Todo: - Are static-only libraries supported? - Are mfc projects supported? - Explore use of /Fd, /pdb and /pdbtype for msvc6 release, /Ob2: - Do we need ACE_DOESNT_INSTANTIATE_NONSTATIC_OBJECT_MANAGER=1 for mfc? - Add MSVC7 target - Create config file support for msvc6 generator - Set up testing of samwise. - Write documentation (how to use, how to create new targets, how the the scripts work) - Add support for edible projects (such as merging ACE subsets into a larger ACE project) - Verify that we can use outside of the ACE_wrappers tree (as an end-user would use it) - Create a which helps with automating the creation of a sam.xml from scratch. - Regenerate ace\QoS\ACE_QoS_Export.h and ace\svc_export.h (add ACE_SVC_BUILD_DLL) - Search for ACE_BUILD_SVC_DLL and remove hard coded defines - Add files in create_sam tao/orb.idl (installed but not compiled) - Fix files in create_sam ace/Event_Handler_T.cpp (is it supposed to be template?) - Borland Generator + Support for local libraries + Figure out what to do with ace\SSL (it is handled differently in ace\makefile.bor) Maybe something like this, using a "configuration" section (also the same for minimum CORBA !ifdef SSL_ROOT NAME=blah !else !undef NAME !endif + Verify correct borland includes - Work more on GNUMake generator: + Figure out how to get -j x to work correctly in the presence of multiple subprojects =========================================================================== Done (03 Dec 2001) + Fix the ECTest, CECTest and other local libraries with include paths + The order of the subdirectories and the subprojects is important. Need to come up with a way to determine their order, maybe then we can generate their dependencies in the workspace and finally parallelize them. =========================================================================== Done (20 Nov 2001) + Fix the location of gperf [Temporary fix: set the right path in platform_macros.GNU] + Fix the order of the orbsvcs subprojects =========================================================================== Done (07 Sep 2001) - Add support for exception rules in Really only could find one exception right now, the name of the ACE library. That is now fixed. - Added support for external projects. Changed in the section to where file is optional (if it isn't there, default to that generated from current file). - Change the in libs.xml to - Change and tags to a base= property and have generate the appropriate name. If you use libs.xml, you are stuck with the builtin mangling. Done. Now the libs.xml is a bit more compressed. - Get rid of the libs dir and use full paths to the lib instead. Done. Now has full relative paths to libraries. - We have problems if the name of the sources is in quotes (it happens in the AV orbsvcs library) Fixed. MSVC puts files that contain forward slashes in quotes. Now it handles that plus makes sure all slashes are forward slashes. - In the orbsvcs makefiles the IDL generated files are listed twice, once because they are listed in the sam.xml file, and another time because we add them in the rules for IDL code... For some reason that was not the case in the test/Hello/*.dsp files, i.e. the files are listed in the project, but they don't show up in the sam.xml file, go figure. Actually, what was happening is the banning logic in was only working when the project consisted of only one idl file. If there was more than one, then the file got reinserted. Logic was fixed - The IDL options have backslashes in a few DSP files, have to convert them to forward slashes. Fixed. Also checked for multiple spaces and compressed them down to one space in the options. - Change the to type tags. Done. =========================================================================== Done (08 Sep 2001) - Move PerlACE/Sam to PerlSam. Done. - The order of the libraries is plain wrong. Reversed them in the gnumake generator. - Make gnumake target a default target. Done. I think it is well past mature enough to be a default. - Added basic Borland support. Now can generate executable projects that have no IDL files and nothing too complicated. It is basic support - Switched to generating projects before the workspace. This will help out things with MSVC7 (related to GUIDS) and might be helpful if we need to merge projects and workspaces into one file (which might be the case with's) - Added the two IDL libraries to Put them in their own namespace. Not sure if this totally works yet, I'll have to double-check later. I think most of the generators are hardcoded for ACE and TAO namespaces only - Finish DLL support It is in there, not tested too well. Let's see how it turns out, Yee Haw! =========================================================================== Done (16 Sep 2001) - Add generation to create_sam now has a huge table in it. It seems like most of it should be working, but the table might not be fully populated (and I'm not too sure of its ability to handle non-lib.xml libraries - Remove ACE_ROOT requirement for Now has the same logic as, so it can figure out its own ACE_ROOT, if possible. - Finish library support for MSVC6 (static stuff needs work) Implemented. Works with ace at least. - Test out dynamic library support Cleaned up and fixed some problems with it. Is good with ACE. - change the default directories in msvc to be Debug\name, or something like that. Settled on Debug, Release, Debug\Static, Release\Static, Debug\MFC, and Release\MFC. Also appending the project name to the end, so Debug\project, Release\project, etc. =========================================================================== Done (23 Sep 2001) - Update format of sam.xml * Renamed library to libs * Made name an element instead of an attribute * Renamed source to sources * Made libinfo properties elements - Parser now ignores blank lines and comments - Fix the Expand* functions to be smarter. Return arrays instead of strings. Support namespaces better. ACE and TAO namespaces are no longer hard coded in. - Support any number of namespaces for libraries. This also means we need to figure out a way to make sure the order is preserved. There is an order element in libs.xml to preserve the order of namespaces - Check to make sure TAO_IDL compiles with msvc6 I think it is okay now. I'll know for sure once testing begins - Support local libraries. Need to generate them via (which requires some work to figure out the path to the lib) and support them in the generators. The parser already can handle it. This should be working now. It seems to generate correct output for websvcs, so I'll go on to other things. =========================================================================== Done (29 Sep 2001) - Work on Borland generator Added library and idl support. Most things should work, but there are a handful of cases not fully implemented. Enough is implemented where I made borland a default. - Add some missing files to projects All orbsvcs now get orbsvcs.rc. And ACE and TAO gets some extra template files =========================================================================== Done (30 Nov 2001) - Don't output "DIRS=" or "MAKEFILES=" unless there is actually dirs or makefiles Done. - Attribute values must have quotes Done. =========================================================================== Done (02 Dec 2001) - Remove ACE_ROOT dependency in and Done. - Add debug info to dependency generation in Done. - Add dependency output to dsw files Done.