// Document template variables for templates templates/cdt6cproject.mpd. // Please try to keep this alphabetically sorted. // binary_parsers = List of parsers eclipse uses on binaries for the platform. build64bit = Indicator for 64-bit build. build_artefact_type = CDT tag indicating whether we're building a shared lib, executable, etc. c_compiler_option_superclass = CDT tag for "superclass" for C compiler options. c_linker_dynamiclib_superclass = CDT tag for "superclass" for C linker dynamic lib options. c_linker_tool_superclass_root = CDT tag for "superclass" for C linker. ccflags = (Optional) List of additional flags that should be passed to the C compiler. common_defines = Specifies macros that are common to all target types. configuration_parent_root = Root of CDT tag used for element. cpp_compiler_option_superclass = CDT tag for "superclass" for C++ compiler options cpp_linker_dynamiclib_superclass = CDT tag for "superclass" for C++ linker dynamic lib options. cpp_linker_tool_input_superclass = CDT tag for "superclass" for C++ linker element. cpp_linker_tool_superclass_root = Root of CDT tag for "superclass" for C++ linker. cpu_defines = Macros specific to a particular CPU platform. cxxflags = (Optional) List of additional flags that should be passed to the C++ compiler. debugging_level = Textual name of debugging level (defined by CDT) used during compilation. defines = Macros specific to a particular configuration. dll_ext_nodot = Same as dll_ext but with no preceding period/dot. envvar_post = Host platform-specific string to be appended to an environment variable in a script/batch file. envvar_pre = Host platform-specific string to be prepended to an environment variable in a script/batch file. error_parsers = List of parsers eclipse uses on error output for the platform. exe_ext_nodot = Same as exe_ext but with no preceding period/dot. lib_ext_nodot = Same as lib_ext but with no preceding period/dot. libenv = Name of platform environment variable that holds the library path. linker_option_superclass = CDT tag for "superclass" for generic linker. linkflags64 = Linker flags to be used during a 64-bit build. makefile_tmpfile = Name of a temporary file that can be used by a generated makefile. mkdir_pre = Host platform-specific test that must precede a mkdir command. optimization_level = Textual name of optimization level (defined by CDT) used during compilation. outputtype_superclass = CDT tag for "superclass" for the type of output file being produced by a build step. pathsep = Host platform-specific separator used between elements of the PATH environment variables. platform_defines = Macros specific to a particular platform. platform_libs = Libraries specific to a particular platform. platform_specializer = Target platform-specific keyword used in some CDT tags (see cdt6platforms.mpt). project_element_type_id = Target platform-specific CDT tag used in the element. project_type = Target platform-specific string indicating project type. project_type_name = Target platform-specific string indicating name associated with project_type. quote_echo = Host platform-specific character used to quote arguments to echo in a script/batch file. script_hdr = Host platform-specific preamble placed in a script/batch file. script_tmpfile = Name of a temporary file that can be used by a generated script. setenv = Host platform-specific command used to set an environment variable in a script/batch file. shell = Host platform-specific command to invoke a shell on a file. targetplatform_superclass = CDT tag for "superclass" for the element. threadflags = Target platform-specific flags required when building with threading enabled. tool_name_prefix = String used in CDT GUI prefixing the names of tools in the toolchain. toolchain_internal_builder_root = Root of CDT tag for element's nonInternalBuilderId attribute. toolchain_superclass_root = Root of CDT tag for "superclass" of element. use_threads = Flag automatically set when feature(threads) is on.