nm-settings 5 NetworkManager Configuration nm-settings Description of settings and properties of NetworkManager connection profiles DESCRIPTION NetworkManager is based on a concept of connection profiles, sometimes referred to as connections only. These connection profiles contain a network configuration. When NetworkManager activates a connection profile on a network device the configuration will be applied and an active network connection will be established. Users are free to create as many connection profiles as they see fit. Thus they are flexible in having various network configurations for different networking needs. The connection profiles are handled by NetworkManager via settings service and are exported on D-Bus (/org/freedesktop/NetworkManager/Settings/<num> objects). The conceptual objects can be described as follows: Connection (profile) A specific, encapsulated, independent group of settings describing all the configuration required to connect to a specific network. It is referred to by a unique identifier called the UUID. A connection is tied to a one specific device type, but not necessarily a specific hardware device. It is composed of one or more Settings objects. Setting A group of related key/value pairs describing a specific piece of a Connection (profile). Settings keys and allowed values are described in the tables below. Keys are also referred to as properties. Developers can find the setting objects and their properties in the libnm-util sources. Look for the class_init functions near the bottom of each setting source file. The settings and properties shown in tables below list all available connection configuration options. However, note that not all settings are applicable to all connection types. NetworkManager provides a command-line tool nmcli that allows direct configuration of the settings and properties according to a connection profile type. nmcli connection editor has also a built-in describe command that can display description of particular settings and properties of this page. Secret flag types: Each secret property in a setting has an associated flags property that describes how to handle that secret. The flags property is a bitfield that contains zero or more of the following values logically OR-ed together. 0x0 (none) - the system is responsible for providing and storing this secret. 0x1 (agent-owned) - a user-session secret agent is responsible for providing and storing this secret; when it is required, agents will be asked to provide it. 0x2 (not-saved) - this secret should not be saved but should be requested from the user each time it is required. This flag should be used for One-Time-Pad secrets, PIN codes from hardware tokens, or if the user simply does not want to save the secret. 0x4 (not-required) - in some situations it cannot be automatically determined that a secret is required or not. This flag hints that the secret is not required and should not be requested from the user. AUTHOR NetworkManager developers FILES /etc/NetworkManager/system-connections or distro plugin-specific location SEE ALSO https://wiki.gnome.org/Projects/NetworkManager/ConfigurationSpecification NetworkManager(8), nmcli(1), nmcli-examples(5), NetworkManager.conf(5) <xsl:value-of select="@name"/> setting Key Name Value Type Default Value Value Description
(see for flag values)