diff options
authorAdam Mitz <>2010-08-05 17:01:36 +0000
committerAdam Mitz <>2010-08-05 17:01:36 +0000
commit4ef1a5f5e86aac9aa76c3fc6f2cee1f22c4f2c8e (patch)
parentd8025ca319f632f81f35614d14a1e73d909beddd (diff)
ChangeLogTag: Thu Aug 5 17:00:23 UTC 2010 Adam Mitz <>
18 files changed, 781 insertions, 125 deletions
diff --git a/ChangeLog b/ChangeLog
index d095aa37..f9afb52c 100644
--- a/ChangeLog
+++ b/ChangeLog
@@ -1,3 +1,31 @@
+Thu Aug 5 17:00:23 UTC 2010 Adam Mitz <>
+ * docs/html/MakeProjectCreator.html:
+ * docs/html/WB30.html:
+ * docs/templates/wb26.txt:
+ * docs/templates/wb26wrmakefile.txt:
+ * docs/templates/wb26wrproject.txt:
+ * modules/
+ * modules/
+ * modules/
+ * modules/
+ * modules/
+ * templates/wb26.mpd:
+ * templates/wb26dll.mpt:
+ * templates/wb26wrmakefile.mpd:
+ * templates/wb26wrproject.mpd:
+ * templates/wb30cproject.mpd:
+ * templates/wb30dll.mpt:
+ * templates/wb30exe.mpt:
+ Merged (reintegrated) the "wb30" branch, which adds -type wb30
+ for Wind River Workbench 3.0. See WB30.html for details.
+ This also effectively reverts the commit in
+ Fri Jul 9 21:16:23 UTC 2010 Adam Mitz <>
+ because that change was incorrect (-into shouldn't affect the
+ file's contents).
Thu Aug 5 03:49:19 UTC 2010 Chad Elliott <>
* config/glib.mpb:
diff --git a/docs/html/MakeProjectCreator.html b/docs/html/MakeProjectCreator.html
index eecc8900..d157f5f2 100644
--- a/docs/html/MakeProjectCreator.html
+++ b/docs/html/MakeProjectCreator.html
@@ -5444,6 +5444,19 @@
<td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
<p class="Tbl-Body"><em class=
+ "TableCode">deref</em></p>
+ </td>
+ <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
+ <p class="Tbl-Body">Dereference the variable passed as
+ a parameter, treating its value as another variable
+ name and returning that variable's value.</p>
+ </td>
+ </tr>
+ <tr>
+ <td rowspan="1" colspan="1">
+ <p class="Tbl-Body"><em class=
diff --git a/docs/html/WB30.html b/docs/html/WB30.html
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..c9baf7e2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/html/WB30.html
@@ -0,0 +1,164 @@
+<!DOCTYPE html PUBLIC "-//W3C//DTD HTML 4.01 Transitional//EN">
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Type" content="text/html; charset=us-ascii">
+ <meta http-equiv="Content-Style-Type" content="text/css">
+ <meta name="id" content=
+ "$Id$">
+ <link rel="STYLESHEET" href="MakeProjectCreator.css" charset="ISO-8859-1"
+ type="text/css">
+ <title>MPC: WB30 Project Type</title>
+ <h1 class="Head1">WB30 Project Type documentation</h1>
+ <div>
+ <h3 class="Head2">Background/Abstract</h3>
+ <li class="body">The <em>WB30 Project Type</em> generates project files
+ utilizable by Wind River Workbench, version 3.0. Workbench is built
+ on the Eclipse platform and inherits many of its features. In this
+ document, "eclipse" is used at times to describe features common to
+ both eclipse itself and workbench.
+ The project type generates workbench projects from generic mpc
+ files. These workbench projects can then be imported into a user's
+ workspace and built using the workbench "managed flexible build".</li>
+ <li class="body">MPC's WB30 Project Type currently supports Linux
+ and Windows as both host and target platforms. It can be extended to
+ support other platforms as well.</li>
+ </div>
+ <div>
+ <h3 class="Head2">Usage</h3>
+ For every <code>project <var>myprojname</var> { }</code> in mpc files, the
+ WB30 project type
+ generates a corresponding "workbench project" directory of the form
+ <samp>wb_<var>myprojname</var></samp>. The WB30 Project Type
+ uses Eclipse's <em>linked resource</em> feature to work around
+ Eclipse's usual requirement that source files reside inside the Eclipse
+ project directory. However, the linked resource feature also comes with
+ restrictions; see <a href="#fullpath">the note</a> for details.
+ <h4>Generic workflow</h4>
+ Presuming .mpc files already exist:
+ <ol>
+ <li>Generate projects using <samp>-type wb30</samp>.</li>
+ <li>Import projects into a Workbench workspace. From within Workbench
+ (preferably an otherwise-empty workspace) select
+ <strong>File->Import...</strong> and perform the following actions:
+ <ol type="a">
+ <li>Choose <strong>General->Existing Projects Into
+ Workspace</strong> and click <strong>Next</strong></li>
+ <li>In "Select Root Directory:" text field, enter the full path
+ to the MPC workspace.</li>
+ <li>Workbench will scan all the subdirectories looking for existing
+ projects.</li>
+ <li><strong>Be sure that the checkbox next to <em>Copy projects
+ into workspace</em> is <em>UN</em>checked.</strong>
+ Copying projects into the workspace unnecessarily duplicates
+ files, plus we have found that Workbench can get confused with file
+ paths sometimes (though sometimes it will work).</li>
+ <li>Click <strong>Finish</strong> to proceed with the import.</li>
+ </ol>
+ </ol>
+ <h4>Building A Project</h4>
+ To build a project or set of projects, select the project (or
+ projects) in the <em>Project</em> pane, then select
+ <strong>Project->Build Project</strong>.
+ <h3 class="Head2">Platforms and Buildspecs</h3>
+ The default platform for WB30 is called "Native" and corresponds to creating
+ a project in Workbench using File -> New -> Native Application Project.
+ Although this method doesn't have (in workbench) any direct support for
+ building shared libraries, MPC does generate projects that pass the correct
+ compiler and linker flags to create shared (dynamic) libraries. Selecting
+ static or shared libraries with WB30 works the same as with any other MPC
+ project type.<p/>
+ The alternative platform, "VxWorks" can be selected by passing the option
+ <code>-value_template platform=VxWorks</code> on the command line.
+ Currently the VxWorks support is inherited from the existing
+ <code>-type wb26</code> template, so it may need some more work before it is
+ production-ready. Note that the wb26 template supported only DKM projects for
+ VxWorks (Downloadable Kernel Modules).<p/>
+ Each platform includes a list of supported buildspecs, and a single default
+ buildspec. For the "Native" platform, the list of supported buildspecs is:
+ <ul>
+ <li>Linux_gnu_native_3.x_4.x</li>
+ <li>Windows_gnu_native_3.x_4.x</li>
+ </ul>
+ Users can select the list of buildspecs by passing the option
+ <code>-value_template buildspecs=&lt;specs&gt;</code> on the command
+ line, where &lt;specs&gt; is replaced by the buildspec value or values.
+ Multiple values are separated by spaces (with the entire specs string
+ enclosed in quotes). Similarly, the default buildspec can be selected with
+ <code>-value_template default_buildspec=&lt;spec&gt;</code>.<p/>
+ New buildspecs (or even platforms) can be added by either editing the file
+ <code>$MPC_ROOT/templates/wb30dll.mpt</code> (if the modification will be
+ submitted back to the public MPC repository), or creating a file named
+ <code>user_wb30dll.mpt</code> anywhere on the MPC -include search path.
+ Within either of these files, create a scope for the platform/buildspec and
+ use assignment statements within that scope to set the various template
+ variables. The existing buildspecs serve as the best examples.</p>
+ <div>
+ <h3 class="Head2">Notes</h3>
+ <ol>
+ <li>
+ MPC doesn't directly generate Workbench workspaces, because they depend
+ on an unknown binary file format that it can't generate. Instead of
+ generating files that can be loaded as a Workbench workspace, MPC
+ generates two files representing the workspace:
+ <ol>
+ <li>wb30projects.lst</li>
+ <li>org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs</li>
+ </ol>
+ wb30projects.lst contains comment lines (starting with #) followed by
+ one line per project, listing the full path to the .project file.<br/>
+ org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs also begins with comment lines
+ (starting with #) follwed by the contents of one of the files from
+ Eclipse's workspace format, specifically:
+ <code>.metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings/org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs</code>
+ Unfortunately, this file alone is not enough to actually constitute a
+ workspace because Eclipse uses other binary files in this .settings
+ directory.
