/** * @licence app begin@ * Copyright (C) 2013 - 2015 Advanced Driver Information Technology. * This code is developed by Advanced Driver Information Technology. * Copyright of Advanced Driver Information Technology, Bosch and DENSO. * * DLT offline log storage functionality source file. * * \copyright * This Source Code Form is subject to the terms of the * Mozilla Public License, v. 2.0. If a copy of the MPL was not distributed with * this file, You can obtain one at http://mozilla.org/MPL/2.0/. * * * \author Syed Hameed ADIT 2013 - 2015 * \author Christoph Lipka ADIT 2015 * * \file: dlt_offline_logstorage.c * For further information see http://www.genivi.org/. * @licence end@ */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "dlt_offline_logstorage.h" typedef enum _line_type_ { LINE_FILTER, LINE_APP_NAME, LINE_CTX_NAME, LINE_LOG_LEVEL, LINE_FILE_NAME, LINE_FILE_SIZE, LINE_FILE_NUMBER, LINE_ERROR, LINE_COMMENT } config_line_type; /* Hash map functions */ static int dlt_logstorage_hash_create(int num_entries, struct hsearch_data *htab) { memset(htab, 0, sizeof(*htab)); if (hcreate_r(num_entries, htab) == 0) return -1; return 0; } static int dlt_logstorage_hash_destroy(struct hsearch_data *htab) { hdestroy_r(htab); return 0; } static int dlt_logstorage_hash_add(char *key, void *value, struct hsearch_data *htab) { ENTRY e, *ep; memset(&e, 0, sizeof(ENTRY)); e.key = key; e.data = value; if (hsearch_r(e, ENTER, &ep, htab) == 0) return -1; return 0; } static void *dlt_logstorage_hash_find(char *key, struct hsearch_data *htab) { ENTRY e, *ep; e.key = key; if (hsearch_r(e, FIND, &ep, htab) != 0) return ep->data; else return NULL; } /* Configuration file parsing helper functions */ int dlt_logstorage_count_ids(const char *str) { if(str == NULL) return -1; // delimiter is: "," const char *p = str; int i = 0; int num = 1; while(p[i] != 0) { if (p[i] == ',') num += 1; i++; } return num; } /** * dlt_logstorage_parse_line * * Parse each line of dlt_logstorage.conf file * * @param input_line line to be parsed * @param value contains value of line after parsing * @return line type */ static config_line_type dlt_logstorage_parse_line(const char *input_line, char *value) { char line[DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LINE_SIZE + 1]; int len; int idx; char tmp_key[DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LINE_SIZE]; strncpy(line, input_line, DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LINE_SIZE); line[DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LINE_SIZE] = '\0'; len = (int) strlen(line); /* Check if section header is of format "[FILTER" followed by digit and end by "]" */ if ((strncmp(line, "[FILTER", 7) == 0) && line[len-1] == ']') { /* Check for [FILTER] */ if (line[7] == ']') { return LINE_ERROR; } for (idx=7; idx 1 && i < num) { strncpy((*names + y + len), ",", 1); } y += len + 1; i++; tok = strtok(NULL, ","); } return 0; } /** * dlt_logstorage_read_log_level * * Evaluate log level given in config file and calculate log level as int * * @param log_level to store the log level * @param value string given in config file * @return 0 on success, -1 on error */ int dlt_logstorage_read_log_level(int *log_level, char *value) { if (value == NULL) { *log_level = 0; return -1; } if (strcmp(value, "DLT_LOG_FATAL") == 0) { *log_level = 1; } else if (strcmp(value, "DLT_LOG_ERROR") == 0) { *log_level = 2; } else if (strcmp(value, "DLT_LOG_WARN") == 0) { *log_level = 3; } else if (strcmp(value, "DLT_LOG_INFO") == 0) { *log_level = 4; } else if (strcmp(value, "DLT_LOG_DEBUG") == 0) { *log_level = 5; } else if (strcmp(value, "DLT_LOG_VERBOSE") == 0) { *log_level = 6; } else { *log_level = 0; dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid log level \n"); return -1; } return 0; } /** * dlt_logstorage_read_file_name * * Evaluate if file name given in config file contains ".." , if not set file name * * @param file_name string to store the file name * @param value string given in config file * @return 0 on success, -1 on error */ int dlt_logstorage_read_file_name(char **file_name, char *value) { int len; if (value == NULL || strcmp(value, "") == 0) { return -1; } if (*file_name != NULL) { *file_name = NULL; } len = strlen(value); /* do not allow the user to change directory by adding a path like ../../logfile */ if (strstr(value, "..") == NULL) { *file_name = calloc((len+1), sizeof(char)); strncpy(*file_name, value, len); } else { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid filename, .. is not accepted due to security issues \n"); return -1; } return 0; } /** * dlt_logstorage_read_number * * Evaluate file size and number of files given in config file and set file size * The file number is checked by converting a string to an unsigned integer * width 0 > result < UINT_MAX (excludes 0!) * Non-digit characters including spaces and out of boundary will lead to an error -1. * * @param file_name string to store the file name * @param value string given in config file * @return 0 on success, -1 on error */ int dlt_logstorage_read_number(unsigned int *number, char *value) { int i = 0; int len = 0; unsigned long size = 0; if (value == NULL) { return -1; } *number = 0; len = strlen(value); /* check if string consists of digits only */ for (i = 0; i < len; i++) { if (isdigit(value[i] == 0)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid, is not a number \n"); return -1; } } size = strtoul(value, NULL, 10); if (size == 0 || size > UINT_MAX) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Invalid, is not a number \n"); return -1; } *number = (unsigned int) size; return 0; } /** * dlt_logstorage_create_keys * * Create keys for hash table * * From each section [filter] in offline logstorage configuration file, we receive * application and context id strings. * Application and context id can consist of * - a 4char long name * - a comma separated list of ids * - a wildcard: .* * * Not allowed is the combination of application id and context id set to wildcard. This * will be rejected. * * If lists given for application and/or context id, all possible combinations are * returned as keys in a form "[appid][ctxid], e.g. "APP1:CTX1". If wildcards are used, * the non-wildcard value becomes the key, e.g. "APP1:" or ":CTX2". * * @param[in]: appids: string given from filter configuration * @param[in]: ctxids: string given from filter configuration * @param[out]: keys: keys to fill into hash table * @param[out]: num_keys: number of keys * @return: 0 on success, error on failure* */ int dlt_logstorage_create_keys(char *appids, char* ctxids, char **keys, int *num_keys) { int i,j; int curr_key = 0; int curr_len = 0; int num_appids = 0; int num_ctxids = 0; char *aids = NULL; char *cids = NULL; char *save_aids = NULL; char *save_cids = NULL; if ((*keys) != NULL) { free((*keys)); (*keys) = NULL; } *num_keys = 0; if (appids == NULL || ctxids == NULL) return -1; /* discard appid=.* and ctxid=.* */ if ( strncmp(appids, ".*", 2) == 0 && strncmp(ctxids, ".*", 2) == 0 ) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR,"Error: Not allowed combination of wildcards\n"); return -1; } aids = strdup(appids); cids = (char *) calloc(strlen(ctxids)+1, sizeof(char)); if (cids == NULL) { free(aids); return -1; } /* calculate number of keys */ num_appids = dlt_logstorage_count_ids(appids); num_ctxids = dlt_logstorage_count_ids(ctxids); *(num_keys) = num_appids * num_ctxids; /* alloc needed number of keys */ *(keys) = (char*) calloc(*num_keys * DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_KEY_LEN, sizeof(char)); if (*(keys) == NULL) { free(aids); free(cids); return -1; } /* store all combinations of appid:ctxid in keys */ for (i = 1; i <= num_appids; i++) { char *tok_aids = NULL; char *tok_cids = NULL; if (num_appids > 1 && i == 1) { tok_aids = strtok_r(aids,",", &save_aids); } else if (num_appids > 1 && i > 0) { tok_aids = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &save_aids); } else { tok_aids = aids; } for (j = 1; j <= num_ctxids; j++) { if (num_ctxids > 1 && j == 1) { save_cids = NULL; memcpy(cids, ctxids, strlen(ctxids)); tok_cids = strtok_r(cids, ",", &save_cids); } else if (num_ctxids > 1 && j > 0) { tok_cids = strtok_r(NULL, ",", &save_cids); } else { tok_cids = ctxids; } if (strncmp(tok_aids, ".*", 2) == 0) /* only context id matters */ { char curr_str[10] = { 0 }; strncpy(curr_str, ":", 1); curr_len = strlen(tok_cids); strncat(curr_str, tok_cids, curr_len); curr_len = strlen(curr_str); strncpy((*keys + (curr_key * DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_KEY_LEN)), curr_str, curr_len); } else if (strncmp(tok_cids,".