package NMakeProjectCreator; # ************************************************************ # Description : An NMake Project Creator # Author : Chad Elliott # Create Date : 5/31/2002 # ************************************************************ # ************************************************************ # Pragmas # ************************************************************ use strict; use ProjectCreator; use WinProjectBase; use MakeProjectBase; use VCPropertyBase; use vars qw(@ISA); @ISA = qw(MakeProjectBase WinProjectBase ProjectCreator VCPropertyBase); # ************************************************************ # Subroutine Section # ************************************************************ sub project_file_extension { #my $self = shift; return '.mak'; } sub get_dll_exe_template_input_file { #my $self = shift; return 'nmakeexe'; } sub get_dll_template_input_file { #my $self = shift; return 'nmakedll'; } sub get_properties { my $self = shift; ## Create the map of properties that we support. my $props = {}; ## Merge in properties from all base projects foreach my $base (@ISA) { my $func = $base . '::get_properties'; my $p = $self->$func(); foreach my $key (keys %$p) { $$props{$key} = $$p{$key}; } } return $props; } 1;