+ </li>
+ <li><a name="fullpath"></a>WB30 uses Eclipse's <em>linked resource</em>
+ feature to work around the usual requirement that
+ all source code reside in Workbench project directories. These
+ act similar to symbolic links. While convenient so that a
+ developer is not required to conform to Workbench's directory
+ layout, it comes at a price: the target of the link must be
+ specified as a full path. The consequence of this restriction is
+ that, once the WB30 projects get generated, the source directory can
+ not move in the filesystem without re-generating the projects.</li>
+ <li><a name="remove_projects"></a>MPC's WB30 Project Generator
+ creates directories named <samp>wb_*</samp> for projects.
+ To remove all WB30 projects from a
+ directory hierarchy, on Linux you can use a command such as:
+ $ find . -name 'wb_*' -type d | xargs rm -rf
+ </li>
+ </ol>
+ </div>
+</body> </html>
diff --git a/docs/templates/wb26.txt b/docs/templates/wb26.txt
index fa029ae2..2f62ef23 100644
--- a/docs/templates/wb26.txt
+++ b/docs/templates/wb26.txt
@@ -1,12 +1,8 @@
-// Current as of 3/31/2008
-// This defines the role of all the template variables specific to the
-// 'wb26wrproject' template.
+// Document template variables for templates templates/wb26.mpd.
// Please try to keep this alphabetically sorted.
-common_defines = Specifies macros that are common to all target types.
-defines = Macros that are specific to a particular configuration.
-enable_subprojects = Enable the generation of subprojects
-link_groups = A boolean template variable that determines if the GNU linker specific --start-group and --end-group options are used.
-linkflags = Platform specific flags passed during the linking of dynamic libraries and executables.
-standard_build = Specify that you want to use standard build instead of flexible build
+additional_natures = Eclipse natures that should appear in the .project file
+disable_subprojects = Disables generation of subprojects (.wrproject) and project references (.project)
+project_prefix = Prefix for the project names and the MPC-created directory that contains .project, .wrproject, etc.
+standard_build = Specify that you want to use standard build instead of flexible build (not tested with -type wb30)
diff --git a/docs/templates/wb26wrmakefile.txt b/docs/templates/wb26wrmakefile.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0d138fae
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/templates/wb26wrmakefile.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,7 @@
+// Document template variables for templates templates/wb26wrmakefile.mpd.
+// Please try to keep this alphabetically sorted.
+buildspecs = List of possible build specifications
+dll_prefix = Prefix for shared/dynamic libraries
+platform_makefilevars = Platform-specific variables that should have \ to / translation done in the makefile
diff --git a/docs/templates/wb26wrproject.txt b/docs/templates/wb26wrproject.txt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..bf1cef0a
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docs/templates/wb26wrproject.txt
@@ -0,0 +1,53 @@
+// Document template variables for templates templates/wb26wrproject.mpd.
+// Please try to keep this alphabetically sorted.
+ar = Tool that creates archive libraries
+ar_dbgflags = Flags passed to ar in debug mode only
+ar_derivedsigs = File extension created by ar
+ar_flags = Flags passed to ar regardless of debug mode
+ar_nondbgflags = Flags passed to ar in non-debug mode
+ass_dbgflags = Flags passed to the assembler in debug mode only
+ass_derivedsigs = File extension created by the assembler
+ass_flags = Flags passed to the assembler regardless of debug mode
+ass_nondbgflags = Flags passed to the assembler in non-debug mode
+c_dbgflags = C compiler flags for debug mode
+c_derivedsigs = C compiler output file pattern
+c_flags = C compiler flags regardless of debug mode
+c_nondbgflags = C compiler flags for non-debug mode
+cc = C compiler
+clnk_derivedsigs = C linker output file pattern
+common_defines = Specifies macros that are common to all target types
+cxx = C++ compiler
+cxx_dbgflags = C++ compiler flags for debug mode
+cxx_derivedsigs = C++ compiler output file pattern
+cxx_flags = C++ compiler flags regardless of debug mode
+cxx_nondbgflags = C++ compiler flags for non-debug mode
+cxxlnk_derivedsigs = C++ linker output file pattern
+default_buildspec = Which buildspec from the buildspecs should be default
+defines = Specifies macros that are common to all target types
+dll_buildtool = Name of the tool to use to create shared/dynamic libraries (for example, C++-Linker or C-Linker)
+dll_prefix = Prefix for shared/dynamic libraries
+exe_buildtool = Name of the tool to use to create executables (for example, C++-Linker or C-Linker)
+librarian_objects = Object file list to use as input to the archiver/librarian
+link_groups = A boolean template variable that determines if the GNU linker specific --start-group and --end-group options are used for the VxWorks Partial Image Linker
+linker_dbgflags = Linker flags for debug mode (VxWorks)
+linker_flags = Linker flags regardless of debug mode (VxWorks)
+linker_nondbgflags = Linker flags for non-debug mode (VxWorks)
+munchflag = Flags for the VxWorks munch TCL script
+nm = nm utility (VxWorks)
+no_platform_in_wrproject = If enabled, the platform attribute of the wrxml/properties XML element in .wrproject is empty.
+part_dbgflags = Debug flags for the VxWorks Partial Image Linker
+part_derivedsigs = Outupt file patterns for the VxWorks Partial Image Linker
+part_flags = Flags for the VxWorks Partial Image Linker
+part_nondbgflags = Non-debug flags for the VxWorks Partial Image Linker
+pic = Special flags needed to build objects that will become part of a shared library (-fPIC on Linux)
+platform_asflags = Assembler flags common to the platform or buildspec
+platform_ccflags = C compiler flags common to the platform or buildspec
+platform_cxxflags = C++ compiler flags common to the platform or buildspec
+platform_includes = Include directories common to the platform or buildspec
+platform_name = Value of the platform_name attribute of the wrxml/properties XML element in .wrproject
+project_type = Value of the project_type attribute of the wrxml/properties XML element in .wrproject
+project_type_macro = Value of the PROJECT_TYPE macro in the GlobalMacro list
+shflags = Flags passed to the linker to create a shared/dynamic libraries instead of an executable
+wrprj_macros = List of Macros for the BLD::Info|Macros section of the .wrproject. Each element in this list will in turn be de-referenced (used as an MPC template variable name) to obtain its values. LIBPATH and LIBS has special treatment here to get -L and -l prepended.
