/* * SPDX license identifier: MPL-2.0 * * Copyright (C) 2011-2015, BMW AG * * This file is part of GENIVI Project DLT - Diagnostic Log and Trace. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the * Mozilla Public License (MPL), v. 2.0. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * For further information see http://www.genivi.org/. */ /*! * \author * Alexander Wenzel * Markus Klein * Mikko Rapeli * * \copyright Copyright © 2011-2015 BMW AG. \n * License MPL-2.0: Mozilla Public License version 2.0 http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * \file dlt-daemon.c */ #include #include #include /* for printf() and fprintf() */ #include /* for socket(), connect(), (), and recv() */ #include #include /* for sockaddr_in and inet_addr() */ #include /* for atoi() and exit() */ #include /* for memset() */ #include /* for close() and access */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef linux # include #endif #include #include #if defined(linux) && defined(__NR_statx) # include #endif #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_VSOCK_IPC_ENABLE # ifdef linux # include # endif # ifdef __QNX__ # include # endif #endif #include "dlt_types.h" #include "dlt-daemon.h" #include "dlt-daemon_cfg.h" #include "dlt_daemon_common_cfg.h" #include "dlt_daemon_socket.h" #include "dlt_daemon_unix_socket.h" #include "dlt_daemon_serial.h" #include "dlt_daemon_client.h" #include "dlt_daemon_connection.h" #include "dlt_daemon_event_handler.h" #include "dlt_daemon_offline_logstorage.h" #include "dlt_gateway.h" #ifdef UDP_CONNECTION_SUPPORT # include "dlt_daemon_udp_socket.h" #endif #if defined(DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE) || defined(DLT_SYSTEMD_ENABLE) # include "sd-daemon.h" #endif /** * \defgroup daemon DLT Daemon * \addtogroup daemon \{ */ static int dlt_daemon_log_internal(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, char *str, int verbose); static int dlt_daemon_check_numeric_setting(char *token, char *value, unsigned long *data); #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE static uint32_t watchdog_trigger_interval; /* watchdog trigger interval in [s] */ #endif /* used in main event loop and signal handler */ int g_exit = 0; int g_signo = 0; /* used for value from conf file */ static int value_length = 1024; static char dlt_timer_conn_types[DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN + 1] = { [DLT_TIMER_PACKET] = DLT_CONNECTION_ONE_S_TIMER, [DLT_TIMER_ECU] = DLT_CONNECTION_SIXTY_S_TIMER, #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE [DLT_TIMER_SYSTEMD] = DLT_CONNECTION_SYSTEMD_TIMER, #endif [DLT_TIMER_GATEWAY] = DLT_CONNECTION_GATEWAY_TIMER, [DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN] = DLT_CONNECTION_TYPE_MAX }; static char dlt_timer_names[DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN + 1][32] = { [DLT_TIMER_PACKET] = "Timing packet", [DLT_TIMER_ECU] = "ECU version", #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE [DLT_TIMER_SYSTEMD] = "Systemd watchdog", #endif [DLT_TIMER_GATEWAY] = "Gateway", [DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN] = "Unknown timer" }; #ifdef __QNX__ static int dlt_timer_pipes[DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN][2] = { /* [timer_id] = {read_pipe, write_pipe} */ [DLT_TIMER_PACKET] = {DLT_FD_INIT, DLT_FD_INIT}, [DLT_TIMER_ECU] = {DLT_FD_INIT, DLT_FD_INIT}, #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE [DLT_TIMER_SYSTEMD] = {DLT_FD_INIT, DLT_FD_INIT}, #endif [DLT_TIMER_GATEWAY] = {DLT_FD_INIT, DLT_FD_INIT} }; static pthread_t timer_threads[DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN] = { [DLT_TIMER_PACKET] = 0, [DLT_TIMER_ECU] = 0, #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE [DLT_TIMER_SYSTEMD] = 0, #endif [DLT_TIMER_GATEWAY] = 0 }; static DltDaemonPeriodicData *timer_data[DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN] = { [DLT_TIMER_PACKET] = NULL, [DLT_TIMER_ECU] = NULL, #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE [DLT_TIMER_SYSTEMD] = NULL, #endif [DLT_TIMER_GATEWAY] = NULL }; void close_pipes(int fds[2]) { if (fds[0] > 0) { close(fds[0]); fds[0] = DLT_FD_INIT; } if (fds[1] > 0) { close(fds[1]); fds[1] = DLT_FD_INIT; } } #endif // __QNX__ /** * Print usage information of tool. */ void usage() { char version[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE]; dlt_get_version(version, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE); /*printf("DLT logging daemon %s %s\n", _DLT_PACKAGE_VERSION, _DLT_PACKAGE_VERSION_STATE); */ /*printf("Compile options: %s %s %s %s",_DLT_SYSTEMD_ENABLE, _DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE, _DLT_TEST_ENABLE, _DLT_SHM_ENABLE); */ printf("%s", version); printf("Usage: dlt-daemon [options]\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -d Daemonize\n"); printf(" -h Usage\n"); printf(" -c filename DLT daemon configuration file (Default: " CONFIGURATION_FILES_DIR "/dlt.conf)\n"); #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC printf(" -t directory Directory for local fifo and user-pipes (Default: /tmp)\n"); printf(" (Applications wanting to connect to a daemon using a\n"); printf(" custom directory need to be started with the environment \n"); printf(" variable DLT_PIPE_DIR set appropriately)\n"); #endif #ifdef DLT_SHM_ENABLE printf(" -s filename The file name to create the share memory (Default: /dlt-shm)\n"); printf(" (Applications wanting to connect to a daemon using a\n"); printf(" custom shm name need to be started with the environment \n"); printf(" variable DLT_SHM_NAME set appropriately)\n"); #endif printf(" -p port port to monitor for incoming requests (Default: 3490)\n"); printf(" (Applications wanting to connect to a daemon using a custom\n"); printf(" port need to be started with the environment variable\n"); printf(" DLT_DAEMON_TCP_PORT set appropriately)\n"); } /* usage() */ /** * Option handling */ int option_handling(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int argc, char *argv[]) { int c; if (daemon_local == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid parameter passed to option_handling()\n"); return -1; } /* Initialize flags */ memset(daemon_local, 0, sizeof(DltDaemonLocal)); /* default values */ daemon_local->flags.port = DLT_DAEMON_TCP_PORT; #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC dlt_log_set_fifo_basedir(DLT_USER_IPC_PATH); #endif #ifdef DLT_SHM_ENABLE strncpy(dltShmName, "/dlt-shm", NAME_MAX); #endif opterr = 0; #ifdef DLT_SHM_ENABLE while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hdc:t:s:p:")) != -1) #else while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hdc:t:p:")) != -1) #endif switch (c) { case 'd': { daemon_local->flags.dflag = 1; break; } case 'c': { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.cvalue, optarg, NAME_MAX); break; } #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC case 't': { dlt_log_set_fifo_basedir(optarg); break; } #endif #ifdef DLT_SHM_ENABLE case 's': { strncpy(dltShmName, optarg, NAME_MAX); break; } #endif case 'p': { daemon_local->flags.port = (unsigned int) atoi(optarg); if (daemon_local->flags.port == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid port `%s' specified.\n", optarg); return -1; } break; } case 'h': { usage(); return -2; /* return no error */ } case '?': { if ((optopt == 'c') || (optopt == 't') || (optopt == 'p')) fprintf (stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt); else if (isprint (optopt)) fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); else fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n", (uint32_t)optopt); /* unknown or wrong option used, show usage information and terminate */ usage(); return -1; } default: { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid option, this should never occur!\n"); return -1; } } /* switch() */ #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC snprintf(daemon_local->flags.userPipesDir, DLT_PATH_MAX, "%s/dltpipes", dltFifoBaseDir); snprintf(daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoName, DLT_PATH_MAX, "%s/dlt", dltFifoBaseDir); #endif #ifdef DLT_SHM_ENABLE strncpy(daemon_local->flags.dltShmName, dltShmName, NAME_MAX); #endif return 0; } /* option_handling() */ /** * Option file parser */ int option_file_parser(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local) { FILE *pFile; char line[value_length - 1]; char token[value_length]; char value[value_length]; char *pch; const char *filename; ssize_t n; /* set default values for configuration */ daemon_local->flags.sharedMemorySize = DLT_SHM_SIZE; daemon_local->flags.sendMessageTime = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory[0] = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceFileSize = 1000000; daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceMaxSize = 4000000; daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceFilenameTimestampBased = 1; daemon_local->flags.loggingMode = DLT_LOG_TO_CONSOLE; daemon_local->flags.loggingLevel = LOG_INFO; #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_UNIX_SOCKET_IPC n = snprintf(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename), "%s/dlt.log", DLT_USER_IPC_PATH); #else /* DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC */ n = snprintf(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename), "%s/dlt.log", dltFifoBaseDir); #endif if (n < 0 || (size_t)n > sizeof(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: snprintf truncation/error(%ld) %s\n", __func__, n, daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename); } daemon_local->timeoutOnSend = 4; daemon_local->RingbufferMinSize = DLT_DAEMON_RINGBUFFER_MIN_SIZE; daemon_local->RingbufferMaxSize = DLT_DAEMON_RINGBUFFER_MAX_SIZE; daemon_local->RingbufferStepSize = DLT_DAEMON_RINGBUFFER_STEP_SIZE; daemon_local->daemonFifoSize = 0; daemon_local->flags.sendECUSoftwareVersion = 0; memset(daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion, 0, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion)); daemon_local->flags.sendTimezone = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageDirPath[0] = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageTimestamp = 1; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageDelimiter = '_'; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxCounter = UINT_MAX; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxCounterIdx = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageCacheSize = 30000; /* 30MB */ dlt_daemon_logstorage_set_logstorage_cache_size( daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageCacheSize); strncpy(daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath, DLT_DAEMON_DEFAULT_CTRL_SOCK_PATH, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath)); #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_UNIX_SOCKET_IPC snprintf(daemon_local->flags.appSockPath, DLT_IPC_PATH_MAX, "%s/dlt", DLT_USER_IPC_PATH); if (strlen(DLT_USER_IPC_PATH) > DLT_IPC_PATH_MAX) fprintf(stderr, "Provided path too long...trimming it to path[%s]\n", daemon_local->flags.appSockPath); #else /* DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC */ memset(daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoGroup, 0, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoGroup)); #endif daemon_local->flags.gatewayMode = 0; strncpy(daemon_local->flags.gatewayConfigFile, DLT_GATEWAY_CONFIG_PATH, DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX); daemon_local->flags.autoResponseGetLogInfoOption = 7; daemon_local->flags.contextLogLevel = DLT_LOG_INFO; daemon_local->flags.contextTraceStatus = DLT_TRACE_STATUS_OFF; daemon_local->flags.enforceContextLLAndTS = 0; /* default is off */ #ifdef UDP_CONNECTION_SUPPORT daemon_local->UDPConnectionSetup = MULTICAST_CONNECTION_ENABLED; strncpy(daemon_local->UDPMulticastIPAddress, MULTICASTIPADDRESS, MULTICASTIP_MAX_SIZE - 1); daemon_local->UDPMulticastIPPort = MULTICASTIPPORT; #endif daemon_local->flags.ipNodes = NULL; daemon_local->flags.injectionMode = 1; /* open configuration file */ if (daemon_local->flags.cvalue[0]) filename = daemon_local->flags.cvalue; else filename = CONFIGURATION_FILES_DIR "/dlt.conf"; /*printf("Load configuration from file: %s\n",filename); */ pFile = fopen (filename, "r"); if (pFile != NULL) { while (1) { /* fetch line from configuration file */ if (fgets (line, value_length - 1, pFile) != NULL) { pch = strtok (line, " =\r\n"); token[0] = 0; value[0] = 0; while (pch != NULL) { if (strcmp(pch, "#") == 0) break; if (token[0] == 0) { strncpy(token, pch, sizeof(token) - 1); token[sizeof(token) - 1] = 0; } else { strncpy(value, pch, sizeof(value) - 1); value[sizeof(value) - 1] = 0; break; } pch = strtok (NULL, " =\r\n"); } if (token[0] && value[0]) { /* parse arguments here */ if (strcmp(token, "Verbose") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.vflag = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "PrintASCII") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.aflag = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "PrintHex") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.xflag = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "PrintHeadersOnly") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.sflag = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "SendSerialHeader") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.lflag = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "SendContextRegistration") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.rflag = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "SendContextRegistrationOption") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.autoResponseGetLogInfoOption = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "SendMessageTime") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.sendMessageTime = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "RS232SyncSerialHeader") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.mflag = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "TCPSyncSerialHeader") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.nflag = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "RS232DeviceName") == 0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.yvalue, value, NAME_MAX); daemon_local->flags.yvalue[NAME_MAX] = 0; /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "RS232Baudrate") == 0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.bvalue, value, NAME_MAX); daemon_local->flags.bvalue[NAME_MAX] = 0; /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "ECUId") == 0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.evalue, value, NAME_MAX); daemon_local->flags.evalue[NAME_MAX] = 0; /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "PersistanceStoragePath") == 0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.ivalue, value, NAME_MAX); daemon_local->flags.ivalue[NAME_MAX] = 0; /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "LoggingMode") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.loggingMode = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "LoggingLevel") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.loggingLevel = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "LoggingFilename") == 0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename, value, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename) - 1); daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename[sizeof(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename) - 1] = 0; /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "TimeOutOnSend") == 0) { daemon_local->timeoutOnSend = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "RingbufferMinSize") == 0) { if (dlt_daemon_check_numeric_setting(token, value, &(daemon_local->RingbufferMinSize)) < 0) return -1; } else if (strcmp(token, "RingbufferMaxSize") == 0) { if (dlt_daemon_check_numeric_setting(token, value, &(daemon_local->RingbufferMaxSize)) < 0) return -1; } else if (strcmp(token, "RingbufferStepSize") == 0) { if (dlt_daemon_check_numeric_setting(token, value, &(daemon_local->RingbufferStepSize)) < 0) return -1; } else if (strcmp(token, "SharedMemorySize") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.sharedMemorySize = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "OfflineTraceDirectory") == 0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory, value, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory) - 1); daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory[sizeof(daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory) - 1] = 0; /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "OfflineTraceFileSize") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceFileSize = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "OfflineTraceMaxSize") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceMaxSize = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "OfflineTraceFileNameTimestampBased") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceFilenameTimestampBased = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "SendECUSoftwareVersion") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.sendECUSoftwareVersion = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "PathToECUSoftwareVersion") == 0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion, value, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion) - 1); daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion[sizeof(daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion) - 1] = 0; /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "SendTimezone") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.sendTimezone = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "OfflineLogstorageMaxDevices") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices = (uint32_t) atoi(value); } else if (strcmp(token, "OfflineLogstorageDirPath") == 0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageDirPath, value, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageDirPath) - 1); } else if (strcmp(token, "OfflineLogstorageTimestamp") == 0) { /* Check if set to 0, default otherwise */ if (atoi(value) == 0) daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageTimestamp = 0; } else if (strcmp(token, "OfflineLogstorageDelimiter") == 0) { /* Check if valid punctuation, default otherwise*/ if (ispunct((char)value[0])) daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageDelimiter = (char)value[0]; } else if (strcmp(token, "OfflineLogstorageMaxCounter") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxCounter = (unsigned int) atoi(value); daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxCounterIdx = (unsigned int) strlen(value); } else if (strcmp(token, "OfflineLogstorageCacheSize") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageCacheSize = (unsigned int)atoi(value); dlt_daemon_logstorage_set_logstorage_cache_size( daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageCacheSize); } else if (strcmp(token, "ControlSocketPath") == 0) { memset( daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath, 0, DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX); strncpy( daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath, value, DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX - 1); } else if (strcmp(token, "GatewayMode") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.gatewayMode = atoi(value); /*printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); */ } else if (strcmp(token, "GatewayConfigFile") == 0) { memset( daemon_local->flags.gatewayConfigFile, 0, DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX); strncpy( daemon_local->flags.gatewayConfigFile, value, DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX - 1); } else if (strcmp(token, "ContextLogLevel") == 0) { int const intval = atoi(value); if ((intval >= DLT_LOG_OFF) && (intval <= DLT_LOG_VERBOSE)) { daemon_local->flags.contextLogLevel = intval; printf("Option: %s=%s\n", token, value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for ContextLogLevel: %i. Must be in range [%i..%i]\n", intval, DLT_LOG_OFF, DLT_LOG_VERBOSE); } } else if (strcmp(token, "ContextTraceStatus") == 0) { int const intval = atoi(value); if ((intval >= DLT_TRACE_STATUS_OFF) && (intval <= DLT_TRACE_STATUS_ON)) { daemon_local->flags.contextTraceStatus = intval; printf("Option: %s=%s\n", token, value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for ContextTraceStatus: %i. Must be in range [%i..%i]\n", intval, DLT_TRACE_STATUS_OFF, DLT_TRACE_STATUS_ON); } } else if (strcmp(token, "ForceContextLogLevelAndTraceStatus") == 0) { int const intval = atoi(value); if ((intval >= 0) && (intval <= 1)) { daemon_local->flags.enforceContextLLAndTS = intval; printf("Option: %s=%s\n", token, value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for ForceContextLogLevelAndTraceStatus: %i. Must be 0, 1\n", intval); } } #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC else if (strcmp(token, "DaemonFIFOSize") == 0) { if (dlt_daemon_check_numeric_setting(token, value, &(daemon_local->daemonFifoSize)) < 0) return -1; #ifndef __linux__ printf("Option DaemonFIFOSize is set but only supported on Linux. Ignored.\n"); #endif } else if (strcmp(token, "DaemonFifoGroup") == 0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoGroup, value, NAME_MAX); daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoGroup[NAME_MAX] = 0; } #endif #ifdef UDP_CONNECTION_SUPPORT else if (strcmp(token, "UDPConnectionSetup") == 0) { const long longval = strtol(value, NULL, 10); if ((longval == MULTICAST_CONNECTION_DISABLED) || (longval == MULTICAST_CONNECTION_ENABLED)) { daemon_local->UDPConnectionSetup = longval; printf("Option: %s=%s\n", token, value); } else { daemon_local->UDPConnectionSetup = MULTICAST_CONNECTION_DISABLED; fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for UDPConnectionSetup set to default %ld\n", longval); } } else if (strcmp(token, "UDPMulticastIPAddress") == 0) { strncpy(daemon_local->UDPMulticastIPAddress, value, MULTICASTIP_MAX_SIZE - 1); } else if (strcmp(token, "UDPMulticastIPPort") == 0) { daemon_local->UDPMulticastIPPort = strtol(value, NULL, 10); } #endif else if (strcmp(token, "BindAddress") == 0) { DltBindAddress_t *newNode = NULL; DltBindAddress_t *temp = NULL; char *tok = strtok(value, ",;"); if (tok != NULL) { daemon_local->flags.ipNodes = calloc(1, sizeof(DltBindAddress_t)); if (daemon_local->flags.ipNodes == NULL) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Could not allocate for IP list\n"); fclose(pFile); return -1; } else { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.ipNodes->ip, tok, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.ipNodes->ip) - 1); daemon_local->flags.ipNodes->next = NULL; temp = daemon_local->flags.ipNodes; tok = strtok(NULL, ",;"); while (tok != NULL) { newNode = calloc(1, sizeof(DltBindAddress_t)); if (newNode == NULL) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Could not allocate for IP list\n"); fclose(pFile); return -1; } else { strncpy(newNode->ip, tok, sizeof(newNode->ip) - 1); } temp->next = newNode; temp = temp->next; tok = strtok(NULL, ",;"); } } } else { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "BindAddress option is empty\n"); } } else if (strcmp(token, "InjectionMode") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.injectionMode = atoi(value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s=%s\n", token, value); } } } else { break; } } fclose (pFile); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open configuration file: %s\n", filename); } return 0; } static int dlt_mkdir_recursive(const char *dir) { int ret = 0; char tmp[PATH_MAX + 1]; char *p = NULL; char *end = NULL; size_t len; strncpy(tmp, dir, PATH_MAX); len = strlen(tmp); if (tmp[len - 1] == '/') tmp[len - 1] = 0; end = tmp + len; for (p = tmp + 1; ((*p) && (ret == 0)) || ((ret == -1 && errno == EEXIST) && (p != end)); p++) if (*p == '/') { *p = 0; if (access(tmp, F_OK) != 0 && errno == ENOENT) { ret = mkdir(tmp, #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC S_IRWXU); #else S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH /*S_IRWXU*/); #endif } *p = '/'; } if ((ret == 0) || ((ret == -1) && (errno == EEXIST))) ret = mkdir(tmp, #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC S_IRWXU); #else S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH /*S_IRWXU*/); #endif if ((ret == -1) && (errno == EEXIST)) ret = 0; return ret; } #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC static DltReturnValue dlt_daemon_create_pipes_dir(char *dir) { int ret = DLT_RETURN_OK; if (dir == NULL) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "%s: Invalid parameter\n", __func__); return DLT_RETURN_WRONG_PARAMETER; } /* create dlt pipes directory */ ret = mkdir(dir, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH | S_ISVTX); if ((ret == -1) && (errno != EEXIST)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "FIFO user dir %s cannot be created (%s)!\n", dir, strerror(errno)); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } /* S_ISGID cannot be set by mkdir, let's reassign right bits */ ret = chmod(dir, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH | S_IXOTH | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX); if (ret == -1) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "FIFO user dir %s cannot be chmoded (%s)!