package Creator; # ************************************************************ # Description : Base class for workspace and project creators # Author : Chad Elliott # Create Date : 5/13/2002 # ************************************************************ # ************************************************************ # Pragmas # ************************************************************ use strict; use FileHandle; use File::Compare; use Parser; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(Parser); # ************************************************************ # Data Section # ************************************************************ ## Constants for use throughout the project use constant cplusplus => 'cplusplus'; use constant csharp => 'csharp'; use constant java => 'java'; use constant vb => 'vb'; use constant website => 'website'; ## The default language for MPC my $deflang = 'cplusplus'; ## A map of all of the allowed languages. The 'website' value ## is not here because it isn't really a language. It is used ## as a language internally by some project types though. ## NOTE: We call the constant as a function to support Perl 5.6. my %languages = (cplusplus() => 1, csharp() => 1, java() => 1, vb() => 1, ); my $assign_key = 'assign'; my $gassign_key = 'global_assign'; my %non_convert = ('prebuild' => 1, 'postbuild' => 1, 'postclean' => 1, ); my @statekeys = ('global', 'include', 'template', 'ti', 'dynamic', 'static', 'relative', 'addtemp', 'addproj', 'progress', 'toplevel', 'baseprojs', 'features', 'feature_file', 'hierarchy', 'name_modifier', 'apply_project', 'into', 'use_env', 'expand_vars', 'language', ); my %all_written; my $onVMS = DirectoryManager::onVMS(); # ************************************************************ # Subroutine Section # ************************************************************ sub new { my($class, $global, $inc, $template, $ti, $dynamic, $static, $relative, $addtemp, $addproj, $progress, $toplevel, $baseprojs, $feature, $features, $hierarchy, $nmodifier, $applypj, $into, $language, $use_env, $expandvars, $type) = @_; my $self = Parser::new($class, $inc); $self->{'relative'} = $relative; $self->{'template'} = $template; $self->{'ti'} = $ti; $self->{'global'} = $global; $self->{'grammar_type'} = $type; $self->{'type_check'} = $type . '_defined'; $self->{'global_read'} = 0; $self->{'current_input'} = ''; $self->{'progress'} = $progress; $self->{'addtemp'} = $addtemp; $self->{'addproj'} = $addproj; $self->{'toplevel'} = $toplevel; $self->{'files_written'} = {}; $self->{'real_fwritten'} = []; $self->{'reading_global'} = 0; $self->{$gassign_key} = {}; $self->{$assign_key} = {}; $self->{'baseprojs'} = $baseprojs; $self->{'dynamic'} = $dynamic; $self->{'static'} = $static; $self->{'feature_file'} = $feature; $self->{'features'} = $features; $self->{'hierarchy'} = $hierarchy; $self->{'name_modifier'} = $nmodifier; $self->{'apply_project'} = $applypj; $self->{'into'} = $into; $self->{'language'} = defined $language ? $language : $deflang; $self->{'use_env'} = $use_env; $self->{'expand_vars'} = $expandvars; $self->{'convert_slashes'} = $self->convert_slashes(); $self->{'requires_forward_slashes'} = $self->requires_forward_slashes(); $self->{'case_tolerant'} = $self->case_insensitive(); return $self; } sub preprocess_line { my($self, $fh, $line) = @_; $line = $self->strip_line($line); while ($line =~ /\\$/) { $line =~ s/\s*\\$/ /; my $next = $fh->getline(); $line .= $self->strip_line($next) if (defined $next); } return $line; } sub generate_default_input { my $self = shift; my($status, $error) = $self->parse_line(undef, "$self->{'grammar_type'} {"); ## Parse the finish line if there was no error ($status, $error) = $self->parse_line(undef, '}') if ($status); ## Display the error if there was one $self->error($error) if (!$status); return $status; } sub parse_file { my($self, $input) = @_; ## Save the last line number so we can put it back later my $oline = $self->get_line_number(); ## Read the input file my($status, $errorString) = $self->read_file($input); if (!