/* * @licence app begin@ * SPDX license identifier: MPL-2.0 * * Copyright (C) 2011-2015, BMW AG * * This file is part of GENIVI Project DLT - Diagnostic Log and Trace. * * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the * Mozilla Public License (MPL), v. 2.0. * If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with this file, * You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * For further information see http://www.genivi.org/. * @licence end@ */ /*! * \author * Alexander Wenzel * Markus Klein * Mikko Rapeli * * \copyright Copyright © 2011-2015 BMW AG. \n * License MPL-2.0: Mozilla Public License version 2.0 http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * \file dlt-daemon.c */ #include #include #include /* for printf() and fprintf() */ #include /* for socket(), connect(), (), and recv() */ #include #include /* for sockaddr_in and inet_addr() */ #include /* for atoi() and exit() */ #include /* for memset() */ #include /* for close() */ #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef linux #include #endif #include #include #ifdef linux #include #endif #include "dlt_types.h" #include "dlt-daemon.h" #include "dlt-daemon_cfg.h" #include "dlt_daemon_common_cfg.h" #include "dlt_daemon_socket.h" #include "dlt_daemon_unix_socket.h" #include "dlt_daemon_serial.h" #include "dlt_daemon_client.h" #include "dlt_daemon_connection.h" #include "dlt_daemon_event_handler.h" #include "dlt_daemon_offline_logstorage.h" #include "dlt_gateway.h" #if defined(DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE) || defined(DLT_SYSTEMD_ENABLE) #include "sd-daemon.h" #endif /** \defgroup daemon DLT Daemon \addtogroup daemon \{ */ /** Global text output buffer, mainly used for creation of error/warning strings */ static char str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE]; static int dlt_daemon_log_internal(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, char *str, int verbose); #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE static uint32_t watchdog_trigger_interval; // watchdog trigger interval in [s] #endif /* used in main event loop and signal handler */ int g_exit = 0; /** * Print usage information of tool. */ void usage() { char version[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE]; dlt_get_version(version,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE); //printf("DLT logging daemon %s %s\n", _DLT_PACKAGE_VERSION, _DLT_PACKAGE_VERSION_STATE); //printf("Compile options: %s %s %s %s",_DLT_SYSTEMD_ENABLE, _DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE, _DLT_TEST_ENABLE, _DLT_SHM_ENABLE); printf("%s", version); printf("Usage: dlt-daemon [options]\n"); printf("Options:\n"); printf(" -d Daemonize\n"); printf(" -h Usage\n"); printf(" -c filename DLT daemon configuration file (Default: " CONFIGURATION_FILES_DIR "/dlt.conf)\n"); printf(" -t directory Directory for local fifo and user-pipes (Default: /tmp)\n"); printf(" (Applications wanting to connect to a daemon using a\n"); printf(" custom directory need to be started with the environment \n"); printf(" variable DLT_PIPE_DIR set appropriately)\n"); printf(" -p port port to monitor for incoming requests (Default: 3490)\n"); printf(" (Applications wanting to connect to a daemon using a custom\n"); printf(" port need to be started with the environment variable\n"); printf(" DLT_DAEMON_TCP_PORT set appropriately)\n"); } /* usage() */ /** * Option handling */ int option_handling(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local,int argc, char* argv[]) { int c; if (daemon_local==0) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid parameter passed to option_handling()\n"); return -1; } /* Initialize flags */ memset(daemon_local,0,sizeof(DltDaemonLocal)); /* default values */ daemon_local->flags.port = DLT_DAEMON_TCP_PORT; strncpy(dltFifoBaseDir, "/tmp", NAME_MAX); opterr = 0; while ((c = getopt (argc, argv, "hdc:t:p:")) != -1) { switch (c) { case 'd': { daemon_local->flags.dflag = 1; break; } case 'c': { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.cvalue,optarg,NAME_MAX); break; } case 't': { strncpy(dltFifoBaseDir, optarg, NAME_MAX); break; } case 'p': { daemon_local->flags.port = atoi(optarg); if (daemon_local->flags.port == 0) { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid port `%s' specified.\n", optarg); return -1; } break; } case 'h': { usage(); return -2; /* return no error */ } case '?': { if (optopt == 'c' || optopt == 't' || optopt == 'p') { fprintf (stderr, "Option -%c requires an argument.\n", optopt); } else if (isprint (optopt)) { fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option `-%c'.\n", optopt); } else { fprintf (stderr, "Unknown option character `\\x%x'.\n",optopt); } /* unknown or wrong option used, show usage information and terminate */ usage(); return -1; } default: { fprintf (stderr, "Invalid option, this should never occur!\n"); return -1; } } /* switch() */ } snprintf(daemon_local->flags.userPipesDir, NAME_MAX + 1, "%s/dltpipes", dltFifoBaseDir); snprintf(daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoName, NAME_MAX + 1, "%s/dlt", dltFifoBaseDir); return 0; } /* option_handling() */ /** * Option file parser */ int option_file_parser(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local) { FILE * pFile; int value_length = 1024; char line[value_length-1]; char token[value_length]; char value[value_length]; char *pch; const char *filename; /* set default values for configuration */ daemon_local->flags.sharedMemorySize = DLT_SHM_SIZE; daemon_local->flags.sendMessageTime = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory[0] = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceFileSize = 1000000; daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceMaxSize = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceFilenameTimestampBased = 1; daemon_local->flags.loggingMode = DLT_LOG_TO_CONSOLE; daemon_local->flags.loggingLevel = LOG_INFO; snprintf(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename)-1, "%s/dlt.log", dltFifoBaseDir); daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename[sizeof(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename)-1]=0; daemon_local->timeoutOnSend = 4; daemon_local->RingbufferMinSize = DLT_DAEMON_RINGBUFFER_MIN_SIZE; daemon_local->RingbufferMaxSize = DLT_DAEMON_RINGBUFFER_MAX_SIZE; daemon_local->RingbufferStepSize = DLT_DAEMON_RINGBUFFER_STEP_SIZE; daemon_local->daemonFifoSize = 0; daemon_local->flags.sendECUSoftwareVersion = 0; memset(daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion, 0, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion)); daemon_local->flags.sendTimezone = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageDirPath[0] = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageTimestamp = 1; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageDelimiter = '_'; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxCounter = UINT_MAX; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxCounterIdx = 0; daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageCacheSize = 30000; /* 30MB */ dlt_daemon_logstorage_set_logstorage_cache_size( daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageCacheSize); strncpy(daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath, DLT_DAEMON_DEFAULT_CTRL_SOCK_PATH, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath) - 1); daemon_local->flags.gatewayMode = 0; daemon_local->flags.autoResponseGetLogInfoOption = 7; daemon_local->flags.contextLogLevel = DLT_LOG_INFO; daemon_local->flags.contextTraceStatus = DLT_TRACE_STATUS_OFF; daemon_local->flags.enforceContextLLAndTS = 0; /* default is off */ /* open configuration file */ if(daemon_local->flags.cvalue[0]) filename = daemon_local->flags.cvalue; else filename = CONFIGURATION_FILES_DIR "/dlt.conf"; //printf("Load configuration from file: %s\n",filename); pFile = fopen (filename,"r"); if (pFile!=NULL) { while(1) { /* fetch line from configuration file */ if ( fgets (line , value_length - 1 , pFile) != NULL ) { pch = strtok (line," =\r\n"); token[0]=0; value[0]=0; while (pch != NULL) { if(strcmp(pch,"#")==0) break; if(token[0]==0) { strncpy(token,pch,sizeof(token) - 1); token[sizeof(token) - 1]=0; } else { strncpy(value,pch,sizeof(value) - 1); value[sizeof(value) - 1]=0; break; } pch = strtok (NULL, " =\r\n"); } if(token[0] && value[0]) { /* parse arguments here */ if(strcmp(token,"Verbose")==0) { daemon_local->flags.vflag = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"PrintASCII")==0) { daemon_local->flags.aflag = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"PrintHex")==0) { daemon_local->flags.xflag = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"PrintHeadersOnly")==0) { daemon_local->flags.sflag = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"SendSerialHeader")==0) { daemon_local->flags.lflag = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"SendContextRegistration")==0) { daemon_local->flags.rflag = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"SendContextRegistrationOption")==0) { daemon_local->flags.autoResponseGetLogInfoOption = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"SendMessageTime")==0) { daemon_local->flags.sendMessageTime = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"RS232SyncSerialHeader")==0) { daemon_local->flags.mflag = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"TCPSyncSerialHeader")==0) { daemon_local->flags.nflag = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"RS232DeviceName")==0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.yvalue,value,NAME_MAX); daemon_local->flags.yvalue[NAME_MAX]=0; //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"RS232Baudrate")==0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.bvalue,value,NAME_MAX); daemon_local->flags.bvalue[NAME_MAX]=0; //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"ECUId")==0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.evalue,value,NAME_MAX); daemon_local->flags.evalue[NAME_MAX]=0; //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"PersistanceStoragePath")==0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.ivalue,value,NAME_MAX); daemon_local->flags.ivalue[NAME_MAX]=0; //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"LoggingMode")==0) { daemon_local->flags.loggingMode = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"LoggingLevel")==0) { daemon_local->flags.loggingLevel = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"LoggingFilename")==0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename,value,sizeof(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename) - 1); daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename[sizeof(daemon_local->flags.loggingFilename) - 1]=0; //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"TimeOutOnSend")==0) { daemon_local->timeoutOnSend = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"RingbufferMinSize")==0) { sscanf(value,"%lu",&(daemon_local->RingbufferMinSize)); } else if(strcmp(token,"RingbufferMaxSize")==0) { sscanf(value,"%lu",&(daemon_local->RingbufferMaxSize)); } else if(strcmp(token,"RingbufferStepSize")==0) { sscanf(value,"%lu",&(daemon_local->RingbufferStepSize)); } else if(strcmp(token,"DaemonFIFOSize")==0) { sscanf(value,"%lu",&(daemon_local->daemonFifoSize)); } else if(strcmp(token,"SharedMemorySize")==0) { daemon_local->flags.sharedMemorySize = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"OfflineTraceDirectory")==0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory,value,sizeof(daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory) - 1); daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory[sizeof(daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory) - 1]=0; //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"OfflineTraceFileSize")==0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceFileSize = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"OfflineTraceMaxSize")==0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceMaxSize = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"OfflineTraceFileNameTimestampBased")==0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceFilenameTimestampBased = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"SendECUSoftwareVersion")==0) { daemon_local->flags.sendECUSoftwareVersion = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"PathToECUSoftwareVersion")==0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion,value,sizeof(daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion) - 1); daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion[sizeof(daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion) - 1]=0; //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"SendTimezone")==0) { daemon_local->flags.sendTimezone = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token, "OfflineLogstorageMaxDevices") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices = atoi(value); } else if(strcmp(token, "OfflineLogstorageDirPath") == 0) { strncpy(daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageDirPath, value, sizeof(daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageDirPath) - 1); } else if(strcmp(token, "OfflineLogstorageTimestamp") == 0) { /* Check if set to 0, default otherwise */ if(atoi(value) == 0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageTimestamp = 0; } } else if(strcmp(token, "OfflineLogstorageDelimiter") == 0) { /* Check if valid punctuation, default otherwise*/ if(ispunct((char)value[0])) { daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageDelimiter = (char)value[0]; } } else if(strcmp(token, "OfflineLogstorageMaxCounter") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxCounter = atoi(value); daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxCounterIdx = strlen(value); } else if(strcmp(token, "OfflineLogstorageCacheSize") == 0) { daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageCacheSize = (unsigned int)atoi(value); dlt_daemon_logstorage_set_logstorage_cache_size( daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageCacheSize); } else if(strcmp(token,"ControlSocketPath") == 0) { memset( daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath, 0, DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX); strncpy( daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath, value, DLT_DAEMON_FLAG_MAX-1); } else if(strcmp(token,"GatewayMode")==0) { daemon_local->flags.gatewayMode = atoi(value); //printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else if(strcmp(token,"ContextLogLevel")==0) { int const intval = atoi(value); if ( (intval >= DLT_LOG_OFF) && (intval <= DLT_LOG_VERBOSE)) { daemon_local->flags.contextLogLevel = intval; printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for ContextLogLevel: %i. Must be in range [%i..%i]\n", intval, DLT_LOG_OFF, DLT_LOG_VERBOSE); } } else if(strcmp(token,"ContextTraceStatus")==0) { int const intval = atoi(value); if ( (intval >= DLT_TRACE_STATUS_OFF) && (intval <= DLT_TRACE_STATUS_ON)) { daemon_local->flags.contextTraceStatus = intval; printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for ContextTraceStatus: %i. Must be in range [%i..%i]\n", intval, DLT_TRACE_STATUS_OFF, DLT_TRACE_STATUS_ON); } } else if(strcmp(token,"ForceContextLogLevelAndTraceStatus")==0) { int const intval = atoi(value); if ( (intval >= 0) && (intval <= 1)) { daemon_local->flags.enforceContextLLAndTS = intval; printf("Option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Invalid value for ForceContextLogLevelAndTraceStatus: %i. Must be 0, 1\n", intval); } } else { fprintf(stderr, "Unknown option: %s=%s\n",token,value); } } } else { break; } } fclose (pFile); } else { fprintf(stderr, "Cannot open configuration file: %s\n",filename); } return 0; } /** * Main function of tool. */ int main(int argc, char* argv[]) { char version[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE]; DltDaemonLocal daemon_local; DltDaemon daemon; int back = 0; memset(&daemon_local, 0, sizeof(DltDaemonLocal)); memset(&daemon, 0, sizeof(DltDaemon)); /* Command line option handling */ if ((back = option_handling(&daemon_local,argc,argv))<0) { if(back!=-2) { fprintf (stderr, "option_handling() failed!\n"); } return -1; } /* Configuration file option handling */ if ((back = option_file_parser(&daemon_local))<0) { if(back!=-2) { fprintf (stderr, "option_file_parser() failed!\n"); } return -1; } /* Initialize internal logging facility */ dlt_log_set_filename(daemon_local.flags.loggingFilename); dlt_log_set_level(daemon_local.flags.loggingLevel); dlt_log_init(daemon_local.flags.loggingMode); /* Print version information */ dlt_get_version(version,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE); snprintf(str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE,"Starting DLT Daemon; %s\n", version ); dlt_log(LOG_NOTICE, str); PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(daemon_local.flags.vflag); /* Make sure the parent user directory is created */ if (dlt_mkdir_recursive(dltFifoBaseDir) != 0) { snprintf(str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Base dir %s cannot be created!\n", dltFifoBaseDir); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, str); return -1; } /* --- Daemon init phase 1 begin --- */ if (dlt_daemon_local_init_p1(&daemon, &daemon_local, daemon_local.flags.vflag)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT,"Initialization of phase 1 failed!\n"); return -1; } /* --- Daemon init phase 1 end --- */ if (dlt_daemon_prepare_event_handling(&daemon_local.pEvent)) { /* TODO: Perform clean-up */ dlt_log(LOG_CRIT,"Initialization of event handling failed!\n"); return -1; } /* --- Daemon connection init begin */ if (dlt_daemon_local_connection_init(&daemon, &daemon_local, daemon_local.flags.vflag)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT,"Initialization of local connections failed!\n"); return -1; } /* --- Daemon connection init end */ /* --- Daemon init phase 2 begin --- */ if (dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(&daemon, &daemon_local, daemon_local.flags.vflag)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT,"Initialization of phase 2 failed!\n"); return -1; } /* --- Daemon init phase 2 end --- */ if(daemon_local.flags.offlineLogstorageDirPath[0]) { if(dlt_daemon_logstorage_setup_internal_storage(&daemon, daemon_local.flags.offlineLogstorageDirPath, daemon_local.flags.vflag)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_INFO,"Setting up internal offline log storage failed!\n"); } } // create fd for watchdog #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE { char* watchdogUSec = getenv("WATCHDOG_USEC"); int watchdogTimeoutSeconds = 0; dlt_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Systemd watchdog initialization\n"); if( watchdogUSec ) { watchdogTimeoutSeconds = atoi(watchdogUSec)/2000000; } watchdog_trigger_interval = watchdogTimeoutSeconds; create_timer_fd(&daemon_local, watchdogTimeoutSeconds, watchdogTimeoutSeconds, DLT_TIMER_SYSTEMD); } #endif // create fd for timer timing packets create_timer_fd(&daemon_local, 1, 1, DLT_TIMER_PACKET); // create fd for timer ecu version if((daemon_local.flags.sendECUSoftwareVersion > 0) || (daemon_local.flags.sendTimezone > 0)) { create_timer_fd(&daemon_local, 60, 60, DLT_TIMER_ECU); } /* initiate gateway */ if (daemon_local.flags.gatewayMode == 1) { if (dlt_gateway_init(&daemon_local, daemon_local.flags.vflag) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Fail to create gateway\n"); return -1; } /* create gateway timer */ create_timer_fd(&daemon_local, DLT_GATEWAY_TIMER_INTERVAL, DLT_GATEWAY_TIMER_INTERVAL, DLT_TIMER_GATEWAY); } // For offline tracing we still can use the same states // as for socket sending. Using this trick we see the traces // In the offline trace AND in the socket stream. if(daemon_local.flags.yvalue[0]) dlt_daemon_change_state(&daemon,DLT_DAEMON_STATE_SEND_DIRECT); else dlt_daemon_change_state(&daemon,DLT_DAEMON_STATE_BUFFER); dlt_daemon_log_internal(&daemon, &daemon_local, "Daemon launched. Starting to output traces...", daemon_local.flags.vflag); /* Even handling loop. */ while ((back >= 0) && (g_exit >= 0)) { back = dlt_daemon_handle_event(&daemon_local.pEvent, &daemon, &daemon_local); } dlt_daemon_log_internal(&daemon, &daemon_local, "Exiting Daemon...", daemon_local.flags.vflag); dlt_daemon_local_cleanup(&daemon, &daemon_local, daemon_local.flags.vflag); dlt_daemon_free(&daemon, daemon_local.flags.vflag); dlt_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Leaving DLT daemon\n"); return 0; } /* main() */ int dlt_daemon_local_init_p1(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { int ret; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon==0) || (daemon_local==0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_local_init_p1()\n"); return -1; } #if defined(DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE) || defined(DLT_SYSTEMD_ENABLE) ret = sd_booted(); if(ret == 0){ dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "System not booted with systemd!