/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* NetworkManager -- Network link manager * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Copyright (C) 2004 - 2012 Red Hat, Inc. * Copyright (C) 2005 - 2008 Novell, Inc. */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "libgsystem.h" #include "NetworkManager.h" #include "NetworkManagerUtils.h" #include "nm-manager.h" #include "nm-linux-platform.h" #include "nm-dns-manager.h" #include "nm-dbus-manager.h" #include "nm-supplicant-manager.h" #include "nm-dhcp-manager.h" #include "nm-firewall-manager.h" #include "nm-vpn-manager.h" #include "nm-logging.h" #include "nm-config.h" #include "nm-posix-signals.h" #include "nm-session-monitor.h" #if !defined(NM_DIST_VERSION) # define NM_DIST_VERSION VERSION #endif #define NM_DEFAULT_PID_FILE NMRUNDIR "/NetworkManager.pid" #define NM_DEFAULT_SYSTEM_STATE_FILE NMSTATEDIR "/NetworkManager.state" /* * Globals */ static GMainLoop *main_loop = NULL; static gboolean quit_early = FALSE; static sigset_t signal_set; void *signal_handling_thread (void *arg); /* * Thread function waiting for signals and processing them. * Wait for signals in signal set. The semantics of sigwait() require that all * threads (including the thread calling sigwait()) have the signal masked, for * reliable operation. Otherwise, a signal that arrives while this thread is * not blocked in sigwait() might be delivered to another thread. */ void * signal_handling_thread (void *arg) { int signo; while (1) { sigwait (&signal_set, &signo); switch (signo) { case SIGINT: case SIGTERM: nm_log_info (LOGD_CORE, "caught signal %d, shutting down normally.", signo); quit_early = TRUE; /* for quitting before entering the main loop */ g_main_loop_quit (main_loop); break; case SIGHUP: /* Reread config stuff like system config files, VPN service files, etc */ nm_log_info (LOGD_CORE, "caught signal %d, not supported yet.", signo); break; default: nm_log_err (LOGD_CORE, "caught unexpected signal %d", signo); break; } } return NULL; } /* * Mask the signals we are interested in and create a signal handling thread. * Because all threads inherit the signal mask from their creator, all threads * in the process will have the signals masked. That's why setup_signals() has * to be called before creating other threads. */ static gboolean setup_signals (void) { pthread_t signal_thread_id; sigset_t old_sig_mask; int status; sigemptyset (&signal_set); sigaddset (&signal_set, SIGHUP); sigaddset (&signal_set, SIGINT); sigaddset (&signal_set, SIGTERM); /* Block all signals of interest. */ status = pthread_sigmask (SIG_BLOCK, &signal_set, &old_sig_mask); if (status != 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("Failed to set signal mask: %d"), status); return FALSE; } /* Save original mask so that we could use it for child processes. */ nm_save_original_signal_mask (old_sig_mask); /* Create the signal handling thread. */ status = pthread_create (&signal_thread_id, NULL, signal_handling_thread, NULL); if (status != 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("Failed to create signal handling thread: %d"), status); return FALSE; } return TRUE; } static gboolean write_pidfile (const char *pidfile) { char pid[16]; int fd; gboolean success = FALSE; if ((fd = open (pidfile, O_CREAT|O_WRONLY|O_TRUNC, 00644)) < 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("Opening %s failed: %s\n"), pidfile, strerror (errno)); return FALSE; } g_snprintf (pid, sizeof (pid), "%d", getpid ()); if (write (fd, pid, strlen (pid)) < 0) fprintf (stderr, _("Writing to %s failed: %s\n"), pidfile, strerror (errno)); else success = TRUE; if (close (fd)) fprintf (stderr, _("Closing %s failed: %s\n"), pidfile, strerror (errno)); return success; } /* Check whether the pidfile already exists and contains PID of a running NetworkManager * Returns: FALSE - specified pidfile