$status) { $self->error($errorString, "$input: line " . $self->get_line_number() . ':'); } elsif ($self->{$self->{'type_check'}}) { ## If we are at the end of the file and the type we are looking at ## is still defined, then we have an error $self->error("Did not " . "find the end of the $self->{'grammar_type'}", "$input: line " . $self->get_line_number() . ':'); $status = 0; } $self->set_line_number($oline); return $status; } sub generate { my($self, $input) = @_; my $status = 1; ## Reset the files_written hash array between processing each file $self->{'files_written'} = {}; $self->{'real_fwritten'} = []; ## Allow subclasses to reset values before ## each call to generate(). $self->reset_values(); ## Read the global configuration file if (!$self->{'global_read'}) { $status = $self->read_global_configuration(); $self->{'global_read'} = 1; } if ($status) { $self->{'current_input'} = $input; ## An empty input file name says that we ## should generate a default input file and use that if ($input eq '') { $status = $self->generate_default_input(); } else { $status = $self->parse_file($input); } } return $status; } # split an inheritance list like ": a,b, c" into components sub parse_parents { my($parents, $errorStringRef, $statusRef) = @_; if (defined $parents) { $parents =~ s/^:\s*//; $parents =~ s/\s+$//; my @parents = split(/\s*,\s*/, $parents); if (!defined $parents[0]) { ## The : was used, but no parents followed. This ## is an error. $$errorStringRef = 'No parents listed'; $$statusRef = 0; } return \@parents; } return undef; } sub parse_known { my($self, $line, $fh) = @_; my $status = 1; my $errorString; my $type = $self->{'grammar_type'}; my @values; ## ## Each regexp that looks for the '{' looks for it at the ## end of the line. It is purposely this way to decrease ## the amount of extra lines in each file. This ## allows for the most compact file as human readably ## possible. ## if ($line eq '') { } elsif ($line =~ /^$type\s*(\([^\)]+\))?\s*(:.*)?\s*{$/) { my $name = $1; my $parents = $2; if ($self->{$self->{'type_check'}}) { $errorString = "Did not find the end of the $type"; $status = 0; } else { $parents = parse_parents($parents, \$errorString, \$status); push(@values, $type, $name, $parents); } } elsif ($line =~ /^}$/) { if ($self->{$self->{'type_check'}}) { push(@values, $type, $line); } else { $errorString = "Did not find the beginning of the $type"; $status = 0; } } elsif ($line =~ /^(feature)\s*\(([^\)]+)\)\s*(:.*)?\s*{$/) { my $type = $1; my $name = $2; my $parents = $3; my @names = split(/\s*,\s*/, $name); $parents = parse_parents($parents, \$errorString, \$status); push(@values, $type, \@names, $parents); } elsif (!$self->{$self->{'type_check'}}) { $errorString = "No $type was defined"; $status = 0; } elsif ($self->parse_assignment($line, \@values, $fh)) { ## If this returns true, then we've found an assignment } elsif ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*(\([^\)]+\))?\s*(:.*)?\s*{$/) { my $comp = lc($1); my $name = $2; my $parents = $3; if (defined $name) { $name =~ s/^\(\s*//; $name =~ s/\s*\)$//; } else { $name = $self->get_default_component_name(); } $parents = parse_parents($parents, \$errorString, \$status); push(@values, 'component', $comp, $name, $parents); } else { $errorString = "Unrecognized line: $line"; $status = -1; } return $status, $errorString, @values; } ## Parse an assignment that is bracketed by curly braces so it can span multiple lines. ## This method parses the bracketed assignment into a regular assignment ## and then calls SUPER::parse_assigment. ## ## A bracketed assigment has the form of: ## ## keyword [optional flags] { ## This spans ## multiple lines ## } ## ## Optional flags are \s to retain leading white space and ## \n to retain new lines. These flags are be combined. sub parse_assignment { my($self, $line, $values, $fh) = @_; if ($line =~ /^(\w+)\s*([\-+]?=)\s*(\\[sn]{1,2})?