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
index 4c4e3bf7..b1d5339f 100644
--- a/modules/
+++ b/modules/
@@ -66,11 +66,10 @@ sub write_comps {
my $crlf = $self->crlf();
$self->{'seen_deps'} = {};
- my $prefix = ($self->{'into'} ne '') ? $self->{'into'} . '/' : '';
foreach my $project ($self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0)) {
my($pname, $rawdeps, $guid, $language, $custom_only, $nocross, $managed, @cfgs) = @{$$info{$project}};
print $fh "$pname ",
- Cwd::abs_path($prefix . $self->mpc_dirname($project)), '/.project', $crlf;
+ Cwd::abs_path($self->mpc_dirname($project)), '/.project', $crlf;
$self->add_dependencies($creator, $project);
@@ -78,6 +77,8 @@ sub write_comps {
sub add_dependencies {
my($self, $creator, $proj) = @_;
my $outdir = $self->mpc_dirname($proj);
+ my $into = $self->get_outdir();
+ $outdir = "$into/$outdir" if $into ne '.';
my $pre = ' <project>';
my $post = '</project>';
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
index b22190ff..9c1eb56f 100644
--- a/modules/
+++ b/modules/
@@ -81,6 +81,7 @@ my %keywords = ('if' => 0,
'translate_vars' => 2 | 1,
'convert_slashes' => 2,
'new_guid' => 0,
+ 'deref' => 0,
'set' => 0,
@@ -1885,6 +1886,13 @@ sub handle_new_guid {
+sub handle_deref {
+ my($self, $name) = @_;
+ my $val = $self->get_value_with_default($self->get_value_with_default($name));
+ $self->append_current($val);
sub handle_set {
my($self, $val) = @_;
my @params = $self->split_parameters($val);
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
index 92c04e58..4d7a2dc7 100644
--- a/modules/
+++ b/modules/
@@ -37,6 +37,14 @@ sub workspace_file_name {
return 'org.eclipse.core.resources.prefs';
+sub get_id_for_comment {
+ return '$Id$';
+sub get_project_prefix {
+ return '';
sub pre_workspace {
my($self, $fh) = @_;
my $crlf = $self->crlf();
@@ -46,14 +54,14 @@ sub pre_workspace {
'#----------------------------------------------------------------------------', $crlf,
'# WindRiver Workbench generator', $crlf,
'#', $crlf,
- '# $Id$', $crlf,
+ '# ', $self->get_id_for_comment(), $crlf,
'#', $crlf,
'# This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
'# this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
- '# This file should be placed in the .metadata\.plugins\org.eclipse.core.runtime\.settings directory', $crlf,
+ '# This file should be placed in the .metadata/.plugins/org.eclipse.core.runtime/.settings directory', $crlf,
'#', $crlf,
'# MPC Command:', $crlf,
- "# $0 @ARGV", $crlf,
+ "# ", $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), $crlf,
'#----------------------------------------------------------------------------', $crlf);
## Unchanging initial settings
@@ -66,11 +74,12 @@ sub write_comps {
my($self, $fh) = @_;
my $pjs = $self->get_project_info();
my @list = $self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0);
+ my $pre = $self->get_project_prefix();
## Print out the target
print $fh 'description.buildorder=';
foreach my $project (@list) {
- print $fh "$$pjs{$project}->[0]/";
+ print $fh "$pre$$pjs{$project}->[0]/";
print $fh $self->crlf();
@@ -106,25 +115,26 @@ sub list_file_body {
'#----------------------------------------------------------------------------', $crlf,
'# WindRiver Workbench generator', $crlf,
'#', $crlf,
- '# $Id$', $crlf,
+ '# ', $self->get_id_for_comment() , $crlf,
'#', $crlf,
'# This file was generated by MPC. Any changes made directly to', $crlf,
'# this file will be lost the next time it is generated.', $crlf,
'# MPC Command:', $crlf,
- "# $0 @ARGV", $crlf,
+ "# ", $self->create_command_line_string($0, @ARGV), $crlf,
'#----------------------------------------------------------------------------', $crlf);
## Print out each target separately
- my $prefix = ($self->{'into'} ne '') ? $self->{'into'} . '/' : '';
foreach my $project ($self->sort_dependencies($self->get_projects(), 0)) {
- print $fh Cwd::abs_path($prefix . $self->mpc_dirname($project)),
- '/.project', $crlf;
+ print $fh Cwd::abs_path($self->mpc_dirname($project)), '/.project', $crlf;
sub add_dependencies {
my($self, $creator, $proj) = @_;
my $outdir = $self->mpc_dirname($proj);
+ my $into = $self->get_outdir();
+ $outdir = "$into/$outdir" if $into ne '.';
+ my $proj_pre = $self->get_project_prefix();
## These values will be changed after the first time through the for
## loop below.
@@ -164,7 +174,9 @@ sub add_dependencies {
## Since we're looking at the dependencies in reverse order
## now, we need to unshift them into another array to keep
## the correct order.
- unshift(@lines, "$pre$dep$post$crlf") if (defined $relative);
+ if (defined $relative) {
+ unshift(@lines, "$pre$proj_pre$dep$post$crlf");
+ }
## We've now seen this dependency and all of the
## projects upon which this one depends.
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..cfe2238b
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,87 @@
+package WB30ProjectCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Wind River Workbench 3.0 generator
+# Author : Adam Mitz (Object Computing, Inc.)
+# Create Date : 07/21/2010
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use WB26ProjectCreator;
+use XMLProjectBase;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(XMLProjectBase WB26ProjectCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Data Section
+# ************************************************************
+my %templates = ('wb26' => '.project',
+ 'wb26wrproject' => '.wrproject',
+ 'wb26wrmakefile' => '.wrmakefile',
+ 'wb30cproject' => '.cproject');
+my @tkeys = sort keys %templates;
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub project_file_name {
+ my($self, $name, $template) = @_;
+ ## Fill in the name and template if they weren't provided
+ $name = $self->project_name() if (!defined $name);
+ $template = 'wb26' if (!defined $template || !defined $templates{$template});
+ if ($self->{'make_coexistence'}) {
+ return $self->get_modified_project_file_name("wb_$name",
+ '/' . $templates{$template});
+ }
+ else {
+ return $templates{$template};
+ }
+sub post_file_creation {
+ my($self, $file) = @_;
+ if ($file =~ /$templates{'wb26wrmakefile'}$/) {
+ open IN, $file or die "Can't open $file for post-processing input.";
+ my @lines;
+ while (<IN>) {
+ s/\\&quot;/\\"/g;
+ s/&quot;/"/g;
+ s/&gt;/>/g;
+ s/&lt;/</g;
+ s/&amp;/&/g;
+ push @lines, $_;
+ }
+ close IN;
+ open OUT, ">$file" or die "Can't open $file for post-processing output.";
+ print OUT @lines;
+ close OUT;
+ }
+sub get_template {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return @tkeys;
+sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'wb30exe';
+sub get_dll_template_input_file {
+ #my $self = shift;
+ return 'wb30dll';
diff --git a/modules/ b/modules/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..00a4a449
--- /dev/null
+++ b/modules/
@@ -0,0 +1,41 @@
+package WB30WorkspaceCreator;
+# ************************************************************
+# Description : Wind River Workbench 3.0 generator
+# Author : Adam Mitz (Object Computing, Inc.)
+# Create Date : 07/21/2010
+# ************************************************************
+# ************************************************************
+# Pragmas
+# ************************************************************
+use strict;
+use WB26WorkspaceCreator;
+use WB30ProjectCreator;
+use vars qw(@ISA);
+@ISA = qw(WB26WorkspaceCreator);
+# ************************************************************
+# Subroutine Section
+# ************************************************************
+sub get_id_for_comment {
+ return '$Id$';
+sub get_project_prefix {
+ return 'wb_';
+sub get_additional_output {
+ ## Create the accompanying list file. It always goes in the same
+ ## directory as the first workspace output file. See
+ ## for a description of the array elements.
