# Configuration file of DLT system manager # ######################################################################## # General configuration ######################################################################## # The application Id used for the System manager (Default: SYS) ApplicationId = SYS ######################################################################## # Syslog Adapter configuration ######################################################################## # Enable the Syslog Adapter (Default: 0) SyslogEnable = 0 # The Context Id of the syslog adapter (Default: SYSL) SyslogContextId = SYSL # The UDP port opened by DLT system mamager to receive system logs (Default: 47111) SyslogPort = 47111 ######################################################################## # Systemd Journal Adapter configuration ######################################################################## # This feature is only available, when dlt is compiled with # the option "WITH_SYSTEMD_JOURNAL" # Enable the Systemd Journal Adapter (Default: 0) JournalEnable = 0 # The Context Id of the journal adapter (Default: JOUR) JournalContextId = JOUR ######################################################################## # Filetransfer Manager ######################################################################## # Enable the Filetransfer (Default: 0) FiletransferEnable = 0 # The Context Id of the filetransfer (Default: FILE) FiletransferContextId = FILE # Time in seconds after startup of dlt-system when first file is transfered (Default: 30) FiletransferTimeStartup = 30 # Time to wait when transfered file is deleted and next file transfer starts (Default: 10) # Time in seconds FiletransferTimeDelay = 10 # Time in ms seconds to wait between two file transfer logs of a single file to DLT. (Default: 10) FiletransferTimeoutBetweenLogs = 10 # You can define multiple file transfer directories # Define the directory to watch, whether to compress # the file with zlib and the zlib compression level # For parsing purposes, FiletransferCompressionLevel # must be the last one of three values. # For compressing and sending following subdirectories are used: .tocompress and .tosend FiletransferDirectory = /var/dlt/ft1 FiletransferCompression = 1 FiletransferCompressionLevel = 5 # Second directory to watch FiletransferDirectory = /var/dlt/ft2 FiletransferCompression = 0 FiletransferCompressionLevel = 5 # And so on... FiletransferDirectory = /var/dlt/ft3 FiletransferCompression = 0 FiletransferCompressionLevel = 5 ######################################################################## # Log short files, especially from proc filesystem ######################################################################## # Enable the logging of files (Default: 0) LogFileEnable = 0 # Log different files # Mode: 0 = off, 1 = startup only, 2 = regular # TimeDelay: If mode regular is set, time delay is the number of seconds for next sent # Log the file /etc/sysrel LogFileFilename = /etc/sysrel LogFileMode = 1 LogFileTimeDelay = 3 LogFileContextId = VER # Log the file /proc/version LogFileFilename = /proc/version LogFileMode = 1 LogFileTimeDelay = 3 LogFileContextId = VERK # Log the file /proc/meminfo # LogFileFilename = /proc/meminfo # LogFileMode = 2 # LogFileTimeDelay = 5 # LogFileContextId = MEM # Log the file /proc/cpuinfo # LogFileFilename = /proc/cpuinfo # LogFileMode = 2 # LogFileTimeDelay = 5 # LogFileContextId = CPU # Log the file /proc/stat LogFileFilename = /proc/stat LogFileMode = 2 LogFileTimeDelay = 1 LogFileContextId = STAT # Log the file /proc/modules # LogFileFilename = /proc/modules # LogFileMode = 2 # LogFileTimeDelay = 5 # LogFileContextId = MOD # Log the file /proc/ioports # LogFileFilename = /proc/ioports # LogFileMode = 1 # LogFileTimeDelay = 5 # LogFileContextId = IOP # Log the file /proc/iomem # LogFileFilename = /proc/iomem # LogFileMode = 1 # LogFileTimeDelay = 5 # LogFileContextId = IOM ######################################################################## # Log Processes ######################################################################## # Enable the logging of processes (Default: 0) LogProcessesEnable = 0 # The Context Id of the kernel version (Default: PROC) LogProcessesContextId = PROC # Log different processes # Name: * = all process, X=alternative name (must correspind to /proc/X/cmdline # Filename: the filename in the subdirectory /proc/processid/ # Mode: 0 = off, 1 = startup only, 2 = regular # TimeDelay: If mode regular is set, time delay is the number of seconds for next sent LogProcessName = * LogProcessFilename = stat LogProcessMode = 2 LogProcessTimeDelay = 5 # LogProcessName = dlt_viewer # LogProcessFilename = stat # LogProcessMode = 2 # LogProcessTimeDelay = 1