*", 2) == 0) /* only application id matters*/ { char curr_str[10] = { 0 }; curr_len = strlen(tok_aids); strncpy(curr_str, tok_aids, curr_len); strncat(curr_str, ":", 1); curr_len = strlen(curr_str); strncpy((*keys + (curr_key * DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_KEY_LEN)), curr_str, curr_len); } else /* key is combination of both */ { char curr_str[10] = { 0 }; curr_len = strlen(tok_aids); strncpy(curr_str, tok_aids, curr_len); strncat(curr_str, ":", 1); curr_len = strlen(tok_cids); strncat(curr_str, tok_cids, curr_len); curr_len = strlen(curr_str); strncpy((*keys + (curr_key * DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_KEY_LEN)), curr_str, curr_len); } curr_key += 1; } } free(aids); free(cids); return 0; } /** * dlt_logstorage_device_connected * * Initializes DLT Offline Logstorage with respect to device status * * @param handle DLT Logstorage handle * @param device_num device number * @return 0 on success, -1 on error */ int dlt_logstorage_device_connected(DltLogStorage *handle, int device_num) { if(handle == NULL) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_logstorage_device_connected Error : Handle error \n"); return -1; } if(handle->connection_type == DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_DEVICE_CONNECTED) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_logstorage_device_connected Error : Device already connected, \n"); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Send disconnect, connect request \n"); dlt_logstorage_device_disconnected(handle); } handle->device_num = device_num; handle->connection_type = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_DEVICE_CONNECTED; handle->config_status = 0; handle->write_errors = 0; handle->num_filter_keys = 0; handle->config_data = NULL; handle->filter_keys = NULL; return 0; } /** * dlt_logstorage_free * * Free all allocated memory used in log storage handle * * @param handle DLT Logstorage handle * */ void dlt_logstorage_free(DltLogStorage *handle) { int i=0; dlt_logstorage_hash_destroy(&(handle->config_htab)); for(i=0; inum_filter_keys; i++) { free(handle->config_data[i].data.file_name); if (handle->config_data[i].data.log != NULL) fclose(handle->config_data[i].data.log); } free(handle->config_data); handle->config_data = NULL; free(handle->filter_keys); handle->filter_keys = NULL; } /** * dlt_logstorage_device_disconnected * * De-Initializes DLT Offline Logstorage with respect to device status * * @param handle DLT Logstorage handle * @return 0 on success, -1 on error * */ int dlt_logstorage_device_disconnected(DltLogStorage *handle) { if (handle == NULL) return -1; /* If configuration loading was done, free it */ if (handle->config_status == DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_CONFIG_DONE) { dlt_logstorage_free(handle); } /* Reset all device status */ handle->device_num = 0; handle->connection_type = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_DEVICE_DISCONNECTED; handle->config_status = 0; handle->write_errors = 0; handle->num_filter_keys = 0; return 0; } /** * dlt_logstorage_prepare_table * * Prepares hash table with keys and data * * @param handle DLT Logstorage handle * @param appid Application ID value provided in configuration file * @param appid Context ID value provided in configuration file * @param tmp_data Holds all other configuration values * @return 0 on success, -1 on error * */ int dlt_logstorage_prepare_table(DltLogStorage *handle, char *appid, char *ctxid, DltLogStorageConfigData *tmp_data) { int ret = 0; int num_keys = 0; char *keys = NULL; int idx = 0; /* Allocate memory for filters */ if(handle->config_data == NULL) { handle->config_data = malloc(sizeof(DltLogStorageConfig) * DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAXFILTERS); memset(handle->config_data, 0, (sizeof(DltLogStorageConfig) * DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAXFILTERS)); handle->filter_keys = malloc(sizeof(char) * DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_KEY_LEN * DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAXFILTERS); memset(handle->filter_keys, 0, sizeof(char) * DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_KEY_LEN * DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAXFILTERS); } ret = dlt_logstorage_create_keys(appid, ctxid, &keys, &num_keys); if (ret != 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Not able to create keys for hash table\n"); return -1; } /* hash_add */ for (idx=0; idx (DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAXFILTERS - handle->num_filter_keys)) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "MAX filters reached \n"); break; } p_node = &(handle->config_data[handle->num_filter_keys]); strcpy(p_node->key, keys+(idx * DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_KEY_LEN)); memcpy(&p_node->data, tmp_data, sizeof(DltLogStorageConfigData)); p_node->data.file_name = strdup(tmp_data->file_name); if(dlt_logstorage_hash_add(p_node->key, &p_node->data, &(handle->config_htab)) != 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Adding to hash table failed, returning failure\n"); dlt_logstorage_free(handle); free(keys); return -1; } /* update filter keys and number of keys */ strncat(handle->filter_keys + handle->num_filter_keys * DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_KEY_LEN, keys, strlen(keys)); handle->num_filter_keys += 1; } free(keys); return 0; } /** * dlt_logstorage_read_line * * This function reads, analyzes the type of configuration line, * Extracts configuration line type and value and * stores the values into provided input arguments * Here appid and ctxid are used to hold application name and context name * values provided in configuration file, all other configuration values * are stored in tmp_data, the caller can utilize the return values of this * function to know when a complete filter set is read * * @param line Configuration line * @param line_number Configuration line number used for logging error line * @param appid Application ID value provided in configuration file * @param ctxid Context ID value provided in configuration file * @param tmp_data Holds all other configuration values * @return Configuration value type on success, -1 on error * */ int dlt_logstorage_read_line(char *line, int line_number, char **appid, char **ctxid, DltLogStorageConfigData *tmp_data) { char value[DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LINE_SIZE] = {'\0'}; int ret = -1; switch (dlt_logstorage_parse_line(line, value)) { case LINE_FILTER: /* Reset all keys and values */ if (appid != NULL) { free(*appid); *appid = NULL; } if (ctxid != NULL) { free(*ctxid); *ctxid = NULL; } ret = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_FILTER_PRESENT; break; case LINE_APP_NAME: ret = dlt_logstorage_read_list_of_names(appid, value); if (ret == 0) ret = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_APP_INIT; break; case LINE_CTX_NAME: ret = dlt_logstorage_read_list_of_names(ctxid, value); if (ret == 0) ret = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_CTX_INIT; break; case LINE_LOG_LEVEL: ret = dlt_logstorage_read_log_level(&(tmp_data->log_level), value); if (ret == 0) ret = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_LOG_LVL_INIT; break; case LINE_FILE_NAME: ret = dlt_logstorage_read_file_name(&(tmp_data->file_name), value); if (ret == 0) ret = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_NAME_INIT; break; case LINE_FILE_SIZE: ret = dlt_logstorage_read_number(&(tmp_data->file_size), value); if (ret == 0) ret = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_SIZE_INIT; break; case LINE_FILE_NUMBER: ret = dlt_logstorage_read_number(&(tmp_data->num_files), value); if (ret == 0) ret = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_NUM_INIT; break; case LINE_ERROR: break; default: ret = -1; break; } if (ret == -1) { char error_str[DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE]; snprintf(error_str,DLT_DAEMON_TEXTBUFSIZE,"Error in configuration file line number : %d line : %s Invalid\n",line_number, line); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, error_str); } return ret; } /** * dlt_logstorage_trim_line * * Remove \n and spaces at end of line * * @param line File line * */ void dlt_logstorage_trim_line(char *line) { int len = 0; /* Consider \n and spaces at end of line */ len = (int) strlen(line) -1; while ((len >= 0) && ((line[len] == '\n') || (isspace(line[len])))) { line[len]=0; len--; } len = (int) strlen(line) -1; } /** * dlt_logstorage_load_config * * Read dlt_logstorage.conf file and setup filters in hash table * Hash table key consists of "APPID:CTXID", e.g "APP1:CTX1". If * wildcards used for application id or context id, the hash table * key consists of none wildcard value, e.g. appid=.