# Do not modify this file, it will get overwriten on updates. # To override or extend the rules place a file in /etc/udev/rules.d SUBSYSTEM!="net", GOTO="nm_unmanaged_end" # Determine ID_NET_DRIVER if there's no ID_NET_DRIVER or DRIVERS (old udev?) ENV{ID_NET_DRIVER}=="?*", GOTO="nm_unmanaged_driver" DRIVERS=="?*", GOTO="nm_unmanaged_driver" PROGRAM="/bin/sh -c '/usr/sbin/ethtool -i $env{INTERFACE} |/bin/sed -n s/^driver:\ //p'", RESULT=="?*", ENV{ID_NET_DRIVER}="%c" LABEL="nm_unmanaged_driver" # VirtualBox host networking. Out-of-tree driver that looks like an ordinary # Ethernet. No parent device (lives in /virtual/), no support for ethtool # to identify the driver, MAC address defaults to 08:00:27:, but can be # changed. Interface name will have to do, it's always vboxnet*. ENV{INTERFACE}=="vboxnet[0-9]*", ENV{NM_UNMANAGED}="1" # VMWare host networking. Out-of-tree driver that looks like an ordinary # Ethernet. No parent device (lives in /virtual/), no support for # ethtool to identify the driver. They have their own MAC prefix that # can not be changed. PROGRAM="/bin/cat %S%p/address", RESULT=="00:50:56:*", ENV{INTERFACE}=="vmnet[0-9]*", ENV{NM_UNMANAGED}="1" # Parallels Workstation host networking. Out-of-tree driver that looks like # an ordinary Ethernet. No parent device (lives in /virtual/), no support for # ethtool to identify the driver and the interface name is too generic. # However, they have their own MAC prefix that can not be changed. PROGRAM="/bin/cat %S%p/address", RESULT=="00:1c:42:*", ENV{INTERFACE}=="vnic[0-9]*", ENV{NM_UNMANAGED}="1" # Virtual Ethernet device pair. Often used to communicate with a peer interface # in another net namespace and managed by libvirt, Docker or the like. ENV{ID_NET_DRIVER}=="veth", ENV{NM_UNMANAGED}="1" LABEL="nm_unmanaged_end"