+ return [[undef, 'wb30projects.lst', \&WB26WorkspaceCreator::list_file_body]];
diff --git a/templates/wb26.mpd b/templates/wb26.mpd
index 7a3dd96c..46b15b89 100644
--- a/templates/wb26.mpd
+++ b/templates/wb26.mpd
@@ -1,8 +1,8 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <name><%project_name%></name>
- <comment></comment>
-<%if(after && enable_subprojects && exename)%>
+ <name><%project_prefix%><%project_name%></name>
+ <comment>Generated by MPC</comment>
+<%if(after && !disable_subprojects)%>
@@ -17,6 +17,9 @@
+ <nature><%additional_nature%></nature>
<%if(!standard_build && make_coexistence)%>
@@ -34,6 +37,13 @@
+ <link>
+ <name><%pch_header%></name>
+ <type>1</type>
+ <location><%full_path(pch_header)%></location>
+ </link>
@@ -48,6 +58,15 @@
+ <link>
+ <name><%if(starts_with(custom_type->input_file, \.\.))%><%basename(custom_type->input_file)%><%else%><%custom_type->input_file%><%endif%></name>
+ <type>1</type>
+ <location><%full_path(custom_type->input_file)%></location>
+ </link>
diff --git a/templates/wb26dll.mpt b/templates/wb26dll.mpt
index d51bf4f2..a9b78dc7 100644
--- a/templates/wb26dll.mpt
+++ b/templates/wb26dll.mpt
@@ -15,8 +15,22 @@ part_derivedsigs = *.o
ar_derivedsigs = .a
platform = VxWorks
-platform_name = vxworks-6.4
-project_type = DownloadableKernelModuleProject
+VxWorks {
+ platform_name = vxworks-6.4
+ project_type = DownloadableKernelModuleProject
+ platform_includes = $(WIND_BASE)/target/h $(WIND_BASE)/target/h/wrn/coreip
+ platform_makefilevars = WIND_BASE WIND_USR
+ buildspecs = PPC604gnu PPC603gnu PENTIUM4gnu PPC85XXgnu
+ default_buildspec = PPC604gnu
+ librarian_objects = @$(PRJ_ROOT_DIR)/filelist.txt
+ exe_buildtool = Linker
+ project_type_macro = DKM
linkflags =
includedir =
@@ -25,9 +39,6 @@ includedir =
// Build Specs Section
// ***********************************************************************
-buildspecs = PPC604gnu PPC603gnu PENTIUM4gnu PPC85XXgnu
-default_buildspec = PPC604gnu
PPC603gnu {
cc_arch_spec = -mcpu=603 -mstrict-align -mno-implicit-fp -D_WRS_HARDWARE_FP -mlongcall
cpu = PPC603
diff --git a/templates/wb26wrmakefile.mpd b/templates/wb26wrmakefile.mpd
index 5660109c..039fd272 100644
--- a/templates/wb26wrmakefile.mpd
+++ b/templates/wb26wrmakefile.mpd
@@ -1,11 +1,12 @@
-# The file ".wrmakefile" is the template used by the Wind River Workbench to
+<%foreach(platform)%><%comment(there can't be more than one active platform but using a foreach allows platform settings to be grouped in scopes in the mpt files)%># The file ".wrmakefile" is the template used by the Wind River Workbench to
# generate the makefiles of this project. Add user-specific build targets and
# make rules only(!) in this project's ".wrmakefile" file. These will then be
# automatically dumped into the makefiles.
WIND_HOME := $(subst \,/,$(WIND_HOME))
-WIND_BASE := $(subst \,/,$(WIND_BASE))
-WIND_USR := $(subst \,/,$(WIND_USR))
+<%platform_makefilevar%> := $(subst \,/,$(<%platform_makefilevar%>))
ACE_ROOT := $(subst \,/,$(ACE_ROOT))
TAO_ROOT := $(subst \,/,$(TAO_ROOT))
CIAO_ROOT := $(subst \,/,$(CIAO_ROOT))
@@ -16,30 +17,38 @@ ACE_LIBOUT := <%if(dllout)%><%dllout%><%else%><%libout%><%endif%>
-ACE_EXEOUT := <%exeout%>
+ACE_EXEOUT := <%exeout(".")%>
+ACE_EXE_EXT = <%foreach(buildspecs)%>$(if $(filter <%buildspec%>,$(BUILD_SPEC)),<%exe_ext%>)<%endfor%>
ACE_TARGET_NAME := <%exename%>
-ACE_TARGET_EXT := <%exe_ext%>
-PROJECT_TARGET=$(filter %<%exe_ext%>,$(PROJECT_TARGETS))
-<%if(sharedname || staticname)%>
-ACE_TARGET_PREFIX := <%lib_prefix%>
-ACE_TARGET_NAME := <%if(sharedname)%><%sharedname%><%else%><%staticname%><%endif%>
-ACE_TARGET_EXT := <%lib_ext%>
-PROJECT_TARGET=$(filter %<%lib_ext%>,$(PROJECT_TARGETS))
+<%if(sharedname && !compares(platform, VxWorks))%>
+ACE_TARGET_PREFIX = <%foreach(buildspecs)%>$(if $(filter <%buildspec%>,$(BUILD_SPEC)),<%dll_prefix%>)<%endfor%>
+ACE_TARGET_NAME := <%sharedname%>
+ACE_TARGET_EXT = <%foreach(buildspecs)%>$(if $(filter <%buildspec%>,$(BUILD_SPEC)),<%dll_ext%>)<%endfor%>
+<%if(staticname || sharedname)%>
+ACE_TARGET_PREFIX = <%foreach(buildspecs)%>$(if $(filter <%buildspec%>,$(BUILD_SPEC)),<%lib_prefix%>)<%endfor%>
+ACE_TARGET_NAME := <%staticname%>
+ACE_TARGET_EXT = <%foreach(buildspecs)%>$(if $(filter <%buildspec%>,$(BUILD_SPEC)),<%lib_ext%>)<%endfor%>
-<%if(standard_build && exename)%>
-DEPLIBS = $(foreach lib,<%foreach(libs)%> <%libname_prefix%><%lib%><%endfor%> <%lit_libs%>, $(foreach libpath,<%foreach(libpaths)%><%if(targetoutdir)%> <%libpath%>/<%targetoutdir%><%endif%> <%libpath%><%endfor%>, $(wildcard $(libpath)/lib$(lib).a)))
+<%if(libs && libpaths && exename && need_staticflags)%>
+DEPLIBS = $(foreach lib,<%foreach(libs)%> <%libname_prefix%><%lib%><%endfor%> <%lit_libs%>, $(foreach libpath,<%foreach(libpaths)%><%if(!standard_build)%> <%if(make_coexistence)%>../../<%else%>../<%endif%><%libpath%><%endif%> <%libpath%><%endfor%>, $(wildcard $(libpath)/lib$(lib).a)))
@@ -57,6 +66,10 @@ _clean ::
<%if(standard_build && exename)%>
$(OBJ_DIR)/<%exename%>_partialImage.o : $(OBJECTS) $(SUB_OBJECTS) $(DEPLIBS)
+<%if(!standard_build && libs && libpaths && exename && need_staticflags)%>
@@ -74,7 +87,7 @@ main_all : check_objectdir external_build $(PROJECT_TARGETS)
main_all : external_build $(PROJECT_TARGETS)
- @echo "make: built targets of `pwd`"
+ @echo "make: built targets of `pwd`"
@@ -97,6 +110,10 @@ external_build ::
@echo ""
# main entry point for pre processing prior to the build
+pre_build ::
+ @<%if(!standard_build)%><%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%><%endif%><%eval(prebuild)%>
ifneq ($(PROJECT_TARGET),)
@@ -129,15 +146,63 @@ pre_build :: $(PRE_BUILD_STEP)
+# function for generating the correct Custom type Prerequisite (input or dep)
+# using a ../ or ../../ prefix unless it's already an absolute path
+CUST_PRE = <%if(!standard_build)%>$(if $(patsubst $%,,$(1:/%=)),<%if(make_coexistence)%>../../<%else%>../<%endif%>)$(1)<%else%>$(1)<%endif%>
+# function for adding an exe_ext, if needed and the file exists
+ADD_EXT = $(if $(ACE_EXE_EXT),$(if $(suffix $(1)),$(1),$(wildcard $(1) $(1)$(ACE_EXE_EXT))),$(1))
+SPACE = $(should_be_unset) $(should_be_unset)
+GENERATED_DIRTY =<%if(!standard_build)%> $(addprefix <%if(make_coexistence)%>../../<%else%>../<%endif%>,<%endif%><%foreach(custom_types)%><%foreach(custom_type->input_files)%><%if(custom_type->input_file->output_files)%><%foreach(custom_type->input_file->output_files)%> <%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir))%><%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir)%><%slash%><%basename(custom_type->input_file->output_file)%><%else%><%custom_type->input_file->output_file%><%endif%><%endfor%><%endif%><%endfor%><%endfor%><%if(!standard_build)%>)<%endif%>
# entry point for generating sources prior to the build
ifneq ($(PROJECT_TARGET),)
-generate_sources ::
+generate_sources :: $(GENERATED_DIRTY)
+LD_LIBRARY_PATH := $(LD_LIBRARY_PATH):<%custom_type->libpath%>
+PATH := $(PATH):<%custom_type->libpath%>
- <%if(!standard_build)%><%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ;<%endif%><%endif%><%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, command))%><%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, command)%><%else%><%custom_type->command%><%endif%> <%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, commandflags))%><%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, commandflags)%><%else%><%custom_type->commandflags%><%endif%> <%custom_type->input_file%> <%if(custom_type->output_option)%><%custom_type->output_option%> $@<%endif%>