*, cxtid=CTX1 * results in "CTX1". * * Combination of two wildcards is not allowed. * * @param input_file pointer to configuration file stored on device * @return 0 on success, -1 on error */ int dlt_logstorage_load_config(DltLogStorage *handle) { FILE *config_file = NULL; char config_file_name[PATH_MAX + 1] = {'\0'}; char line[DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LINE_SIZE] = {'\0'}; int ret = 0; int is_filter_set = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_FILTER_UNINIT; char *appid = NULL; char *ctxid = NULL; DltLogStorageConfigData tmp_data; int line_number = 0; memset(&tmp_data, 0, sizeof(DltLogStorageConfigData)); /* Check if handle is NULL or already initialized or already configured */ if ((handle == NULL) || (handle->connection_type != DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_DEVICE_CONNECTED)) return -1; /* Check if this device config was already setup */ if (handle->config_status == DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_CONFIG_DONE) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_logstorage_load_config Error : Device already configured\n"); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Send disconnect, connect request to re-configure \n"); return -1; } if(snprintf(config_file_name, PATH_MAX, "%s%d/%s", DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_CONFIG_DIR_PATH, handle->device_num, DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_CONFIG_FILE_NAME) < 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_logstorage_load_config Error : Device already configured\n"); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Send disconnect, connect request to re-configure \n"); return -1; } if ((config_file = fopen(config_file_name, "r")) == NULL) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Cannot open dlt_logstorage.conf file.\n"); return -1; } if (dlt_logstorage_hash_create(DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAXFILTERS, &(handle->config_htab)) != 0) { fclose(config_file); dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_logstorage_load_config Error : Hash creation failed\n"); return -1; } /* Read configuration file line by line */ while (fgets(line, DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LINE_SIZE, config_file) != NULL) { line_number += 1; /* Ignore empty line, comment line */ if (line[0] == '#' || line[0] == ';' || line[0] == '\n' || line[0] == '\0') continue; /* Consider \n and spaces at end of line */ dlt_logstorage_trim_line(line); ret = dlt_logstorage_read_line(line, line_number, &appid, &ctxid, &tmp_data); /* Check if filter tag was read */ if ((ret != -1) && (ret == DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_FILTER_PRESENT)) { is_filter_set = ret; if (tmp_data.file_name != NULL) free(tmp_data.file_name);/* not used anymore */ }/* Check if complete filter is read */ else if ((ret != -1) && DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_IS_FILTER_PRESENT(is_filter_set)) { is_filter_set |= ret; } else { /* Do not log error here, uninitatilze filter */ is_filter_set = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_FILTER_UNINIT; } /* If all items of the filter is populated store them */ if (DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_FILTER_INITIALIZED(is_filter_set)) { ret = dlt_logstorage_prepare_table(handle, appid, ctxid, &tmp_data); if (ret != 0) break; is_filter_set = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_FILTER_UNINIT; } } if (ret == 0) handle->config_status = DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_CONFIG_DONE; free(appid); free(ctxid); free(tmp_data.file_name); fclose(config_file); return ret; } /** * dlt_logstorage_get_loglevel_by_key * * Obtain the log level for the provided key * This function can be used to obtain log level when the actual * key stored in the Hash map is availble with the caller * * @param handle DltLogstorage handle * @param key key to search for in Hash MAP * @return log level on success:, -1 on error */ int dlt_logstorage_get_loglevel_by_key(DltLogStorage *handle, char *key) { DltLogStorageConfigData *config; /* Check if handle is NULL,already initialized or already configured */ if ((handle == NULL) || (handle->connection_type != DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_DEVICE_CONNECTED) || (handle->config_status != DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_CONFIG_DONE)) { return -1; } config = (DltLogStorageConfigData *)dlt_logstorage_hash_find(key, &(handle->config_htab)); return config->log_level; } /** * dlt_logstorage_get_config * * Obtain the configuration data of all filters for provided apid and ctid * For a given apid and ctid, there can be 3 possiblities of configuration * data available in the Hash