/** * @licence app begin@ * Copyright (C) 2015 Advanced Driver Information Technology. * This code is developed by Advanced Driver Information Technology. * Copyright of Advanced Driver Information Technology, Bosch and DENSO. * * This file is part of GENIVI Project Dlt - Diagnostic Log and Trace console apps. * * * \copyright * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with * this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * * \author Christoph Lipka ADIT 2015 * \author Frederic Berat ADIT 2015 * * \file dlt-control-common.c * For further information see http://www.genivi.org/. * @licence end@ */ /******************************************************************************* ** ** ** SRC-MODULE: dlt-control-common.c ** ** ** ** TARGET : linux ** ** ** ** PROJECT : DLT ** ** ** ** AUTHOR : Christoph Lipka clipka@jp.adit-jv.com ** ** PURPOSE : ** ** ** ** REMARKS : ** ** ** ** PLATFORM DEPENDANT [yes/no]: yes ** ** ** ** TO BE CHANGED BY USER [yes/no]: no ** ** ** *******************************************************************************/ /******************************************************************************* ** Author Identity ** ******************************************************************************** ** ** ** Initials Name Company ** ** -------- ------------------------- ---------------------------------- ** ** cl Christoph Lipka ADIT ** ** fb Frederic Berat ADIT ** *******************************************************************************/ #define pr_fmt(fmt) "Common control: "fmt #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dlt_common.h" #include "dlt_protocol.h" #include "dlt_client.h" #include "dlt-control-common.h" #define DLT_CTRL_APID "DLTC" #define DLT_CTRL_CTID "DLTC" #define DLT_DAEMON_DEFAULT_CTRL_SOCK_PATH "/tmp/dlt-ctrl.sock" #define DLT_RECEIVE_TEXTBUFSIZE 1024 /** @brief Analyze the daemon answer * * This function as to be provided by the user of the connection. * * @param answer The textual answer of the daemon * @param payload The daemons answer payload * @param length The daemons answer payload length * * @return User defined. */ static int (*response_analyzer_cb)(char *, void *, int); static pthread_t daemon_connect_thread; static DltClient client; static int callback_return = -1; static pthread_mutex_t answer_lock = PTHREAD_MUTEX_INITIALIZER; static pthread_cond_t answer_cond = PTHREAD_COND_INITIALIZER; static int local_verbose; static char local_ecuid[DLT_CTRL_ECUID_LEN]; /* Name of ECU */ static long local_timeout; static char config_data[DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX]; /* To copy dlt.conf values */ int get_verbosity(void) { return local_verbose; } void set_verbosity(int v) { local_verbose = !!v; } char *get_ecuid(void) { return local_ecuid; } void set_ecuid(char *ecuid) { char *ecuid_conf; if (local_ecuid != ecuid) { /* If user pass NULL, read ECUId from dlt.conf */ if (ecuid == NULL) { ecuid_conf = dlt_parse_config_param("ECUId"); memset(local_ecuid, 0, DLT_CTRL_ECUID_LEN); strncpy(local_ecuid, ecuid_conf, DLT_CTRL_ECUID_LEN); local_ecuid[DLT_CTRL_ECUID_LEN - 1] = '\0'; } else { /* Set user passed ECUID */ memset(local_ecuid, 0, DLT_CTRL_ECUID_LEN); strncpy(local_ecuid, ecuid, DLT_CTRL_ECUID_LEN); local_ecuid[DLT_CTRL_ECUID_LEN - 1] = '\0'; } } } long get_timeout(void) { return local_timeout; } void set_timeout(long t) { local_timeout = DLT_CTRL_TIMEOUT; if (t > 1) { local_timeout = t; } else { pr_error("Timeout to small. Set to default: %d", DLT_CTRL_TIMEOUT); } } char *dlt_parse_config_param(char *config_id) { FILE * pFile = NULL; int value_length = DLT_RECEIVE_TEXTBUFSIZE; char line[DLT_RECEIVE_TEXTBUFSIZE-1] = {0}; char token[DLT_RECEIVE_TEXTBUFSIZE] = {0}; char value[DLT_RECEIVE_TEXTBUFSIZE] = {0}; char *pch = NULL; const char *filename = NULL; memset(config_data, 0, DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX); /* open configuration file */ filename = CONFIGURATION_FILES_DIR "/dlt.conf"; pFile = fopen(filename, "r"); if (pFile != NULL) { while (1) { /* fetch line from configuration file */ if (fgets(line, value_length - 1, pFile) != NULL) { if (strncmp(line, config_id, strlen(config_id)) == 0) { pch = strtok(line, " =\r\n"); token[0] = 0; value[0] = 0; while (pch != NULL) { if (token[0] == 0) { strncpy(token, pch, sizeof(token) - 1); token[sizeof(token) - 1] = 0; } else { strncpy(value, pch, sizeof(value) - 1); value[sizeof(value) - 1] = 0; break; } pch = strtok(NULL, " =\r\n"); } if (token[0] && value[0]) { if (strcmp(token, config_id) == 0) { memset(config_data, 0, DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX); strncpy(config_data, value, DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX-1); } } } } else { break; } } fclose (pFile); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open configuration file: %s\n", filename); } return config_data; } /** @brief Send a message to the daemon through the socket. * * The socket as to be opened and active before sending. * * @param sock The socket to send the message through * @param msg The message to be send in DLT format. * * @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */ static int dlt_control_send_message_to_socket(int sock, DltMessage *msg) { if (send(sock, (const char *)(msg->headerbuffer + sizeof(DltStorageHeader)), msg->headersize - sizeof(DltStorageHeader), 0) == -1) { pr_error("Sending message header failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (send(sock, (const char *) msg->databuffer, msg->datasize, 0) == -1) { pr_error("Sending message failed: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } return 0; } /** @brief Prepare the extra headers of a DLT message * * Modifies the extra headers of the message so that it can be sent. * * @param msg The message to be prepared * @param header The base header to be used. * * @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */ static int prepare_extra_headers(DltMessage *msg, uint8_t *header) { int shift = 0; pr_verbose("Preparing extra headers.\n"); if (!msg || !header) { return -1; } shift = sizeof(DltStorageHeader) + sizeof(DltStandardHeader) + DLT_STANDARD_HEADER_EXTRA_SIZE(msg->standardheader->htyp); /* Set header extra parameters */ dlt_set_id(msg->headerextra.ecu, get_ecuid()); msg->headerextra.tmsp = dlt_uptime(); /* Copy header extra parameters to header buffer */ if (dlt_message_set_extraparameters(msg, get_verbosity()) == -1) { pr_error("Cannot copy header extra parameter\n"); return -1; } /* prepare extended header */ msg->extendedheader = (DltExtendedHeader *)(header + shift); msg->extendedheader->msin = DLT_MSIN_CONTROL_REQUEST; msg->extendedheader->noar = 1; /* one payload packet */ /* Dummy values have to be set */ dlt_set_id(msg->extendedheader->apid, DLT_CTRL_APID); dlt_set_id(msg->extendedheader->ctid, DLT_CTRL_CTID); return 0; } /** @brief Prepare the headers of a DLT message * * Modifies the headers of the message so that it can be sent. * * @param msg The message to be prepared * @param header The base header to be used. * * @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */ static int prepare_headers(DltMessage *msg, uint8_t *header) { uint32_t len = 0; pr_verbose("Preparing headers.\n"); if (!msg || !header) { return -1; } msg->storageheader = (DltStorageHeader *) header; if (dlt_set_storageheader(msg->storageheader, "") == -1) { pr_error("Storage header initialization failed.\n"); return -1; } /* prepare standard header */ msg->standardheader = (DltStandardHeader *) (header + sizeof(DltStorageHeader)); msg->standardheader->htyp = DLT_HTYP_WEID | DLT_HTYP_WTMS | DLT_HTYP_UEH | DLT_HTYP_PROTOCOL_VERSION1; #if (BYTE_ORDER == BIG_ENDIAN) msg->standardheader->htyp = (msg->standardheader->htyp | DLT_HTYP_MSBF); #endif msg->standardheader->mcnt = 0; /* prepare length information */ msg->headersize = sizeof(DltStorageHeader) + sizeof(DltStandardHeader) + sizeof(DltExtendedHeader) + DLT_STANDARD_HEADER_EXTRA_SIZE(msg->standardheader->htyp); len = msg->headersize - sizeof(DltStorageHeader) + msg->datasize; if (len > UINT16_MAX) { pr_error("Message header is too long.