doesn't exist or doesn't contain PID of a running NM process * TRUE - specified pidfile already exists and contains PID of a running NM process */ static gboolean check_pidfile (const char *pidfile) { char *contents = NULL; gsize len = 0; glong pid; char *proc_cmdline = NULL; gboolean nm_running = FALSE; const char *process_name; if (!g_file_get_contents (pidfile, &contents, &len, NULL)) return FALSE; if (len <= 0) goto done; errno = 0; pid = strtol (contents, NULL, 10); if (pid <= 0 || pid > 65536 || errno) goto done; g_free (contents); proc_cmdline = g_strdup_printf ("/proc/%ld/cmdline", pid); if (!g_file_get_contents (proc_cmdline, &contents, &len, NULL)) goto done; process_name = strrchr (contents, '/'); if (process_name) process_name++; else process_name = contents; if (strcmp (process_name, "NetworkManager") == 0) { /* Check that the process exists */ if (kill (pid, 0) == 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("NetworkManager is already running (pid %ld)\n"), pid); nm_running = TRUE; } } done: g_free (proc_cmdline); g_free (contents); return nm_running; } static gboolean parse_state_file (const char *filename, gboolean *net_enabled, gboolean *wifi_enabled, gboolean *wwan_enabled, gboolean *wimax_enabled, GError **error) { GKeyFile *state_file; GError *tmp_error = NULL; gboolean wifi, net, wwan, wimax; g_return_val_if_fail (net_enabled != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (wifi_enabled != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (wwan_enabled != NULL, FALSE); g_return_val_if_fail (wimax_enabled != NULL, FALSE); state_file = g_key_file_new (); g_key_file_set_list_separator (state_file, ','); if (!g_key_file_load_from_file (state_file, filename, G_KEY_FILE_KEEP_COMMENTS, &tmp_error)) { gboolean ret = FALSE; /* This is kinda ugly; create the file and directory if it doesn't * exist yet. We can't rely on distros necessarily creating the * /var/lib/NetworkManager for us since we have to ensure that * users upgrading NM get this working too. */ if (g_error_matches (tmp_error, G_FILE_ERROR, G_FILE_ERROR_NOENT)) { char *data; gsize len = 0; g_clear_error (&tmp_error); /* Write out the initial state to the state file */ g_key_file_set_boolean (state_file, "main", "NetworkingEnabled", *net_enabled); g_key_file_set_boolean (state_file, "main", "WirelessEnabled", *wifi_enabled); g_key_file_set_boolean (state_file, "main", "WWANEnabled", *wwan_enabled); g_key_file_set_boolean (state_file, "main", "WimaxEnabled", *wimax_enabled); data = g_key_file_to_data (state_file, &len, NULL); if (data) ret = g_file_set_contents (filename, data, len, error); g_free (data); } else { /* the error is not "No such file or directory" - propagate the error */ g_propagate_error (error, tmp_error); } return ret; } /* Reading state bits of NetworkManager; an error leaves the passed-in state * value unchanged. */ net = g_key_file_get_boolean (state_file, "main", "NetworkingEnabled", &tmp_error); if (tmp_error == NULL) *net_enabled = net; g_clear_error (&tmp_error); wifi = g_key_file_get_boolean (state_file, "main", "WirelessEnabled", &tmp_error); if (tmp_error == NULL) *wifi_enabled = wifi; g_clear_error (&tmp_error); wwan = g_key_file_get_boolean (state_file, "main", "WWANEnabled", &tmp_error); if (tmp_error == NULL) *wwan_enabled = wwan; g_clear_error (&tmp_error); wimax = g_key_file_get_boolean (state_file, "main", "WimaxEnabled", &tmp_error); if (tmp_error == NULL) *wimax_enabled = wimax; g_clear_error (&tmp_error); g_key_file_free (state_file); return TRUE; } static void _init_nm_debug (const char *debug) { const guint D_RLIMIT_CORE = 1; GDebugKey keys[] = { { "RLIMIT_CORE", D_RLIMIT_CORE }, }; guint flags = 0; const char *env = getenv ("NM_DEBUG"); if (env && strcasecmp (env, "help") != 0) { /* g_parse_debug_string() prints options to stderr if the variable * is set to "help". Don't