% DLT-RECEIVE(1) # NAME **dlt-receive** - Console based client for DLT Logging # SYNOPSIS **dlt-receive** \[**-h**\] \[**-a**\] \[**-x**\] \[**-m**\] \[**-s**\] \[**-o** filename\] \[**-c** limit\] \[**-v**\] \[**-y**\] \[**-b** baudrate\] \[**-e** ecuid\] \[**-f** filterfile\] \[**-p** port\] hostname/serial_device_name # DESCRIPTION Receive DLT messages from DLT daemon and print or store the messages. ## OPTIONS -h : Display a short help text. -a : Print DLT file; payload as ASCII. -x : Print DLT file; payload as hex. -m : Print DLT file; payload as hex and ASCII. -s : Print DLT file; only headers. -o : Output messages in new DLT file. -c : Set limit when storing messages in file. When limit is reached, a new file is opened. Use K,M,G as suffix to specify kilo-, mega-, giga-bytes respectively, e.g. 1M for one megabyte (Default: unlimited). -v : Verbose mode. -y : Serial device mode. -b : Serial device baudrate (Default: 115200). -e : Set ECU ID (Default: RECV). -f : Enable filtering of messages. -p : Port for UDP and TCP communication (Default: 3490). # EXAMPLES Print received message headers received from a dlt-daemon running on localhost:: **dlt-receive -s localhost** Print received message headers received from a serila interface:: **dlt-receive -s -y /dev/ttySO** Store received message headers from a dlt-daemon to a log file called log.dlt and filter them for e.g. Application ID ABCD and Context ID EFGH (Write:ABCD EFGH as single line to a file called filter.txt):: **dlt-receive -s -o log.dlt -f filter.txt localhost** Store incoming messages in file(s) and restrict file sizes to 1 megabyte. If limit is reached, log.dlt will be renamed into log.0.dlt, log.1.dlt, ... No files will be overwritten in this mode:: **dlt-receive -o log.dlt -c 1M localhost** # EXIT STATUS Non zero is returned in case of failure. # NOTES Be aware that dlt-receive will never delete any files. Instead, it creates a new file. # AUTHOR Alexander Wenzel (alexander.aw.wenzel (at) bmw (dot) de) # COPYRIGHT Copyright (C) 2015 BMW AG. License MPL-2.0: Mozilla Public License version 2.0 . # BUGS See Github issue: # SEE ALSO **dlt-daemon(1)**