#!/bin/bash #build and install with SYSTEMD_JOURNAL=ON mkdir ../build cd ../build/ cmake -DWITH_SYSTEMD_JOURNAL=ON .. make sudo make install #enable SYSTEMD_JOURNAL in config file sudo vim -esnc '%s/JournalEnable = 0/JournalEnable = 1/g|:wq' /usr/local/etc/dlt-system.conf #start dlt-daemon dlt-daemon & sleep 1 #start dlt_system dlt-system & sleep 1 #send 10 times "DLT SYSTEM JOURNAL TEST" for i in {1..1000} do logger DLT SYSTEM JOURNAL TEST done #start receiver ./../build/tests/dlt_test_receiver -s localhost & sleep 1 pid=$! wait $pid exitcode=$? # kill processes, receiver automatically killed with daemon pkill dlt-daemon pkill dlt-system # if exit code == 159 , test successfull tput setaf 1 if [ $exitcode == 159 ]; then echo "Systemd Journal tests successfull." else echo "Systemd Journal tests failed." fi tput setaf 7