allow that. */ flags = g_parse_debug_string (env, keys, G_N_ELEMENTS (keys)); } if (debug && strcasecmp (debug, "help") != 0) flags |= g_parse_debug_string (debug, keys, G_N_ELEMENTS (keys)); if (flags & D_RLIMIT_CORE) { /* only enable this, if explicitly requested, because it might * expose sensitive data. */ struct rlimit limit = { .rlim_cur = RLIM_INFINITY, .rlim_max = RLIM_INFINITY, }; setrlimit (RLIMIT_CORE, &limit); } } /* * main * */ int main (int argc, char *argv[]) { GOptionContext *opt_ctx = NULL; char *opt_log_level = NULL; char *opt_log_domains = NULL; gboolean become_daemon = TRUE, run_from_build_dir = FALSE; gboolean debug = FALSE; gboolean g_fatal_warnings = FALSE; gs_free char *pidfile = NULL; gs_free char *state_file = NULL; gboolean wifi_enabled = TRUE, net_enabled = TRUE, wwan_enabled = TRUE, wimax_enabled = TRUE; gboolean success, show_version = FALSE; int i; NMManager *manager = NULL; gs_unref_object NMVPNManager *vpn_manager = NULL; gs_unref_object NMDnsManager *dns_mgr = NULL; gs_unref_object NMDBusManager *dbus_mgr = NULL; gs_unref_object NMSupplicantManager *sup_mgr = NULL; gs_unref_object NMDHCPManager *dhcp_mgr = NULL; gs_unref_object NMFirewallManager *fw_mgr = NULL; gs_unref_object NMSettings *settings = NULL; gs_unref_object NMConfig *config = NULL; gs_unref_object NMSessionMonitor *session_monitor = NULL; GError *error = NULL; gboolean wrote_pidfile = FALSE; char *bad_domains = NULL; GOptionEntry options[] = { { "version", 'V', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &show_version, N_("Print NetworkManager version and exit"), NULL }, { "no-daemon", 'n', G_OPTION_FLAG_REVERSE, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &become_daemon, N_("Don't become a daemon"), NULL }, { "debug", 'd', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &debug, N_("Don't become a daemon, and log to stderr"), NULL }, { "log-level", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_log_level, N_("Log level: one of [%s]"), "INFO" }, { "log-domains", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_STRING, &opt_log_domains, N_("Log domains separated by ',': any combination of [%s]"), "PLATFORM,RFKILL,WIFI" }, { "g-fatal-warnings", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &g_fatal_warnings, N_("Make all warnings fatal"), NULL }, { "pid-file", 'p', 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &pidfile, N_("Specify the location of a PID file"), N_("filename") }, { "state-file", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_FILENAME, &state_file, N_("State file location"), N_("/path/to/state.file") }, { "run-from-build-dir", 0, 0, G_OPTION_ARG_NONE, &run_from_build_dir, "Run from build directory", NULL }, {NULL} }; /* Make GIO ignore the remote VFS service; otherwise it tries to use the * session bus to contact the remote service, and NM shouldn't ever be * talking on the session bus. See rh #588745 */ setenv ("GIO_USE_VFS", "local", 1); /* * Set the umask to 0022, which results in 0666 & ~0022 = 0644. * Otherwise, if root (or an su'ing user) has a wacky umask, we could * write out an unreadable resolv.conf. */ umask (022); /* Set locale to be able to use environment variables */ setlocale (LC_ALL, ""); bindtextdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, NMLOCALEDIR); bind_textdomain_codeset (GETTEXT_PACKAGE, "UTF-8"); textdomain (GETTEXT_PACKAGE); if (!g_module_supported ()) { fprintf (stderr, _("GModules are not supported on your platform!\n")); exit (1); } if (getuid () != 0) { fprintf (stderr, _("You must be root to run NetworkManager!