+<%if(!standard_build)%>$(addprefix <%if(make_coexistence)%>../../<%else%>../<%endif%>,<%endif%><%foreach(custom_type->input_file->output_files)%><%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir))%><%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir)%><%slash%><%basename(custom_type->input_file->output_file)%><%else%><%custom_type->input_file->output_file%><%endif%><%fornotlast(" ")%><%endfor%><%if(!standard_build)%>)<%endif%>: $(foreach pre,<%custom_type->input_file%><%if(custom_type->input_file->dependencies)%><%foreach(custom_type->input_file->dependencies)%><%if(contains(custom_type->input_file->dependencie, \$))%> $(subst $(SPACE),\$(SPACE),<%custom_type->input_file->dependencie%>)<%else%> <%scope(enter, escape, \\s)%><%custom_type->input_file->dependencie%><%scope(leave)%><%endif%><%endfor%><%endif%><%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, dependent))%><%foreach(dep, flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, dependent))%><%if(contains(dep, \$))%> $(subst $(SPACE),\$(SPACE),<%dep%>)<%else%> <%scope(enter, escape, \\s)%><%dep%><%scope(leave)%><%endif%><%endfor%><%else%><%if(custom_type->dependent)%><%foreach(custom_type->dependent)%><%if(contains(custom_type->dependent, \$))%> $(subst $(SPACE),\$(SPACE),<%custom_type->dependent%>)<%else%> <%scope(enter, escape, \\s)%><%custom_type->dependent%><%scope(leave)%><%endif%><%endfor%><%endif%><%endif%>,$(call ADD_EXT,$(call CUST_PRE,$(pre))))
+<%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir))%>
+<%if(!compares(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir),.))%>
+ @<%if(!standard_build)%><%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%><%endif%>test -d "<%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir)%>" || mkdir -p "<%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir)%>"
+ $(TRACE_FLAG)<%if(!standard_build)%><%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%><%endif%><%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, command))%><%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, command)%><%else%><%custom_type->command%><%endif%> <%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, commandflags))%><%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, commandflags)%><%else%><%custom_type->commandflags%><%endif%> <%if(custom_type->output_option)%><%custom_type->input_file%> <%custom_type->output_option%><%foreach(custom_type->input_file->output_files)%> <%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir))%><%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir)%><%slash%><%basename(custom_type->input_file->output_file)%><%else%><%custom_type->input_file->output_file%><%endif%><%endfor%><%else%><%custom_type->input_file%><%endif%>
+<%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, postcommand))%>
+ $(TRACE_FLAG)<%if(!standard_build)%><%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%><%endif%><%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, postcommand)%>
+ $(TRACE_FLAG)<%if(!standard_build)%><%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%><%endif%><%custom_type->postcommand%>
+ @<%if(!standard_build)%><%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%><%endif%>echo '#include "<%pch_header%>"' > temp.$$$$ && cat <%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir))%><%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir)%><%slash%><%basename(custom_type->input_file->source_output_file)%><%else%><%custom_type->input_file->source_output_file%><%endif%> >> temp.$$$$ && mv temp.$$$$ <%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir))%><%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir)%><%slash%><%basename(custom_type->input_file->source_output_file)%><%else%><%custom_type->input_file->source_output_file%><%endif%>
@@ -148,7 +213,13 @@ generate_sources ::
+DIR_PREFIX = <%if(make_coexistence)%><%dirname(project_file)%>/<%endif%>$(BUILD_SPEC)
# main entry point for post processing after the build
+post_build ::
+ @<%if(!standard_build)%><%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%><%endif%><%eval(postbuild)%>
post_build :: $(POST_BUILD_STEP) deploy_output
@echo ""
@@ -156,45 +227,24 @@ post_build :: $(POST_BUILD_STEP) deploy_output
ifneq ($(PROJECT_TARGET),)
-deploy_output ::
+deploy_output :: <%if(exename)%>$(call CUST_PRE,$(ACE_EXEOUT)/$(ACE_TARGET_PREFIX)$(ACE_TARGET_NAME)$(ACE_TARGET_EXT))<%else%><%if(sharedname || staticname)%><%if(libout || dllout)%>$(call CUST_PRE,$(ACE_LIBOUT)/$(ACE_TARGET_PREFIX)$(ACE_TARGET_NAME)$(ACE_TARGET_EXT))<%endif%><%endif%><%endif%>
- if [ $(ACE_EXEOUT) != . ]; then\
- if [ ! -d $(ACE_EXEOUT) ]; then\
- mkdir -p $(ACE_EXEOUT);\
- fi;\
- fi \
- else \
- fi\
- fi
+ $(TRACE_FLAG)<%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%>test -d $(ACE_EXEOUT) || mkdir -p $(ACE_EXEOUT); cp $(DIR_PREFIX)/$(ACE_TARGET_DIR)/$(MODE_DIR)/$(ACE_TARGET_PREFIX)$(ACE_TARGET_NAME)$(ACE_TARGET_EXT) $(ACE_EXEOUT)
<%if(sharedname || staticname)%>
<%if(libout || dllout)%>
- if [ $(ACE_LIBOUT) != . ]; then\
- if [ ! -d $(ACE_LIBOUT) ]; then\
- mkdir -p $(ACE_LIBOUT);\
- fi;\
- fi \
- else \
- fi\
- fi
+ $(TRACE_FLAG)<%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%>test -d $(ACE_LIBOUT) || mkdir -p $(ACE_LIBOUT); cp $(DIR_PREFIX)/$(ACE_TARGET_DIR)/$(MODE_DIR)/$(ACE_TARGET_PREFIX)$(ACE_TARGET_NAME)$(ACE_TARGET_EXT) $(ACE_LIBOUT)
+deploy_output ::
- if $(ACE_EXEOUT) != . ]; then\
+ if [ $(ACE_EXEOUT) != . ]; then\
if [ ! -d $(ACE_EXEOUT) ]; then\
mkdir -p $(ACE_EXEOUT);\
@@ -210,7 +260,7 @@ deploy_output ::
<%if(sharedname || staticname)%>
<%if(libout || dllout)%>
- if [ $(ACE_LIBOUT) != . ]; then\
+ if [ $(ACE_LIBOUT) != . ]; then\
if [ ! -d $(ACE_LIBOUT) ]; then\
mkdir -p $(ACE_LIBOUT);\
@@ -288,19 +338,22 @@ external_clean ::
- <%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%endif%>rm -f <%foreach(custom_type->input_file->output_files)%> <%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir))%><%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir)%>\<%basename(custom_type->input_file->output_file)%><%else%><%custom_type->input_file->output_file%><%endif%><%endfor%>
+ $(TRACE_FLAG)<%if(!standard_build)%><%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%><%endif%>rm -f <%foreach(custom_type->input_file->output_files)%> <%if(flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir))%><%flag_overrides(custom_type->input_file, gendir)%>/<%basename(custom_type->input_file->output_file)%><%else%><%custom_type->input_file->output_file%><%endif%><%endfor%>
- rm -f <%exeout%>/$(ACE_TARGET_NAME)$(ACE_TARGET_EXT)
+<%if(exeout || !standard_build)%>
+ $(TRACE_FLAG)<%if(!standard_build)%><%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%><%endif%>rm -f <%exeout(".")%>/$(ACE_TARGET_NAME)$(ACE_TARGET_EXT)
<%if(sharedname || staticname)%>
- rm -f <%if(dllout)%><%dllout%><%else%><%libout%><%endif%>/$(ACE_TARGET_PREFIX)$(ACE_TARGET_NAME)$(ACE_TARGET_EXT)
+ $(TRACE_FLAG)<%if(!standard_build)%><%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%><%endif%>rm -f <%if(dllout)%><%dllout%>/<%else%><%libout%>/<%endif%>$(ACE_TARGET_PREFIX)$(ACE_TARGET_NAME)$(ACE_TARGET_EXT)