map, this function will return the address * of configuration data for all these 3 combinations * * @param handle DltLogStorage handle * @param appid application id * @param ctxid context id * @param num_config (o/p) contains the number of filter configration data obtained * @return on success: address of configuration data, NULL on failure or no configuration data found */ DltLogStorageConfigData **dlt_logstorage_get_config(DltLogStorage *handle, char *apid, char *ctid, int *num_config) { DltLogStorageConfigData **config = NULL; DltLogStorageConfigData *ptr_config = NULL; char key[3][DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_KEY_LEN]= {{'\0'},{'\0'},{'\0'}}; int i=0; int apid_len = 0; int ctid_len = 0; /* Check if handle is NULL,already initialized or already configured */ if ((handle == NULL) || (handle->connection_type != DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_DEVICE_CONNECTED) || (handle->config_status != DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_CONFIG_DONE)) return NULL; if ((apid == NULL) || (ctid == NULL)) return NULL; /* Check if num_config passed is non zero */ if (*(num_config) !=0) *(num_config) = 0; /* Prepare possible keys with apid and ctid, Possible combinataions are apid: , :ctid and apid:ctid */ apid_len = strlen(apid); if (apid_len > DLT_ID_SIZE) apid_len = DLT_ID_SIZE; strncpy(key[0], apid, apid_len); strncat(key[0], ":",1); ctid_len = strlen(ctid); if (ctid_len > DLT_ID_SIZE) ctid_len = DLT_ID_SIZE; strncpy(key[1], ":", 1); strncat(key[1], ctid, ctid_len); strncpy(key[2], apid, apid_len); strncat(key[2], ":", 1); strncat(key[2], ctid, ctid_len); config = (DltLogStorageConfigData **)calloc(3, sizeof(DltLogStorageConfigData *)); if (config == NULL) return NULL; /* Search the list thrice with keys as -apid: , :ctid and apid:ctid */ for (i=0; i<3; i++) { ptr_config = (DltLogStorageConfigData *)dlt_logstorage_hash_find(key[i], &(handle->config_htab)); if (ptr_config != NULL) { config[*(num_config)] = ptr_config; *(num_config) += 1; } } if (*(num_config) == 0) { free(config); return NULL; } return config; } /** * dlt_logstorage_filter * * Check if log message need to be stored in a certain device based on filter config * - get all DltLogStorageConfigData from hash table possible by given apid/ctid (apid:, :ctid, apid:ctid * - for each found structure, compare message log level with configured one * * @param appid application id * @param ctxid context id * @param log_level Log level of message * @param num Number of found configurations * @return list of filters received from hashmap or NULL */ DltLogStorageConfigData **dlt_logstorage_filter(DltLogStorage *handle, char *appid, char *ctxid, int log_level, int *num) { DltLogStorageConfigData **config = NULL; int i = 0; /* filter on names: find DltLogStorageConfigData structures */ config = dlt_logstorage_get_config(handle, appid, ctxid, num); if (config == NULL) { *num = 0; return NULL; } for (i = 0; i < *num; i++) { /* filter on log level */ if (log_level > config[i]->log_level) { config[i] = NULL; } } return config; } /** * dlt_logstorage_log_file_name * * Create log file name in form * __.dlt * * filename: given in configuration file * timestamp: yyyy-mm-dd-hh-mm-ss * index: 3 digit number, beginning with 001 * * @param log_file_name contains complete logfile name * @param name file name given in configuration file * @param idx continous index of log files * @ return 0 on success, -1 on error */ void dlt_logstorage_log_file_name(char *log_file_name, char *name, int idx) { char file_index[4] = {0}; char stamp[DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_TIMESTAMP_LEN + 1] = {0}; time_t t = time(NULL); struct tm *tm_info = localtime(&t); sprintf(stamp, "_%04d%02d%02d-%02d%02d%02d", 1900 + tm_info->tm_year, 1 + tm_info->tm_mon, tm_info->tm_mday, tm_info->tm_hour, tm_info->tm_min, tm_info->tm_sec); sprintf(file_index, "%03d", idx); // create log file name memset(log_file_name, 0, DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LOG_FILE_LEN * sizeof(char)); strcat(log_file_name, name); strcat(log_file_name, "_"); strcat(log_file_name, file_index); strcat(log_file_name, stamp); strcat(log_file_name, ".dlt"); } /** * dlt_logstorage_storage_dir_info * * Get information of storage directory. Return newest, oldest log and number of log files * * @param path Path to storage directory * @param file_name Base name of log files * @param oldest Oldest log