\n", dir, strerror(errno)); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } return ret; } #endif /** * Main function of tool. */ int main(int argc, char *argv[]) { char version[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE]; char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE]; DltDaemonLocal daemon_local; DltDaemon daemon; int back = 0; memset(&daemon_local, 0, sizeof(DltDaemonLocal)); memset(&daemon, 0, sizeof(DltDaemon)); /* Command line option handling */ if ((back = option_handling(&daemon_local, argc, argv)) < 0) { if (back != -2) fprintf (stderr, "option_handling() failed!\n"); return -1; } /* Configuration file option handling */ if ((back = option_file_parser(&daemon_local)) < 0) { if (back != -2) fprintf (stderr, "option_file_parser() failed!\n"); return -1; } /* Initialize internal logging facility */ dlt_log_set_filename(daemon_local.flags.loggingFilename); dlt_log_set_level(daemon_local.flags.loggingLevel); DltReturnValue log_init_result = dlt_log_init(daemon_local.flags.loggingMode); if (log_init_result != DLT_RETURN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to init internal logging\n"); #if WITH_DLT_FILE_LOGGING_SYSLOG_FALLBACK if (daemon_local.flags.loggingMode == DLT_LOG_TO_FILE) { fprintf(stderr, "Falling back to syslog mode\n"); daemon_local.flags.loggingMode = DLT_LOG_TO_SYSLOG; log_init_result = dlt_log_init(daemon_local.flags.loggingMode); if (log_init_result != DLT_RETURN_OK) { fprintf(stderr, "Failed to setup syslog logging, internal logs will " "not be available\n"); } } #endif } /* Print version information */ dlt_get_version(version, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE); dlt_vlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Starting DLT Daemon; %s\n", version); PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(daemon_local.flags.vflag); /* Make sure the parent user directory is created */ #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC if (dlt_mkdir_recursive(dltFifoBaseDir) != 0) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Base dir %s cannot be created!\n", dltFifoBaseDir); return -1; } #else if (dlt_mkdir_recursive(DLT_USER_IPC_PATH) != 0) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Base dir %s cannot be created!\n", daemon_local.flags.appSockPath); return -1; } #endif /* --- Daemon init phase 1 begin --- */ if (dlt_daemon_local_init_p1(&daemon, &daemon_local, daemon_local.flags.vflag) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Initialization of phase 1 failed!\n"); return -1; } /* --- Daemon init phase 1 end --- */ if (dlt_daemon_prepare_event_handling(&daemon_local.pEvent)) { /* TODO: Perform clean-up */ dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Initialization of event handling failed!\n"); return -1; } /* --- Daemon connection init begin */ if (dlt_daemon_local_connection_init(&daemon, &daemon_local, daemon_local.flags.vflag) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Initialization of local connections failed!\n"); return -1; } /* --- Daemon connection init end */ if (dlt_daemon_init_runtime_configuration(&daemon, daemon_local.flags.ivalue, daemon_local.flags.vflag) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not load runtime config\n"); return -1; } /* * Load dlt-runtime.cfg if available. * This must be loaded before offline setup */ dlt_daemon_configuration_load(&daemon, daemon.runtime_configuration, daemon_local.flags.vflag); /* --- Daemon init phase 2 begin --- */ if (dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(&daemon, &daemon_local, daemon_local.flags.vflag) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Initialization of phase 2 failed!\n"); return -1; } /* --- Daemon init phase 2 end --- */ if (daemon_local.flags.offlineLogstorageDirPath[0]) if (dlt_daemon_logstorage_setup_internal_storage( &daemon, &daemon_local, daemon_local.flags.offlineLogstorageDirPath, daemon_local.flags.vflag) == -1) dlt_log(LOG_INFO, "Setting up internal offline log storage failed!\n"); /* create fd for watchdog */ #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE { char *watchdogUSec = getenv("WATCHDOG_USEC"); int watchdogTimeoutSeconds = 0; dlt_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Systemd watchdog initialization\n"); if (watchdogUSec) watchdogTimeoutSeconds = atoi(watchdogUSec) / 2000000; watchdog_trigger_interval = watchdogTimeoutSeconds; create_timer_fd(&daemon_local, watchdogTimeoutSeconds, watchdogTimeoutSeconds, DLT_TIMER_SYSTEMD); } #endif /* create fd for timer timing packets */ create_timer_fd(&daemon_local, 1, 1, DLT_TIMER_PACKET); /* create fd for timer ecu version */ if ((daemon_local.flags.sendECUSoftwareVersion > 0) || (daemon_local.flags.sendTimezone > 0)) create_timer_fd(&daemon_local, 60, 60, DLT_TIMER_ECU); /* initiate gateway */ if (daemon_local.flags.gatewayMode == 1) { if (dlt_gateway_init(&daemon_local, daemon_local.flags.vflag) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Failed to create gateway\n"); return -1; } /* create gateway timer */ create_timer_fd(&daemon_local, daemon_local.pGateway.interval, daemon_local.pGateway.interval, DLT_TIMER_GATEWAY); } /* For offline tracing we still can use the same states */ /* as for socket sending. Using this trick we see the traces */ /* In the offline trace AND in the socket stream. */ if (daemon_local.flags.yvalue[0]) dlt_daemon_change_state(&daemon, DLT_DAEMON_STATE_SEND_DIRECT); else dlt_daemon_change_state(&daemon, DLT_DAEMON_STATE_BUFFER); dlt_daemon_init_user_information(&daemon, &daemon_local.pGateway, daemon_local.flags.gatewayMode, daemon_local.flags.vflag); /* * Check for app and ctx runtime cfg. * These cfg must be loaded after ecuId and num_user_lists are available */ if ((dlt_daemon_applications_load(&daemon, daemon.runtime_application_cfg, daemon_local.flags.vflag) == 0) && (dlt_daemon_contexts_load(&daemon, daemon.runtime_context_cfg, daemon_local.flags.vflag) == 0)) daemon.runtime_context_cfg_loaded = 1; dlt_daemon_log_internal(&daemon, &daemon_local, "Daemon launched. Starting to output traces...", daemon_local.flags.vflag); /* Even handling loop. */ while ((back >= 0) && (g_exit >= 0)) back = dlt_daemon_handle_event(&daemon_local.pEvent, &daemon, &daemon_local); snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Exiting DLT daemon... [%d]", g_signo); dlt_daemon_log_internal(&daemon, &daemon_local, local_str, daemon_local.flags.vflag); dlt_vlog(LOG_NOTICE, "%s%s", local_str, "\n"); dlt_daemon_local_cleanup(&daemon, &daemon_local, daemon_local.flags.vflag); #ifdef UDP_CONNECTION_SUPPORT dlt_daemon_udp_close_connection(); #endif dlt_gateway_deinit(&daemon_local.pGateway, daemon_local.flags.vflag); dlt_daemon_free(&daemon, daemon_local.flags.vflag); dlt_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Leaving DLT daemon\n"); return 0; } /* main() */ int dlt_daemon_local_init_p1(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); int ret = DLT_RETURN_OK; if ((daemon == 0) || (daemon_local == 0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_local_init_p1()\n"); return -1; } #if defined(DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE) || defined(DLT_SYSTEMD_ENABLE) ret = sd_booted(); if (ret == 0) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "System not booted with systemd!\n"); } else if (ret < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "sd_booted failed!\n"); return -1; } else { dlt_log(LOG_INFO, "System booted with systemd\n"); } #endif #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC if (dlt_daemon_create_pipes_dir(daemon_local->flags.userPipesDir) == DLT_RETURN_ERROR) return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; #endif /* Check for daemon mode */ if (daemon_local->flags.dflag) dlt_daemon_daemonize(daemon_local->flags.vflag); /* Re-Initialize internal logging facility after fork */ dlt_log_set_filename(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename); dlt_log_set_level(daemon_local->flags.loggingLevel); dlt_log_init(daemon_local->flags.loggingMode); /* initialise structure to use DLT file */ ret = dlt_file_init(&(daemon_local->file), daemon_local->flags.vflag); if (ret == DLT_RETURN_ERROR) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize file structure\n"); /* Return value ignored, dlt daemon will exit */ dlt_file_free(&(daemon_local->file), daemon_local->flags.vflag); return ret; } signal(SIGPIPE, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTERM, dlt_daemon_signal_handler); /* software termination signal from kill */ signal(SIGHUP, dlt_daemon_signal_handler); /* hangup signal */ signal(SIGQUIT, dlt_daemon_signal_handler); signal(SIGINT, dlt_daemon_signal_handler); #ifdef __QNX__ signal(SIGUSR1, dlt_daemon_signal_handler); /* for timer threads */ #endif return DLT_RETURN_OK; } int dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == 0) || (daemon_local == 0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_local_init_p2()\n"); return -1; } /* Daemon data */ if (dlt_daemon_init(daemon, daemon_local->RingbufferMinSize, daemon_local->RingbufferMaxSize, daemon_local->RingbufferStepSize, daemon_local->flags.ivalue, daemon_local->flags.contextLogLevel, daemon_local->flags.contextTraceStatus, daemon_local->flags.enforceContextLLAndTS, daemon_local->flags.vflag) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize daemon data\n"); return -1; } /* init offline trace */ if (((daemon->mode == DLT_USER_MODE_INTERNAL) || (daemon->mode == DLT_USER_MODE_BOTH)) && daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory[0]) { if (dlt_offline_trace_init(&(daemon_local->offlineTrace), daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory, daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceFileSize, daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceMaxSize, daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceFilenameTimestampBased) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize offline trace\n"); return -1; } } /* Init offline logstorage for MAX devices */ if (daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices > 0) { daemon->storage_handle = malloc(sizeof(DltLogStorage) * daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices); if (daemon->storage_handle == NULL) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize offline logstorage\n"); return -1; } memset(daemon->storage_handle, 0, (sizeof(DltLogStorage) * daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices)); } /* Set ECU id of daemon */ if (daemon_local->flags.evalue[0]) dlt_set_id(daemon->ecuid, daemon_local->flags.evalue); else dlt_set_id(daemon->ecuid, DLT_DAEMON_ECU_ID); /* Set flag for optional sending of serial header */ daemon->sendserialheader = daemon_local->flags.lflag; #ifdef DLT_SHM_ENABLE /* init shared memory */ if (dlt_shm_init_server(&(daemon_local->dlt_shm), daemon_local->flags.dltShmName, daemon_local->flags.sharedMemorySize) == DLT_RETURN_ERROR) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize shared memory\n"); return -1; } daemon_local->recv_buf_shm = (unsigned char *)calloc(1, DLT_SHM_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE); if (NULL == daemon_local->recv_buf_shm) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "failed to allocated the buffer to receive shm data\n"); return -1; } #endif /* prepare main loop */ if (dlt_message_init(&(daemon_local->msg), daemon_local->flags.vflag) == DLT_RETURN_ERROR) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize message\n"); return -1; } /* configure sending timing packets */ if (daemon_local->flags.sendMessageTime) daemon->timingpackets = 1; /* Binary semaphore for thread */ if (sem_init(&dlt_daemon_mutex, 0, 1) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize binary semaphore\n"); return -1; } /* Get ECU version info from a file. If it fails, use dlt_version as fallback. */ if (dlt_daemon_local_ecu_version_init(daemon, daemon_local, daemon_local->flags.vflag) < 0) { daemon->ECUVersionString = malloc(DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE); if (daemon->ECUVersionString == 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not allocate memory for version string\n"); return -1; } dlt_get_version(daemon->ECUVersionString, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE); } /* Set to allows to maintain logstorage loglevel as default */ daemon->maintain_logstorage_loglevel = DLT_MAINTAIN_LOGSTORAGE_LOGLEVEL_ON; return 0; } static int dlt_daemon_init_serial(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local) { /* create and open serial connection from/to client */ /* open serial connection */ int fd = -1; if (daemon_local->flags.yvalue[0] == '\0') return 0; fd = open(daemon_local->flags.yvalue, O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to open serial device %s\n", daemon_local->flags.yvalue); daemon_local->flags.yvalue[0] = 0; return -1; } if (isatty(fd)) { int speed = DLT_DAEMON_SERIAL_DEFAULT_BAUDRATE; if (daemon_local->flags.bvalue[0]) speed = atoi(daemon_local->flags.bvalue); daemon_local->baudrate = dlt_convert_serial_speed(speed); if (dlt_setup_serial(fd, (speed_t) daemon_local->baudrate) < 0) { close(fd); daemon_local->flags.yvalue[0] = 0; dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to configure serial device %s (%s) \n", daemon_local->flags.yvalue, strerror(errno)); return -1; } if (daemon_local->flags.vflag) dlt_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Serial init done\n"); } else { close(fd); fprintf(stderr, "Device is not a serial device, device = %s (%s) \n", daemon_local->flags.yvalue, strerror(errno)); daemon_local->flags.yvalue[0] = 0; return -1; } return dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, fd, POLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_CLIENT_MSG_SERIAL); } #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC static int dlt_daemon_init_fifo(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local) { int ret; int fd = -1; int fifo_size; /* open named pipe(FIFO) to receive DLT messages from users */ umask(0); /* Try to delete existing pipe, ignore result of unlink */ const char *tmpFifo = daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoName; unlink(tmpFifo); ret = mkfifo(tmpFifo, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IWGRP); if (ret == -1) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "FIFO user %s cannot be created (%s)!