+ $(TRACE_FLAG)<%if(!standard_build)%><%if(make_coexistence)%>cd ../.. ; <%else%>cd .. ; <%endif%><%endif%><%eval(postclean)%>
@echo ""
@@ -372,4 +425,5 @@ ifneq ($(PROJECT_TARGET),)
$(OBJ_DIR)/<%lib_prefix%><%if(sharedname)%><%sharedname%><%else%><%staticname%><%endif%><%lib_ext%> : $(OBJECTS) $(SUB_OBJECTS)
-<%endif%> \ No newline at end of file
diff --git a/templates/wb26wrproject.mpd b/templates/wb26wrproject.mpd
index 68df0382..8f67c56d 100644
--- a/templates/wb26wrproject.mpd
+++ b/templates/wb26wrproject.mpd
@@ -1,7 +1,7 @@
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
- <properties platform="<%platform%>" platform_name="<%platform_name%>" root="1" type="<%project_type%>"/>
-<%if(after && enable_subprojects && exename)%>
+<%foreach(platform)%><%comment(there can't be more than one active platform but using a foreach allows platform settings to be grouped in scopes in the mpt files)%><wrxml>
+ <properties platform="<%if(!no_platform_in_wrproject)%><%platform%><%endif%>" <%if(platform_name)%>platform_name="<%platform_name%>" <%endif%>root="1" type="<%project_type%>"/>
+<%if(after && !disable_subprojects)%>
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@
<listAttribute key="BLD::Info|GlobalMacros">
<stringAttribute value="PROJECT_TYPE"/>
<stringAttribute value="DEFINES"/>
+<%if(compares(platform, VxWorks))%>
<%if(sharedname || staticname)%>
<stringAttribute value="DO_STRIP"/>
<stringAttribute value="SHAREDLIB_VERSION"/>
@@ -19,9 +20,11 @@
<stringAttribute value="LIBPATH"/>
<stringAttribute value="LIBS"/>
<stringAttribute value="PARTIAL_LIBS"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|GlobalMacro|DEFINES" value="<%foreach(defines common_defines macros staticflags)%>-D<%define%> <%endfor%>"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|GlobalMacro|PROJECT_TYPE" value="DKM"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|GlobalMacro|DEFINES" value="<%foreach(defines common_defines macros)%>-D<%define%> <%endfor%><%if(type_is_dynamic)%><%foreach(dynamicflags)%>-D<%dynamicflag%> <%endfor%><%endif%><%if(need_staticflags)%><%foreach(staticflags)%>-D<%staticflag%> <%endfor%><%endif%><%if(pch_header)%><%foreach(pch_defines)%>-D<%pch_define%> <%endfor%><%endif%>"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|GlobalMacro|PROJECT_TYPE" value="<%if(project_type_macro)%><%project_type_macro%><%else%><%if(exename)%>APP<%endif%><%endif%>"/>
+<%if(compares(platform, VxWorks))%>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|GlobalMacro|EXPAND_DBG" value="0"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|GlobalMacro|LIBPATH" value="<%foreach(libpaths)%><%fornotfirst(" ")%>-L<%libpath%><%endfor%>"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|GlobalMacro|PARTIAL_LIBS" value="<%foreach(libs)%><%fornotfirst(" ")%>-l<%lib%><%if(use_lib_modifier)%><%lib_modifier%><%endif%><%if(!standard_build)%><%lib_ext%><%endif%><%endfor%><%foreach(lit_libs)%> <%lit_lib%>.lib<%endfor%><%foreach(pure_libs)%> <%pure_lib%><%endfor%>"/>
@@ -30,77 +33,104 @@
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|GlobalMacro|DO_STRIP" value="0"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|GlobalMacro|SHAREDLIB_VERSION" value=""/>
<listAttribute key="BLD::Info|Incl|<%buildspec%>">
- <stringAttribute value="-I$(WIND_BASE)/target/h"/>
- <stringAttribute value="-I$(WIND_BASE)/target/h/wrn/coreip"/>
- <stringAttribute value="-I<%include%>"/>
+<%foreach(includes platform_includes)%>
+ <stringAttribute value="-I<%if(!standard_build && !starts_with(include, [/\\\$]))%><%if(make_coexistence)%>../<%endif%>../<%endif%><%include%>"/>
<listAttribute key="BLD::Info|Macros">
- <stringAttribute value="VX_CPU_FAMILY"/>
- <stringAttribute value="CPU"/>
- <stringAttribute value="TOOL_FAMILY"/>
- <stringAttribute value="TOOL"/>
- <stringAttribute value="TOOL_PATH"/>
- <stringAttribute value="CC_ARCH_SPEC"/>
+ <stringAttribute value="<%wrprj_macro%>"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Macro|CC_ARCH_SPEC|value|<%buildspec%>" value="<%cc_arch_spec%>"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Macro|CPU|value|<%buildspec%>" value="<%cpu%>"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Macro|TOOL_FAMILY|value|<%buildspec%>" value="<%tool_family%>"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Macro|TOOL_PATH|value|<%buildspec%>" value=""/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Macro|TOOL|value|<%buildspec%>" value="<%tool%>"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Macro|VX_CPU_FAMILY|value|<%buildspec%>" value="<%vx_cpu_family%>"/>
+<%if(compares(wrprj_macro, LIBPATH))%>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Macro|LIBPATH|value|<%buildspec%>" value="<%foreach(libpaths)%><%fornotfirst(" ")%>-L<%if(!standard_build && !starts_with(libpath, [/\\\$]))%><%if(make_coexistence)%>../<%endif%>../<%endif%><%translate_vars(libpath, 1)%><%endfor%>"/>
+<%if(compares(wrprj_macro, LIBS))%>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Macro|LIBS|value|<%buildspec%>" value="<%foreach(libs)%><%fornotfirst(" ")%>-l<%lib%><%if(use_lib_modifier)%><%lib_modifier%><%endif%><%endfor%><%foreach(lit_libs)%> <%lit_lib%>.lib<%endfor%><%foreach(pure_libs)%> <%pure_lib%><%endfor%>"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Macro|<%wrprj_macro%>|value|<%buildspec%>" value="<%deref(wrprj_macro)%>"/>
<listAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tools">
<stringAttribute value="C-Compiler"/>
<stringAttribute value="C++-Compiler"/>
+<%if(compares(platform, VxWorks))%>
<%if(sharedname || staticname)%>
<stringAttribute value="Linker"/>
<stringAttribute value="Partial Image Linker"/>
<stringAttribute value="Librarian"/>
- <stringAttribute value="Linker"/>
- <stringAttribute value="Partial Image Linker"/>
- <stringAttribute value="Librarian"/>
+<%if(!compares(platform, VxWorks))%>
+ <stringAttribute value="C-Linker"/>
+ <stringAttribute value="C++-Linker"/>
<stringAttribute value="Assembler"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Assembler|cmd|<%buildspec%>" value="echo &quot;building $@&quot;;%assemblerprefix% $(TOOL_PATH)<%cxx%> %DebugModeFlags% %ToolFlags% $(ADDED_CFLAGS) %Includes% $(ADDED_INCLUDES) -DCPU=$(CPU) -DTOOL_FAMILY=$(TOOL_FAMILY) -DTOOL=$(TOOL) -D_WRS_KERNEL $(DEFINES) -o %OutFile% -c %InFile%"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Assembler|cmd|<%buildspec%>" value="echo &quot;building $@&quot;;%assemblerprefix% $(TOOL_PATH)<%cxx%> %DebugModeFlags% %ToolFlags% $(ADDED_CFLAGS) %Includes% $(ADDED_INCLUDES) <%platform_asflags%> $(DEFINES) -o %OutFile% -c %InFile%"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Assembler|dbgFlags|<%buildspec%>" value="<%ass_dbgflags%>"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Assembler|derivedSigs|<%buildspec%>" value="<%ass_derivedsigs%>"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Assembler|flags|<%buildspec%>" value="$(CC_ARCH_SPEC) <%ass_flags%>"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Assembler|flags|<%buildspec%>" value="$(CC_ARCH_SPEC) <%ass_flags%><%if(sharedname && pic)%> <%pic%><%endif%>"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Assembler|nonDbgFlags|<%buildspec%>" value="<%ass_nondbgflags%>"/>
<booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Assembler|object" value="true"/>
<booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Assembler|passAble" value="false"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Assembler|sigs" value="*.s"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Compiler|cmd|<%buildspec%>" value="echo &quot;building $@&quot;;%cppcompilerprefix% $(TOOL_PATH)<%cxx%> %DebugModeFlags% %ToolFlags% $(ADDED_C++FLAGS) %Includes% $(ADDED_INCLUDES) -DCPU=$(CPU) -DTOOL_FAMILY=$(TOOL_FAMILY) -DTOOL=$(TOOL) -D_WRS_KERNEL $(DEFINES) -o %OutFile% -c %InFile%"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Compiler|cmd|<%buildspec%>" value="echo &quot;building $@&quot;;%cppcompilerprefix% $(TOOL_PATH)<%cxx%> %DebugModeFlags% %ToolFlags% $(ADDED_C++FLAGS) %Includes% $(ADDED_INCLUDES) <%platform_cxxflags%> $(DEFINES) -o %OutFile% -c %InFile%"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Compiler|dbgFlags|<%buildspec%>" value="<%cxx_dbgflags%>"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Compiler|derivedSigs|<%buildspec%>" value="<%cxx_derivedsigs%>"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Compiler|flags|<%buildspec%>" value="$(CC_ARCH_SPEC) <%cxx_flags%>"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Compiler|flags|<%buildspec%>" value="$(CC_ARCH_SPEC) <%cxx_flags%><%if(sharedname && pic)%> <%pic%><%endif%>"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Compiler|nonDbgFlags|<%buildspec%>" value="<%cxx_nondbgflags%>"/>
<booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Compiler|object" value="true"/>
<booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Compiler|passAble" value="false"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Compiler|sigs" value="<%foreach(ext, extensions(source_files))%>*.<%ext%><%fornotlast(";")%><%endfor%>"/>
+<%if(!compares(platform, VxWorks))%>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Linker|cmd|<%buildspec%>" value="echo &quot;building $@&quot;;%cpplinkerprefix% $(TOOL_PATH)<%cxx%> %DebugModeFlags% %ToolFlags% -o %OutFile% %Objects% $(ADDED_OBJECTS) %Libraries% $(LIBPATH) $(LIBS) $(ADDED_LIBPATH) $(ADDED_LIBS)"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Linker|dbgFlags|<%buildspec%>" value=""/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Linker|derivedSigs|<%buildspec%>" value="<%if(sharedname)%>*<%dll_ext%><%else%><%cxxlnk_derivedsigs("*")%><%endif%>"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Linker|flags|<%buildspec%>" value="<%if(sharedname && shflags)%><%shflags%><%endif%>"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Linker|nonDbgFlags|<%buildspec%>" value=""/>
+ <booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Linker|object" value="false"/>
+ <booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Linker|passAble" value="false"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C++-Linker|sigs" value=""/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Compiler|cmd|<%buildspec%>" value="echo &quot;building $@&quot;;%ccompilerprefix% $(TOOL_PATH)<%cxx%> %DebugModeFlags% %ToolFlags% $(ADDED_CFLAGS) %Includes% $(ADDED_INCLUDES) -DCPU=$(CPU) -DTOOL_FAMILY=$(TOOL_FAMILY) -DTOOL=$(TOOL) -D_WRS_KERNEL $(DEFINES) -o %OutFile% -c %InFile%"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Compiler|cmd|<%buildspec%>" value="echo &quot;building $@&quot;;%ccompilerprefix% $(TOOL_PATH)<%if(cc)%><%cc%><%else%><%cxx%><%endif%> %DebugModeFlags% %ToolFlags% $(ADDED_CFLAGS) %Includes% $(ADDED_INCLUDES) <%platform_ccflags%> $(DEFINES) -o %OutFile% -c %InFile%"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Compiler|dbgFlags|<%buildspec%>" value="<%c_dbgflags%>"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Compiler|derivedSigs|<%buildspec%>" value="<%c_derivedsigs%>"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Compiler|flags|<%buildspec%>" value="$(CC_ARCH_SPEC) <%c_flags%>"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Compiler|flags|<%buildspec%>" value="$(CC_ARCH_SPEC) <%c_flags%><%if(sharedname && pic)%> <%pic%><%endif%>"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Compiler|nonDbgFlags|<%buildspec%>" value="<%c_nondbgflags%>"/>
<booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Compiler|object" value="true"/>
<booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Compiler|passAble" value="false"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Compiler|sigs" value="*.c"/>
+<%if(!compares(platform, VxWorks))%>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Librarian|cmd|<%buildspec%>" value="echo &quot;building $@&quot;;%archiverprefix% $(TOOL_PATH)<%ar%> %ToolFlags% %OutFile% @$(PRJ_ROOT_DIR)/filelist.txt $(ADDED_OBJECTS)"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Linker|cmd|<%buildspec%>" value="echo &quot;building $@&quot;;%clinkerprefix% $(TOOL_PATH)<%if(cc)%><%cc%><%else%><%cxx%><%endif%> %DebugModeFlags% %ToolFlags% -o %OutFile% %Objects% $(ADDED_OBJECTS) %Libraries% $(LIBPATH) $(LIBS) $(ADDED_LIBPATH) $(ADDED_LIBS)"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Linker|dbgFlags|<%buildspec%>" value=""/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Linker|derivedSigs|<%buildspec%>" value="<%if(sharedname)%>*<%dll_ext%><%else%><%clnk_derivedsigs("*")%><%endif%>"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Linker|flags|<%buildspec%>" value="<%if(sharedname && shflags)%><%shflags%><%endif%>"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Linker|nonDbgFlags|<%buildspec%>" value=""/>
+ <booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Linker|object" value="false"/>
+ <booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Linker|passAble" value="false"/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|C-Linker|sigs" value=""/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Librarian|cmd|<%buildspec%>" value="echo &quot;building $@&quot;;%archiverprefix% $(TOOL_PATH)<%ar%> %ToolFlags% %OutFile% <%librarian_objects%> $(ADDED_OBJECTS)"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Librarian|dbgFlags|<%buildspec%>" value="<%ar_dbgflags%>"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Librarian|derivedSigs|<%buildspec%>" value="*<%ar_derivedsigs%>"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Librarian|flags|<%buildspec%>" value="<%ar_flags%>"/>
@@ -109,6 +139,7 @@
<booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Librarian|object" value="false"/>
<booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Librarian|passAble" value="true"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Librarian|sigs" value=""/>
+<%if(compares(platform, VxWorks))%>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Linker|cmd|<%buildspec%>" value="echo &quot;building $@&quot;;rm -f %OutFile%;<%nm%> %Objects% $(ADDED_OBJECTS) %Libraries% | tclsh $(WIND_BASE)/host/resource/hutils/tcl/munch.tcl -c <%munchflag%> &gt; $(OBJ_DIR)/ctdt.c;%ccompilerprefix% $(TOOL_PATH)<%cxx%> %DebugModeFlags% $(CC_ARCH_SPEC) -fdollars-in-identifiers -Wall $(ADDED_CFLAGS) %Includes% $(ADDED_INCLUDES) -DCPU=$(CPU) -DTOOL_FAMILY=$(TOOL_FAMILY) -DTOOL=$(TOOL) -D_WRS_KERNEL $(DEFINES) -o $(OBJ_DIR)/ctdt.o -c $(OBJ_DIR)/ctdt.c;%linkerprefix% $(TOOL_PATH)<%cxx%> -r -nostdlib -Wl,-X %ToolFlags% -o %OutFile% $(OBJ_DIR)/ctdt.o %Objects% $(ADDED_OBJECTS) %Libraries% $(LIBPATH) $(LIBS) $(ADDED_LIBPATH) $(ADDED_LIBS) &amp;&amp; if [ &quot;$(EXPAND_DBG)&quot; = &quot;1&quot; ]; then plink &quot;$@&quot;;fi"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Linker|dbgFlags|<%buildspec%>" value="<%linker_dbgflags%>"/>