\s*{$/) { my $comp = lc($1); my $op = $2; my $keep_leading_whitespace = ($3 eq "\\s" || $3 eq "\\ns" || $3 eq "\\sn"); my $keep_new_lines = ($3 eq "\\n" || $3 eq "\\ns" || $3 eq "\\sn"); my $bracketed_assignment; while(<$fh>) { ## This is not an error, ## this is the end of the bracketed assignment. last if ($_ =~ /^\s*}\s*$/); ## Strip comments. my $current_line = $self->strip_comments($_); ## Skip blank lines unless we're keeping new lines. next if (!$keep_new_lines && $self->is_blank_line($current_line)); $bracketed_assignment .= "\n" if defined $bracketed_assignment && $keep_new_lines; $bracketed_assignment .= $self->strip_lt_whitespace($current_line, $keep_leading_whitespace); } if (defined $bracketed_assignment) { $line = $comp . $op . $bracketed_assignment; } } return $self->SUPER::parse_assignment($line, \@$values); } sub parse_scope { my($self, $fh, $name, $type, $validNames, $flags, $elseflags) = @_; my $status = 0; my $errorString = "Unable to process $name"; ## Make sure $flags has a hash map reference $flags = {} if (!defined $flags); while(<$fh>) { my $line = $self->preprocess_line($fh, $_); if ($line eq '') { } elsif ($line =~ /^}$/) { ($status, $errorString) = $self->handle_scoped_end($type, $flags); last; } elsif ($line =~ /^}\s*else\s*{$/) { if (defined $elseflags) { ## From here on out anything after this goes into the $elseflags $flags = $elseflags; $elseflags = undef; ## We need to adjust the type also. If there was a type ## then the first part of the clause was used. If there was ## no type, then the first part was ignored and the second ## part will be used. if (defined $type) { $type = undef; } else { $type = $self->get_default_component_name(); } } else { $status = 0; $errorString = 'An else is not allowed in this context'; last; } } else { my @values; if (defined $validNames && $self->parse_assignment($line, \@values, $fh)) { if (defined $$validNames{$values[1]}) { ## If $type is not defined, we don't even need to bother with ## processing the assignment as we will be throwing the value ## away anyway. if (defined $type) { $self->process_any_assignment($flags, @values); } } else { ($status, $errorString) = $self->handle_unknown_assignment($type, @values); last if (!$status); } } else { ($status, $errorString) = $self->handle_scoped_unknown($fh, $type, $flags, $line); last if (!$status); } } } return $status, $errorString; } sub process_any_assignment { my($self, $flags, @values) = @_; if ($values[0] == 0) { $self->process_assignment($values[1], $values[2], $flags); } elsif ($values[0] == 1) { $self->process_assignment_add($values[1], $values[2], $flags); } elsif ($values[0] == -1) { $self->process_assignment_sub($values[1], $values[2], $flags); } } sub base_directory { my $self = shift; return $self->mpc_basename($self->getcwd()); } sub generate_default_file_list { my($self, $dir, $exclude, $fileexc, $recurse) = @_; my $dh = new FileHandle(); my @files; if (opendir($dh, $dir)) { my $prefix = ($dir ne '.' ? "$dir/" : ''); my $have_exc = (defined $$exclude[0]); my $skip = 0; foreach my $file (grep(!/^\.\.?$/, ($onVMS ? map {$_ =~ s/\.dir$//; $_} readdir($dh) : readdir($dh)))) { ## Prefix each file name with the directory only if it's not '.' my $full = $prefix . $file; if ($have_exc) { foreach my $exc (@$exclude) { if ($full eq $exc) { $skip = 1; last; } } } if ($skip) { $skip = 0; $$fileexc = 1 if (defined $fileexc); } else { if ($recurse && -d $full) { push(@files, $self->generate_default_file_list($full, $exclude, $fileexc, $recurse)); } else { # Strip out ^ symbols $full =~ s/\^//g if ($onVMS); push(@files, $full); } } } if ($self->sort_files()) { @files = sort { $self->file_sorter($a, $b) } @files; } closedir($dh); } return @files; } sub transform_file_name { my($self, $name) = @_; $name =~ s/[\s\-]/_/g; return $name; } sub file_written { my($self, $file) = @_; return (defined $all_written{$self->getcwd() . '/' . $file}); } sub add_file_written { my($self, $file) = @_; my $key = lc($file); if (defined $self->{'files_written'}->{$key}) { $self->warning("$self->{'grammar_type'} $file " . ($self->{'case_tolerant'} ? "has been overwritten." : "of differing case has been processed.")); } else { $self->{'files_written'}->{$key} = $file; push(@{$self->{'real_fwritten'}}, $file); } $all_written{$self->getcwd() . '/' . $file} = 1; } sub extension_recursive_input_list { my($self, $dir, $exclude, $ext) = @_; my $fh = new FileHandle(); my @files; if (opendir($fh, $dir)) { my $prefix = ($dir ne '.' ? "$dir/" : ''); my $skip = 0; foreach my $file (grep(!