// -*- MPC -*- // The *32 settings are for bcc32, *32c are for bcc32c (the clang based bcc32), and *64 are for bcc64 (also clang based) conditional_include "common" configurations = Debug Release common_defines = WIN32 _WINDOWS common32_defines = common32c_defines = common64_defines = WIN64 common_libs = ws2_32$(LIB_EXT) common32_libs = import32$(LIB_EXT) cw32mti$(LIB_EXT) common32c_libs = import32$(LIB_EXT) cw32mti$(LIB_EXT) common64_libs = import64$(LIB_EXT) cw64mti$(LIB_EXT) common32_flags = -a8 common32c_flags = -a8 common64_flags = unicode_flags = -WU unicode_lib_modifier = u unicode_exe_modifier = u obj32_ext = .obj obj32c_ext = .obj obj64_ext = .o dll_ext = .dll lib32_ext = .lib lib32c_ext = .lib lib64_ext = .a exe_ext = .exe cc32 = bcc32 rc = brcc32 link32 = ilink32 cc32c = bcc32c cc64 = bcc64 link64 = ilink64 tlib32 = tlib tlib64 = tlib64 thrflags32 = -tWM thrflags32c = -tM thrflags64 = -tM binaryflags32 = -tWR -tWD binaryflags32c = -tR -tD binaryflags64 = -tR -tD dllflags = -Tpd -Gi -x -Gn -w-dup libflags = /C ccflags = -q exeflags = -Tpe -x -Gn warnflags32 = -w-rvl -w-rch -w-ccc -w-obs -w-aus -w-pia -w-inl -w-mls warnflags32c = warnflags64 =