# Configuration file of DLT daemon # # Configurations made here will overwrite settings by command line ######################################################################## # General configuration # ######################################################################## # Start daemon in debug mode, so that all internal debug information is printed out on the console # Verbose = 1 # Daemonize DLT daemon, if it is started as daemon # Daemonize = 1 # Send DLT messages with serial header # SendSerialHeader = 1 # Send automatic get log info response during context registration SendContextRegistration = 1 # Option of get log info response during context registration (Default: 7) # Apid and Ctid Only = 3, with LogLevel = 4, with TraceStatus = 5, with LL and TS = 6, with LL, TS, and Description = 7 # SendContextRegistrationOption = 7 # Send automatic time packets every second if client is connected (Default: 0) # SendMessageTime = 0 # Set ECU ID (Default: ECU1) ECUId = ECU1 # Size of shared memory (Default: 100000) SharedMemorySize = 100000 # Directory where to store the persistant configuration (Default: /tmp) # PersistanceStoragePath = /tmp # The logging console for internal logging of dlt-daemon (Default: 0) # 0 = log to stdout, 1 = log to syslog, 2 = log to file (see LoggingFilename) LoggingMode = 0 # The internal log level, up to which logs are written (Default: 6) # LOG_EMERG = 0, LOG_ALERT = 1, LOG_CRIT = 2, LOG_ERR = 3, LOG_WARNING = 4, LOG_NOTICE = 5, LOG_INFO = 6, LOG_DEBUG = 7 LoggingLevel = 6 # The logging filename if internal logging mode is log to file (Default: /tmp/dlt.log) LoggingFilename = /tmp/dlt.log # Timeout on send to client (sec) TimeOutOnSend = 4 # The minimum size of the Ringbuffer, used for storing temporary DLT messages, until client is connected (Default: 500000) RingbufferMinSize = 500000 # The max size of the Ringbuffer, used for storing temporary DLT messages, until client is connected (Default: 10000000) RingbufferMaxSize = 10000000 # The step size the Ringbuffer is increased, used for storing temporary DLT messages, until client is connected (Default: 500000) RingbufferStepSize = 500000 # The size of Daemon FIFO (/tmp/dlt) (Default: 65536, MinSize: depend on pagesize of system, MaxSize: please check /proc/sys/fs/pipe-max-size) # DaemonFIFOSize = 65536 # Initial log-level that is sent when an application registers (Default: 4) # DLT_LOG_OFF = 0, DLT_LOG_FATAL = 1, DLT_LOG_ERROR = 2, DLT_LOG_WARN = 3, DLT_LOG_INFO = 4, DLT_LOG_DEBUG = 5, DLT_LOG_VERBOSE = 6 # ContextLogLevel = 4 # Initial trace-status that is sent when an application registers (Default: 0) # DLT_TRACE_STATUS_OFF = 0, DLT_TRACE_STATUS_ON = 1 # ContextTraceStatus = 0 # Force log level and trace status of context to not exceed "ContextLogLevel" and "ContextTraceStatus" (Default: 0 = OFF) # If set to 1 (ON) whenever a context registers or changes the log-level it has to be lower or equal to ContextLogLevel # ForceContextLogLevelAndTraceStatus = 1 ######################################################################## # Gateway Configuration # ######################################################################## # Enable Gateway mode (Default: 0) # GatewayMode = 1 # Read gateway configuration from another location # GatewayConfigFile = /etc/dlt_gateway.conf ######################################################################## # Permission configuration # # ==================================================================== # # Owner group of daemon FIFO directory(Default: /tmp/dlt) # (If not set, primary group of dlt-daemon process is used) # DaemonFifoGroup = dlt_user_apps_group ######################################################################## # Control Application # ######################################################################## ControlSocketPath = /tmp/dlt-ctrl.sock ######################################################################## # Offline Trace memory # ######################################################################## # Store DLT messages to local directory, if not set offline Trace is off (Default: off) # OfflineTraceDirectory = /tmp # Maximum size in bytes of one trace file (Default: 1000000) # OfflineTraceFileSize = 1000000 # Maximum size of all trace files (Default: 4000000) # OfflineTraceMaxSize = 4000000 # Filename timestamp based or index based (Default:1) (timestamp based=1, index based =0) # OfflineTraceFileNameTimestampBased = 1 ######################################################################## # Local console output configuration # ######################################################################## # Print DLT messages; payload as ASCII # PrintASCII = 1 # Print DLT messages; payload as hex # PrintHex = 1 # Print DLT messages; only headers # PrintHeadersOnly = 1 ######################################################################## # Client Serial port configuration # ######################################################################## # Additional support for serial device # If a device name is set serial port is enabled. # RS232DeviceName = /dev/ttyS0 # Serial device baudrate (Default: 115200) # RS232Baudrate = 115200 # Sync to serial header on serial connection # RS232SyncSerialHeader = 1 ######################################################################## # TCP Serial port configuration # ######################################################################## # Sync to serial header on all TCP connections # TCPSyncSerialHeader = 1 ######################################################################## # ECU Software version info # ######################################################################## # Send periodic get ecu version info (Default: 0) # SendECUSoftwareVersion = 0 # Absolute path to file storing version info - otherwise DLT version is used # PathToECUSoftwareVersion = ######################################################################## # Timezone info # ######################################################################## # Send periodic timezone info (Default: 0) # SendTimezone = 0 ############################################################################## # Offline logstorage # ############################################################################## # Store DLT log messages, if not set offline logstorage is off (Default: off) # Maximum devices to be used as offline logstorage devices # OfflineLogstorageMaxDevices = 1 # Path to store DLT offline log storage messages (Default: off) # OfflineLogstorageDirPath = /opt # File options # Appends timestamp in log file name, Disable by setting to 0 (Default: 1) # OfflineLogstorageTimestamp = 0 # Appends delimiter in log file name, allowed punctutations only (Default: _) # OfflineLogstorageDelimiter = _ # Wrap around value for log file count in file name (Default: UINT_MAX) # OfflineLogstorageMaxCounter = 999 # Maximal used memory for Logstorage Cache in KB (Default: 30000 KB) # OfflineLogstorageCacheSize = 30000 ############################################################################## # UDP Multicast Configuration # ############################################################################## # Enable UDP connection support for daemon(Control Message/Multicast is enabled) # UDPConnectionSetup = 1 # UDP multicast address(default: # UDPMulticastIPAddress = # UDP multicast port(default:3491) # UDPMulticastIPPort = 3491 ############################################################################## # BindAddress Limitation # ############################################################################## # Accept connections only on this list of IP addresses (Default: "" INADDR_ANY) # The IP addresses must be separated with ',' or ';' but not with space character ' ' # If DLT_USE_IPv6 flag is ON, then only IPv6 addresses are accepted # If DLT_USE_IPv6 flag is OFF, then only IPv4 addresses are accepted # BindAddress =;