\n")); exit (1); } for (i = 0; options[i].long_name; i++) { if (!strcmp (options[i].long_name, "log-level")) { options[i].description = g_strdup_printf (options[i].description, nm_logging_all_levels_to_string ()); } else if (!strcmp (options[i].long_name, "log-domains")) { options[i].description = g_strdup_printf (options[i].description, nm_logging_all_domains_to_string ()); } } /* Parse options */ opt_ctx = g_option_context_new (NULL); g_option_context_set_translation_domain (opt_ctx, GETTEXT_PACKAGE); g_option_context_set_ignore_unknown_options (opt_ctx, FALSE); g_option_context_set_help_enabled (opt_ctx, TRUE); g_option_context_add_main_entries (opt_ctx, options, NULL); g_option_context_add_main_entries (opt_ctx, nm_config_get_options (), NULL); g_option_context_set_summary (opt_ctx, _("NetworkManager monitors all network connections and automatically\nchooses the best connection to use. It also allows the user to\nspecify wireless access points which wireless cards in the computer\nshould associate with.")); success = g_option_context_parse (opt_ctx, &argc, &argv, &error); g_option_context_free (opt_ctx); if (!success) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s. Please use --help to see a list of valid options.\n"), error->message); g_clear_error (&error); exit (1); } if (show_version) { fprintf (stdout, NM_DIST_VERSION "\n"); exit (0); } if (!nm_logging_setup (opt_log_level, opt_log_domains, &bad_domains, &error)) { fprintf (stderr, _("%s. Please use --help to see a list of valid options.\n"), error->message); exit (1); } else if (bad_domains) { fprintf (stderr, _("Ignoring unrecognized log domain(s) '%s' passed on command line.\n"), bad_domains); g_clear_pointer (&bad_domains, g_free); } /* When running from the build directory, determine our build directory * base and set helper paths in the build tree */ if (run_from_build_dir) { char *path, *slash; int g; /* exe is /src/.libs/lt-NetworkManager, so chop off * the last three components */ path = realpath ("/proc/self/exe", NULL); g_assert (path != NULL); for (g = 0; g < 3; ++g) { slash = strrchr (path, '/'); g_assert (slash != NULL); *slash = '\0'; } /* don't free these strings, we need them for the entire * process lifetime */ nm_dhcp_helper_path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/src/dhcp-manager/nm-dhcp-helper", path); nm_device_autoipd_helper_path = g_strdup_printf ("%s/callouts/nm-avahi-autoipd.action", path); g_free (path); } /* Setup runtime directory */ if (g_mkdir_with_parents (NMRUNDIR, 0755) != 0) { nm_log_err (LOGD_CORE, "Cannot create '%s': %s", NMRUNDIR, strerror (errno)); exit (1); } /* Ensure state directory exists */ if (g_mkdir_with_parents (NMSTATEDIR, 0755) != 0) { nm_log_err (LOGD_CORE, "Cannot create '%s': %s", NMSTATEDIR, strerror (errno)); exit (1); } pidfile = pidfile ? pidfile : g_strdup (NM_DEFAULT_PID_FILE); state_file = state_file ? state_file : g_strdup (NM_DEFAULT_SYSTEM_STATE_FILE); /* check pid file */ if (check_pidfile (pidfile)) exit (1); /* Read the config file and CLI overrides */ config = nm_config_new (&error); if (config == NULL) { fprintf (stderr, _("Failed to read configuration: (%d) %s\n"), error ? error->code : -1, (error && error->message) ? error->message : _("unknown")); exit (1); } /* Initialize logging from config file *only* if not explicitly * specified by commandline. */ if (opt_log_level == NULL && opt_log_domains == NULL) { if (!nm_logging_setup (nm_config_get_log_level (config), nm_config_get_log_domains (config), &bad_domains, &error)) { fprintf (stderr, _("Error in configuration file: %s.\n"), error->message); exit (1); } else if (bad_domains) { fprintf (stderr, _("Ignoring unrecognized log domain(s) '%s' from config files.