@@ -129,6 +160,7 @@
<booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Partial Image Linker|object" value="false"/>
<booleanAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Partial Image Linker|passAble" value="true"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|Tool|Partial Image Linker|sigs" value=""/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|cmd" value="%makeprefix% make --no-print-directory"/>
<stringAttribute key="BLD::Info|defaultSpec" value="<%default_buildspec%>"/>
@@ -155,7 +187,7 @@
<booleanAttribute key="BLD::Tgt|Target|<%exename%>_partialImage|passed" value="true"/>
<listAttribute key="BLD::Tgt|Target|<%exename%>_partialImage|refs"/>
- <stringAttribute key="BLD::Tgt|Target|<%if(exename)%><%exename%><%else%><%if(staticname)%><%lib_prefix%><%staticname%><%else%><%lib_prefix%><%sharedname%><%endif%><%endif%>|ToolName" value="<%if(sharedname || staticname)%>Librarian"<%else%>Linker"<%endif%>/>
+ <stringAttribute key="BLD::Tgt|Target|<%if(exename)%><%exename%><%else%><%if(staticname)%><%lib_prefix%><%staticname%><%else%><%lib_prefix%><%sharedname%><%endif%><%endif%>|ToolName" value="<%if(sharedname || staticname)%>Librarian<%else%>Linker<%endif%>"/>
<booleanAttribute key="BLD::Tgt|Target|<%if(exename)%><%exename%><%else%><%if(staticname)%><%lib_prefix%><%staticname%><%else%><%lib_prefix%><%sharedname%><%endif%><%endif%>|passed" value="false"/>
<listAttribute key="BLD::Tgt|Target|<%if(exename)%><%exename%><%else%><%if(staticname)%><%lib_prefix%><%staticname%><%else%><%lib_prefix%><%sharedname%><%endif%><%endif%>|refs"<%if(!exename)%>/<%endif%>>
@@ -171,20 +203,43 @@
- <buildtarget buildtool="Linker" name="<%exename%>" passed="true" targetname="<%exename%>">
+ <buildtarget buildtool="<%exe_buildtool%>" name="<%exename%>" passed="true" targetname="<%exename%>">
-<%if(sharedname || staticname)%>
- <buildtarget buildtool="Librarian" name="<%if(sharedname)%><%lib_prefix%><%sharedname%><%else%><%lib_prefix%><%staticname%><%endif%>" passed="true" targetname="<%if(sharedname)%><%sharedname%><%else%><%staticname%><%endif%>">
+<%if(sharedname && !compares(platform, VxWorks))%>
+ <buildtarget buildtool="<%dll_buildtool%>" name="<%dll_prefix%><%sharedname%>" passed="true" targetname="<%sharedname%>_<%buildspec%>">
+ <attributes>
+ <mapAttribute>
+ <listAttribute key="BuildSupportForBuildSpecs">
+ <stringAttribute value="<%buildspec%>"/>
+ </listAttribute>
+ </mapAttribute>
+ </attributes>
+ <contents>
+ <file name="/<%project_prefix%><%project_name%>/<%source_file%>"/>
+ <folder name="/<%source_dir%>" recursive="false"/>
+ </contents>
+ </buildtarget>
- <buildtarget buildtool="Linker" name="<%exename%>" passed="true" targetname="<%exename%>">
+<%if(staticname || sharedname)%>
+ <buildtarget buildtool="Librarian" name="<%lib_prefix%><%staticname%>" passed="true" targetname="<%staticname%>">
+ <buildtarget buildtool="CustomOnly" name="" passed="false" targetname="">
+<%if(!sharedname || compares(platform, VxWorks))%>
- <buildtargetreference name="/<%project_name%>/PartialImage"/>
+<%if(exename && compares(platform, VxWorks))%>
+ <buildtargetreference name="/<%project_prefix%><%project_name%>/PartialImage"/>
- <file name="/<%project_name%>/<%source_file%>"/>
+ <file name="/<%project_prefix%><%project_name%>/<%source_file%>"/>
<folder name="/<%source_dir%>" recursive="false"/>
@@ -192,7 +247,8 @@
+<%if(exename && compares(platform, VxWorks))%>
<buildtarget buildtool="Partial Image Linker" name="PartialImage" passed="true" targetname="PartialImage">
@@ -202,8 +258,11 @@
+ <file name="/<%project_prefix%><%project_name%>/<%pch_source%>"/>
- <file name="/<%project_name%>/<%source_file%>"/>
+ <file name="/<%project_prefix%><%project_name%>/<%source_file%>"/>
<folder name="/<%source_dir%>" recursive="false"/>
@@ -214,4 +273,4 @@
diff --git a/templates/wb30cproject.mpd b/templates/wb30cproject.mpd
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..0fe1499e
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/wb30cproject.mpd
@@ -0,0 +1,29 @@
+<?xml version="1.0" encoding="UTF-8"?>
+<?fileVersion 4.0.0?>
+<storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings">
+<cconfiguration id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.default.config.102838268">
+<storageModule buildSystemId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.defaultConfigDataProvider" id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.default.config.102838268" moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.settings" name="Configuration">
+<extension id="com.windriver.ide.core.WRScannerInfoProvider" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.ScannerInfoProvider"/>
+<extension id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.PE" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.BinaryParser"/>
+<extension id="org.eclipse.cdt.core.GNU_ELF" point="org.eclipse.cdt.core.BinaryParser"/>
+<storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.externalSettings"/>
+<storageModule moduleId="org.eclipse.cdt.core.pathentry">
+<pathentry kind="src" path=""/>
+<pathentry kind="out" path=""/>
+<pathentry kind="con" path="com.windriver.ide.core.WR_CONTAINER"/>
+<pathentry kind="con" path=""/>
+<storageModule moduleId="scannerConfiguration"/>
+<storageModule moduleId="userdefinedContainer">
+<indexAllFiles value="false"/>
+<initialized value="true"/>
diff --git a/templates/wb30dll.mpt b/templates/wb30dll.mpt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..8feb4b00
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/wb30dll.mpt
@@ -0,0 +1,70 @@
+conditional_include "wb26dll"
+additional_natures = org.eclipse.cdt.core.cnature org.eclipse.cdt.core.ccnature
+project_prefix = wb_
+platform = Native
+// platforms
+Native {
+ no_platform_in_wrproject = 1
+ platform_name =
+ project_type = ApplicationProject
+ enable_subprojects = 1
+ exe_ext =
+ dll_ext = .so
+ dll_prefix = lib
+ ar = ar
+ ar_flags = crus
+ librarian_objects = %Objects%
+ exe_buildtool = C++-Linker
+ dll_buildtool = C++-Linker
+ buildspecs = Linux_gnu_native_3.x_4.x Windows_gnu_native_3.x_4.x
+ default_buildspec = Linux_gnu_native_3.x_4.x
+// buildspecs
+Linux_gnu_native_3.x_4.x {
+ cxx = g++
+ cc = gcc
+ platform_asflags = -MD -MP
+ platform_cxxflags = -MD -MP
+ platform_ccflags = -MD -MP
+ ass_flags = -x assembler -fno-builtin -Wall
+ cxx_flags = -ansi -fno-builtin -Wall
+ c_flags = -ansi -fno-builtin -Wall
+ ass_dbgflags = -g
+ cxx_dbgflags = -g
+ c_dbgflags = -g
+ pic = -fPIC
+ shflags = -shared
+Windows_gnu_native_3.x_4.x {
+ exe_ext = .exe
+ cxxlnk_derivedsigs = *.exe
+ clnk_derivedsigs = *.exe
+ dll_prefix =
+ dll_ext = .dll
+ cxx = g++
+ cc = gcc
+ platform_asflags = -MD -MP
+ platform_cxxflags = -MD -MP
+ platform_ccflags = -MD -MP
+ ass_flags = -x assembler -fno-builtin -Wall
+ cxx_flags = -fno-builtin -Wall //-ansi not supported with MinGW
+ c_flags = -fno-builtin -Wall //-ansi not supported with MinGW
+ ass_dbgflags = -g
+ cxx_dbgflags = -g
+ c_dbgflags = -g
+ shflags = -shared
+conditional_include "user_wb30dll"
diff --git a/templates/wb30exe.mpt b/templates/wb30exe.mpt
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..17dcaae5
--- /dev/null
+++ b/templates/wb30exe.mpt
@@ -0,0 +1,4 @@
+conditional_include "wb30dll"
+conditional_include "user_wb30exe"