/* -*- Mode: C; tab-width: 4; indent-tabs-mode: t; c-basic-offset: 4 -*- */ /* NetworkManager -- Network link manager * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or modify * it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by * the Free Software Foundation; either version 2 of the License, or * (at your option) any later version. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, * but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the * GNU General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License along * with this program; if not, write to the Free Software Foundation, Inc., * 51 Franklin Street, Fifth Floor, Boston, MA 02110-1301 USA. * * Copyright (C) 2014 Red Hat, Inc. */ #ifndef NM_CONFIG_DATA_H #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_H #define NM_TYPE_CONFIG_DATA (nm_config_data_get_type ()) #define NM_CONFIG_DATA(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_CAST ((obj), NM_TYPE_CONFIG_DATA, NMConfigData)) #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_CAST ((klass), NM_TYPE_CONFIG_DATA, NMConfigDataClass)) #define NM_IS_CONFIG_DATA(obj) (G_TYPE_CHECK_INSTANCE_TYPE ((obj), NM_TYPE_CONFIG_DATA)) #define NM_IS_CONFIG_DATA_CLASS(klass) (G_TYPE_CHECK_CLASS_TYPE ((klass), NM_TYPE_CONFIG_DATA)) #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_GET_CLASS(obj) (G_TYPE_INSTANCE_GET_CLASS ((obj), NM_TYPE_CONFIG_DATA, NMConfigDataClass)) #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_CONFIG_MAIN_FILE "config-main-file" #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_CONFIG_DESCRIPTION "config-description" #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_KEYFILE_USER "keyfile-user" #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_KEYFILE_INTERN "keyfile-intern" #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_CONNECTIVITY_ENABLED "connectivity-enabled" #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_CONNECTIVITY_URI "connectivity-uri" #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_CONNECTIVITY_INTERVAL "connectivity-interval" #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_CONNECTIVITY_RESPONSE "connectivity-response" #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_NO_AUTO_DEFAULT "no-auto-default" #define NM_CONFIG_DATA_DNS_MODE "dns" /* The flags for Reload. Currently these are internal defines, * only their numeric value matters and must be stable as * they are public API! Also, the enum must fit in uint32. */ enum { /*< skip >*/ NM_MANAGER_RELOAD_FLAGS_NONE = 0, /* reload the configuration from disk */ NM_MANAGER_RELOAD_FLAGS_CONF = (1LL << 0), /* write DNS configuration to resolv.conf */ NM_MANAGER_RELOAD_FLAGS_DNS_RC = (1LL << 1), /* restart the DNS plugin (includes DNS_RC) */ NM_MANAGER_RELOAD_FLAGS_DNS_FULL = (1LL << 2), _NM_MANAGER_RELOAD_FLAGS_ALL, NM_MANAGER_RELOAD_FLAGS_ALL = ((_NM_MANAGER_RELOAD_FLAGS_ALL - 1) << 1) - 1, }; typedef enum { /*< flags >*/ NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_NONE = 0, /* use g_key_file_get_value() instead of g_key_file_get_string(). */ NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_RAW = (1LL << 0), /* strip whitespaces */ NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_STRIP = (1LL << 1), /* if the returned string would be the empty word, return NULL. */ NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_NO_EMPTY = (1LL << 2), /* special flag to read device spec. You want to use this before passing the * value to nm_match_spec_split(). */ NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_TYPE_SPEC = NM_CONFIG_GET_VALUE_RAW, } NMConfigGetValueFlags; typedef enum { /*< flags >*/ NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_NONE = 0, /************************************************************************** * The external cause which triggered the reload/configuration-change *************************************************************************/ NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_CAUSE_SIGHUP = (1L << 0), NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_CAUSE_SIGUSR1 = (1L << 1), NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_CAUSE_SIGUSR2 = (1L << 2), NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_CAUSE_NO_AUTO_DEFAULT = (1L << 3), NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_CAUSE_SET_VALUES = (1L << 4), NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_CAUSE_CONF = (1L << 5), NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_CAUSE_DNS_RC = (1L << 6), NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_CAUSE_DNS_FULL = (1L << 7), NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_CAUSES = ((1L << 8) - 1), /************************************************************************** * Following flags describe which property of the configuration changed: *************************************************************************/ /* main-file or config-description changed */ NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_CONFIG_FILES = (1L << 10), /* any configuration on disk changed */ NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_VALUES = (1L << 11), /* any user configuration on disk changed (NetworkManager.conf) */ NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_VALUES_USER = (1L << 12), /* any internal configuration on disk changed (NetworkManager-intern.conf) */ NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_VALUES_INTERN = (1L << 13), /* configuration regarding connectivity changed */ NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_CONNECTIVITY = (1L << 14), /* configuration