# $Id$ This directory will contain a simple, small-scale reliable multicast framework for ACE. The framework is based on the ASX components of the ACE library: the protocol is implemented as a stack of interchangeable "modules", each one in charge of a very small task. For example, one module implements fragmentation and reassembly, other modules implement retransmission, send ACK and NAK messages, and maintain receiver membership. The modules are replaced to achieve different levels of reliability. For example, the retransmission module can be either the "Best_Effort", "Semi_Reliable" or "Reliable" implementation. In the first case no retransmissions are performed, but lost messages are detected and reported to the receiver. The "Semi_Reliable" case messages are held for a pre-specified amount of time, and re-transmited if requested, but it is possible to loose some messages if multiple re-transmissions fail. As in the "Best_Effort" case the lost messages are detected and flagged to the application. Finally in the "Reliable" mode the senders are flowed controlled until enough messages are successfully transmitted. In general the stack looks like this: SENDER: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Buffering : Save lost messages Retransmission : Retransmit ---------------------------------------------------------------- Fragmentation : Fragment messages in smaller chunks Reassembly : and ensure that the IOVMAX limit is not : reached ---------------------------------------------------------------- Tranport : Encapsulate the specific transport media : such as TCP/IP, ATM, or shared memory : Demuxes incoming data to the right chain : Change control messages and data messages : to the right dynamic types. ---------------------------------------------------------------- RECEIVER: ---------------------------------------------------------------- Lost detection : Detect lost messages and send control : messages back ---------------------------------------------------------------- Reassembly : Reassemble messages, fragment control Fragmentation : data ---------------------------------------------------------------- Transport : Group membership, ACT reception, : handle keep-alive messages... ---------------------------------------------------------------- @@ TODO: Piggybacking...