/^\.\.?$/, ($onVMS ? map {$_ =~ s/\.dir$//; $_} readdir($fh) : readdir($fh)))) { my $full = $prefix . $file; ## Check for command line exclusions if (defined $$exclude[0]) { foreach my $exc (@$exclude) { if ($full eq $exc) { $skip = 1; last; } } } ## If we are not skipping this directory or file, then check it out if ($skip) { $skip = 0; } else { if (-d $full) { push(@files, $self->extension_recursive_input_list($full, $exclude, $ext)); } elsif ($full =~ /$ext$/) { push(@files, $full); } } } closedir($fh); } return @files; } sub recursive_directory_list { my($self, $dir, $exclude) = @_; my $directories = ''; my $fh = new FileHandle(); if (opendir($fh, $dir)) { my $prefix = ($dir ne '.' ? "$dir/" : ''); my $skip = 0; if (defined $$exclude[0]) { foreach my $exc (@$exclude) { if ($dir eq $exc) { $skip = 1; last; } } } if ($skip) { $skip = 0; } else { $directories .= ' ' . $dir; } foreach my $file (grep(!/^\.\.?$/, ($onVMS ? map {$_ =~ s/\.dir$//; $_} readdir($fh) : readdir($fh)))) { my $full = $prefix . $file; if ($file eq '.svn' || $file eq 'CVS') { $skip = 1; } else { ## Check for command line exclusions if (defined $$exclude[0]) { foreach my $exc (@$exclude) { if ($full eq $exc) { $skip = 1; last; } } } } ## If we are not skipping this directory or file, then check it out if ($skip) { $skip = 0; } else { if (-d $full) { $directories .= $self->recursive_directory_list($full, $exclude); } } } closedir($fh); } return $directories; } sub modify_assignment_value { my($self, $name, $value) = @_; if ($self->{'convert_slashes'} && index($name, 'flags') == -1 && !defined $non_convert{$name}) { $value =~ s/\//\\/g; } return $value; } sub get_assignment_hash { ## NOTE: If anything in this block changes, then you must make the ## same change in process_assignment. my $self = shift; return $self->{$self->{'reading_global'} ? $gassign_key : $assign_key}; } sub process_assignment { my($self, $name, $value, $assign) = @_; ## If no hash table was passed in if (!defined $assign) { ## NOTE: If anything in this block changes, then you must make the ## same change in get_assignment_hash. $assign = $self->{$self->{'reading_global'} ? $gassign_key : $assign_key}; } if (defined $value) { $value =~ s/^\s+//; $value =~ s/\s+$//; ## Modify the assignment value before saving it $$assign{$name} = $self->modify_assignment_value($name, $value); } else { $$assign{$name} = undef; } } sub addition_core { my($self, $name, $value, $nval, $assign) = @_; if (defined $nval) { if ($self->preserve_assignment_order($name)) { $nval .= " $value"; } else { $nval = "$value $nval"; } } else { $nval = $value; } $self->process_assignment($name, $nval, $assign, 1); } sub process_assignment_add { my($self, $name, $value, $assign) = @_; my $nval = $self->get_assignment_for_modification($name, $assign); ## Remove all duplicate parts from the value to be added. ## Whether anything gets removed or not is up to the implementation ## of the sub classes. $value = $self->remove_duplicate_addition($name, $value, $nval); ## If there is anything to add, then do so $self->addition_core($name, $value, $nval, $assign) if ($value ne ''); } sub subtraction_core { my($self, $name, $value, $nval, $assign) = @_; if (defined $nval) { my $last = 1; my $found; ## Escape any regular expression special characters $value = $self->escape_regex_special($value); ## If necessary, split the value into an array my $elements = ($value =~ /\s/ ? $self->create_array($value) : [$value]); for(my $i = 0; $i <= $last; $i++) { if ($i == $last) { ## If we did not find the string to subtract in the original ## value, try again after expanding template variables for ## subtraction. $nval = $self->get_assignment_for_modification($name, $assign, 1); } for(my $j = 0; $j <= $last; $j++) { ## Try to remove each individual element and then set the new ## value if any of the elements were found in the original value foreach my $elem (@$elements) { ## First try with quotes, then try again without them my $re = ($j == 0 ? '"' . $elem . '"' : $elem); if ($nval =~ s/\s+$re\s+/ / || $nval =~ s/\s+$re$// || $nval =~ s/^$re\s+// || $nval =~ s/^$re$//) { $found = 1; } } if ($found) { $self->process_assignment($name, $nval, $assign, -1); last; } } last if ($found); } } } sub process_assignment_sub { my($self, $name, $value, $assign) = @_; my $nval = $self->get_assignment_for_modification($name, $assign); ## Remove double quotes if there are any $value =~ s/^\"(.*)\"$/$1/; ## Call to the core function to perform the subtraction. We must also ## pass the value through the assignment modifier to ensure that ## slashes are in the project native format. $self->subtraction_core($name, $self->modify_assignment_value($name, $value), $nval, $assign); } sub fill_type_name { my($self, $names, $def) = @_; my $array = ($names =~ /\s/ ? $self->create_array($names) : [$names]); $names = ''; foreach my $name (@$array) { if ($name =~ /\*/) { my $pre = $def . '_'; my $mid = '_' . $def . '_'; my $post = '_' . $def; ## Replace the beginning and end first then the middle $name =~ s/^\*/$pre/; $name =~ s/\*$/$post/; $name =~ s/\*/$mid/g; ## Remove any trailing underscore or any underscore that is followed ## by a space. This value could be a space separated list. $name =~ s/_$//; $name =~ s/_\s/ /g; $name =~ s/\s_/ /g; ## If any one word is capitalized then capitalize each word if ($name =~ /[A-Z][0-9a-z_]+/) { ## Do the first word if ($name =~ /^([a-z])([^_]+)/) { my $first = uc($1); my $rest = $2; $name =~ s/^[a-z][^_]+/$first$rest/; } ## Do subsequent words while($name =~ /(_[a-z])([^_]+)/) { my $first = uc($1); my $rest = $2; $name =~ s/_[a-z][^_]+/$first$rest/; } } } $names .= $name . ' '; } $names =~ s/\s+$//; return $names; } sub clone { my($self, $obj) = @_; ## Check for various types of data. Those that are not found to be ## types that we need to deep copy are just assigned to new values. ## All others are copied by recursively calling this method. if (UNIVERSAL::isa($obj, 'HASH')) { my $new = {}; foreach my $key (keys %$obj) { $$new{$key} = $self->clone($$obj{$key}); } return $new; } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($obj, 'ARRAY')) { my $new = []; foreach my $o (@$obj) { push(@$new, $self->clone($o)); } return $new; } return $obj; } sub save_state { my($self, $selected) = @_; my %state; ## Make a deep copy of each state value. That way our array ## references and hash references do not get accidentally modified. foreach my $skey (defined $selected ? $selected : @statekeys) { if (defined $self->{$skey}) { ## It is necessary to clone each value so that nested complex data ## types do not get unknowingly modified. $state{$skey} = $self->clone($self->{$skey}); } } return %state; } sub restore_state { my($self, $state, $selected) = @_; ## Make a deep copy of each state value. That way our array ## references and hash references do not get accidentally modified. ## It's not necessary to do a recursive deep copy (i.e., use the ## clone() method) because the value coming in will now be owned by ## this object and will not be modified unknowingly. foreach my $skey (defined $selected ? $selected : @statekeys) { my $old = $self->{$skey}; if (defined $state->{$skey} && UNIVERSAL::isa($state->{$skey}, 'ARRAY')) { my @arr = @{$state->{$skey}}; $self->{$skey} = \@arr; } elsif (defined $state->{$skey} && UNIVERSAL::isa($state->{$skey}, 'HASH')) { my %hash = %{$state->{$skey}}; $self->{$skey} = \%hash; } else { $self->{$skey} = $state->{$skey}; } $self->restore_state_helper($skey, $old, $self->{$skey}); } } sub get_global_cfg { return $_[0]->{'global'}; } sub get_template_override { return $_[0]->{'template'}; } sub get_ti_override { return $_[0]->{'ti'}; } sub get_relative { return $_[0]->{'relative'}; } sub get_progress_callback { return $_[0]->{'progress'}; } sub get_addtemp { return $_[0]->{'addtemp'}; } sub get_addproj { return $_[0]->{'addproj'}; } sub get_toplevel { return $_[0]->{'toplevel'}; } sub get_into { return $_[0]->{'into'}; } sub get_use_env { return $_[0]->{'use_env'}; } sub get_expand_vars { return $_[0]->{'expand_vars'}; } sub get_files_written { return $_[0]->{'real_fwritten'}; } sub get_assignment { my $self = shift; my $name = $self->resolve_alias(shift); my $assign = shift; ## If no hash table was passed in if (!defined $assign) { $assign = $self->{$self->{'reading_global'} ? $gassign_key : $assign_key}; } return $$assign{$name}; } sub get_assignment_for_modification { my($self, $name, $assign, $subtraction) = @_; return $self->get_assignment($name, $assign); } sub get_baseprojs { return $_[0]->{'baseprojs'}; } sub get_dynamic { return $_[0]->{'dynamic'}; } sub get_static { return $_[0]->{'static'}; } sub get_default_component_name { #my $self = shift; return 'default'; } sub get_features { return $_[0]->{'features'}; } sub get_hierarchy { return $_[0]->{'hierarchy'}; } sub get_name_modifier { return $_[0]->{'name_modifier'}; } sub get_apply_project { return $_[0]->{'apply_project'}; } sub get_language { return $_[0]->{'language'}; } sub get_outdir { my $self = shift; if (defined $self->{'into'}) { ## First, try to remove our starting directory from the current ## working directory. my $outdir = $self->getcwd(); my $re = $self->escape_regex_special($self->getstartdir()); if ($outdir !~ s/^$re//) { ## If that fails and we're running on an OS that supports drive ## letters, we need to try to remove the drive letter. We also ## warn the user that it's not likely to work properly. my $orig = $outdir; if ((($^O eq 'MSWin32' || $^O eq 'cygwin') && $outdir =~ s/^[a-z]://i) || $outdir =~ m!^/!) { $self->warning("Unable to use $orig with the -into option"); } } return $self->{'into'} . $outdir; } else { return '.'; } } sub aggressively_replace { my($self, $icwd, $val) = @_; my $count = 0; my $wd = $icwd; my $ival = ($self->{'case_tolerant'} ? lc($val) : $val); ## Search back up the directories until we either find a match or we ## run out of directories. while($wd =~ s/[^\/]+[\/]?$//) { ## We have gone up one directory $count++; ## Make a regular expression and see if we have found a match ## with our provided directory value. my $re = $self->escape_regex_special($wd); if ($ival =~ /^($re)/) { ## We have found how it is relative. Now make the relative path ## and return it. my $prefix = $1; my $suffix = substr($val, length($prefix)); return ('../' x $count) . $suffix; } } ## We never found a match return undef; } sub expand_variables { my($self, $value, $rel, $expand_template, $scopes, $expand, $warn) = @_; my $cwd = $self->getcwd(); my $start = 0; my $forward_slashes = $self->{'convert_slashes'} || $self->{'requires_forward_slashes'}; my $aggrep = $self->aggressive_relative_replacement(); ## Fix up the value for Windows switch the \\'s to / $cwd =~ s/\\/\//g if ($forward_slashes); while(substr($value, $start) =~ /(\$\(([^)]+)\))/) { my $whole = $1; my $name = $2; if (defined $$rel{$name}) { my $val = $$rel{$name}; if ($expand) { $val =~ s/\//\\/g if ($forward_slashes); substr($value, $start) =~ s/\$\([^)]+\)/$val/; $whole = $val; } else { ## Fix up the value for Windows switch the \\'s to / $val =~ s/\\/\//g if ($forward_slashes); my $icwd = ($self->{'case_tolerant'} ? lc($cwd) : $cwd); my $ival = ($self->{'case_tolerant'} ? lc($val) : $val); my $iclen = length($icwd); my $ivlen = length($ival); ## If the relative value contains the current working ## directory plus additional subdirectories, we must