\n", tmpFifo, strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* if */ /* Set group of daemon FIFO */ if (daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoGroup[0] != 0) { errno = 0; struct group *group_dlt = getgrnam(daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoGroup); if (group_dlt) { ret = chown(tmpFifo, -1, group_dlt->gr_gid); if (ret == -1) dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "FIFO user %s cannot be chowned to group %s (%s)\n", tmpFifo, daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoGroup, strerror(errno)); } else if ((errno == 0) || (errno == ENOENT) || (errno == EBADF) || (errno == EPERM)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Group name %s is not found (%s)\n", daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoGroup, strerror(errno)); } else { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to get group id of %s (%s)\n", daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoGroup, strerror(errno)); } } fd = open(tmpFifo, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "FIFO user %s cannot be opened (%s)!\n", tmpFifo, strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* if */ #ifdef __linux__ /* F_SETPIPE_SZ and F_GETPIPE_SZ are only supported for Linux. * For other OSes it depends on its system e.g. pipe manager. */ if (daemon_local->daemonFifoSize != 0) { /* Set Daemon FIFO size */ if (fcntl(fd, F_SETPIPE_SZ, daemon_local->daemonFifoSize) == -1) dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "set FIFO size error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); } /* Get Daemon FIFO size */ if ((fifo_size = fcntl(fd, F_GETPIPE_SZ, 0)) == -1) dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "get FIFO size error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); else dlt_vlog(LOG_INFO, "FIFO size: %d\n", fifo_size); #endif /* Early init, to be able to catch client (app) connections * as soon as possible. This registration is automatically ignored * during next execution. */ return dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, fd, POLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_APP_MSG); } #endif #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_VSOCK_IPC_ENABLE static int dlt_daemon_init_vsock(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local) { int fd; struct sockaddr_vm addr; fd = socket(AF_VSOCK, SOCK_STREAM, 0); if (fd == -1) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to create VSOCK socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); return -1; } memset(&addr, 0, sizeof(addr)); addr.svm_family = AF_VSOCK; addr.svm_port = DLT_VSOCK_PORT; addr.svm_cid = VMADDR_CID_ANY; if (bind(fd, (struct sockaddr *) &addr, sizeof(addr)) != 0) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to bind VSOCK socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(fd); return -1; } if (listen(fd, 1) != 0) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to listen on VSOCK socket: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(fd); return -1; } return dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, fd, POLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_APP_CONNECT); } #endif #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_UNIX_SOCKET_IPC static DltReturnValue dlt_daemon_init_app_socket(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local) { /* socket access permission set to srw-rw-rw- (666) */ int mask = S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IXOTH; DltReturnValue ret = DLT_RETURN_OK; int fd = -1; if (daemon_local == NULL) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "%s: Invalid function parameters\n", __func__); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } #ifdef ANDROID /* on android if we want to use security contexts on Unix sockets, * they should be created by init (see dlt-daemon.rc in src/daemon) * and recovered through the below API */ ret = dlt_daemon_unix_android_get_socket(&fd, daemon_local->flags.appSockPath); if (ret < DLT_RETURN_OK) { /* we failed to get app socket created by init. * To avoid blocking users to launch dlt-daemon only through * init on android (e.g: by hand for debugging purpose), try to * create app socket by ourselves */ ret = dlt_daemon_unix_socket_open(&fd, daemon_local->flags.appSockPath, SOCK_STREAM, mask); } #else ret = dlt_daemon_unix_socket_open(&fd, daemon_local->flags.appSockPath, SOCK_STREAM, mask); #endif if (ret == DLT_RETURN_OK) { if (dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, fd, POLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_APP_CONNECT)) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Could not create connection for app socket.\n"); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } } else { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Could not create and open app socket.\n"); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } return ret; } #endif static DltReturnValue dlt_daemon_initialize_control_socket(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local) { /* socket access permission set to srw-rw---- (660) */ int mask = S_IXUSR | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH | S_IXOTH; DltReturnValue ret = DLT_RETURN_OK; int fd = -1; if (daemon_local == NULL) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "%s: Invalid function parameters\n", __func__); return -1; } #ifdef ANDROID /* on android if we want to use security contexts on Unix sockets, * they should be created by init (see dlt-daemon.rc in src/daemon) * and recovered through the below API */ ret = dlt_daemon_unix_android_get_socket(&fd, daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath); if (ret < DLT_RETURN_OK) { /* we failed to get app socket created by init. * To avoid blocking users to launch dlt-daemon only through * init on android (e.g by hand for debugging purpose), try to * create app socket by ourselves */ ret = dlt_daemon_unix_socket_open(&fd, daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath, SOCK_STREAM, mask); } #else ret = dlt_daemon_unix_socket_open(&fd, daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath, SOCK_STREAM, mask); #endif if (ret == DLT_RETURN_OK) { if (dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, fd, POLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_CONTROL_CONNECT) < DLT_RETURN_OK) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize control socket.\n"); ret = DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } } return ret; } int dlt_daemon_local_connection_init(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { int fd = -1; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "%s: Invalid function parameters\n", __func__); return -1; } DltBindAddress_t *head = daemon_local->flags.ipNodes; #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_UNIX_SOCKET_IPC /* create and open socket to receive incoming connections from user application */ if (dlt_daemon_init_app_socket(daemon_local) < DLT_RETURN_OK) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to initialize app socket.\n"); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } #else /* DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC */ if (dlt_daemon_init_fifo(daemon_local)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to initialize fifo.\n"); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } #endif #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_VSOCK_IPC_ENABLE if (dlt_daemon_init_vsock(daemon_local) != 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to initialize app VSOCK socket.\n"); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } #endif /* create and open socket to receive incoming connections from client */ daemon_local->client_connections = 0; if (head == NULL) { /* no IP set in BindAddress option, will use "" as default */ if (dlt_daemon_socket_open(&fd, daemon_local->flags.port, "") == DLT_RETURN_OK) { if (dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, fd, POLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_CLIENT_CONNECT)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize main socket.\n"); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } } else { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize main socket.\n"); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } } else { bool any_open = false; while (head != NULL) { /* open socket for each IP in the bindAddress list */ if (dlt_daemon_socket_open(&fd, daemon_local->flags.port, head->ip) == DLT_RETURN_OK) { if (dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, fd, POLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_CLIENT_CONNECT)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Could not create connection, for binding %s\n", head->ip); } else { any_open = true; } } else { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Could not open main socket, for binding %s\n", head->ip); } head = head->next; } if (!any_open) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Failed create main socket for any configured binding\n"); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } } #ifdef UDP_CONNECTION_SUPPORT if (daemon_local->UDPConnectionSetup == MULTICAST_CONNECTION_ENABLED) { if (dlt_daemon_udp_connection_setup(daemon_local) < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "UDP fd creation failed\n"); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } else { dlt_log(LOG_INFO, "UDP fd creation success\n"); } } #endif /* create and open unix socket to receive incoming connections from * control application */ if (dlt_daemon_initialize_control_socket(daemon_local) < DLT_RETURN_OK) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize control socket.\n"); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } /* Init serial */ if (dlt_daemon_init_serial(daemon_local) < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize daemon data\n"); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_local_ecu_version_init(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { char *version = NULL; FILE *f = NULL; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); /* By default, version string is null. */ daemon->ECUVersionString = NULL; /* Open the file. Bail out if error occurs */ f = fopen(daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion, "r"); if (f == NULL) { /* Error level notice, because this might be deliberate choice */ dlt_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Failed to open ECU Software version file.\n"); return -1; } /* Get the file size. Bail out if stat fails. */ int fd = fileno(f); struct stat s_buf; if (fstat(fd, &s_buf) < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to stat ECU Software version file.