\n"); // return -1; } else if(ret < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "sd_booted failed!\n"); return -1; } else { dlt_log(LOG_INFO, "System booted with systemd\n"); } #endif const char *tmpFifo = daemon_local->flags.userPipesDir; /* create dlt pipes directory */ ret=mkdir(tmpFifo, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH | S_ISVTX ); if (ret==-1 && errno != EEXIST) { snprintf(str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE,"FIFO user dir %s cannot be created (%s)!\n", tmpFifo, strerror(errno)); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, str); return -1; } // S_ISGID cannot be set by mkdir, let's reassign right bits ret=chmod(tmpFifo, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IXUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP | S_IXGRP | S_IROTH | S_IWOTH | S_IXOTH | S_ISGID | S_ISVTX ); if (ret==-1) { snprintf(str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE,"FIFO user dir %s cannot be chmoded (%s)!\n", tmpFifo, strerror(errno)); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, str); return -1; } /* Check for daemon mode */ if (daemon_local->flags.dflag) { dlt_daemon_daemonize(daemon_local->flags.vflag); } /* initialise structure to use DLT file */ if (dlt_file_init(&(daemon_local->file),daemon_local->flags.vflag) == DLT_RETURN_ERROR) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR,"Could not initialize file structure\n"); /* Return value ignored, dlt daemon will exit */ dlt_file_free(&(daemon_local->file),daemon_local->flags.vflag); return -1; } signal(SIGPIPE,SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTERM, dlt_daemon_signal_handler); /* software termination signal from kill */ signal(SIGHUP, dlt_daemon_signal_handler); /* hangup signal */ signal(SIGQUIT, dlt_daemon_signal_handler); signal(SIGINT, dlt_daemon_signal_handler); return 0; } int dlt_daemon_local_init_p2(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon==0) || (daemon_local==0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_local_init_p2()\n"); return -1; } /* Daemon data */ if (dlt_daemon_init(daemon,daemon_local->RingbufferMinSize,daemon_local->RingbufferMaxSize,daemon_local->RingbufferStepSize, daemon_local->flags.ivalue,daemon_local->flags.contextLogLevel, daemon_local->flags.contextTraceStatus,daemon_local->flags.enforceContextLLAndTS,daemon_local->flags.vflag)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR,"Could not initialize daemon data\n"); return -1; } /* init offline trace */ if(((daemon->mode == DLT_USER_MODE_INTERNAL) || (daemon->mode == DLT_USER_MODE_BOTH)) && daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory[0]) { if (dlt_offline_trace_init(&(daemon_local->offlineTrace), daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory, daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceFileSize, daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceMaxSize, daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceFilenameTimestampBased)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR,"Could not initialize offline trace\n"); return -1; } } /* Init offline logstorage for MAX devices */ if(daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices > 0) { daemon->storage_handle = malloc(sizeof(DltLogStorage) * daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices); if(daemon->storage_handle == NULL) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR,"Could not initialize offline logstorage\n"); return -1; } memset(daemon->storage_handle, 0, (sizeof(DltLogStorage) * daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices)); } /* Set ECU id of daemon */ if (daemon_local->flags.evalue[0]) { dlt_set_id(daemon->ecuid,daemon_local->flags.evalue); } else { dlt_set_id(daemon->ecuid,DLT_DAEMON_ECU_ID); } /* Set flag for optional sending of serial header */ daemon->sendserialheader = daemon_local->flags.lflag; #ifdef DLT_SHM_ENABLE /* init shared memory */ if (dlt_shm_init_server(&(daemon_local->dlt_shm),DLT_SHM_KEY,daemon_local->flags.sharedMemorySize)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR,"Could not initialize shared memory\n"); return -1; } #endif /* prepare main loop */ if (dlt_message_init(&(daemon_local->msg),daemon_local->flags.vflag) == DLT_RETURN_ERROR) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR,"Could not initialize message\n"); return -1; } /* configure sending timing packets */ if (daemon_local->flags.sendMessageTime) { daemon->timingpackets = 1; } /* Binary semaphore for thread */ if (sem_init(&dlt_daemon_mutex, 0, 1)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR,"Could not initialize binary semaphore\n"); return -1; } /* Get ECU version info from a file. If it fails, use dlt_version as fallback. */ if(dlt_daemon_local_ecu_version_init(daemon, daemon_local, daemon_local->flags.vflag) < 0) { daemon->ECUVersionString = malloc(DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE); if(daemon->ECUVersionString==0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Could not allocate memory for version string\n"); return -1; } dlt_get_version(daemon->ECUVersionString,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE); } return 0; } static int dlt_daemon_init_serial(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local) { /* create and open serial connection from/to client */ /* open serial connection */ int fd = -1; if (daemon_local->flags.yvalue[0] == '\0') { return 0; } fd = open(daemon_local->flags.yvalue, O_RDWR); if (fd < 0) { snprintf(str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Failed to open serial device %s\n", daemon_local->flags.yvalue); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, str); daemon_local->flags.yvalue[0] = 0; return -1; } if (isatty(fd)) { int speed = DLT_DAEMON_SERIAL_DEFAULT_BAUDRATE; if (daemon_local->flags.bvalue[0]) { speed = atoi(daemon_local->flags.bvalue); } daemon_local->baudrate = dlt_convert_serial_speed(speed); if (dlt_setup_serial(fd, daemon_local->baudrate) < 0) { close(fd); daemon_local->flags.yvalue[0] = 0; snprintf(str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Failed to configure serial device %s (%s) \n", daemon_local->flags.yvalue, strerror(errno)); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, str); return -1; } if (daemon_local->flags.vflag) { dlt_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Serial init done\n"); } } else { close(fd); fprintf(stderr, "Device is not a serial device, device = %s (%s) \n", daemon_local->flags.yvalue, strerror(errno)); daemon_local->flags.yvalue[0] = 0; return -1; } return dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, fd, EPOLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_CLIENT_MSG_SERIAL); } static int dlt_daemon_init_fifo(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local) { int ret; int fd = -1; int fifo_size; char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE]; /* open named pipe(FIFO) to receive DLT messages from users */ umask(0); /* Try to delete existing pipe, ignore result of unlink */ const char *tmpFifo = daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoName; unlink(tmpFifo); ret=mkfifo(tmpFifo, S_IRUSR | S_IWUSR | S_IRGRP | S_IWGRP ); if (ret == -1) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "FIFO user %s cannot be created (%s)!\n", tmpFifo, strerror(errno)); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, local_str); return -1; } /* if */ fd = open(tmpFifo, O_RDWR); if (fd == -1) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "FIFO user %s cannot be opened (%s)!\n", tmpFifo, strerror(errno)); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, local_str); return -1; } /* if */ if (daemon_local->daemonFifoSize != 0) { /* Set Daemon FIFO size */ if (fcntl(fd, F_SETPIPE_SZ , daemon_local->daemonFifoSize) == -1) { snprintf(str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE,"set FIFO size error: %s\n",strerror(errno)); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, str); } } /* Get Daemon FIFO size */ if ((fifo_size = fcntl(fd, F_GETPIPE_SZ , 0)) == -1) { snprintf(str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE,"get FIFO size error: %s\n",strerror(errno)); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, str); } else { snprintf(str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE,"FIFO size: %d\n",fifo_size); dlt_log(LOG_INFO, str); } /* Early init, to be able to catch client (app) connections * as soon as possible. This registration is automatically ignored * during next execution. */ return dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, fd, EPOLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_APP_MSG); } int dlt_daemon_local_connection_init(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE]; int fd = -1; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL)) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "%s: Invalid function parameters\n", __func__); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, local_str); return -1; } if (dlt_daemon_init_fifo(daemon_local)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to initialize fifo.\n"); return -1; } /* create and open socket to receive incoming connections from client */ daemon_local->client_connections = 0; if(dlt_daemon_socket_open(&fd, daemon_local->flags.port) || dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, fd, EPOLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_CLIENT_CONNECT)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR,"Could not initialize main socket.\n"); return -1; } /* create and open unix socket to receive incoming connections from * control application */ if (dlt_daemon_unix_socket_open(&fd, daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath) || dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, fd, EPOLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_CONTROL_CONNECT)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Could not initialize control socket.