diff options
9 files changed, 190 insertions, 207 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index d3c0991..9d9ee30 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The following packages need to be installed in order to be able to build and ins
On Ubuntu those dependencies can be installed with the following command:
-> sudo apt-get install cmake zlib1g-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev
+`sudo apt-get install cmake zlib1g-dev libdbus-glib-1-dev`
To build and install the DLT daemon, follow these steps:
@@ -129,9 +129,9 @@ All text based documentation will be replaced with by Markdown-based documentati
Old documentation (not maintained - will be removed in future releases):
-- DLT User Manual: doc/dlt_user_manual.txt
+- DLT User Manual: doc/dlt\_user\_manual.txt
- DLT Cheatsheet: doc/dlt_cheatsheet.txt
-- DLT Design Specification: doc/dlt_design_specification.txt
+- DLT Design Specification: doc/dlt\_design\_specification.txt
- DLT Compilation of all documentation: doc/dlt_book.txt
### API Documentation
@@ -164,8 +164,8 @@ If the man pages are changed the following command must be executed.
mkdir build
cd build
-cmake -DWITH_DOC=ON ..
-make doc-man
+cmake -DWITH_MAN=ON ..
+make generate_man
The generated man pages overwrite the existing ones.
@@ -187,8 +187,8 @@ uncrustify version: 0.68_f
List of open issues can be found on [Github](
-- DLT library: Usage of dlt_user_log_write_float64() and DLT_FLOAT64() leads to "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" on ARM target.
-- DLT library: Nested calls to DLT_LOG_ ... are not supported, and will lead to a deadlock.
+- DLT library: Usage of dlt\_user\_log\_write\_float64() and DLT_FLOAT64() leads to "Illegal instruction (core dumped)" on ARM target.
+- DLT library: Nested calls to DLT\_LOG\_ ... are not supported, and will lead to a deadlock.
- For Non linux platforms [eg: QNX] IPC supported is UNIX_SOCKET. For Linux Platforms both IPC FIFO and UNIX_SOCKET are supported
## Software/Hardware
@@ -198,7 +198,7 @@ Developed and tested with Ubuntu Linux 16 64-bit / Intel PC
## License
Full information on the license for this software is available in the "LICENSE" file.
-Full information on the license for the cityhash code is available in "COPYING" file in src/core_dump_handler/cityhash_c.
+Full information on the license for the cityhash code is available in "COPYING" file in src/core\_dump\_handler/cityhash_c.
## Mailinglist
diff --git a/doc/CMakeLists.txt b/doc/CMakeLists.txt
index 0703570..1751e9c 100644
--- a/doc/CMakeLists.txt
+++ b/doc/CMakeLists.txt
@@ -20,159 +20,143 @@ if(WITH_DOC)
configure_file(${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/doxygen.cfg.cmake ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/doxygen.cfg @ONLY)
- add_custom_target (doc ALL
- )
- add_custom_target (doc-manuals ALL
- COMMAND mkdir -p ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals
- COMMAND mkdir -p ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/images
- COMMAND cp ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/images/* ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/images
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/README.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/ReleaseNotes.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/ReleaseNotes.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_user_manual.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_user_manual.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_cheatsheet.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_cheatsheet.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_design_specification.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_design_specification.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_filetransfer.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_filetransfer.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt-daemon.1.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-daemon.1.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt-system.1.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-system.1.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt-receive.1.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-receive.1.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt-convert.1.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-convert.1.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt.conf.5.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt.conf.5.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt-system.conf.5.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-system.conf.5.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_book.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_book.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_extended_network_trace.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_extended_network_trace.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_howto_debug.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_howto_debug.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_offline_logstorage.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_offline_logstorage.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_multinode.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_multinode.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt-kpi.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_kpi.txt
- COMMAND asciidoc -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt-cdh.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_cdh.txt
- )
- add_custom_target (doc-man
- COMMAND a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-daemon.1.txt
- COMMAND a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-system.1.txt
- COMMAND a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-receive.1.txt
- COMMAND a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-convert.1.txt
- COMMAND a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1.txt
- COMMAND a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt.conf.5.txt
- COMMAND a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-system.conf.5.txt
- COMMAND a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1.txt
- COMMAND a2x --doctype manpage --format manpage ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1.txt
- )
+ add_custom_target (doc ALL
+ )
+ NAMES asciidoc
+ PATHS /bin
+ /usr/bin
+ /usr/local/bin)
+ MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find asciidoc for doc-manuals generation.")