\n"); fclose(f); return -1; } /* Bail out if file is too large. Use DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE max. * Reserve one byte for trailing '\0' */ off_t size = s_buf.st_size; if (size >= DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Too large file for ECU version.\n"); fclose(f); return -1; } /* Allocate permanent buffer for version info */ version = malloc((size_t) (size + 1)); if (version == 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate memory for ECU version.\n"); fclose(f); return -1; } off_t offset = 0; while (!feof(f)) { offset += (off_t) fread(version + offset, 1, (size_t) size, f); if (ferror(f)) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to read ECU Software version file.\n"); free(version); fclose(f); return -1; } if (offset > size) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Too long file for ECU Software version info.\n"); free(version); fclose(f); return -1; } } version[offset] = '\0';/*append null termination at end of version string */ daemon->ECUVersionString = version; fclose(f); return 0; } void dlt_daemon_local_cleanup(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == 0) || (daemon_local == 0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_local_cleanup()\n"); return; } /* Don't receive event anymore */ dlt_event_handler_cleanup_connections(&daemon_local->pEvent); dlt_message_free(&(daemon_local->msg), daemon_local->flags.vflag); /* free shared memory */ if (daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory[0]) dlt_offline_trace_free(&(daemon_local->offlineTrace)); /* Ignore result */ dlt_file_free(&(daemon_local->file), daemon_local->flags.vflag); #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC /* Try to delete existing pipe, ignore result of unlink() */ unlink(daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoName); #else /* DLT_DAEMON_USE_UNIX_SOCKET_IPC */ /* Try to delete existing pipe, ignore result of unlink() */ unlink(daemon_local->flags.appSockPath); #endif #ifdef DLT_SHM_ENABLE /* free shared memory */ dlt_shm_free_server(&(daemon_local->dlt_shm), daemon_local->flags.dltShmName); free(daemon_local->recv_buf_shm); daemon_local->recv_buf_shm = NULL; #endif if (daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices > 0) { /* disconnect all logstorage devices */ dlt_daemon_logstorage_cleanup(daemon, daemon_local, daemon_local->flags.vflag); free(daemon->storage_handle); } if (daemon->ECUVersionString != NULL) free(daemon->ECUVersionString); unlink(daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath); /* free IP list */ free(daemon_local->flags.ipNodes); } void dlt_daemon_exit_trigger() { /* stop event loop */ g_exit = -1; #ifdef DLT_DAEMON_USE_FIFO_IPC char tmp[DLT_PATH_MAX] = { 0 }; ssize_t n; n = snprintf(tmp, DLT_PATH_MAX, "%s/dlt", dltFifoBaseDir); if (n < 0 || (size_t)n > DLT_PATH_MAX) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "%s: snprintf truncation/error(%ld) %s\n", __func__, n, tmp); } (void)unlink(tmp); #endif #ifdef __QNX__ dlt_daemon_cleanup_timers(); #endif } void dlt_daemon_signal_handler(int sig) { g_signo = sig; switch (sig) { case SIGHUP: case SIGTERM: case SIGINT: case SIGQUIT: { /* finalize the server */ dlt_vlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Exiting DLT daemon due to signal: %s\n", strsignal(sig)); dlt_daemon_exit_trigger(); break; } default: { /* This case should never happen! */ break; } } /* switch */ } /* dlt_daemon_signal_handler() */ #ifdef __QNX__ void dlt_daemon_cleanup_timers() { int i = 0; while (i < DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN) { /* Remove FIFO of every timer and kill timer thread */ if (0 != timer_threads[i]) { pthread_kill(timer_threads[i], SIGUSR1); pthread_join(timer_threads[i], NULL); timer_threads[i] = 0; close_pipes(dlt_timer_pipes[i]); /* Free data of every timer */ if (NULL != timer_data[i]) { free(timer_data[i]); timer_data[i] = NULL; } } i++; } } #endif void dlt_daemon_daemonize(int verbose) { int i; int fd; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); dlt_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Daemon mode\n"); /* Daemonize */ i = fork(); if (i < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Unable to fork(), exiting DLT daemon\n"); exit(-1); /* fork error */ } if (i > 0) exit(0); /* parent exits */ /* child (daemon) continues */ /* Process independency */ /* obtain a new process group */ if (setsid() == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "setsid() failed, exiting DLT daemon\n"); exit(-1); /* fork error */ } /* Open standard descriptors stdin, stdout, stderr */ fd = open("/dev/null", O_RDWR); if (fd != -1) { /* Redirect STDOUT to /dev/null */ if (dup2(fd, STDOUT_FILENO) < 0) dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to direct stdout to /dev/null. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); /* Redirect STDERR to /dev/null */ if (dup2(fd, STDERR_FILENO) < 0) dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to direct stderr to /dev/null. Error: %s\n", strerror(errno)); close(fd); } else { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Error opening /dev/null, exiting DLT daemon\n"); exit(-1); /* fork error */ } /* Set umask */ umask(DLT_DAEMON_UMASK); /* Change to root directory */ if (chdir("/") < 0) dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to chdir to root\n"); /* Catch signals */ signal(SIGCHLD, SIG_IGN); /* ignore child */ signal(SIGTSTP, SIG_IGN); /* ignore tty signals */ signal(SIGTTOU, SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTIN, SIG_IGN); } /* dlt_daemon_daemonize() */ /* This function logs str to the configured output sink (socket, serial, offline trace). * To avoid recursion this function must be called only from DLT highlevel functions. * E. g. calling it to output a failure when the open of the offline trace file fails * would cause an endless loop because dlt_daemon_log_internal() would itself again try * to open the offline trace file. * This is a dlt-daemon only function. The libdlt has no equivalent function available. */ int dlt_daemon_log_internal(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, char *str, int verbose) { DltMessage msg = { 0 }; static uint8_t uiMsgCount = 0; DltStandardHeaderExtra *pStandardExtra = NULL; uint32_t uiType; uint16_t uiSize; uint32_t uiExtraSize; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); /* Set storageheader */ msg.storageheader = (DltStorageHeader *)(msg.headerbuffer); dlt_set_storageheader(msg.storageheader, daemon->ecuid); /* Set standardheader */ msg.standardheader = (DltStandardHeader *)(msg.headerbuffer + sizeof(DltStorageHeader)); msg.standardheader->htyp = DLT_HTYP_UEH | DLT_HTYP_WEID | DLT_HTYP_WSID | DLT_HTYP_WTMS | DLT_HTYP_PROTOCOL_VERSION1; msg.standardheader->mcnt = uiMsgCount++; uiExtraSize = (uint32_t) (DLT_STANDARD_HEADER_EXTRA_SIZE(msg.standardheader->htyp) + (DLT_IS_HTYP_UEH(msg.standardheader->htyp) ? sizeof(DltExtendedHeader) : 0)); msg.headersize = (uint32_t) sizeof(DltStorageHeader) + (uint32_t) sizeof(DltStandardHeader) + uiExtraSize; /* Set extraheader */ pStandardExtra = (DltStandardHeaderExtra *)(msg.headerbuffer + sizeof(DltStorageHeader) + sizeof(DltStandardHeader)); dlt_set_id(pStandardExtra->ecu, daemon->ecuid); pStandardExtra->tmsp = DLT_HTOBE_32(dlt_uptime()); pStandardExtra->seid = (unsigned int) DLT_HTOBE_32(getpid()); /* Set extendedheader */ msg.extendedheader = (DltExtendedHeader *)(msg.headerbuffer + sizeof(DltStorageHeader) + sizeof(DltStandardHeader) + DLT_STANDARD_HEADER_EXTRA_SIZE(msg.standardheader->htyp)); msg.extendedheader->msin = DLT_MSIN_VERB | (DLT_TYPE_LOG << DLT_MSIN_MSTP_SHIFT) | ((DLT_LOG_INFO << DLT_MSIN_MTIN_SHIFT) & DLT_MSIN_MTIN); msg.extendedheader->noar = 1; dlt_set_id(msg.extendedheader->apid, "DLTD"); dlt_set_id(msg.extendedheader->ctid, "INTM"); /* Set payload data... */ uiType = DLT_TYPE_INFO_STRG; uiSize = (uint16_t) (strlen(str) + 1); msg.datasize = (uint32_t) (sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint16_t) + uiSize); msg.databuffer = (uint8_t *)malloc((size_t) msg.datasize); msg.databuffersize = msg.datasize; if (msg.databuffer == 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't allocate buffer for get log info message\n"); return -1; } msg.datasize = 0; memcpy((uint8_t *)(msg.databuffer + msg.datasize), (uint8_t *)(&uiType), sizeof(uint32_t)); msg.datasize += (uint32_t) sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy((uint8_t *)(msg.databuffer + msg.datasize), (uint8_t *)(&uiSize), sizeof(uint16_t)); msg.datasize += (uint32_t) sizeof(uint16_t); memcpy((uint8_t *)(msg.databuffer + msg.datasize), str, uiSize); msg.datasize += uiSize; /* Calc length */ msg.standardheader->len = DLT_HTOBE_16(msg.headersize - sizeof(DltStorageHeader) + msg.datasize); dlt_daemon_client_send(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon,daemon_local, msg.headerbuffer, sizeof(DltStorageHeader), msg.headerbuffer + sizeof(DltStorageHeader), (int) (msg.headersize - sizeof(DltStorageHeader)), msg.databuffer, (int) msg.datasize, verbose); free(msg.databuffer); return 0; } int dlt_daemon_check_numeric_setting(char *token, char *value, unsigned long *data) { char value_check[value_length]; value_check[0] = 0; sscanf(value, "%lu%s", data, value_check); if (value_check[0] || !isdigit(value[0])) { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid input [%s] detected in option %s\n", value, token); return -1; } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_client_connect(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { socklen_t cli_size; struct sockaddr_un cli; int in_sock = -1; char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function " "dlt_daemon_process_client_connect()\n"); return -1; } /* event from TCP server socket, new connection */ cli_size = sizeof(cli); if ((in_sock = accept(receiver->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&cli, &cli_size)) < 0) { if (errno == ECONNABORTED) // Caused by nmap -v -p 3490 -Pn return 0; dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "accept() for socket %d failed: %s\n", receiver->fd, strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* check if file file descriptor was already used, and make it invalid if it * is reused. */ /* This prevents sending messages to wrong file descriptor */ dlt_daemon_applications_invalidate_fd(daemon, daemon->ecuid, in_sock, verbose); dlt_daemon_contexts_invalidate_fd(daemon, daemon->ecuid, in_sock, verbose); /* Set socket timeout in reception */ struct timeval timeout_send; timeout_send.tv_sec = daemon_local->timeoutOnSend; timeout_send.tv_usec = 0; if (setsockopt (in_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&timeout_send, sizeof(timeout_send)) < 0) dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "setsockopt failed\n"); if (dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, in_sock, POLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_CLIENT_MSG_TCP)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to register new client. \n"); /* TODO: Perform clean-up */ return -1; } /* send connection info about connected */ dlt_daemon_control_message_connection_info(in_sock, daemon, daemon_local, DLT_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED, "", verbose); /* send ecu version string */ if (daemon_local->flags.sendECUSoftwareVersion > 0) { if (daemon_local->flags.sendECUSoftwareVersion > 0) dlt_daemon_control_get_software_version(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon, daemon_local, daemon_local->flags.vflag); if (daemon_local->flags.sendTimezone > 0) dlt_daemon_control_message_timezone(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon, daemon_local, daemon_local->flags.vflag); } snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "New client connection #%d established, Total Clients : %d", in_sock, daemon_local->client_connections); dlt_daemon_log_internal(daemon, daemon_local, local_str, daemon_local->flags.vflag); dlt_vlog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%s", local_str, "\n"); if (daemon_local->client_connections == 1) { if (daemon_local->flags.vflag) dlt_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Send ring-buffer to client\n"); dlt_daemon_change_state(daemon, DLT_DAEMON_STATE_SEND_BUFFER); if (dlt_daemon_send_ringbuffer_to_client(daemon, daemon_local, verbose) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't send contents of ringbuffer to clients\n"); return -1; } /* send new log state to all applications */ daemon->connectionState = 1; dlt_daemon_user_send_all_log_state(daemon, verbose); } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_client_messages(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { int bytes_to_be_removed = 0; int must_close_socket = -1; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function " "dlt_daemon_process_client_messages()\n"); return -1; } must_close_socket = dlt_receiver_receive(receiver); if (must_close_socket < 0) { dlt_daemon_close_socket(receiver->fd, daemon, daemon_local, verbose); return -1; } /* Process all received messages */ while (dlt_message_read(&(daemon_local->msg), (uint8_t *)receiver->buf, (unsigned int) receiver->bytesRcvd, daemon_local->flags.nflag, daemon_local->flags.vflag) == DLT_MESSAGE_ERROR_OK) { /* Check for control message */ if ((0 < receiver->fd) && DLT_MSG_IS_CONTROL_REQUEST(&(daemon_local->msg))) dlt_daemon_client_process_control(receiver->fd, daemon, daemon_local, &(daemon_local->msg), daemon_local->flags.vflag); bytes_to_be_removed = (int) (daemon_local->msg.headersize + daemon_local->msg.datasize - sizeof(DltStorageHeader)); if (daemon_local->msg.found_serialheader) bytes_to_be_removed += (int) sizeof(dltSerialHeader); if (daemon_local->msg.resync_offset) bytes_to_be_removed += daemon_local->msg.resync_offset; if (dlt_receiver_remove(receiver, bytes_to_be_removed) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't remove bytes from receiver for sockets\n"); return -1; } } /* while */ if (dlt_receiver_move_to_begin(receiver) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't move bytes to beginning of receiver buffer for sockets\n"); return -1; } if (must_close_socket == 0) /* FIXME: Why the hell do we need to close the socket * on control message reception ?? */ dlt_daemon_close_socket(receiver->fd, daemon, daemon_local, verbose); return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_client_messages_serial(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { int bytes_to_be_removed = 0; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function " "dlt_daemon_process_client_messages_serial()\n"); return -1; } if (dlt_receiver_receive(receiver) <= 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "dlt_receiver_receive_fd() for messages from serial interface " "failed!\n"); return -1; } /* Process all received messages */ while (dlt_message_read(&(daemon_local->msg), (uint8_t *)receiver->buf, (unsigned int) receiver->bytesRcvd, daemon_local->flags.mflag, daemon_local->flags.vflag) == DLT_MESSAGE_ERROR_OK) { /* Check for control message */ if (DLT_MSG_IS_CONTROL_REQUEST(&(daemon_local->msg))) { if (dlt_daemon_client_process_control(receiver->fd, daemon, daemon_local, &(daemon_local->msg), daemon_local->flags.vflag) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't process control messages\n"); return -1; } } bytes_to_be_removed = (int) (daemon_local->msg.headersize + daemon_local->msg.datasize - sizeof(DltStorageHeader)); if (daemon_local->msg.found_serialheader) bytes_to_be_removed += (int) sizeof(dltSerialHeader); if (daemon_local->msg.resync_offset) bytes_to_be_removed += daemon_local->msg.resync_offset; if (dlt_receiver_remove(receiver, bytes_to_be_removed) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't remove bytes from receiver for serial connection\n"); return -1; } } /* while */ if (dlt_receiver_move_to_begin(receiver) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't move bytes to beginning of receiver buffer for serial " "connection\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_control_connect( DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { socklen_t ctrl_size; struct sockaddr_un ctrl; int in_sock = -1; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function " "dlt_daemon_process_control_connect()\n"); return -1; } /* event from UNIX server socket, new connection */ ctrl_size = sizeof(ctrl); if ((in_sock = accept(receiver->fd, (struct sockaddr *)&ctrl, &ctrl_size)) < 0) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "accept() on UNIX control socket %d failed: %s\n", receiver->fd, strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* check if file file descriptor was already used, and make it invalid if it * is reused */ /* This prevents sending messages to wrong file descriptor */ dlt_daemon_applications_invalidate_fd(daemon, daemon->ecuid, in_sock, verbose); dlt_daemon_contexts_invalidate_fd(daemon, daemon->ecuid, in_sock, verbose); if (dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, in_sock, POLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_CONTROL_MSG)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to register new client. \n"); /* TODO: Perform clean-up */ return -1; } if (verbose) dlt_vlog(LOG_INFO, "New connection to control client established\n"); return 0; } #if defined DLT_DAEMON_USE_UNIX_SOCKET_IPC || defined DLT_DAEMON_VSOCK_IPC_ENABLE int dlt_daemon_process_app_connect( DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { int in_sock = -1; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "%s: Invalid parameters\n", __func__); return DLT_RETURN_WRONG_PARAMETER; } /* event from server socket, new connection */ if ((in_sock = accept(receiver->fd, NULL, NULL)) < 0) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "accept() on UNIX socket %d failed: %s\n", receiver->fd, strerror(errno)); return -1; } /* check if file file descriptor was already used, and make it invalid if it * is reused. This prevents sending messages to wrong file descriptor */ dlt_daemon_applications_invalidate_fd(daemon, daemon->ecuid, in_sock, verbose); dlt_daemon_contexts_invalidate_fd(daemon, daemon->ecuid, in_sock, verbose); if (dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, in_sock, POLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_APP_MSG)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to register new application. \n"); close(in_sock); return -1; } if (verbose) dlt_vlog(LOG_INFO, "New connection to application established\n"); return 0; } #endif int dlt_daemon_process_control_messages( DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { int bytes_to_be_removed = 0; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function " "dlt_daemon_process_control_messages()\n"); return -1; } if (dlt_receiver_receive(receiver) <= 0) { dlt_daemon_close_socket(receiver->fd, daemon, daemon_local, verbose); /* FIXME: Why the hell do we need to close the socket * on control message reception ?? */ return 0; } /* Process all received messages */ while (dlt_message_read( &(daemon_local->msg), (uint8_t *)receiver->buf, (unsigned int) receiver->bytesRcvd, daemon_local->flags.nflag, daemon_local->flags.vflag) == DLT_MESSAGE_ERROR_OK) { /* Check for control message */ if ((receiver->fd > 0) && DLT_MSG_IS_CONTROL_REQUEST(&(daemon_local->msg))) dlt_daemon_client_process_control(receiver->fd, daemon, daemon_local, &(daemon_local->msg), daemon_local->flags.vflag); bytes_to_be_removed = (int) (daemon_local->msg.headersize + daemon_local->msg.datasize - sizeof(DltStorageHeader)); if (daemon_local->msg.found_serialheader) bytes_to_be_removed += (int) sizeof(dltSerialHeader); if (daemon_local->msg.resync_offset) bytes_to_be_removed += daemon_local->msg.resync_offset; if (dlt_receiver_remove(receiver, bytes_to_be_removed) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't remove bytes from receiver for sockets\n"); return -1; } } /* while */ if (dlt_receiver_move_to_begin(receiver) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't move bytes to beginning of receiver buffer for sockets\n"); return -1; } return 0; } static int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { DltUserHeader *userheader = (DltUserHeader *)(receiver->buf); (void)daemon; (void)daemon_local; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid user message type received: %u!\n", userheader->message); /* remove user header */ if (dlt_receiver_remove(receiver, sizeof(DltUserHeader)) == -1) dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't remove bytes from receiver for user messages\n"); return -1; } static dlt_daemon_process_user_message_func process_user_func[DLT_USER_MESSAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED] = { dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_register_application, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_unregister_application, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_register_context, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_unregister_context, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_overflow, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_set_app_ll_ts, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_marker, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup }; int dlt_daemon_process_user_messages(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { int offset = 0; int run_loop = 1; int32_t min_size = (int32_t) sizeof(DltUserHeader); DltUserHeader *userheader; int recv; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function " "dlt_daemon_process_user_messages()\n"); return -1; } recv = dlt_receiver_receive(receiver); if (recv <= 0 && receiver->type == DLT_RECEIVE_SOCKET) { dlt_daemon_close_socket(receiver->fd, daemon, daemon_local, verbose); return 0; } else if (recv < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "dlt_receiver_receive_fd() for user messages failed!\n"); return -1; } /* look through buffer as long as data is in there */ while ((receiver->bytesRcvd >= min_size) && run_loop) { dlt_daemon_process_user_message_func func = NULL; offset = 0; userheader = (DltUserHeader *)(receiver->buf + offset); while (!dlt_user_check_userheader(userheader) && (offset + min_size <= receiver->bytesRcvd)) { /* resync if necessary */ offset++; userheader = (DltUserHeader *)(receiver->buf + offset); } /* Check for user header pattern */ if (!dlt_user_check_userheader(userheader)) break; /* Set new start offset */ if (offset > 0) dlt_receiver_remove(receiver, offset); if (userheader->message >= DLT_USER_MESSAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED) func = dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup; else func = process_user_func[userheader->message]; if (func(daemon, daemon_local, receiver, daemon_local->flags.vflag) == -1) run_loop = 0; } /* keep not read data in buffer */ if (dlt_receiver_move_to_begin(receiver) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't move bytes to beginning of receiver buffer for user " "messages\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_overflow(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgBufferOverflow); DltUserControlMsgBufferOverflow userpayload; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); return -1; } if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userpayload, len, DLT_RCV_SKIP_HEADER | DLT_RCV_REMOVE) < 0) /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; /* Store in daemon, that a message buffer overflow has occured */ /* look if TCP connection to client is available or it least message can be put into buffer */ if (dlt_daemon_control_message_buffer_overflow(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon, daemon_local, userpayload.overflow_counter, userpayload.apid, verbose)) /* there was an error when storing message */ /* add the counter of lost messages to the daemon counter */ daemon->overflow_counter += userpayload.overflow_counter; return 0; } int dlt_daemon_send_message_overflow(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { int ret; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == 0) || (daemon_local == 0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_process_user_message_overflow()\n"); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* Store in daemon, that a message buffer overflow has occured */ if ((ret = dlt_daemon_control_message_buffer_overflow(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon, daemon_local, daemon->overflow_counter, "", verbose))) return ret; return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_OK; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_register_application(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgRegisterApplication); uint32_t to_remove = 0; DltDaemonApplication *application = NULL; DltDaemonApplication *old_application = NULL; pid_t old_pid = 0; char description[DLT_DAEMON_DESCSIZE + 1] = { '\0' }; DltUserControlMsgRegisterApplication userapp; char *origin; int fd = -1; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); return -1; } memset(&userapp, 0, sizeof(DltUserControlMsgRegisterApplication)); origin = rec->buf; /* Adding temp variable to check the return value */ int temp = 0; /* We shall not remove data before checking that everything is there. */ temp = dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userapp, len, DLT_RCV_SKIP_HEADER); if (temp < 0) /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; else { to_remove = (uint32_t) temp; } len = userapp.description_length; if (len > DLT_DAEMON_DESCSIZE) { len = DLT_DAEMON_DESCSIZE; dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Application description exceeds limit\n"); } /* adjust buffer pointer */ rec->buf += to_remove + sizeof(DltUserHeader); if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, description, len, DLT_RCV_NONE) < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to get application description\n"); /* in case description was not readable, set dummy description */ memcpy(description, "Unknown", sizeof("Unknown")); /* unknown len of original description, set to 0 to not remove in next * step. Because message buffer is re-adjusted the corrupted description * is ignored. */ len = 0; } /* adjust to_remove */ to_remove += (uint32_t) sizeof(DltUserHeader) + len; /* point to begin of message */ rec->buf = origin; /* We can now remove data. */ if (dlt_receiver_remove(rec, (int) to_remove) != DLT_RETURN_OK) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't remove bytes from receiver\n"); return -1; } old_application = dlt_daemon_application_find(daemon, userapp.apid, daemon->ecuid, verbose); if (old_application != NULL) old_pid = old_application->pid; if (rec->type == DLT_RECEIVE_SOCKET) fd = rec->fd; /* For sockets, an app specific fd has already been created with accept(). */ application = dlt_daemon_application_add(daemon, userapp.apid, userapp.pid, description, fd, daemon->ecuid, verbose); /* send log state to new application */ dlt_daemon_user_send_log_state(daemon, application, verbose); if (application == NULL) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "Can't add ApplicationID '%.4s' for PID %d\n", userapp.apid, userapp.pid); return -1; } else if (old_pid != application->pid) { char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "ApplicationID '%.4s' registered for PID %d, Description=%s", application->apid, application->pid, application->application_description); dlt_daemon_log_internal(daemon, daemon_local, local_str, daemon_local->flags.vflag); dlt_vlog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%s", local_str, "\n"); } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_register_context(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { uint32_t to_remove = 0; uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgRegisterContext); DltUserControlMsgRegisterContext userctxt; char description[DLT_DAEMON_DESCSIZE + 1] = { '\0' }; DltDaemonApplication *application = NULL; DltDaemonContext *context = NULL; DltServiceGetLogInfoRequest *req = NULL; char *origin; DltMessage msg; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); return -1; } memset(&userctxt, 0, sizeof(DltUserControlMsgRegisterContext)); origin = rec->buf; /* Adding temp variable to check the return value */ int temp = 0; temp = dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userctxt, len, DLT_RCV_SKIP_HEADER); if (temp < 0) /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; else { to_remove = (uint32_t) temp; } len = userctxt.description_length; if (len > DLT_DAEMON_DESCSIZE) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "Context description exceeds limit: %u\n", len); len = DLT_DAEMON_DESCSIZE; } /* adjust buffer pointer */ rec->buf += to_remove + sizeof(DltUserHeader); if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, description, len, DLT_RCV_NONE) < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to get context description\n"); /* in case description was not readable, set dummy description */ memcpy(description, "Unknown", sizeof("Unknown")); /* unknown len of original description, set to 0 to not remove in next * step. Because message buffer is re-adjusted the corrupted description * is ignored. */ len = 0; } /* adjust to_remove */ to_remove += (uint32_t) sizeof(DltUserHeader) + len; /* point to begin of message */ rec->buf = origin; /* We can now remove data. */ if (dlt_receiver_remove(rec, (int) to_remove) != DLT_RETURN_OK) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't remove bytes from receiver\n"); return -1; } application = dlt_daemon_application_find(daemon, userctxt.apid, daemon->ecuid, verbose); if (application == 0) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "ApID '%.4s' not found for new ContextID '%.4s' in %s\n", userctxt.apid, userctxt.ctid, __func__); return 0; } /* Set log level */ if (userctxt.log_level == DLT_USER_LOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET) { userctxt.log_level = DLT_LOG_DEFAULT; } else { /* Plausibility check */ if ((userctxt.log_level < DLT_LOG_DEFAULT) || (userctxt.log_level > DLT_LOG_VERBOSE)) { return -1; } } /* Set trace status */ if (userctxt.trace_status == DLT_USER_TRACE_STATUS_NOT_SET) { userctxt.trace_status = DLT_TRACE_STATUS_DEFAULT; } else { /* Plausibility check */ if ((userctxt.trace_status < DLT_TRACE_STATUS_DEFAULT) || (userctxt.trace_status > DLT_TRACE_STATUS_ON)) { return -1; } } context = dlt_daemon_context_add(daemon, userctxt.apid, userctxt.ctid, userctxt.log_level, userctxt.trace_status, userctxt.log_level_pos, application->user_handle, description, daemon->ecuid, verbose); if (context == 0) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "Can't add ContextID '%.4s' for ApID '%.4s'\n in %s", userctxt.ctid, userctxt.apid, __func__); return -1; } else { char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "ContextID '%.4s' registered for ApID '%.4s', Description=%s", context->ctid, context->apid, context->context_description); if (verbose) dlt_daemon_log_internal(daemon, daemon_local, local_str, verbose); dlt_vlog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%s", local_str, "\n"); } if (daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices) /* Store log level set for offline logstorage into context structure*/ context->storage_log_level = (int8_t) dlt_daemon_logstorage_get_loglevel(daemon, (int8_t) daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices, userctxt.apid, userctxt.ctid); else context->storage_log_level = DLT_LOG_DEFAULT; /* Create automatic get log info response for registered context */ if (daemon_local->flags.rflag) { /* Prepare request for get log info with one application and one context */ if (dlt_message_init(&msg, verbose) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't initialize message"); return -1; } msg.datasize = sizeof(DltServiceGetLogInfoRequest); if (msg.databuffer && (msg.databuffersize < msg.datasize)) { free(msg.databuffer); msg.databuffer = 0; } if (msg.databuffer == 0) { msg.databuffer = (uint8_t *)malloc(msg.datasize); msg.databuffersize = msg.datasize; } if (msg.databuffer == 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't allocate buffer for get log info message\n"); return -1; } req = (DltServiceGetLogInfoRequest *)msg.databuffer; req->service_id = DLT_SERVICE_ID_GET_LOG_INFO; req->options = (uint8_t) daemon_local->flags.autoResponseGetLogInfoOption; dlt_set_id(req->apid, userctxt.apid); dlt_set_id(req->ctid, userctxt.ctid); dlt_set_id(req->com, "remo"); dlt_daemon_control_get_log_info(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon, daemon_local, &msg, verbose); dlt_message_free(&msg, verbose); } if (context->user_handle >= DLT_FD_MINIMUM) { if ((userctxt.log_level == DLT_LOG_DEFAULT) || (userctxt.trace_status == DLT_TRACE_STATUS_DEFAULT)) { /* This call also replaces the default values with the values defined for default */ if (dlt_daemon_user_send_log_level(daemon, context, verbose) == -1) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "Can't send current log level as response to %s for (%.4s;%.4s)\n", __func__, context->apid, context->ctid); return -1; } } } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_unregister_application(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgUnregisterApplication); DltUserControlMsgUnregisterApplication userapp; DltDaemonApplication *application = NULL; DltDaemonContext *context; int i, offset_base; DltDaemonRegisteredUsers *user_list = NULL; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); return -1; } if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userapp, len, DLT_RCV_SKIP_HEADER | DLT_RCV_REMOVE) < 0) /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; user_list = dlt_daemon_find_users_list(daemon, daemon->ecuid, verbose); if (user_list == NULL) return -1; if (user_list->num_applications > 0) { /* Delete this application and all corresponding contexts * for this application from internal table. */ application = dlt_daemon_application_find(daemon, userapp.apid, daemon->ecuid, verbose); if (application) { /* Calculate start offset within contexts[] */ offset_base = 0; for (i = 0; i < (application - (user_list->applications)); i++) offset_base += user_list->applications[i].num_contexts; for (i = (application->num_contexts) - 1; i >= 0; i--) { context = &(user_list->contexts[offset_base + i]); if (context) { /* Delete context */ if (dlt_daemon_context_del(daemon, context, daemon->ecuid, verbose) == -1) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "Can't delete CtID '%.4s' for ApID '%.4s' in %s\n", context->ctid, context->apid, __func__); return -1; } } } /* Delete this application entry from internal table*/ if (dlt_daemon_application_del(daemon, application, daemon->ecuid, verbose) == -1) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "Can't delete ApID '%.4s' in %s\n", application->apid, __func__); return -1; } else { char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Unregistered ApID '%.4s'", userapp.apid); dlt_daemon_log_internal(daemon, daemon_local, local_str, verbose); dlt_vlog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%s", local_str, "\n"); } } } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_unregister_context(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgUnregisterContext); DltUserControlMsgUnregisterContext userctxt; DltDaemonContext *context; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); return -1; } if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userctxt, len, DLT_RCV_SKIP_HEADER | DLT_RCV_REMOVE) < 0) /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; context = dlt_daemon_context_find(daemon, userctxt.apid, userctxt.ctid, daemon->ecuid, verbose); /* In case the daemon is loaded with predefined contexts and its context * unregisters, the context information will not be deleted from daemon's * table until its parent application is unregistered. */ if (context && (context->predefined == false)) { /* Delete this connection entry from internal table*/ if (dlt_daemon_context_del(daemon, context, daemon->ecuid, verbose) == -1) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "Can't delete CtID '%.4s' for ApID '%.4s' in %s\n", userctxt.ctid, userctxt.apid, __func__); return -1; } else { char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Unregistered CtID '%.4s' for ApID '%.4s'", userctxt.ctid, userctxt.apid); if (verbose) dlt_daemon_log_internal(daemon, daemon_local, local_str, verbose); dlt_vlog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%s", local_str, "\n"); } } /* Create automatic unregister context response for unregistered context */ if (daemon_local->flags.rflag) dlt_daemon_control_message_unregister_context(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon, daemon_local, userctxt.apid, userctxt.ctid, "remo", verbose); return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { int ret = 0; int size = 0; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "%s: invalid function parameters.\n", __func__); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } #ifdef DLT_SHM_ENABLE /** In case of SHM, the header still received via fifo/unix_socket receiver, * so we need to remove header from the receiver. */ if (dlt_receiver_remove(rec, sizeof(DltUserHeader)) < 0) /* Not enough bytes received to remove*/ return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; while (1) { /* get log message from SHM then store into receiver buffer */ size = dlt_shm_pull(&(daemon_local->dlt_shm), daemon_local->recv_buf_shm, DLT_SHM_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE); if (size <= 0) break; ret = dlt_message_read(&(daemon_local->msg), daemon_local->recv_buf_shm, size, 0, verbose); if (DLT_MESSAGE_ERROR_OK != ret) { dlt_shm_remove(&(daemon_local->dlt_shm)); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "failed to read messages from shm.