\n"); return -1; } msg->standardheader->len = DLT_HTOBE_16(len); return 0; } /** @brief Prepare a DLT message. * * The DLT message is built using the data given by the user. * The data is basically composed of a buffer and a size. * * @param data The message body to be used to build the DLT message. * * @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */ static DltMessage *dlt_control_prepare_message(DltControlMsgBody *data) { DltMessage *msg = NULL; pr_verbose("Preparing message.\n"); if (data == NULL) { pr_error("Data for message body is NULL\n"); return NULL; } msg = calloc(1, sizeof(DltMessage)); if (msg == NULL) { pr_error("Cannot allocate memory for Dlt Message\n"); return NULL; } if (dlt_message_init(msg, get_verbosity()) == -1) { pr_error("Cannot initialize Dlt Message\n"); free(msg); return NULL; } /* prepare payload of data */ msg->databuffersize = msg->datasize = data->size; /* Allocate memory for Dlt Message's buffer */ msg->databuffer = (uint8_t *)calloc(1, data->size); if (msg->databuffer == NULL) { pr_error("Cannot allocate memory for data buffer\n"); free(msg); return NULL; } /* copy data into message */ memcpy(msg->databuffer, data->data, data->size); /* prepare storage header */ if (prepare_headers(msg, msg->headerbuffer)) { dlt_message_free(msg, get_verbosity()); free(msg); return NULL; } /* prepare extra headers */ if (prepare_extra_headers(msg, msg->headerbuffer)) { dlt_message_free(msg, get_verbosity()); free(msg); return NULL; } return msg; } /** @brief Initialize the connection with the daemon * * The connection is initialized using an internal callback. The user's * response analyzer will be finally executed by this callback. * The client pointer is used to established the connection. * * @param client A pointer to a valid client structure * @param cb The internal callback to be executed while receiving a new message * * @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */ static int dlt_control_init_connection(DltClient *client, void *cb) { int (*callback)(DltMessage *message, void *data) = cb; if (!cb || !client) { pr_error("%s Invalid parameters (%p, %p)\n", __func__, client, cb); return -1; } pr_verbose("Initializing the connection.\n"); if (dlt_client_init(client, get_verbosity()) != 0) { pr_error("Failed to register callback (NULL)\n"); return -1; } dlt_client_register_message_callback(callback); client->socketPath = dlt_parse_config_param("ControlSocketPath"); if (client->socketPath[0] == 0) { /* Failed to read from conf, copy default */ strncpy(client->socketPath, DLT_DAEMON_DEFAULT_CTRL_SOCK_PATH, DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX - 1); } client->mode = DLT_CLIENT_MODE_UNIX; return dlt_client_connect(client, get_verbosity()); } /** @brief Daemon listener function * * This function will continuously read on the DLT socket, until an error occurs * or the thread executing this function is canceled. * * @param data Thread parameter * * @return The thread parameter given as argument. */ static void *dlt_control_listen_to_daemon(void *data) { pr_verbose("Ready to receive DLT answers.\n"); dlt_client_main_loop(&client, NULL, get_verbosity()); return data; } /** @brief Internal callback for DLT response * * This function is called by the dlt_client_main_loop once a response is read * from the DLT socket. * After some basic checks, the user's response analyzer is called. The return * value of the analyzer is then provided back to the dlt_control_send_message * function to be given back as a return value. * As this function is called in a dedicated thread, the return value is * provided using a global variable. * Access to this variable is controlled through a dedicated mutex. * New values are signaled using a dedicated condition variable. * * @param message The DLT answer * @data Unused * * @return The analyzer return value or -1 on early errors. */ static int dlt_control_callback(DltMessage *message, void *data) { char text[DLT_RECEIVE_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { 0 }; (void) data; if (message == NULL) { pr_error("Received message is null\n"); return -1; } /* prepare storage header */ if (DLT_IS_HTYP_WEID(message->standardheader->htyp)) { dlt_set_storageheader(message->storageheader, message->headerextra.ecu); } else { dlt_set_storageheader(message->storageheader, "LCTL"); } dlt_message_header(message, text, DLT_RECEIVE_TEXTBUFSIZE, get_verbosity()); /* Extracting payload */ dlt_message_payload(message, text, DLT_RECEIVE_TEXTBUFSIZE, DLT_OUTPUT_ASCII, get_verbosity()); /* * Checking payload with the provided callback and return the result */ pthread_mutex_lock(&answer_lock); callback_return = response_analyzer_cb(text, message->databuffer, message->datasize); pthread_cond_signal(&answer_cond); pthread_mutex_unlock(&answer_lock); return callback_return; } /** @brief Send a message to the daemon and wait for the asynchronous answer. * * The answer is received and analyzed by a dedicated thread. Thus we need * to wait for the signal from this thread and then read the return value * to be provided to the user. * In case of timeout, this function fails. * The message provided by the user is formated in DLT format before sending. * * @param body The message provided by the user * @param timeout The time to wait before considering that no answer will come * * @return The user response analyzer return value, -1 in case of early error. */ int dlt_control_send_message(DltControlMsgBody *body, int timeout) { struct timespec t; DltMessage *msg = NULL; if (!body) { pr_error("Invalid input (%p).\n", body); return -1; } if (clock_gettime(CLOCK_REALTIME, &t) == -1) { pr_error("Cannot read system time.\n"); return -1; } t.tv_sec += timeout; /* send command to daemon here */ msg = dlt_control_prepare_message(body); if (msg == NULL) { pr_error("Control message preparation failed\n"); return -1; } pthread_mutex_lock(&answer_lock); /* Re-init the return value */ callback_return = -1; if (dlt_control_send_message_to_socket(client.sock, msg) != 0) { pr_error("Sending message to daemon failed\n"); free(msg); return -1; } /* If we timeout the lock is not taken back */ if (!pthread_cond_timedwait(&answer_cond, &answer_lock, &t)) { pthread_mutex_unlock(&answer_lock); } /* Destroying the message */ dlt_message_free(msg, get_verbosity()); free(msg); /* At this point either the value is already correct, either it's still -1. * Then, we don't care to lock the access. */ return callback_return; } /** @brief Control communication initialization * * This will prepare the DLT connection and the thread dedicated to the * response listening. * * @param response_analyzer User defined function used to analyze the response * @param ecuid The ECUID to provide to the daemon * @param verbosity The verbosity level * * @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */ int dlt_control_init(int (*response_analyzer)(char *, void *, int), char *ecuid, int verbosity) { if (!response_analyzer || !ecuid) { pr_error("Invalid input (%p %p).\n", response_analyzer, ecuid); return -1; } response_analyzer_cb = response_analyzer; set_ecuid(ecuid); set_verbosity(verbosity); if (dlt_control_init_connection(&client, dlt_control_callback) != 0) { pr_error("Connection initialization failed\n"); dlt_client_cleanup(&client, get_verbosity()); return -1; } /* Contact DLT daemon */ if (pthread_create(&daemon_connect_thread, NULL, dlt_control_listen_to_daemon, NULL) != 0) { pr_error("Cannot create thread to communicate with DLT daemon.\n"); return -1; } return 0; } /** @brief Control communication clean-up * * Cancels the listener thread and clean=up the dlt client structure. * * @return 0 on success, -1 otherwise. */ int dlt_control_deinit(void) { /* Stopping the listener thread */ pthread_cancel(daemon_connect_thread); /* Closing the socket */ return dlt_client_cleanup(&client, get_verbosity()); }