\n"); return -1; } /* Init serial */ if (dlt_daemon_init_serial(daemon_local) < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR,"Could not initialize daemon data\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_local_ecu_version_init(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { char *version = NULL; FILE *f = NULL; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); /* By default, version string is null. */ daemon->ECUVersionString = NULL; /* Open the file. Bail out if error occurs */ f = fopen(daemon_local->flags.pathToECUSoftwareVersion, "r"); if(f == NULL) { /* Error level notice, because this might be deliberate choice */ dlt_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Failed to open ECU Software version file.\n"); return -1; } /* Get the file size. Bail out if stat fails. */ int fd = fileno(f); struct stat s_buf; if(fstat(fd, &s_buf) < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to stat ECU Software version file.\n"); fclose(f); return -1; } /* Bail out if file is too large. Use DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE max. * Reserve one byte for trailing '\0' */ off_t size = s_buf.st_size; if(size >= DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Too large file for ECU version.\n"); fclose(f); return -1; } /* Allocate permanent buffer for version info */ version = malloc(size + 1); if(version==0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Cannot allocate memory for ECU version.\n"); fclose(f); return -1; } off_t offset = 0; while(!feof(f)) { offset += fread(version + offset, 1, size, f); if(ferror(f)) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to read ECU Software version file.\n"); free(version); fclose(f); return -1; } if(offset > size) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Too long file for ECU Software version info.\n"); free(version); fclose(f); return -1; } } version[offset] = '\0';//append null termination at end of version string daemon->ECUVersionString = version; fclose(f); return 0; } void dlt_daemon_local_cleanup(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon==0) || (daemon_local==0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_local_cleanup()\n"); return; } /* Don't receive event anymore */ dlt_event_handler_cleanup_connections(&daemon_local->pEvent); dlt_message_free(&(daemon_local->msg),daemon_local->flags.vflag); /* free shared memory */ if(daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory[0]) dlt_offline_trace_free(&(daemon_local->offlineTrace)); /* Ignore result */ dlt_file_free(&(daemon_local->file),daemon_local->flags.vflag); /* Try to delete existing pipe, ignore result of unlink() */ unlink(daemon_local->flags.daemonFifoName); #ifdef DLT_SHM_ENABLE /* free shared memory */ dlt_shm_free_server(&(daemon_local->dlt_shm)); #endif /* Try to delete lock file, ignore result of unlink() */ unlink(DLT_DAEMON_LOCK_FILE); if (daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices > 0) { /* disconnect all logstorage devices */ dlt_daemon_logstorage_cleanup(daemon, daemon_local, daemon_local->flags.vflag); free(daemon->storage_handle); } if (daemon->ECUVersionString != NULL) { free(daemon->ECUVersionString); } unlink(daemon_local->flags.ctrlSockPath); } void dlt_daemon_signal_handler(int sig) { switch (sig) { case SIGHUP: case SIGTERM: case SIGINT: case SIGQUIT: { /* finalize the server */ snprintf(str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE,"Exiting DLT daemon due to signal: %s\n", strsignal(sig) ); dlt_log(LOG_NOTICE, str); /* Try to delete existing pipe, ignore result of unlink() */ char tmp[PATH_MAX + 1]; snprintf(tmp, PATH_MAX, "%s/dlt", dltFifoBaseDir); tmp[PATH_MAX] = 0; unlink(tmp); /* Try to delete lock file, ignore result of unlink() */ snprintf(tmp, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", dltFifoBaseDir, DLT_DAEMON_LOCK_FILE); tmp[PATH_MAX] = 0; unlink(tmp); /* stop event loop */ g_exit = -1; break; } default: { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "This case should never happen!"); break; } } /* switch */ } /* dlt_daemon_signal_handler() */ void dlt_daemon_daemonize(int verbose) { int i,lfp; ssize_t pid_len; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); dlt_log(LOG_NOTICE, "Daemon mode\n"); /* Daemonize */ i=fork(); if (i<0) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Unable to fork(), exiting DLT daemon\n"); exit(-1); /* fork error */ } if (i>0) { exit(0); /* parent exits */ } /* child (daemon) continues */ /* Process independency */ /* obtain a new process group */ if (setsid()==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "setsid() failed, exiting DLT daemon\n"); exit(-1); /* fork error */ } /* Close descriptors */ for (i=getdtablesize();i>=0;--i) { close(i); /* close all descriptors */ } /* Open standard descriptors stdin, stdout, stderr */ i=open("/dev/null",O_RDWR); /* open stdin */ if (-1 < i) { if(dup(i) < 0) dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to direct stdout to /dev/null.\n");/* stdout */ if(dup(i) < 0) dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Failed to direct stderr to /dev/null.\n"); /* stderr */ } /* Set umask */ umask(DLT_DAEMON_UMASK); /* Change to known directory */ if(chdir(dltFifoBaseDir) < 0) { snprintf(str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Failed to chdir to fifo-dir %s\n", dltFifoBaseDir); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, str); } /* Ensure single copy of daemon; if started with same directory run only one instance at a time */ char dlt_daemon_lock_file[PATH_MAX + 1]; snprintf(dlt_daemon_lock_file, PATH_MAX, "%s/%s", dltFifoBaseDir, DLT_DAEMON_LOCK_FILE); dlt_daemon_lock_file[PATH_MAX] = 0; lfp=open(dlt_daemon_lock_file,O_RDWR|O_CREAT,DLT_DAEMON_LOCK_FILE_PERM); if (lfp<0) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Can't open lock file, exiting DLT daemon\n"); exit(-1); /* can not open */ } if (lockf(lfp,F_TLOCK,0)<0) { dlt_log(LOG_CRIT, "Can't lock lock file, exiting DLT daemon\n"); exit(-1); /* can not lock */ } /* only first instance continues */ snprintf(str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE,"%d\n",getpid()); pid_len = strlen(str); if(write(lfp,str,pid_len) != pid_len) /* record pid to lockfile */ dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not write pid to file in dlt_daemon_daemonize.\n"); /* Catch signals */ signal(SIGCHLD,SIG_IGN); /* ignore child */ signal(SIGTSTP,SIG_IGN); /* ignore tty signals */ signal(SIGTTOU,SIG_IGN); signal(SIGTTIN,SIG_IGN); } /* dlt_daemon_daemonize() */ /* This function logs str to the configured output sink (socket, serial, offline trace). To avoid recursion this function must be called only from DLT highlevel functions. E. g. calling it to output a failure when the open of the offline trace file fails would cause an endless loop because dlt_daemon_log_internal() would itself again try to open the offline trace file. This is a dlt-daemon only function. The libdlt has no equivalent function available. */ int dlt_daemon_log_internal(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, char *str, int verbose) { DltMessage msg; static uint8_t uiMsgCount = 0; DltStandardHeaderExtra *pStandardExtra; uint32_t uiType; uint16_t uiSize; uint32_t uiExtraSize; int ret; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); // Set storageheader msg.storageheader = (DltStorageHeader *)(msg.headerbuffer); dlt_set_storageheader(msg.storageheader, daemon->ecuid); // Set standardheader msg.standardheader = (DltStandardHeader *)(msg.headerbuffer + sizeof(DltStorageHeader)); msg.standardheader->htyp = DLT_HTYP_UEH | DLT_HTYP_WEID | DLT_HTYP_WSID | DLT_HTYP_WTMS | DLT_HTYP_PROTOCOL_VERSION1; msg.standardheader->mcnt = uiMsgCount++; uiExtraSize = DLT_STANDARD_HEADER_EXTRA_SIZE(msg.standardheader->htyp)+(DLT_IS_HTYP_UEH(msg.standardheader->htyp) ? sizeof(DltExtendedHeader) : 0); msg.headersize = sizeof(DltStorageHeader) + sizeof(DltStandardHeader) + uiExtraSize; // Set extraheader pStandardExtra = (DltStandardHeaderExtra *)(msg.headerbuffer + sizeof(DltStorageHeader) + sizeof(DltStandardHeader)); dlt_set_id(pStandardExtra->ecu, daemon->ecuid); pStandardExtra->tmsp = DLT_HTOBE_32(dlt_uptime()); pStandardExtra->seid = DLT_HTOBE_32(getpid()); // Set extendedheader msg.extendedheader = (DltExtendedHeader *)(msg.headerbuffer + sizeof(DltStorageHeader) + sizeof(DltStandardHeader) + DLT_STANDARD_HEADER_EXTRA_SIZE(msg.standardheader->htyp)); msg.extendedheader->msin = DLT_MSIN_VERB | (DLT_TYPE_LOG << DLT_MSIN_MSTP_SHIFT) | ((DLT_LOG_INFO << DLT_MSIN_MTIN_SHIFT) & DLT_MSIN_MTIN); msg.extendedheader->noar = 1; dlt_set_id(msg.extendedheader->apid, "DLTD"); dlt_set_id(msg.extendedheader->ctid, "INTM"); // Set payload data... uiType = DLT_TYPE_INFO_STRG; uiSize = strlen(str) + 1; msg.datasize = sizeof(uint32_t) + sizeof(uint16_t) + uiSize; msg.databuffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(msg.datasize); msg.databuffersize = msg.datasize; if (msg.databuffer==0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't allocate buffer for get log info message\n"); return -1; } msg.datasize = 0; memcpy((uint8_t *)(msg.databuffer + msg.datasize), (uint8_t *)(&uiType), sizeof(uint32_t)); msg.datasize += sizeof(uint32_t); memcpy((uint8_t *)(msg.databuffer + msg.datasize), (uint8_t *)(&uiSize), sizeof(uint16_t)); msg.datasize += sizeof(uint16_t); memcpy((uint8_t *)(msg.databuffer + msg.datasize), str, uiSize); msg.datasize += uiSize; // Calc lengths msg.standardheader->len = DLT_HTOBE_16(msg.headersize - sizeof(DltStorageHeader) + msg.datasize); // Sending data... { /* check if overflow occurred */ if(daemon->overflow_counter) { if(dlt_daemon_send_message_overflow(daemon,daemon_local,verbose)==0) { sprintf(str,"%u messages discarded!