\n"); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* discard non-allowed levels if enforcement is on */ bool keep_message = enforce_context_ll_and_ts_keep_message(daemon_local); if (keep_message) dlt_daemon_client_send_message_to_all_client(daemon, daemon_local, verbose); if (DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_OK != ret) dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "failed to send message to client.\n"); } #else ret = dlt_message_read(&(daemon_local->msg), (unsigned char *)rec->buf + sizeof(DltUserHeader), (unsigned int) ((unsigned int) rec->bytesRcvd - sizeof(DltUserHeader)), 0, verbose); if (ret != DLT_MESSAGE_ERROR_OK) { if (ret != DLT_MESSAGE_ERROR_SIZE) /* This is a normal usecase: The daemon reads the data in 10kb chunks. * Thus the last trace in this chunk is probably not complete and will be completed * with the next chunk read. This happens always when the FIFO is filled with more than 10kb before * the daemon is able to read from the FIFO. * Thus the loglevel of this message is set to DEBUG. * A cleaner solution would be to check more in detail whether the message is not complete (normal usecase) * or the headers are corrupted (error case). */ dlt_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Can't read messages from receiver\n"); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* discard non-allowed levels if enforcement is on */ bool keep_message = enforce_context_ll_and_ts_keep_message(daemon_local); if (keep_message) dlt_daemon_client_send_message_to_all_client(daemon, daemon_local, verbose); /* keep not read data in buffer */ size = (int) (daemon_local->msg.headersize + daemon_local->msg.datasize - sizeof(DltStorageHeader) + sizeof(DltUserHeader)); if (daemon_local->msg.found_serialheader) size += (int) sizeof(dltSerialHeader); if (dlt_receiver_remove(rec, size) != DLT_RETURN_OK) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "failed to remove bytes from receiver.\n"); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } #endif return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_OK; } bool enforce_context_ll_and_ts_keep_message(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local) { if (daemon_local->flags.enforceContextLLAndTS && daemon_local->msg.extendedheader) { const int mtin = DLT_GET_MSIN_MTIN(daemon_local->msg.extendedheader->msin); if (mtin > daemon_local->flags.contextLogLevel) { return false; } } return true; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_set_app_ll_ts(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgAppLogLevelTraceStatus); DltUserControlMsgAppLogLevelTraceStatus userctxt; DltDaemonApplication *application; DltDaemonContext *context; int i, offset_base; int8_t old_log_level, old_trace_status; DltDaemonRegisteredUsers *user_list = NULL; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; } user_list = dlt_daemon_find_users_list(daemon, daemon->ecuid, verbose); if (user_list == NULL) return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; memset(&userctxt, 0, len); if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userctxt, len, DLT_RCV_SKIP_HEADER | DLT_RCV_REMOVE) < 0) /* Not enough bytes received */ return DLT_RETURN_ERROR; if (user_list->num_applications > 0) { /* Get all contexts with application id matching the received application id */ application = dlt_daemon_application_find(daemon, userctxt.apid, daemon->ecuid, verbose); if (application) { /* Calculate start offset within contexts[] */ offset_base = 0; for (i = 0; i < (application - (user_list->applications)); i++) offset_base += user_list->applications[i].num_contexts; for (i = 0; i < application->num_contexts; i++) { context = &(user_list->contexts[offset_base + i]); if (context) { old_log_level = context->log_level; context->log_level = (int8_t) userctxt.log_level; /* No endianess conversion necessary*/ old_trace_status = context->trace_status; context->trace_status = (int8_t) userctxt.trace_status; /* No endianess conversion necessary */ /* The following function sends also the trace status */ if ((context->user_handle >= DLT_FD_MINIMUM) && (dlt_daemon_user_send_log_level(daemon, context, verbose) != 0)) { context->log_level = old_log_level; context->trace_status = old_trace_status; } } } } } return DLT_RETURN_OK; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log_mode(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { DltUserControlMsgLogMode userctxt; uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgLogMode); PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == 0) || (daemon_local == 0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_process_log_mode()\n"); return -1; } memset(&userctxt, 0, len); if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userctxt, len, DLT_RCV_SKIP_HEADER | DLT_RCV_REMOVE) < 0) /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; /* set the new log mode */ daemon->mode = userctxt.log_mode; /* write configuration persistantly */ dlt_daemon_configuration_save(daemon, daemon->runtime_configuration, verbose); return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_marker(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgLogMode); DltUserControlMsgLogMode userctxt; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); return -1; } memset(&userctxt, 0, len); if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userctxt, len, DLT_RCV_SKIP_HEADER | DLT_RCV_REMOVE) < 0) /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; /* Create automatic unregister context response for unregistered context */ dlt_daemon_control_message_marker(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon, daemon_local, verbose); return 0; } int dlt_daemon_send_ringbuffer_to_client(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { int ret; static uint8_t data[DLT_DAEMON_RCVBUFSIZE]; int length; #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE uint32_t curr_time; #endif PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == 0) || (daemon_local == 0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_send_ringbuffer_to_client()\n"); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } if (dlt_buffer_get_message_count(&(daemon->client_ringbuffer)) <= 0) { dlt_daemon_change_state(daemon, DLT_DAEMON_STATE_SEND_DIRECT); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_OK; } #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE if (sd_notify(0, "WATCHDOG=1") < 0) dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not reset systemd watchdog\n"); curr_time = dlt_uptime(); #endif while ((length = dlt_buffer_copy(&(daemon->client_ringbuffer), data, sizeof(data))) > 0) { #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE if ((dlt_uptime() - curr_time) / 10000 >= watchdog_trigger_interval) { if (sd_notify(0, "WATCHDOG=1") < 0) dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not reset systemd watchdog\n"); curr_time = dlt_uptime(); } #endif if ((ret = dlt_daemon_client_send(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_FORCE, daemon, daemon_local, 0, 0, data, length, 0, 0, verbose))) return ret; dlt_buffer_remove(&(daemon->client_ringbuffer)); if (daemon->state != DLT_DAEMON_STATE_SEND_BUFFER) dlt_daemon_change_state(daemon, DLT_DAEMON_STATE_SEND_BUFFER); if (dlt_buffer_get_message_count(&(daemon->client_ringbuffer)) <= 0) { dlt_daemon_change_state(daemon, DLT_DAEMON_STATE_SEND_DIRECT); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_OK; } } return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_OK; } #ifdef __QNX__ static void *timer_thread(void *data) { int pexit = 0; unsigned int sleep_ret = 0; DltDaemonPeriodicData* timer_thread_data = (DltDaemonPeriodicData*) data; /* Timer will start in starts_in sec*/ if ((sleep_ret = sleep(timer_thread_data->starts_in))) { dlt_vlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Sleep remains [%u] for starting!" "Stop thread of timer [%d]\n", sleep_ret, timer_thread_data->timer_id); close_pipes(dlt_timer_pipes[timer_thread_data->timer_id]); return NULL; } while (1) { if (0 > write(dlt_timer_pipes[timer_thread_data->timer_id][1], "1", 1)) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to send notification for timer [%s]!\n", dlt_timer_names[timer_thread_data->timer_id]); pexit = 1; } if (pexit || g_exit) { dlt_vlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Received signal!" "Stop thread of timer [%d]\n", timer_thread_data->timer_id); close_pipes(dlt_timer_pipes[timer_thread_data->timer_id]); return NULL; } if ((sleep_ret = sleep(timer_thread_data->period_sec))) { dlt_vlog(LOG_NOTICE, "Sleep remains [%u] for interval!" "Stop thread of timer [%d]\n", sleep_ret, timer_thread_data->timer_id); close_pipes(dlt_timer_pipes[timer_thread_data->timer_id]); return NULL; } } } #endif int create_timer_fd(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int period_sec, int starts_in, DltTimers timer_id) { int local_fd = DLT_FD_INIT; char *timer_name = NULL; if (timer_id >= DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN) { dlt_log(DLT_LOG_ERROR, "Unknown timer."); return -1; } timer_name = dlt_timer_names[timer_id]; if (daemon_local == NULL) { dlt_log(DLT_LOG_ERROR, "Daemon local structure is NULL"); return -1; } if ((period_sec <= 0) || (starts_in <= 0)) { /* timer not activated via the service file */ dlt_vlog(LOG_INFO, "<%s> not set: period=0\n", timer_name); local_fd = DLT_FD_INIT; } else { #ifdef linux struct itimerspec l_timer_spec; local_fd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0); if (local_fd < 0) dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "<%s> timerfd_create failed: %s\n", timer_name, strerror(errno)); l_timer_spec.it_interval.tv_sec = period_sec; l_timer_spec.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0; l_timer_spec.it_value.tv_sec = starts_in; l_timer_spec.it_value.tv_nsec = 0; if (timerfd_settime(local_fd, 0, &l_timer_spec, NULL) < 0) { dlt_vlog(LOG_WARNING, "<%s> timerfd_settime failed: %s\n", timer_name, strerror(errno)); local_fd = DLT_FD_INIT; } #elif __QNX__ /* * Since timerfd is not valid in QNX, new threads are introduced * to manage timers and communicate with main thread when timer expires. */ if(0 != pipe(dlt_timer_pipes[timer_id])) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to create pipe for timer [%s]", dlt_timer_names[timer_id]); return -1; } if (NULL == timer_data[timer_id]) { timer_data[timer_id] = calloc(1, sizeof(DltDaemonPeriodicData)); if (NULL == timer_data[timer_id]) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to allocate memory for timer_data [%s]!\n", dlt_timer_names[timer_id]); close_pipes(dlt_timer_pipes[timer_id]); return -1; } } timer_data[timer_id]->timer_id = timer_id; timer_data[timer_id]->period_sec = period_sec; timer_data[timer_id]->starts_in = starts_in; timer_data[timer_id]->wakeups_missed = 0; if (0 != pthread_create(&timer_threads[timer_id], NULL, &timer_thread, (void*)timer_data[timer_id])) { dlt_vlog(LOG_ERR, "Failed to create new thread for timer [%s]!\n", dlt_timer_names[timer_id]); /* Clean up timer before returning */ close_pipes(dlt_timer_pipes[timer_id]); free(timer_data[timer_id]); timer_data[timer_id] = NULL; return -1; } local_fd = dlt_timer_pipes[timer_id][0]; #endif } return dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, local_fd, POLLIN, dlt_timer_conn_types[timer_id]); } /* Close connection function */ int dlt_daemon_close_socket(int sock, DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon_local == NULL) || (daemon == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_daemon_close_socket: Invalid input parmeters\n"); return -1; } /* Closure is done while unregistering has for any connection */ dlt_event_handler_unregister_connection(&daemon_local->pEvent, daemon_local, sock); if (daemon_local->client_connections == 0) { /* send new log state to all applications */ daemon->connectionState = 0; dlt_daemon_user_send_all_log_state(daemon, verbose); /* For offline tracing we still can use the same states */ /* as for socket sending. Using this trick we see the traces */ /* In the offline trace AND in the socket stream. */ if (daemon_local->flags.yvalue[0] == 0) dlt_daemon_change_state(daemon, DLT_DAEMON_STATE_BUFFER); } dlt_daemon_control_message_connection_info(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon, daemon_local, DLT_CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED, "", verbose); snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Client connection #%d closed. Total Clients : %d", sock, daemon_local->client_connections); dlt_daemon_log_internal(daemon, daemon_local, local_str, daemon_local->flags.vflag); dlt_vlog(LOG_DEBUG, "%s%s", local_str, "\n"); return 0; } /** \} */