/****************************************************************************** Copyright (c) 2012 Intel Corporation All rights reserved. Redistribution and use in source and binary forms, with or without modification, are permitted provided that the following conditions are met: 1. Redistributions of source code must retain the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer. 2. Redistributions in binary form must reproduce the above copyright notice, this list of conditions and the following disclaimer in the documentation and/or other materials provided with the distribution. 3. Neither the name of the Intel Corporation nor the names of its contributors may be used to endorse or promote products derived from this software without specific prior written permission. THIS SOFTWARE IS PROVIDED BY THE COPYRIGHT HOLDERS AND CONTRIBUTORS "AS IS" AND ANY EXPRESS OR IMPLIED WARRANTIES, INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, THE IMPLIED WARRANTIES OF MERCHANTABILITY AND FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE ARE DISCLAIMED. IN NO EVENT SHALL THE COPYRIGHT OWNER OR CONTRIBUTORS BE LIABLE FOR ANY DIRECT, INDIRECT, INCIDENTAL, SPECIAL, EXEMPLARY, OR CONSEQUENTIAL DAMAGES (INCLUDING, BUT NOT LIMITED TO, PROCUREMENT OF SUBSTITUTE GOODS OR SERVICES; LOSS OF USE, DATA, OR PROFITS; OR BUSINESS INTERRUPTION) HOWEVER CAUSED AND ON ANY THEORY OF LIABILITY, WHETHER IN CONTRACT, STRICT LIABILITY, OR TORT (INCLUDING NEGLIGENCE OR OTHERWISE) ARISING IN ANY WAY OUT OF THE USE OF THIS SOFTWARE, EVEN IF ADVISED OF THE POSSIBILITY OF SUCH DAMAGE. ******************************************************************************/ #include "ieee1588.hpp" #include "avbts_clock.hpp" #include "avbts_osnet.hpp" #include "avbts_oslock.hpp" #include "avbts_persist.hpp" #include "gptp_cfg.hpp" #include "ether_port.hpp" #ifdef ARCH_INTELCE #include "linux_hal_intelce.hpp" #else #include "linux_hal_generic.hpp" #endif #include "linux_hal_persist_file.hpp" #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #include #ifdef SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG #include #endif #define PHY_DELAY_GB_TX_I20 184 //1G delay #define PHY_DELAY_GB_RX_I20 382 //1G delay #define PHY_DELAY_MB_TX_I20 1044//100M delay #define PHY_DELAY_MB_RX_I20 2133//100M delay void gPTPPersistWriteCB(char *bufPtr, uint32_t bufSize); void print_usage( char *arg0 ) { fprintf( stderr, "%s [-S] [-P] [-M ] " "[-G ] [-R ] " "[-D ] " "[-T] [-L] [-E] [-GM] [-INITSYNC ] [-OPERSYNC ] " "[-INITPDELAY ] [-OPERPDELAY ] " "[-F ] " "\n", arg0 ); fprintf ( stderr, "\t-S start syntonization\n" "\t-P pulse per second\n" "\t-M save/restore state\n" "\t-G group id for shared memory\n" "\t-R priority 1 value\n" "\t-D Phy Delay \n" "\t-T force master (ignored when Automotive Profile set)\n" "\t-L force slave (ignored when Automotive Profile set)\n" "\t-E enable test mode (as defined in AVnu automotive profile)\n" "\t-V enable AVnu Automotive Profile\n" "\t-GM set grandmaster for Automotive Profile\n" "\t-INITSYNC initial sync interval (Log base 2. 0 = 1 second)\n" "\t-OPERSYNC operational sync interval (Log base 2. 0 = 1 second)\n" "\t-INITPDELAY initial pdelay interval (Log base 2. 0 = 1 second)\n" "\t-OPERPDELAY operational pdelay interval (Log base 2. 