+ add_custom_target (doc-manuals ALL
+ COMMAND mkdir -p ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals
+ COMMAND mkdir -p ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/images
+ COMMAND cp ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/images/* ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/images
+ COMMAND ${ASCIIDOC_TOOL} -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_user_manual.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_user_manual.txt
+ COMMAND ${ASCIIDOC_TOOL} -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_cheatsheet.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_cheatsheet.txt
+ COMMAND ${ASCIIDOC_TOOL} -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_design_specification.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_design_specification.txt
+ COMMAND ${ASCIIDOC_TOOL} -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_book.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_book.txt
+ COMMAND ${ASCIIDOC_TOOL} -a TOC1 -o ${CMAKE_BINARY_DIR}/doc/manuals/dlt_howto_debug.html ${CMAKE_SOURCE_DIR}/doc/dlt_howto_debug.txt
+ )
- # Compress the man pages and install to proper place
- NAMES gzip
- PATHS /bin
- /usr/bin
- /usr/local/bin)
- MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find gzip for man page compression.")
- endif(NOT GZIP_TOOL)
- NAMES pandoc
- PATHS /bin
- /usr/bin
- /usr/local/bin)
+ # Compress the man pages and install to proper place
+ NAMES gzip
+ PATHS /bin
+ /usr/bin
+ /usr/local/bin)
+ MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find gzip for man page compression.")
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+ NAMES pandoc
+ PATHS /bin
+ /usr/bin
+ /usr/local/bin)
- MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find pandoc for man page generation.")
+ MESSAGE(FATAL_ERROR "Could not find pandoc for man page generation.")
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- ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1
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- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-receive.1
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.1
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1)
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt.conf.5.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.conf.5.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-convert.1.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-receive.1.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.1.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1.gz)
- add_custom_target(generate_man ALL
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- COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1
- COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1
- COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-receive.1
- COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.1
- COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1
- COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1
- COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt.conf.5 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt.conf.5.gz
- COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.conf.5 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.conf.5.gz
- COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-convert.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-convert.1.gz
- COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1.gz
- COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1.gz
- COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-receive.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-receive.1.gz
- COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.1.gz
- COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1.gz
- COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1.gz)
- # If user has not set the base dir for man pages, use a default location
- install(FILES
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt.conf.5.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.conf.5.gz
- )
- install(FILES
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-convert.1.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-receive.1.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.1.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1.gz
- ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1.gz
- )
+ set(MD_SRC
+ set(MAN_SRC
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+ ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/dlt-system.conf.5
+ ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/dlt-convert.1
+ ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1
+ ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1
+ ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/dlt-receive.1
+ ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/dlt-system.1
+ ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1
+ ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1)
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt.conf.5
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.conf.5
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-convert.1
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-receive.1
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.1
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1)
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt.conf.5.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.conf.5.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-convert.1.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-receive.1.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.1.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1.gz)
+ add_custom_target(generate_man ALL
+ COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt.conf.5
+ COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.conf.5
+ COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-convert.1
+ COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1
+ COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1
+ COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-receive.1
+ COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.1
+ COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1
+ COMMAND ${PANDOC_TOOL} -s -t man ${MAN_SRC_DIR}/ -o ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1
+ COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt.conf.5 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt.conf.5.gz
+ COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.conf.5 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.conf.5.gz
+ COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-convert.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-convert.1.gz
+ COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1.gz
+ COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1.gz
+ COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-receive.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-receive.1.gz
+ COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.1.gz
+ COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1.gz
+ COMMAND ${GZIP_TOOL} -c ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1 > ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1.gz)
+ # If user has not set the base dir for man pages, use a default location
+ install(FILES
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt.conf.5.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.conf.5.gz
+ )
+ install(FILES
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-convert.1.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-sortbytimestamp.1.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-daemon.1.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-receive.1.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-system.1.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-logstorage-ctrl.1.gz
+ ${MAN_BUILD_DIR}/dlt-passive-node-ctrl.1.gz
+ )
diff --git a/doc/dlt_book.txt b/doc/dlt_book.txt
index 009bc74..a1260d2 100644
--- a/doc/dlt_book.txt
+++ b/doc/dlt_book.txt
@@ -30,9 +30,7 @@ Information
:leveloffset: 2
:leveloffset: 0
@@ -49,13 +47,13 @@ include::dlt_loglevel_explained.txt[]
:leveloffset: 0
@@ -64,20 +62,20 @@ Manpages
:leveloffset: 2
:leveloffset: 0
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 20857cd..4433829 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -14,7 +14,7 @@ When a program crash occurs on the system the Core Dump Handler is triggered to
options to cmake. The core dump handler code currently supports the i686 and x86_64 architecture.