\n",daemon->overflow_counter); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, str); daemon->overflow_counter=0; } } /* look if TCP connection to client is available */ if((daemon->mode == DLT_USER_MODE_EXTERNAL) || (daemon->mode == DLT_USER_MODE_BOTH)) { if((ret = dlt_daemon_client_send(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL,daemon,daemon_local,msg.headerbuffer,sizeof(DltStorageHeader),msg.headerbuffer+sizeof(DltStorageHeader),msg.headersize-sizeof(DltStorageHeader), msg.databuffer,msg.datasize,verbose))) { if(ret == DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_BUFFER_FULL) { daemon->overflow_counter++; } } } } free(msg.databuffer); return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_client_connect(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { socklen_t cli_size; struct sockaddr cli; int in_sock = -1; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function " "dlt_daemon_process_client_connect()\n"); return -1; } /* event from TCP server socket, new connection */ cli_size = sizeof(cli); if ((in_sock = accept(receiver->fd,&cli, &cli_size)) < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "accept() failed!\n"); return -1 ; } /* check if file file descriptor was already used, and make it invalid if it * is reused. */ /* This prevents sending messages to wrong file descriptor */ dlt_daemon_applications_invalidate_fd(daemon, in_sock, verbose); dlt_daemon_contexts_invalidate_fd(daemon, in_sock, verbose); /* Set socket timeout in reception */ struct timeval timeout_send; timeout_send.tv_sec = daemon_local->timeoutOnSend; timeout_send.tv_usec = 0; if (setsockopt (in_sock, SOL_SOCKET, SO_SNDTIMEO, (char *)&timeout_send, sizeof(timeout_send)) < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "setsockopt failed\n"); } if (dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, in_sock, EPOLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_CLIENT_MSG_TCP)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to register new client. \n"); /* TODO: Perform clean-up */ return -1; } if (daemon_local->flags.vflag) { snprintf(str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "New connection to client established, #connections: %d\n", daemon_local->client_connections); dlt_log(LOG_INFO, str); } // send connection info about connected dlt_daemon_control_message_connection_info(in_sock, daemon, daemon_local, DLT_CONNECTION_STATUS_CONNECTED, "", verbose); // send ecu version string if (daemon_local->flags.sendECUSoftwareVersion > 0) { if (daemon_local->flags.sendECUSoftwareVersion > 0) { dlt_daemon_control_get_software_version(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon, daemon_local, daemon_local->flags.vflag); } if (daemon_local->flags.sendTimezone > 0) { dlt_daemon_control_message_timezone(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon, daemon_local, daemon_local->flags.vflag); } } if (daemon_local->client_connections == 1) { if (daemon_local->flags.vflag) { dlt_log(LOG_DEBUG, "Send ring-buffer to client\n"); } dlt_daemon_change_state(daemon, DLT_DAEMON_STATE_SEND_BUFFER); if (dlt_daemon_send_ringbuffer_to_client(daemon, daemon_local, verbose)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't send contents of ringbuffer to clients\n"); return -1; } /* send new log state to all applications */ daemon->connectionState = 1; dlt_daemon_user_send_all_log_state(daemon,verbose); } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_client_messages(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { int bytes_to_be_removed=0; int must_close_socket = -1; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function " "dlt_daemon_process_client_messages()\n"); return -1; } must_close_socket = dlt_receiver_receive_socket(receiver); if (must_close_socket < 0) { dlt_daemon_close_socket(receiver->fd, daemon, daemon_local, verbose); receiver->fd = -1; return -1; } /* Process all received messages */ while (dlt_message_read(&(daemon_local->msg), (uint8_t*)receiver->buf, receiver->bytesRcvd, daemon_local->flags.nflag, daemon_local->flags.vflag) == DLT_MESSAGE_ERROR_OK) { /* Check for control message */ if (0 < receiver->fd && DLT_MSG_IS_CONTROL_REQUEST(&(daemon_local->msg))) { dlt_daemon_client_process_control(receiver->fd, daemon, daemon_local, &(daemon_local->msg), daemon_local->flags.vflag); } bytes_to_be_removed = daemon_local->msg.headersize + daemon_local->msg.datasize - sizeof(DltStorageHeader); if (daemon_local->msg.found_serialheader) { bytes_to_be_removed += sizeof(dltSerialHeader); } if (daemon_local->msg.resync_offset) { bytes_to_be_removed += daemon_local->msg.resync_offset; } if (dlt_receiver_remove(receiver, bytes_to_be_removed) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't remove bytes from receiver for sockets\n"); return -1; } } /* while */ if (dlt_receiver_move_to_begin(receiver) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't move bytes to beginning of receiver buffer for sockets\n"); return -1; } if (must_close_socket == 0) { /* FIXME: Why the hell do we need to close the socket * on control message reception ?? */ dlt_daemon_close_socket(receiver->fd, daemon, daemon_local, verbose); } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_client_messages_serial(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { int bytes_to_be_removed=0; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function " "dlt_daemon_process_client_messages_serial()\n"); return -1; } if (dlt_receiver_receive_fd(receiver) <= 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "dlt_receiver_receive_fd() for messages from serial interface " "failed!\n"); return -1; } /* Process all received messages */ while (dlt_message_read(&(daemon_local->msg), (uint8_t*)receiver->buf, receiver->bytesRcvd, daemon_local->flags.mflag, daemon_local->flags.vflag) == DLT_MESSAGE_ERROR_OK) { /* Check for control message */ if (DLT_MSG_IS_CONTROL_REQUEST(&(daemon_local->msg))) { if (dlt_daemon_client_process_control(receiver->fd, daemon, daemon_local, &(daemon_local->msg), daemon_local->flags.vflag) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't process control messages\n"); return -1; } } bytes_to_be_removed = daemon_local->msg.headersize + daemon_local->msg.datasize - sizeof(DltStorageHeader); if (daemon_local->msg.found_serialheader) { bytes_to_be_removed += sizeof(dltSerialHeader); } if (daemon_local->msg.resync_offset) { bytes_to_be_removed += daemon_local->msg.resync_offset; } if (dlt_receiver_remove(receiver, bytes_to_be_removed) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't remove bytes from receiver for serial connection\n"); return -1; } } /* while */ if (dlt_receiver_move_to_begin(receiver) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't move bytes to beginning of receiver buffer for serial " "connection\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_control_connect( DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { socklen_t ctrl_size; struct sockaddr_un ctrl; int in_sock = -1; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function " "dlt_daemon_process_control_connect()\n"); return -1; } /* event from UNIX server socket, new connection */ ctrl_size = sizeof(ctrl); if ((in_sock = accept(receiver->fd, &ctrl, &ctrl_size)) < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "accept() on UNIX socket failed!\n"); return -1 ; } /* check if file file descriptor was already used, and make it invalid if it * is reused */ /* This prevents sending messages to wrong file descriptor */ dlt_daemon_applications_invalidate_fd(daemon, in_sock, verbose); dlt_daemon_contexts_invalidate_fd(daemon, in_sock, verbose); if (dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, in_sock, EPOLLIN, DLT_CONNECTION_CONTROL_MSG)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Failed to register new client. \n"); /* TODO: Perform clean-up */ return -1; } if (verbose) { snprintf(str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "New connection to control client established\n"); dlt_log(LOG_INFO, str); } return 0; } // FIXME: More or less copy of dlt_daemon_process_control_messages int dlt_daemon_process_control_messages( DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { int bytes_to_be_removed=0; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function " "dlt_daemon_process_control_messages()\n"); return -1; } if (dlt_receiver_receive_socket(receiver) <= 0) { dlt_daemon_close_socket(receiver->fd, daemon, daemon_local, verbose); receiver->fd = -1; /* FIXME: Why the hell do we need to close the socket * on control message reception ?? */ //return 0; } /* Process all received messages */ while (dlt_message_read( &(daemon_local->msg), (uint8_t*)receiver->buf, receiver->bytesRcvd, daemon_local->flags.nflag, daemon_local->flags.vflag) == DLT_MESSAGE_ERROR_OK) { /* Check for control message */ if (receiver->fd > 0 && DLT_MSG_IS_CONTROL_REQUEST(&(daemon_local->msg))) { dlt_daemon_client_process_control(receiver->fd, daemon,daemon_local, &(daemon_local->msg), daemon_local->flags.vflag); } bytes_to_be_removed = daemon_local->msg.headersize + daemon_local->msg.datasize - sizeof(DltStorageHeader); if (daemon_local->msg.found_serialheader) { bytes_to_be_removed += sizeof(dltSerialHeader); } if (daemon_local->msg.resync_offset) { bytes_to_be_removed += daemon_local->msg.resync_offset; } if (dlt_receiver_remove(receiver, bytes_to_be_removed) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't remove bytes from receiver for sockets\n"); return -1; } } /* while */ if (dlt_receiver_move_to_begin(receiver) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't move bytes to beginning of receiver buffer for sockets\n"); return -1; } return 0; } static int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; DltUserHeader *userheader = (DltUserHeader*) (receiver->buf); (void)daemon; (void)daemon_local; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Invalid user message type received: %d!