributes for supported interfaces, operations and attributes for supported interface base classes, operations and attributes for inherited home classes, factory and finder operations for homes and those inherited from base homes - you get the idea. More stuff will be added as we think of it or a problem crops up.The object of this test is for all builds to complete successfully - there's no execution involved, since every build is a library, there's no executable to drive it. Please see the README file in CIAO_ROOT for info on how to set up builds with MPC. The builds in this test depend directly on CIAO_Container, CIAO_Servant and CIAO_Stub, and indirectly on everything those three depend on. There's a list in the above mentioned README file - to build those libraries, you'll of course need ACE (ACE_ROOT/ace), TAO (ACE_ROOT/TAO/tao) the IDL compiler (3 builds in ACE_ROOT/TAO/TAO_IDL) and gperf (ACE_ROOT/apps/gperf/src). Enjoy! Jeff