pull ## off the additional directories into a temporary where ## it can be put back after the relative replacement is done. my $append; if (index($ival, $icwd) == 0 && $iclen != $ivlen && substr($ival, $iclen, 1) eq '/') { my $diff = $ivlen - $iclen; $append = substr($ival, $iclen); substr($ival, $iclen, $diff) = ''; $ivlen -= $diff; } if (index($icwd, $ival) == 0 && ($iclen == $ivlen || substr($icwd, $ivlen, 1) eq '/')) { my $current = $icwd; substr($current, 0, $ivlen) = ''; my $dircount = ($current =~ tr/\///); if ($dircount == 0) { $ival = '.'; } else { $ival = '../' x $dircount; $ival =~ s/\/$//; } $ival .= $append if (defined $append); ## We have to remove the leading ./ if there is one. ## Otherwise, if this value is used as an exclude value it will ## not match up correctly. $ival =~ s!^\./!!; ## Convert the slashes if necessary $ival =~ s/\//\\/g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'}); substr($value, $start) =~ s/\$\([^)]+\)/$ival/; $whole = $ival; } elsif ($self->convert_all_variables() && $warn) { ## The user did not choose to expand $() variables directly, ## but we could not convert it into a relative path. So, ## instead of leaving it we will expand it. But, we will only ## get into this section if this is the secondary attempt to ## replace the variable (indicated by the $warn boolean). my $aggressive_rel; if ($aggrep && ($aggressive_rel = $self->aggressively_replace($icwd, $val))) { $aggressive_rel =~ s/\//\\/g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'}); substr($value, $start) =~ s/\$\([^)]+\)/$aggressive_rel/; $whole = $aggressive_rel; } else { $val =~ s/\//\\/g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'}); substr($value, $start) =~ s/\$\([^)]+\)/$val/; $whole = $val; } } else { my $aggressive_rel; if ($aggrep && ($aggressive_rel = $self->aggressively_replace($icwd, $val))) { $aggressive_rel =~ s/\//\\/g if ($self->{'convert_slashes'}); substr($value, $start) =~ s/\$\([^)]+\)/$aggressive_rel/; $whole = $aggressive_rel; } else { my $loc = index(substr($value, $start), $whole); $start += $loc if ($loc > 0); } } } } elsif ($expand_template || $self->expand_variables_from_template_values()) { my $ti = $self->get_template_input(); my $val = (defined $ti ? $ti->get_value($name) : undef); my @snames; if (defined $scopes) { @snames = map { (defined $_ ? $_ : '') . '::' . $name } @$scopes; } push(@snames, $name); my $arr = $self->adjust_value(\@snames, (defined $val ? $val : [])); if (UNIVERSAL::isa($arr, 'HASH')) { $self->warning("$name conflicts with a template variable scope"); } elsif (UNIVERSAL::isa($arr, 'ARRAY') && defined $$arr[0]) { $val = $self->modify_assignment_value(lc($name), "@$arr"); substr($value, $start) =~ s/\$\([^)]+\)/$val/; ## We have replaced the template value, but that template ## value may contain a $() construct that may need to get ## replaced too. However, if the name of the template variable ## is the same as the original $() variable name, we need to ## leave it alone to avoid looping infinitely. $whole = '' if ($whole ne $val); } else { $self->warning("Unable to expand $name.") if ($expand && $warn); my $loc = index(substr($value, $start), $whole); $start += $loc if ($loc > 0); } } elsif ($self->convert_all_variables() && $warn) { ## We could not find a value to correspond to the variable name. ## Instead of leaving it we will expand it. But, we will only ## get into this section if this is the secondary attempt to ## replace the variable (indicated by the $warn boolean). substr($value, $start) =~ s/\$\([^)]+\)//; $whole = ''; } else { my $loc = index(substr($value, $start), $whole); $start += $loc if ($loc > 0); } $start += length($whole); } $value =~ s/\\/\//g if ($self->{'requires_forward_slashes'}); return $value; } sub replace_env_vars { my($self, $lref) = @_; my $one_empty = undef; ## Loop through the string until we find no more environment variables. while($$lref =~ /\$(\w+)/) { my $name = $1; my $val = ''; ## PWD is a special variable. It