\n", userheader->message); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, local_str); /* remove user header */ if (dlt_receiver_remove(receiver, sizeof(DltUserHeader)) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't remove bytes from receiver for user messages\n"); } return -1; } static dlt_daemon_process_user_message_func process_user_func[DLT_USER_MESSAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED] = { dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_register_application, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_unregister_application, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_register_context, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_unregister_context, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_overflow, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_set_app_ll_ts, #ifdef DLT_SHM_ENABLE dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log_shm, #else dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, #endif dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_marker, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup, dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup }; int dlt_daemon_process_user_messages(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *receiver, int verbose) { int offset = 0; int run_loop = 1; int32_t min_size = (int32_t)sizeof(DltUserHeader); DltUserHeader *userheader; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (receiver == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function " "dlt_daemon_process_user_messages()\n"); return -1; } /* read data from FIFO */ if (dlt_receiver_receive_fd(receiver) < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "dlt_receiver_receive_fd() for user messages failed!\n"); return -1; } /* look through buffer as long as data is in there */ while ((receiver->bytesRcvd >= min_size) && run_loop) { dlt_daemon_process_user_message_func func = NULL; offset = 0; userheader = (DltUserHeader*) (receiver->buf + offset); while (!dlt_user_check_userheader(userheader) && (offset + min_size <= receiver->bytesRcvd)) /* resync if necessary */ { userheader = (DltUserHeader*) (receiver->buf + offset); offset++; } /* Check for user header pattern */ if (!dlt_user_check_userheader(userheader)) { break; } /* Set new start offset */ if (offset > 0) { dlt_receiver_remove(receiver, offset); } if (userheader->message >= DLT_USER_MESSAGE_NOT_SUPPORTED) { func = dlt_daemon_process_user_message_not_sup; } else { func = process_user_func[userheader->message]; } if (func(daemon, daemon_local, receiver, daemon_local->flags.vflag) == -1) { run_loop = 0; } } /* keep not read data in buffer */ if (dlt_receiver_move_to_begin(receiver) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Can't move bytes to beginning of receiver buffer for user " "messages\n"); return -1; } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_overflow(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgBufferOverflow); char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; DltUserControlMsgBufferOverflow userpayload; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, local_str); return -1; } if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userpayload, len, 1) < 0) { /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; } /* Store in daemon, that a message buffer overflow has occured */ /* look if TCP connection to client is available or it least message can be put into buffer */ if(dlt_daemon_control_message_buffer_overflow(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon, daemon_local, userpayload.overflow_counter, userpayload.apid, verbose)) { /* there was an error when storing message */ /* add the counter of lost messages to the daemon counter */ daemon->overflow_counter += userpayload.overflow_counter; } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_send_message_overflow(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { int ret; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon==0) || (daemon_local==0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_process_user_message_overflow()\n"); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* Store in daemon, that a message buffer overflow has occured */ if((ret=dlt_daemon_control_message_buffer_overflow(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon,daemon_local,daemon->overflow_counter,"", verbose))) { return ret; } return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_OK; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_register_application(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgRegisterApplication); DltDaemonApplication *application = NULL; char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; char description[DLT_DAEMON_DESCSIZE + 1] = { '\0' }; DltUserControlMsgRegisterApplication userapp; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, local_str); return -1; } if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userapp, len, 1) < 0) { /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; } len = userapp.description_length; if ((len > DLT_DAEMON_DESCSIZE) || (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, description, len, 0) < 0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to get application description\n"); return -1; } application = dlt_daemon_application_add(daemon, userapp.apid, userapp.pid, description, verbose); /* send log state to new application */ dlt_daemon_user_send_log_state(daemon, application, verbose); if (application == NULL) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Can't add ApplicationID '%.4s' for PID %d\n", userapp.apid, userapp.pid); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,local_str); return -1; } else { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "ApplicationID '%.4s' registered for PID %d, Description=%s\n", application->apid, application->pid, application->application_description); dlt_daemon_log_internal(daemon, daemon_local, local_str, daemon_local->flags.vflag); dlt_log(LOG_DEBUG, local_str); } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_register_context(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgRegisterContext); DltUserControlMsgRegisterContext userctxt; char description[DLT_DAEMON_DESCSIZE + 1] = { '\0' }; DltDaemonApplication *application = NULL; DltDaemonContext *context = NULL; DltServiceGetLogInfoRequest *req = NULL; DltMessage msg; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, local_str); return -1; } memset(&userctxt, 0, len); if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userctxt, len, 1) < 0) { /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; } len = userctxt.description_length; if ((len > DLT_DAEMON_DESCSIZE) || (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, description, len, 0) < 0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to get application description\n"); return -1; } application = dlt_daemon_application_find(daemon, userctxt.apid, verbose); if (application == 0) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "ApID '%.4s' not found for new ContextID '%.4s' in %s\n", userctxt.apid, userctxt.ctid, __func__); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, local_str); return 0; } /* Set log level */ if (userctxt.log_level == DLT_USER_LOG_LEVEL_NOT_SET) { userctxt.log_level = DLT_LOG_DEFAULT; } else { /* Plausibility check */ if ((userctxt.log_level < DLT_LOG_DEFAULT) || (userctxt.log_level > DLT_LOG_VERBOSE)) { return -1; } } /* Set trace status */ if (userctxt.trace_status == DLT_USER_TRACE_STATUS_NOT_SET) { userctxt.trace_status = DLT_TRACE_STATUS_DEFAULT; } else { /* Plausibility check */ if ((userctxt.trace_status < DLT_TRACE_STATUS_DEFAULT) || (userctxt.trace_status > DLT_TRACE_STATUS_ON)) { return -1; } } context = dlt_daemon_context_add(daemon, userctxt.apid, userctxt.ctid, userctxt.log_level, userctxt.trace_status, userctxt.log_level_pos, application->user_handle, description, verbose); if (context==0) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Can't add ContextID '%.4s' for ApID '%.4s'\n in %s", userctxt.ctid, userctxt.apid, __func__); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, local_str); return -1; } else { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "ContextID '%.4s' registered for ApID '%.4s', Description=%s\n", context->ctid, context->apid, context->context_description); dlt_daemon_log_internal(daemon, daemon_local, local_str, verbose); dlt_log(LOG_DEBUG, local_str); } if(daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices) { /* Store log level set for offline logstorage into context structure*/ context->storage_log_level = dlt_daemon_logstorage_get_loglevel(daemon, daemon_local->flags.offlineLogstorageMaxDevices, userctxt.apid, userctxt.ctid); } else { context->storage_log_level = DLT_LOG_DEFAULT; } /* Create automatic get log info response for registered context */ if (daemon_local->flags.rflag) { /* Prepare request for get log info with one application and one context */ if (dlt_message_init(&msg, verbose)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't initialize message"); return -1; } msg.datasize = sizeof(DltServiceGetLogInfoRequest); if (msg.databuffer && (msg.databuffersize < msg.datasize)) { free(msg.databuffer); msg.databuffer=0; } if (msg.databuffer == 0){ msg.databuffer = (uint8_t *) malloc(msg.datasize); msg.databuffersize = msg.datasize; } if (msg.databuffer==0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't allocate buffer for get log info message\n"); return -1; } req = (DltServiceGetLogInfoRequest*) msg.databuffer; req->service_id = DLT_SERVICE_ID_GET_LOG_INFO; req->options = daemon_local->flags.autoResponseGetLogInfoOption; dlt_set_id(req->apid, userctxt.apid); dlt_set_id(req->ctid, userctxt.ctid); dlt_set_id(req->com,"remo"); dlt_daemon_control_get_log_info(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL , daemon,daemon_local, &msg, verbose); dlt_message_free(&msg, verbose); } if (context->user_handle >= DLT_FD_MINIMUM) { /* This call also replaces the default values with the values defined for default */ if (dlt_daemon_user_send_log_level(daemon, context, verbose)==-1) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Can't send current log level as response to %s for (%.4s;%.4s)\n", __func__, context->apid, context->ctid); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, local_str); return -1; } } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_unregister_application(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgUnregisterApplication); DltUserControlMsgUnregisterApplication userapp; char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; DltDaemonApplication *application = NULL; DltDaemonContext *context; int i, offset_base; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, local_str); return -1; } if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userapp, len, 1) < 0) { /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; } if (daemon->num_applications > 0) { /* Delete this application and all corresponding contexts * for this application from internal table. */ application = dlt_daemon_application_find(daemon, userapp.apid, verbose); if (application) { /* Calculate start offset within contexts[] */ offset_base=0; for (i=0; i<(application-(daemon->applications)); i++) { offset_base+=daemon->applications[i].num_contexts; } for (i=application->num_contexts-1; i>=0; i--) { context = &(daemon->contexts[offset_base+i]); if (context) { /* Delete context */ if (dlt_daemon_context_del(daemon, context, verbose) == -1) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Can't delete CtID '%.4s' for ApID '%.4s' in %s\n", context->ctid, context->apid, __func__); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, local_str); return -1; } } } /* Delete this application entry from internal table*/ if (dlt_daemon_application_del(daemon, application, verbose)==-1) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Can't delete ApID '%.4s' in %s\n", application->apid, __func__); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, local_str); return -1; } else { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Unregistered ApID '%.4s'\n", userapp.apid); dlt_daemon_log_internal(daemon, daemon_local, local_str, verbose); dlt_log(LOG_DEBUG, local_str); } } } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_unregister_context(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgUnregisterContext); DltUserControlMsgUnregisterContext userctxt; DltDaemonContext *context; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, local_str); return -1; } if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userctxt, len, 1) < 0) { /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; } context = dlt_daemon_context_find(daemon, userctxt.apid, userctxt.ctid, verbose); if (context) { /* Delete this connection entry from internal table*/ if (dlt_daemon_context_del(daemon, context, verbose)==-1) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Can't delete CtID '%.4s' for ApID '%.4s' in %s\n", userctxt.ctid, userctxt.apid, __func__); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, local_str); return -1; } else { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Unregistered CtID '%.4s' for ApID '%.4s'\n", userctxt.ctid, userctxt.apid); dlt_daemon_log_internal(daemon, daemon_local, local_str, verbose); dlt_log(LOG_DEBUG, local_str); } } /* Create automatic unregister context response for unregistered context */ if (daemon_local->flags.rflag) { dlt_daemon_control_message_unregister_context(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL, daemon, daemon_local, userctxt.apid, userctxt.ctid, "remo", verbose); } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { int ret; int bytes_to_be_removed; static char text[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTSIZE]; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log()\n"); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } ret = dlt_message_read(&(daemon_local->msg), (unsigned char*)rec->buf + sizeof(DltUserHeader), rec->bytesRcvd - sizeof(DltUserHeader), 0, verbose); if(ret!=DLT_MESSAGE_ERROR_OK) { if(ret!=DLT_MESSAGE_ERROR_SIZE) { /* This is a normal usecase: The daemon reads the data in 10kb chunks. Thus the last trace in this chunk is probably not complete and will be completed with the next chunk read. This happens always when the FIFO is filled with more than 10kb before the daemon is able to read from the FIFO. Thus the loglevel of this message is set to DEBUG. A cleaner solution would be to check more in detail whether the message is not complete (normal usecase) or the headers are corrupted (error case). */ dlt_log(LOG_DEBUG,"Can't read messages from receiver\n"); } return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* set overwrite ecu id */ if ((daemon_local->flags.evalue[0]) && (strncmp(daemon_local->msg.headerextra.ecu,DLT_DAEMON_ECU_ID,4)==0)) { /* Set header extra parameters */ dlt_set_id(daemon_local->msg.headerextra.ecu, daemon->ecuid ); //msg.headerextra.seid = 0; if (dlt_message_set_extraparameters(&(daemon_local->msg),0) == DLT_RETURN_ERROR) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't set message extra parameters in process user message log\n"); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } /* Correct value of timestamp, this was changed by dlt_message_set_extraparameters() */ daemon_local->msg.headerextra.tmsp = DLT_BETOH_32(daemon_local->msg.headerextra.tmsp); } /* prepare storage header */ if (DLT_IS_HTYP_WEID(daemon_local->msg.standardheader->htyp)) { if (dlt_set_storageheader(daemon_local->msg.storageheader,daemon_local->msg.headerextra.ecu) == DLT_RETURN_ERROR) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't set storage header in process user message log\n"); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } } else { if (dlt_set_storageheader(daemon_local->msg.storageheader,daemon->ecuid) == DLT_RETURN_ERROR) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't set storage header in process user message log\n"); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } } { /* if no filter set or filter is matching display message */ if (daemon_local->flags.xflag) { if (dlt_message_print_hex(&(daemon_local->msg),text,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTSIZE,verbose) == DLT_RETURN_ERROR) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"dlt_message_print_hex() failed!\n"); } } /* if */ else if (daemon_local->flags.aflag) { if (dlt_message_print_ascii(&(daemon_local->msg),text,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTSIZE,verbose) == DLT_RETURN_ERROR) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"dlt_message_print_ascii() failed!\n"); } } /* if */ else if (daemon_local->flags.sflag) { if (dlt_message_print_header(&(daemon_local->msg),text,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTSIZE,verbose) == DLT_RETURN_ERROR) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"dlt_message_print_header() failed!\n"); } /* print message header only */ } /* if */ /* check if overflow occurred */ if(daemon->overflow_counter) { if(dlt_daemon_send_message_overflow(daemon,daemon_local,verbose)==0) { snprintf(str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE,"%u messages discarded!\n",daemon->overflow_counter); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, str); daemon->overflow_counter=0; } } /* send message to client or write to log file */ if((ret = dlt_daemon_client_send(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL,daemon,daemon_local,daemon_local->msg.headerbuffer,sizeof(DltStorageHeader),daemon_local->msg.headerbuffer+sizeof(DltStorageHeader),daemon_local->msg.headersize-sizeof(DltStorageHeader), daemon_local->msg.databuffer,daemon_local->msg.datasize,verbose))) { if(ret == DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_BUFFER_FULL) { daemon->overflow_counter++; } } } /* keep not read data in buffer */ bytes_to_be_removed = daemon_local->msg.headersize+daemon_local->msg.datasize-sizeof(DltStorageHeader)+sizeof(DltUserHeader); if (daemon_local->msg.found_serialheader) { bytes_to_be_removed += sizeof(dltSerialHeader); } if (dlt_receiver_remove(rec, bytes_to_be_removed) == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't remove bytes from receiver\n"); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_OK; } #ifdef DLT_SHM_ENABLE #define DLT_SHM_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE 10000 int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log_shm(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; int j,sent,third_value; ssize_t ret; uint8_t *rcv_buffer = NULL; int size; uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserHeader); DltUserHeader userheader; static char text[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTSIZE]; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, local_str); return -1; } rcv_buffer = calloc(1, DLT_SHM_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE); if (!rcv_buffer) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "No memory to allocate receiver buffer in %s.\n", __func__); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, local_str); return -1; } memset(&userheader, 0, len); if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userheader, len, 0) < 0) { /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; } //dlt_shm_status(&(daemon_local->dlt_shm)); while (1) { /* log message in SHM */ size = dlt_shm_copy(&(daemon_local->dlt_shm), rcv_buffer, DLT_SHM_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE); if(size <= 0) break; if (dlt_message_read(&(daemon_local->msg),rcv_buffer,size,0,verbose)!=0) { break; dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't read messages from shm\n"); return -1; } /* set overwrite ecu id */ if ((daemon_local->flags.evalue[0]) && (strncmp(daemon_local->msg.headerextra.ecu,DLT_DAEMON_ECU_ID,4)==0)) { /* Set header extra parameters */ dlt_set_id(daemon_local->msg.headerextra.ecu, daemon->ecuid ); //msg.headerextra.seid = 0; if (dlt_message_set_extraparameters(&(daemon_local->msg),0)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't set message extra parameters in process user message log\n"); dlt_shm_remove(&(daemon_local->dlt_shm)); return -1; } /* Correct value of timestamp, this was changed by dlt_message_set_extraparameters() */ daemon_local->msg.headerextra.tmsp = DLT_BETOH_32(daemon_local->msg.headerextra.tmsp); } /* prepare storage header */ if (DLT_IS_HTYP_WEID(daemon_local->msg.standardheader->htyp)) { if (dlt_set_storageheader(daemon_local->msg.storageheader,daemon_local->msg.headerextra.ecu)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't set storage header in process user message log\n"); dlt_shm_remove(&(daemon_local->dlt_shm)); return -1; } } else { if (dlt_set_storageheader(daemon_local->msg.storageheader,daemon->ecuid)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"Can't set storage header in process user message log\n"); dlt_shm_remove(&(daemon_local->dlt_shm)); return -1; } } /* display message */ if (daemon_local->flags.xflag) { if (dlt_message_print_hex(&(daemon_local->msg),text,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTSIZE,verbose)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"dlt_message_print_hex() failed!