@@ -22,7 +22,7 @@ options to cmake. The core dump handler code currently supports the i686 and x86
As *root* (not sudo) execute the following:
-> echo "|/usr/local/bin/dlt-cdh %t %p %s %e" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern
+`echo "|/usr/local/bin/dlt-cdh %t %p %s %e" > /proc/sys/kernel/core_pattern`
NOTE: replace */usr/local/bin* with the path dlt-cdh has been installed to. This instructs the kernel to pipe a core dump as standard input to dlt-cdh together with the following parameters:
@@ -33,7 +33,7 @@ NOTE: replace */usr/local/bin* with the path dlt-cdh has been installed to. This
-> man core
+`man core`
for details
@@ -41,25 +41,27 @@ for details
In */usr/lib/sysctl.d/* the file *50-coredump.conf* has to be created which is done automatically by
-> make install
+`make install`
Unfortunately - at least on Fedora systems - abrt has to be removed with
-> yum remove abrtd*
+`yum remove abrtd*`
because it ruthlessly overwrites our change at every boot. The core dump handler can be activated then without reboot by running
-> sysctl -p /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-coredump.conf
+`sysctl -p /usr/lib/sysctl.d/50-coredump.conf`
### Configuration of link:dlt_filetransfer.html[DLT Filetransfer] for usage with dlt-cdh
Make sure the following is set in the "Filetransfer Manager" section of */etc/dlt-system.conf*:
-> ...
-> FiletransferEnable = 1
-> ...
-> FiletransferDirectory = /var/core
-> ...
+FiletransferEnable = 1
+FiletransferDirectory = /var/core
### Generation of core dump
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 24554c0..8bc7ea0 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -20,7 +20,7 @@ Finally after sending all the data segments, one more packet is sent to indicate
Truncated message can be sent using the following function:
-> int dlt_user_trace_network_truncated(DltContext *handle, DltNetworkTraceType nw_trace_type, uint16_t header_len, void *header, uint16_t payload_len, void *payload, int allow_truncate)
+` int dlt_user_trace_network_truncated(DltContext *handle, DltNetworkTraceType nw_trace_type, uint16_t header_len, void *header, uint16_t payload_len, void *payload, int allow_truncate) `
This will send a packet in the following format:
@@ -35,17 +35,17 @@ payload | The truncated nw_trace payload | RAW
User can send a segmented network trace message asynchronously using:
-> void dlt_user_trace_network_segmented(DltContext *handle, DltNetworkTraceType nw_trace_type, uint16_t header_len, void *header, uint16_t payload_len, void *payload)
+` void dlt_user_trace_network_segmented(DltContext *handle, DltNetworkTraceType nw_trace_type, uint16_t header_len, void *header, uint16_t payload_len, void *payload) `
This will start a background thread and return immediately.
User can also send all the required packages one by one using:
-> int dlt_user_trace_network_segmented_start(unsigned int *id, DltContext *handle, DltNetworkTraceType nw_trace_type, uint16_t header_len, void *header, uint16_t payload_len)
-> int dlt_user_trace_network_segmented_segment(int id, DltContext *handle, DltNetworkTraceType nw_trace_type, int sequence, uint16_t payload_len, void *payload)
-> int dlt_user_trace_network_segmented_end(int id, DltContext *handle, DltNetworkTraceType nw_trace_type)
+` int dlt_user_trace_network_segmented_start(unsigned int *id, DltContext *handle, DltNetworkTraceType nw_trace_type, uint16_t header_len, void *header, uint16_t payload_len) `
+` int dlt_user_trace_network_segmented_segment(int id, DltContext *handle, DltNetworkTraceType nw_trace_type, int sequence, uint16_t payload_len, void *payload) `
+` int dlt_user_trace_network_segmented_end(int id, DltContext *handle, DltNetworkTraceType nw_trace_type) `
*NOTE*: It is not recommended to use these functions unless you really have to.