isn't set on Windows, but in MPC we ## must guarantee that it is always there. if ($name eq 'PWD') { $val = $self->getcwd(); } elsif (defined $ENV{$name}) { $val = $ENV{$name}; } else { ## Keep track of an environment variable not being set. $one_empty = 1; } $$lref =~ s/\$\w+/$val/; } return $one_empty; } sub relative { my($self, $value, $expand_template, $scopes) = @_; if (defined $value) { if (UNIVERSAL::isa($value, 'ARRAY')) { my @built; foreach my $val (@$value) { my $rel = $self->relative($val, $expand_template, $scopes); if (UNIVERSAL::isa($rel, 'ARRAY')) { push(@built, @$rel); } else { push(@built, $rel); } } return \@built; } elsif (index($value, '$') >= 0) { ## A form of this code lives in ## ProjectCreator::create_recursive_settings. If you are changing ## something in this area, please look at the method in ## to see if it needs changing too. my $ovalue = $value; my($rel, $how) = $self->get_initial_relative_values(); $value = $self->expand_variables($value, $rel, $expand_template, $scopes, $how, 0); if ($ovalue eq $value || index($value, '$') >= 0) { ($rel, $how) = $self->get_secondary_relative_values(); $value = $self->expand_variables($value, $rel, $expand_template, $scopes, $how, 1); } } } ## Values that have two or more strings enclosed in double quotes are ## to be interpreted as elements of an array if (defined $value && $value =~ /^"[^"]+"(\s+"[^"]+")+$/) { $value = $self->create_array($value); } return $value; } ## Static function. Returns the default language for MPC. sub defaultLanguage { return $deflang; } ## Static function. Returns an array of valid languages. sub validLanguages { return keys %languages; } ## Static function. The one and only argument is the language ## string to check for validity. sub isValidLanguage { return defined $languages{$_[0]}; } sub languageIs { #my($self, $language) = @_; return $_[0]->{'language'} eq $_[1]; } # ************************************************************ # Virtual Methods To Be Overridden # ************************************************************ sub restore_state_helper { #my $self = shift; #my $skey = shift; #my $old = shift; #my $new = shift; } sub get_initial_relative_values { #my $self = shift; return {}, 0; } sub get_secondary_relative_values { my $self = shift; return ($self->get_use_env() ? \%ENV : $self->{'relative'}), $self->{'expand_vars'}; } sub aggressive_relative_replacement { #my $self = shift; return 0; } sub convert_all_variables { #my $self = shift; return 0; } sub expand_variables_from_template_values { #my $self = shift; return 0; } sub preserve_assignment_order { #my $self = shift; #my $name = shift; return 1; } sub compare_output { #my $self = shift; return 0; } sub files_are_different { my($self, $old, $new) = @_; return !(-r $old && -s $new == -s $old && compare($new, $old) == 0); } sub handle_scoped_end { #my $self = shift; #my $type = shift; #my $flags = shift; return 1, undef; } sub handle_unknown_assignment { my $self = shift; my $type = shift; my @values = @_; return 0, "Invalid assignment name: '$values[1]'"; } sub handle_scoped_unknown { my($self, $fh, $type, $flags, $line) = @_; return 0, "Unrecognized line: $line"; } sub remove_duplicate_addition { my($self, $name, $value, $current) = @_; return $value; } sub generate_recursive_input_list { #my $self = shift; #my $dir = shift; #my $exclude = shift; return (); } sub reset_values { #my $self = shift; } sub sort_files { #my $self = shift; return 1; } sub file_sorter { #my $self = shift; #my $left = shift; #my $right = shift; return $_[1] cmp $_[2]; } sub read_global_configuration { #my $self = shift; #my $input = shift; return 1; } sub set_verbose_ordering { #my $self = shift; #my $value = shift; } sub get_properties { my $self = shift; ## Create the property hash map with the language property my %props = ($self->get_language() => 1); ## Set the 'static' property only if the project is static $props{'static'} = 1 if ($self->get_static()); return \%props; } 1;