// $Id$ #define ACE_BUILD_SVC_DLL #include "ace/Service_Repository.h" #include "ace/Synch.h" #include "Performance_Test_Options.h" #include "Benchmark_Performance.h" #include "Performance_Test.h" ACE_RCSID(Synch_Benchmarks, Performance_Test, "$Id$") Performance_Test::Performance_Test (void) : n_lwps_ (0), orig_n_lwps_ (0) { } // Initialize and run the benchmarks tests. int Performance_Test::init (int argc, char **argv) { options.parse_args (argc, argv); return 0; } int Performance_Test::pre_run_test (Benchmark_Base *bb) { this->orig_n_lwps_ = ACE_Thread::getconcurrency (); this->n_lwps_ = options.n_lwps (); Benchmark_Performance *bp = (Benchmark_Performance *) bb; if (this->n_lwps_ > 0) ACE_Thread::setconcurrency (this->n_lwps_); // We should probably use a "barrier" here rather than // THR_SUSPENDED since many OS platforms lack the ability to // create suspended threads... if (ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->spawn_n (options.thr_count (), ACE_THR_FUNC (bp->svc_run), (void *) bp, options.t_flags () | THR_SUSPENDED) == -1) ACE_ERROR ((LM_ERROR, "%p\n%a", "couldn't spawn threads", 1)); return 0; } int Performance_Test::run_test (void) { // Tell the threads that we are not finished. Benchmark_Performance::done (0); // Allow thread(s) to make progress. ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->resume_all (); ACE_Time_Value timeout (options.sleep_time ()); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "starting timer\n")); options.start_timer (); // Use Reactor as a timer (which can be interrupted by a signal). ACE_Reactor::run_event_loop (timeout); options.stop_timer (); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "\nstopping timer\n")); // Stop thread(s) from making any further progress. ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->suspend_all (); // Tell the threads that we are finished. Benchmark_Performance::done (1); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "------------------------------------------------------------------------\n")); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "targ 0x%x (%s, %s, %s)\n" "n_lwps_orig = %d, n_lwps_set = %d, n_lwps_end = %d\n", options.t_flags (), (options.t_flags () & THR_DETACHED) ? "THR_DETACHED" : "Not Detached", (options.t_flags () & THR_BOUND) ? "THR_BOUND" : "Not Bound", (options.t_flags () & THR_NEW_LWP) ? "THR_NEW_LWP" : "No New_LWP", this->orig_n_lwps_, this->n_lwps_, ACE_Thread::getconcurrency ())); int count = options.count (); float rate = count / (float (options.sleep_time ())); ACE_DEBUG ((LM_DEBUG, "to count = %d\nrate = %.3f ops/sec, per operation = %.2f usec\n", count, rate, (1.0e6 / rate) / synch_count)); options.print_results (); // Allow thread(s) to finish up. ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->resume_all (); // Wait for all the threads to exit. ACE_Thread_Manager::instance ()->wait (); options.init (); return 0; } int Performance_Test::post_run_test (void) { return 0; } int Performance_Test::valid_test_object (Benchmark_Base *bb) { return (bb->benchmark_type () == Benchmark_Base::PERFORMANCE); } ACE_SVC_FACTORY_DEFINE (Performance_Test)