file * @param newest Newest log file * @return number of logfiles on success, -1 on error */ int dlt_logstorage_storage_dir_info(char *path, char *file_name, char *newest, char *oldest) { int i = 0; int num = 0; int cnt = 0; struct dirent **files = {0}; char *tmp_old = NULL; char *tmp_new = NULL; if (path == NULL || file_name == NULL || newest == NULL || oldest == NULL) { return -1; } cnt = scandir(path, &files, 0, alphasort); if (cnt < 0) { return -1; } for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { int len = 0; len = strlen(file_name); if ((strncmp(files[i]->d_name, file_name, len) == 0) && (files[i]->d_name[len] == '_')) { num++; if (tmp_old == NULL || strcmp(tmp_old, files[i]->d_name) > 0) { tmp_old = files[i]->d_name; } if (tmp_new == NULL || strcmp(tmp_new, files[i]->d_name) < 0) { tmp_new = files[i]->d_name; } } } if (num > 0) { if (tmp_old != NULL) { if (strlen(tmp_old) < DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LOG_FILE_LEN) { strncpy(oldest, tmp_old, DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LOG_FILE_LEN); } else { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Found log file name too long. New file will be created."); } } if (tmp_new != NULL) { if (strlen(tmp_old) < DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LOG_FILE_LEN) { strncpy(newest, tmp_new, DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LOG_FILE_LEN); } else { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Found log file name too long. New file will be created."); } } } /* free scandir result */ for (i = 0; i < cnt; i++) { free(files[i]); } free(files); return num; } /** * dlt_logstorage_get_idx_of_log_file * * Generate an index of the log file to be used. * * @param file file name to extract the index from * @return index on success, -1 if no index is found */ int dlt_logstorage_get_idx_of_log_file(char *file) { int idx = -1; char *endptr; /* index is retrived from file name */ idx = (int) strtol(&file[strlen(file)-DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_INDEX_OFFSET], &endptr, 10) + 1; if(endptr == file || idx <= 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "Unable to calculate index from log file name. Reset index to 001.\n"); idx = -1; } return idx; } /** * dlt_logstorage_open_log_file * * Open a log file. Check storage directory for already created files and open the oldest if * there is enough space to store at least msg_size. * Otherwise create a new file, but take configured max number of files into account and remove * the oldest file if needed. * * @param config DltLogStorageConfigData * @param dev_num Number of storage device needed for storage dir path * @param msg_size Size of incoming message * @return 0 on succes, -1 on error */ int dlt_logstorage_open_log_file(DltLogStorageConfigData *config, int dev_num, int msg_size) { int ret = 0; int idx = 0; char absolute_file_path[DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_PATH_LEN] = {0}; char storage_path[DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_CONFIG_DIR_PATH_LEN] = {0}; char newest[DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LOG_FILE_LEN] = {0}; char oldest[DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_LOG_FILE_LEN] = {0}; unsigned int num_log_files = 0; struct stat s; if (config == NULL) { return -1; } /* check if there are already files */ sprintf(storage_path, "%s%d/", DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_CONFIG_DIR_PATH, dev_num); ret = dlt_logstorage_storage_dir_info(storage_path, config->file_name, newest, oldest); if (ret == -1) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_logstorage_create_log_file: Unable to scan storage directory.\n"); return -1; } /* positive number in case of no error */ num_log_files = (unsigned int) ret; if (strlen(newest) == 0) /* need new file*/ { idx += 1; dlt_logstorage_log_file_name(newest, config->file_name, idx); /* concatenate path and file and open absolute path */ strcat(absolute_file_path, storage_path); strcat(absolute_file_path, newest); config->log = fopen(absolute_file_path, "a+"); } else /* newest file available*/ { strcat(absolute_file_path, storage_path); strcat(absolute_file_path, newest); ret = stat(absolute_file_path, &s); /* if size is enough, open it */ if (ret == 0 && s.st_size + msg_size < config->file_size) { config->log = fopen(absolute_file_path, "a+"); } else /* no space in file or file stats cannot be read */ { /* get index of newest log file */ idx = dlt_logstorage_get_idx_of_log_file(newest); /* wrap around if max index is reached or an error occured while calculating index from file name */ if (idx >= DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_INDEX || idx < 0) { idx = 1; } dlt_logstorage_log_file_name(newest, config->file_name, idx); /* concatenate path and file and open absolute path */ memset(absolute_file_path, 0, sizeof(absolute_file_path)/sizeof(char)); strcat(absolute_file_path, storage_path); strcat(absolute_file_path, newest); config->log = fopen(absolute_file_path, "a+"); num_log_files += 1; /* check if number of log files exceeds configured max value */ if (num_log_files > config->num_files) { /* delete oldest */ memset(absolute_file_path, 0, sizeof(absolute_file_path)/sizeof(char)); strcat(absolute_file_path, storage_path); strcat(absolute_file_path, oldest); remove(absolute_file_path); } } } if (config->log == NULL) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_logstorage_create_log_file: Unable to open log file.\n"); return -1; } return ret; } /** * dlt_logstorage_prepare_log_file * * Prepare the log file for a certain filer. If log file not open or log files max size reached, * open a new file. * * @param config DltLogStorageConfigData * @param dev_num Numer of storage device * @param log_msg_size Size of log message * @return 0 on success, -1 on error */ int dlt_logstorage_prepare_log_file(DltLogStorageConfigData *config, int dev_num, int log_msg_size) { int ret = 0; struct stat s; if (config == NULL) { return -1; } if (config->log == NULL) /* open a new log file */ { ret = dlt_logstorage_open_log_file(config, dev_num, log_msg_size); } else /* already open, check size and create a new file if needed */ { ret = fstat(fileno(config->log), &s); if (ret == 0) { /* check if adding new data do not exceed max file size */ if (s.st_size + log_msg_size >= config->file_size) { fclose(config->log); config->log = NULL; ret = dlt_logstorage_open_log_file(config, dev_num, log_msg_size); } else /*everything is prepared */ { ret = 0; } } else { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_logstorage_prepare_log_file: Unable to determine file stats.\n"); ret = -1; } } return ret; } /** * dlt_logstorage_write * * Write a message to one or more configured log files, based on filter configuration. * * @param handle DltLogStorage handle * @param appid Application id of sender * @param ctxid Context id of sender * @param log_level log_level of message to store * @param data1 Data buffer of message header * @param size1 Size of message header buffer * @param data2 Data buffer of message body * @param size2 Size of message body * @return 0 on success or write errors < max write errors, -1 on error */ int dlt_logstorage_write(DltLogStorage *handle, char *appid, char *ctxid, int log_level, unsigned char *data1, int size1, unsigned char *data2, int size2, unsigned char *data3, int size3) { DltLogStorageConfigData **config = NULL; int i = 0; int ret = 0; int num = 0; int err = 0; if (handle == NULL || handle->connection_type != DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_DEVICE_CONNECTED || handle->config_status != DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_CONFIG_DONE) { return 0; } /* check if log message need to be stored in a certain device based on filter config */ config = dlt_logstorage_filter(handle, appid, ctxid, log_level, &num); if (config != NULL) { /* store log message in every found filter */ while (i < num) { if(config[i] != NULL) { /* prepare logfile (create and/or open)*/ ret = dlt_logstorage_prepare_log_file(config[i], handle->device_num, size1 + size2 + size3); if (ret == 0) /* log data (write) */ { fwrite(data1, 1, size1, config[i]->log); fwrite(data2, 1, size2, config[i]->log); fwrite(data3, 1, size3, config[i]->log); ret = ferror(config[i]->log); if (ret != 0) { handle->write_errors += 1; if (handle->write_errors >= DLT_OFFLINE_LOGSTORAGE_MAX_WRITE_ERRORS) { err = -1; } dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_logstorage_write: Unable to write log to file.\n"); } else { /* flush to be sure log is stored on device */ ret = fflush(config[i]->log); if (ret != 0) { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_logstorage_write: Unable to flush log to file.\n"); } } } else { dlt_log(LOG_ERR, "dlt_logstorage_write: Unable to prepare log file.\n"); } } i++; } free(config); } return err; }