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authorThomas Haller <>2018-08-22 10:54:30 +0200
committerThomas Haller <>2018-08-22 11:17:19 +0200
commit77a98bae8238bb9efcb197931e5ccddbee72be0d (patch)
parent5f2c39fa29cb8d8fe30b413f4d051fb3d967d6b5 (diff)
wifi: no longer special case SSID "<hidden>"th/wifi-special-ssids
We coerced SSIDs with value "<hidden>" or "<hidden>\0" to an empty SSID to indicate hidden APIs. See commits: - cd475e6d0cba05e152ce0f25d72448e17407ac30: 2004-12-15 /* NOTE: some Cisco products actually broadcast "<hidden>" as their ESSID when they * are set to not broadcast it, rather than just broadcasting a blank ESSID. */ - ff6dbffeb1cc1bd23cf5595fdc0c98567ff22360: 2005-01-07 /* ipw2x00 drivers fill in an essid of "<hidden>" if they think the access point * is hiding its MAC address. Sigh. - bbbd00d4c5af7a6342df8be75cc4ca177feabecf: 2005-02-27 /* Stupid ipw drivers use <hidden> */ - 56621e5f66e1e6285563ff0a29af485f15ccc978: 2006-11-26 /* Stupid ieee80211 layer uses <hidden> */ I think this is wrong, and I doubt it is still necessary. First of all, hidden APs are hardly relevant anymore. Second, it is unclear, whether this is a driver problem or the AP. For NetworkManager, the SSID is an opaque blob. It has no business in interpreting certain SSIDs to mean something else. If this is a driver/supplicant issue, the lower layers should be fixed. If this is an AP issue, we should evaluate whether such APs are still in use. Also, if the AP is hidden, that does not mean that it requires the AP should announce a particular SSID "<hidden>". This code is likely of no relevance anymore. Drop it. If at all, such workarounds belong to the lower layers, either supplicant or the driver.
1 files changed, 0 insertions, 3 deletions
diff --git a/src/devices/wifi/nm-wifi-ap.c b/src/devices/wifi/nm-wifi-ap.c
index 7cfc659875..8e2b0ded4b 100644
--- a/src/devices/wifi/nm-wifi-ap.c
+++ b/src/devices/wifi/nm-wifi-ap.c
@@ -837,11 +837,8 @@ nm_wifi_ap_update_from_properties (NMWifiAP *ap,
bytes = g_variant_get_fixed_array (v, &len, 1);
len = MIN (32, len);
- /* Stupid ieee80211 layer uses <hidden> */
if ( bytes
&& len
- && !( NM_IN_SET (len, 8, 9)
- && memcmp (bytes, "<hidden>", len) == 0)
&& !nm_utils_is_empty_ssid (bytes, len)) {
/* good */
} else