\n"); } } /* if */ else if (daemon_local->flags.aflag) { if (dlt_message_print_ascii(&(daemon_local->msg),text,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTSIZE,verbose)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"dlt_message_print_ascii() failed!\n"); } } /* if */ else if (daemon_local->flags.sflag) { if (dlt_message_print_header(&(daemon_local->msg),text,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTSIZE,verbose)==-1) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING,"dlt_message_print_header() failed!\n"); } /* print message header only */ } /* if */ sent=0; /* write message to offline trace */ if(daemon_local->flags.offlineTraceDirectory[0]) { dlt_offline_trace_write(&(daemon_local->offlineTrace),daemon_local->msg.headerbuffer,daemon_local->msg.headersize, daemon_local->msg.databuffer,daemon_local->msg.datasize,0,0); sent = 1; } sent = dlt_daemon_client_send_all(daemon, daemon_local, verbose); /* Message was not sent to client, so store it in client ringbuffer */ if (sent == 1) { if(userheader.message == DLT_USER_MESSAGE_LOG_SHM) { /* dlt message was sent, remove from buffer if log message from shm */ dlt_shm_remove(&(daemon_local->dlt_shm)); } } else { /* dlt message was not sent, keep in buffer */ break; } } return 0; } #undef DLT_SHM_RCV_BUFFER_SIZE #endif int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_set_app_ll_ts(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgAppLogLevelTraceStatus); DltUserControlMsgAppLogLevelTraceStatus userctxt; DltDaemonApplication *application; DltDaemonContext *context; int i, offset_base; int8_t old_log_level, old_trace_status; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, local_str); return -1; } memset(&userctxt, 0, len); if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userctxt, len, 1) < 0) { /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; } if (daemon->num_applications>0) { /* Get all contexts with application id matching the received application id */ application = dlt_daemon_application_find(daemon, userctxt.apid, verbose); if (application) { /* Calculate start offset within contexts[] */ offset_base=0; for (i=0; i<(application-(daemon->applications)); i++) { offset_base+=daemon->applications[i].num_contexts; } for (i=0; i < application->num_contexts; i++) { context = &(daemon->contexts[offset_base+i]); if (context) { old_log_level = context->log_level; context->log_level = userctxt.log_level; /* No endianess conversion necessary*/ old_trace_status = context->trace_status; context->trace_status = userctxt.trace_status; /* No endianess conversion necessary */ /* The folowing function sends also the trace status */ if (context->user_handle >= DLT_FD_MINIMUM && dlt_daemon_user_send_log_level(daemon, context, verbose)!=0) { context->log_level = old_log_level; context->trace_status = old_trace_status; } } } } } return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_log_mode(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { DltUserControlMsgLogMode userctxt; uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgLogMode); PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon==0) || (daemon_local==0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_process_log_mode()\n"); return -1; } memset(&userctxt, 0, len); if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userctxt, len, 1) < 0) { /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; } /* set the new log mode */ daemon->mode = userctxt.log_mode; /* write configuration persistantly */ dlt_daemon_configuration_save(daemon, daemon->runtime_configuration, verbose); return 0; } int dlt_daemon_process_user_message_marker(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, DltReceiver *rec, int verbose) { char local_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE] = { '\0' }; uint32_t len = sizeof(DltUserControlMsgLogMode); DltUserControlMsgLogMode userctxt; PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon == NULL) || (daemon_local == NULL) || (rec == NULL)) { snprintf(local_str, DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Invalid function parameters used for %s\n", __func__); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, local_str); return -1; } memset(&userctxt, 0, len); if (dlt_receiver_check_and_get(rec, &userctxt, len, 1) < 0) { /* Not enough bytes received */ return -1; } /* Create automatic unregister context response for unregistered context */ dlt_daemon_control_message_marker(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL,daemon,daemon_local,verbose); return 0; } int dlt_daemon_send_ringbuffer_to_client(DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { int ret; static uint8_t data[DLT_DAEMON_RCVBUFSIZE]; int length; #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE uint32_t curr_time; #endif PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if ((daemon==0) || (daemon_local==0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid function parameters used for function dlt_daemon_send_ringbuffer_to_client()\n"); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_UNKNOWN; } if(dlt_buffer_get_message_count(&(daemon->client_ringbuffer)) <= 0) { dlt_daemon_change_state(daemon, DLT_DAEMON_STATE_SEND_DIRECT); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_OK; } #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE if(sd_notify(0, "WATCHDOG=1") < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not reset systemd watchdog\n"); } curr_time = dlt_uptime(); #endif while ( (length = dlt_buffer_copy(&(daemon->client_ringbuffer), data, sizeof(data)) ) > 0) { #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE if ((dlt_uptime() - curr_time) / 10000 >= watchdog_trigger_interval) { if(sd_notify(0, "WATCHDOG=1") < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, "Could not reset systemd watchdog\n"); } curr_time = dlt_uptime(); } #endif if((ret = dlt_daemon_client_send(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_FORCE,daemon,daemon_local,0,0,data,length,0,0,verbose))) { return ret; } dlt_buffer_remove(&(daemon->client_ringbuffer)); if(daemon->state != DLT_DAEMON_STATE_SEND_BUFFER) dlt_daemon_change_state(daemon,DLT_DAEMON_STATE_SEND_BUFFER); if(dlt_buffer_get_message_count(&(daemon->client_ringbuffer)) <= 0) { dlt_daemon_change_state(daemon,DLT_DAEMON_STATE_SEND_DIRECT); return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_OK; } } return DLT_DAEMON_ERROR_OK; } static char dlt_timer_conn_types[DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN + 1] = { [DLT_TIMER_PACKET] = DLT_CONNECTION_ONE_S_TIMER, [DLT_TIMER_ECU] = DLT_CONNECTION_SIXTY_S_TIMER, #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE [DLT_TIMER_SYSTEMD] = DLT_CONNECTION_SYSTEMD_TIMER, #endif [DLT_TIMER_GATEWAY] = DLT_CONNECTION_GATEWAY_TIMER, [DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN] = DLT_CONNECTION_TYPE_MAX }; static char dlt_timer_names[DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN + 1][32] = { [DLT_TIMER_PACKET] = "Timing packet", [DLT_TIMER_ECU] = "ECU version", #ifdef DLT_SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG_ENABLE [DLT_TIMER_SYSTEMD] = "Systemd watchdog", #endif [DLT_TIMER_GATEWAY] = "Gateway", [DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN] = "Unknown timer" }; int create_timer_fd(DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int period_sec, int starts_in, DltTimers timer_id) { int local_fd = -1; struct itimerspec l_timer_spec; char *timer_name = NULL; if (timer_id >= DLT_TIMER_UNKNOWN) { dlt_log(DLT_LOG_ERROR, "Unknown timer."); return -1; } timer_name = dlt_timer_names[timer_id]; if(daemon_local == NULL) { dlt_log(DLT_LOG_ERROR, "Daemaon local structure is NULL"); return -1; } if(period_sec > 0) { #ifdef linux local_fd = timerfd_create(CLOCK_MONOTONIC, 0); if( local_fd < 0) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "<%s> timerfd_create failed: %s\n", timer_name, strerror(errno)); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, str); } l_timer_spec.it_interval.tv_sec = period_sec; l_timer_spec.it_interval.tv_nsec = 0; l_timer_spec.it_value.tv_sec = starts_in; l_timer_spec.it_value.tv_nsec = 0; if( timerfd_settime(local_fd, 0, &l_timer_spec, NULL) < 0) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "<%s> timerfd_settime failed: %s\n", timer_name, strerror(errno)); dlt_log(LOG_WARNING, str); local_fd = -1; } #endif } else { // timer not activated via the service file snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "<%s> not set: period=0\n", timer_name); dlt_log(LOG_INFO, str); local_fd = -1; } /* If fully initialized we are done. * Event handling registration is done later on with other connections. */ if(local_fd > 0) { snprintf(str, sizeof(str), "<%s> initialized with %d timer\n", timer_name, period_sec); dlt_log(LOG_INFO, str); } return dlt_connection_create(daemon_local, &daemon_local->pEvent, local_fd, EPOLLIN, dlt_timer_conn_types[timer_id]); } /* Close connection function */ int dlt_daemon_close_socket(int sock, DltDaemon *daemon, DltDaemonLocal *daemon_local, int verbose) { PRINT_FUNCTION_VERBOSE(verbose); if((daemon_local == NULL)|| (daemon == NULL)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_daemon_close_socket: Invalid input parmeters\n"); return -1; } /* Closure is done while unregistering has for any connection */ dlt_event_handler_unregister_connection(&daemon_local->pEvent, daemon_local, sock); if(daemon_local->client_connections==0) { /* send new log state to all applications */ daemon->connectionState = 0; dlt_daemon_user_send_all_log_state(daemon,verbose); // For offline tracing we still can use the same states // as for socket sending. Using this trick we see the traces // In the offline trace AND in the socket stream. if(daemon_local->flags.yvalue[0] == 0) dlt_daemon_change_state(daemon,DLT_DAEMON_STATE_BUFFER); } if (daemon_local->flags.vflag) { snprintf(str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE, "Connection to client lost, #connections: %d\n",daemon_local->client_connections); dlt_log(LOG_INFO, str); } dlt_daemon_control_message_connection_info(DLT_DAEMON_SEND_TO_ALL,daemon,daemon_local,DLT_CONNECTION_STATUS_DISCONNECTED,"",verbose); return 0; } /** \} */