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 2cf2ba3..c6c0e40 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -28,7 +28,7 @@ The file transfer is at least one single transaction. This transaction consist o
Every filetransfer must begin with the header package using:
-> int dlt_user_log_file_header(DltContext *fileContext,const char *filename)
+` int dlt_user_log_file_header(DltContext *fileContext,const char *filename) `
Header Header Package Protocol:
@@ -47,7 +47,7 @@ FLST | Package flag
After the header package was sent, at least one or more data packages can be send using:
-> int dlt_user_log_file_data(DltContext *fileContext,const char *filename,int packageToTransfer, int timeout)
+` int dlt_user_log_file_data(DltContext *fileContext,const char *filename,int packageToTransfer, int timeout) `
Data Data Package Protocol:
@@ -63,7 +63,7 @@ FLDA | Package flag
After all data packages were sent, the end package must be sent to indicate that the filetransfer is over using:
-> int dlt_user_log_file_end(DltContext *fileContext,const char *filename,int deleteFlag)
+` int dlt_user_log_file_end(DltContext *fileContext,const char *filename,int deleteFlag) `
End Package Protocol:
@@ -77,7 +77,7 @@ FLFI | Package flag
The library offers the user the possibility to log informations about a file using the following method without transferring the file itself using:
-> dlt_user_log_file_infoAbout(DltContext *fileContext, const char *filename)
+` dlt_user_log_file_infoAbout(DltContext *fileContext, const char *filename) `
File Information Protocol:
@@ -118,7 +118,7 @@ FLIF | Package flag
If an error happens during file transfer, the library will execute the mehtod:
-> void dlt_user_log_file_errorMessage(DltContext *fileContext, const char *filename, int errorCode)
+` void dlt_user_log_file_errorMessage(DltContext *fileContext, const char *filename, int errorCode) `
File transfer error Protocol:
@@ -214,7 +214,7 @@ Options:
When you call "sudo make install", some automatic tests will be installed. Start the test using the following command from bash:
-> dlt-test-filetransfer
+` dlt-test-filetransfer `
It's important that the dlt-filetransfer example files are installed in /usr/share/dlt-filetransfer which will be done automatically by using "sudo make install".
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index b020357..e24f15f 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -404,7 +404,6 @@ DLT_PTR(PTR_VAR) | Architecture independent macro to print pointers
### DLT C++ Extension
-Important note: By default, C++ Extension is disabled in ADIT platform. It can be enabled by setting the CMake option: *WITH_DLT_CXX11_EXT=ON*.
The DLT C++ extension was added to DLT in version 2.13 . This approach solves the need to specify the type of each argument for applications written in C++ by using C++ templates and function overloading. The following shows the usage of this API extension:
diff --git a/doc/ b/doc/
index 10d684a..2531bb3 100644
--- a/doc/
+++ b/doc/
@@ -23,31 +23,31 @@ The following will explain the meaning to each three-character-identifier and ea
The datasets in these messages have the following form:
-> \[PID\];\[Parent PID\];\[Commandline\]
+`[PID];[Parent PID];[Commandline]`
Example message:
-> NEW 21226;1;/usr/libexec/nm-dispatcher
+`NEW 21226;1;/usr/libexec/nm-dispatcher`
*STP*: This identifies a message that contains datasets describing processes that have ended since the last interval.
The datasets in these messages have the following form:
Example message:
-> STP 20541
+`STP 20541`
*ACT*: This identifies a message that contains datasets describing active processes. These are processes that have consumed CPU time since the last interval.
The datasets in these messages have the following form:
-> \[PID\];\[CPU time in milliseconds per second\];\[RSS bytes\];\[CTX-switches since last interval\];\[I/O bytes\];\[I/O wait time in milliseconds per second\]
+`[PID];[CPU time in milliseconds per second];[RSS bytes];[CTX-switches since last interval];[I/O bytes];[I/O wait time in milliseconds per second]`
Example message:
-> ACT 20503;10;389;3;1886649;0
+`ACT 20503;10;389;3;1886649;0`
NOTE: The *CPU time* value is the active time of a process in milliseconds, divided by the number of CPU cores. So this value should never get greater than 1000ms, which would mean 100% CPU usage.
@@ -55,21 +55,21 @@ NOTE: The *CPU time* value is the active time of a process in milliseconds, divi
The datasets in these messages have the following form:
-> \[PID\];\[Commandline\]
Example message:
-> CHK 660;/sbin/audispd
+`CHK 660;/sbin/audispd`
*IRQ*: This identifies a message that contains datasets describing the numbers of interrupts that occurred on each CPU.
The datasets in these messages have the following form:
-> \[IRQ name\];cpu\[CPU number\];\[Number of total interrupts\];
+`[IRQ name];cpu[CPU number];[Number of total interrupts];`
Example message:
-> IRQ 0;cpu0:133;cpu1:0; 1;cpu0:76827;cpu1:0;
+`IRQ 0;cpu0:133;cpu1:0; 1;cpu0:76827;cpu1:0;`
Synchronization messages:
diff --git a/doc/dlt_user_manual.txt b/doc/dlt_user_manual.txt
index 24c3a01..5cccfe9 100644
--- a/doc/dlt_user_manual.txt
+++ b/doc/dlt_user_manual.txt
@@ -258,9 +258,9 @@ DLT_DECLARE_CONTEXT(myContext);
int main(int argc, const char\* argv\[\])
-DLT_REGISTER_APP("LOG","Test Application for Logging");
+ DLT_REGISTER_APP("LOG","Test Application for Logging");
-DLT_REGISTER_CONTEXT(mycontext,"TEST","Test Context for Logging");
+ DLT_REGISTER_CONTEXT(mycontext,"TEST","Test Context for Logging");