regarding no-auto-default changed */ NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_NO_AUTO_DEFAULT = (1L << 15), /* configuration regarding dns-mode changed */ NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_DNS_MODE = (1L << 16), /* configuration regarding rc-manager changed */ NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_RC_MANAGER = (1L << 17), /* configuration regarding global dns-config changed */ NM_CONFIG_CHANGE_GLOBAL_DNS_CONFIG = (1L << 18), } NMConfigChangeFlags; typedef struct _NMConfigDataClass NMConfigDataClass; typedef struct _NMGlobalDnsConfig NMGlobalDnsConfig; typedef struct _NMGlobalDnsDomain NMGlobalDnsDomain; GType nm_config_data_get_type (void); NMConfigData *nm_config_data_new (const char *config_main_file, const char *config_description, const char *const*no_auto_default, GKeyFile *keyfile_user, GKeyFile *keyfile_intern); NMConfigData *nm_config_data_new_update_keyfile_intern (const NMConfigData *base, GKeyFile *keyfile_intern); NMConfigData *nm_config_data_new_update_no_auto_default (const NMConfigData *base, const char *const*no_auto_default); NMConfigChangeFlags nm_config_data_diff (NMConfigData *old_data, NMConfigData *new_data); void nm_config_data_log (const NMConfigData *self, const char *prefix, const char *key_prefix, /* FILE* */ gpointer print_stream); const char *nm_config_data_get_config_main_file (const NMConfigData *config_data); const char *nm_config_data_get_config_description (const NMConfigData *config_data); gboolean nm_config_data_has_group (const NMConfigData *self, const char *group); gboolean nm_config_data_has_value (const NMConfigData *self, const char *group, const char *key, NMConfigGetValueFlags flags); char *nm_config_data_get_value (const NMConfigData *config_data, const char *group, const char *key, NMConfigGetValueFlags flags); gint nm_config_data_get_value_boolean (const NMConfigData *self, const char *group, const char *key, gint default_value); gint64 nm_config_data_get_value_int64 (const NMConfigData *self, const char *group, const char *key, guint base, gint64 min, gint64 max, gint64 fallback); char **nm_config_data_get_plugins (const NMConfigData *config_data, gboolean allow_default); gboolean nm_config_data_get_connectivity_enabled (const NMConfigData *config_data); const char *nm_config_data_get_connectivity_uri (const NMConfigData *config_data); guint nm_config_data_get_connectivity_interval (const NMConfigData *config_data); const char *nm_config_data_get_connectivity_response (const NMConfigData *config_data); int nm_config_data_get_autoconnect_retries_default (const NMConfigData *config_data); const char *const*nm_config_data_get_no_auto_default (const NMConfigData *config_data); gboolean nm_config_data_get_no_auto_default_for_device (const NMConfigData *self, NMDevice *device); const char *nm_config_data_get_dns_mode (const NMConfigData *self); const char *nm_config_data_get_rc_manager (const NMConfigData *self); gboolean nm_config_data_get_ignore_carrier (const NMConfigData *self, NMDevice *device); gboolean nm_config_data_get_assume_ipv6ll_only (const NMConfigData *self, NMDevice *device); int nm_config_data_get_sriov_num_vfs (const NMConfigData *self, NMDevice *device); NMGlobalDnsConfig *nm_config_data_get_global_dns_config (const NMConfigData *self); char *nm_config_data_get_connection_default (const NMConfigData *self, const char *property, NMDevice *device); char *nm_config_data_get_device_config (const NMConfigData *self, const char *property, NMDevice *device, gboolean *has_match); char *nm_config_data_get_device_config_by_pllink (const NMConfigData *self, const char *property, const NMPlatformLink *pllink, const char *match_device_type, gboolean *has_match); gboolean nm_config_data_get_device_config_boolean (const NMConfigData *self, const char *property, NMDevice *device, gint val_no_match, gint val_invalid); char **nm_config_data_get_groups (const NMConfigData *self); char **nm_config_data_get_keys (const NMConfigData *self, const char *group); gboolean nm_config_data_is_intern_atomic_group (const NMConfigData *self, const char *group); GKeyFile *nm_config_data_clone_keyfile_intern (const NMConfigData *self); const char *const *nm_global_dns_config_get_searches (const NMGlobalDnsConfig *dns); const char *const *nm_global_dns_config_get_options (const NMGlobalDnsConfig *dns); guint nm_global_dns_config_get_num_domains (const NMGlobalDnsConfig *dns); NMGlobalDnsDomain *nm_global_dns_config_get_domain (const NMGlobalDnsConfig *dns, guint i); NMGlobalDnsDomain *nm_global_dns_config_lookup_domain (const NMGlobalDnsConfig *dns, const char *name); const char *nm_global_dns_domain_get_name (const NMGlobalDnsDomain *domain); const char *const *nm_global_dns_domain_get_servers (const NMGlobalDnsDomain *domain); const char *const *nm_global_dns_domain_get_options (const NMGlobalDnsDomain *domain); gboolean nm_global_dns_config_is_internal (const NMGlobalDnsConfig *dns); gboolean nm_global_dns_config_is_empty (const NMGlobalDnsConfig *dns); void nm_global_dns_config_update_checksum (const NMGlobalDnsConfig *dns, GChecksum *sum); void nm_global_dns_config_free (NMGlobalDnsConfig *conf); NMGlobalDnsConfig *nm_global_dns_config_from_dbus (const GValue *value, GError **error); void nm_global_dns_config_to_dbus (const NMGlobalDnsConfig *dns_config, GValue *value); /* private accessors */ GKeyFile *_nm_config_data_get_keyfile (const NMConfigData *self); GKeyFile *_nm_config_data_get_keyfile_user (const NMConfigData *self); GKeyFile *_nm_config_data_get_keyfile_intern (const NMConfigData *self); #endif /* NM_CONFIG_DATA_H */