\n"), bad_domains); g_clear_pointer (&bad_domains, g_free); } } /* Parse the state file */ if (!parse_state_file (state_file, &net_enabled, &wifi_enabled, &wwan_enabled, &wimax_enabled, &error)) { fprintf (stderr, _("State file %s parsing failed: (%d) %s\n"), state_file, error ? error->code : -1, (error && error->message) ? error->message : _("unknown")); /* Not a hard failure */ } g_clear_error (&error); if (become_daemon && !debug) { if (daemon (0, 0) < 0) { int saved_errno; saved_errno = errno; fprintf (stderr, _("Could not daemonize: %s [error %u]\n"), g_strerror (saved_errno), saved_errno); exit (1); } if (write_pidfile (pidfile)) wrote_pidfile = TRUE; } _init_nm_debug (nm_config_get_debug (config)); /* Set up unix signal handling - before creating threads, but after daemonizing! */ if (!setup_signals ()) exit (1); if (g_fatal_warnings) { GLogLevelFlags fatal_mask; fatal_mask = g_log_set_always_fatal (G_LOG_FATAL_MASK); fatal_mask |= G_LOG_LEVEL_WARNING | G_LOG_LEVEL_CRITICAL; g_log_set_always_fatal (fatal_mask); } nm_logging_syslog_openlog (debug); #if !GLIB_CHECK_VERSION (2, 35, 0) g_type_init (); #endif dbus_threads_init_default (); /* Ensure that non-exported properties don't leak out, and that the * introspection 'access' permissions are respected. */ dbus_glib_global_set_disable_legacy_property_access (); nm_log_info (LOGD_CORE, "NetworkManager (version " NM_DIST_VERSION ") is starting..."); success = FALSE; nm_log_info (LOGD_CORE, "Read config: %s", nm_config_get_description (config)); nm_log_info (LOGD_CORE, "WEXT support is %s", #if HAVE_WEXT "enabled" #else "disabled" #endif ); main_loop = g_main_loop_new (NULL, FALSE); /* Set up platform interaction layer */ nm_linux_platform_setup (); /* Initialize our DBus service & connection */ dbus_mgr = nm_dbus_manager_get (); g_assert (dbus_mgr != NULL); vpn_manager = nm_vpn_manager_get (); g_assert (vpn_manager != NULL); dns_mgr = nm_dns_manager_get (); g_assert (dns_mgr != NULL); /* Initialize DHCP manager */ dhcp_mgr = nm_dhcp_manager_get (); g_assert (dhcp_mgr != NULL); settings = nm_settings_new (&error); if (!settings) { nm_log_err (LOGD_CORE, "failed to initialize settings storage: %s", error && error->message ? error->message : "(unknown)"); goto done; } manager = nm_manager_new (settings, state_file, net_enabled, wifi_enabled, wwan_enabled, wimax_enabled, &error); if (manager == NULL) { nm_log_err (LOGD_CORE, "failed to initialize the network manager: %s", error && error->message ? error->message : "(unknown)"); goto done; } /* Initialize the supplicant manager */ sup_mgr = nm_supplicant_manager_get (); g_assert (sup_mgr != NULL); /* Initialize Firewall manager */ fw_mgr = nm_firewall_manager_get (); g_assert (fw_mgr != NULL); /* Initialize session monitor */ session_monitor = nm_session_monitor_get (); g_assert (session_monitor != NULL); if (!nm_dbus_manager_get_connection (dbus_mgr)) { #if HAVE_DBUS_GLIB_100 nm_log_warn (LOGD_CORE, "Failed to connect to D-Bus; only private bus is available"); #else nm_log_err (LOGD_CORE, "Failed to connect to D-Bus, exiting..."); goto done; #endif } else { /* Start our DBus service */ if (!nm_dbus_manager_start_service (dbus_mgr)) { nm_log_err (LOGD_CORE, "failed to start the dbus service."); goto done; } } nm_manager_start (manager); /* Make sure the loopback interface is up. If interface is down, we bring * it up and kernel will assign it link-local IPv4 and IPv6 addresses. If * it was already up, we assume is in clean state. * * TODO: it might be desirable to check the list of addresses and compare * it with a list of expected addresses (one of the protocol families * could be disabled). The 'lo' interface is sometimes used for assigning * global addresses so their availability doesn't depend on the state of * physical interfaces. */ nm_log_dbg (LOGD_CORE, "setting up local loopback"); nm_platform_link_set_up (nm_platform_link_get_ifindex ("lo")); success = TRUE; /* Told to quit before getting to the mainloop by the signal handler */ if (quit_early == TRUE) goto done; g_main_loop_run (main_loop); done: g_clear_object (&manager); nm_logging_syslog_closelog (); if (pidfile && wrote_pidfile) unlink (pidfile); nm_log_info (LOGD_CORE, "exiting (%s)", success ? "success" : "error"); exit (success ? 0 : 1); }