0 = 1 sec)\n" "\t-F \n" ); } int watchdog_setup(OSThreadFactory *thread_factory) { #ifdef SYSTEMD_WATCHDOG SystemdWatchdogHandler *watchdog = new SystemdWatchdogHandler(); OSThread *watchdog_thread = thread_factory->createThread(); int watchdog_result; long unsigned int watchdog_interval; watchdog_interval = watchdog->getSystemdWatchdogInterval(&watchdog_result); if (watchdog_result) { GPTP_LOG_INFO("Watchtog interval read from service file: %lu us", watchdog_interval); watchdog->update_interval = watchdog_interval / 2; GPTP_LOG_STATUS("Starting watchdog handler (Update every: %lu us)", watchdog->update_interval); watchdog_thread->start(watchdogUpdateThreadFunction, watchdog); return 0; } else if (watchdog_result < 0) { GPTP_LOG_ERROR("Watchdog settings read error."); return -1; } else { GPTP_LOG_STATUS("Watchdog disabled"); return 0; } #else return 0; #endif } static IEEE1588Clock *pClock = NULL; static EtherPort *pPort = NULL; int main(int argc, char **argv) { PortInit_t portInit; sigset_t set; InterfaceName *ifname; int sig; bool syntonize = false; int i; bool pps = false; uint8_t priority1 = 248; bool override_portstate = false; PortState port_state = PTP_SLAVE; char *restoredata = NULL; char *restoredataptr = NULL; off_t restoredatalength = 0; off_t restoredatacount = 0; bool restorefailed = false; LinuxIPCArg *ipc_arg = NULL; bool use_config_file = false; char config_file_path[512]; const char *systemClockDesc = NULL; memset(config_file_path, 0, 512); GPTPPersist *pGPTPPersist = NULL; LinuxThreadFactory *thread_factory = new LinuxThreadFactory(); // Block SIGUSR1 { sigset_t block; sigemptyset( &block ); sigaddset( &block, SIGUSR1 ); if( pthread_sigmask( SIG_BLOCK, &block, NULL ) != 0 ) { GPTP_LOG_ERROR("Failed to block SIGUSR1"); return -1; } } GPTP_LOG_REGISTER(); GPTP_LOG_INFO("gPTP starting"); if (watchdog_setup(thread_factory) != 0) { GPTP_LOG_ERROR("Watchdog handler setup error"); return -1; } phy_delay_map_t ether_phy_delay; bool input_delay=false; portInit.clock = NULL; portInit.index = 0; portInit.timestamper = NULL; portInit.net_label = NULL; portInit.automotive_profile = false; portInit.isGM = false; portInit.testMode = false; portInit.linkUp = false; portInit.initialLogSyncInterval = LOG2_INTERVAL_INVALID; portInit.initialLogPdelayReqInterval = LOG2_INTERVAL_INVALID; portInit.operLogPdelayReqInterval = LOG2_INTERVAL_INVALID; portInit.operLogSyncInterval = LOG2_INTERVAL_INVALID; portInit.condition_factory = NULL; portInit.thread_factory = NULL; portInit.timer_factory = NULL; portInit.lock_factory = NULL; portInit.syncReceiptThreshold = CommonPort::DEFAULT_SYNC_RECEIPT_THRESH; portInit.neighborPropDelayThreshold = CommonPort::NEIGHBOR_PROP_DELAY_THRESH; LinuxNetworkInterfaceFactory *default_factory = new LinuxNetworkInterfaceFactory; OSNetworkInterfaceFactory::registerFactory (factory_name_t("default"), default_factory); LinuxTimerQueueFactory *timerq_factory = new LinuxTimerQueueFactory(); LinuxLockFactory *lock_factory = new LinuxLockFactory(); LinuxTimerFactory *timer_factory = new LinuxTimerFactory(); LinuxConditionFactory *condition_factory = new LinuxConditionFactory(); LinuxSharedMemoryIPC *ipc = new LinuxSharedMemoryIPC(); /* Create Low level network interface object */ if( argc < 2 ) { printf( "Interface name required\n" ); print_usage( argv[0] ); return -1; } ifname = new InterfaceName( argv[1], strlen(argv[1]) ); /* Process optional arguments */ for( i = 2; i < argc; ++i ) { if( argv[i][0] == '-' ) { if( strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "S") == 0 ) { // Get syntonize directive from command line syntonize = true; } else if( strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "T" ) == 0 ) { override_portstate = true; port_state = PTP_MASTER; } else if( strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "L" ) == 0 ) { override_portstate = true; port_state = PTP_SLAVE; } else if( strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "M" ) == 0 ) { // Open file if( i+1 < argc ) { pGPTPPersist = makeLinuxGPTPPersistFile(); if (pGPTPPersist) { pGPTPPersist->initStorage(argv[i + 1]); } } else { printf( "Restore file must be specified on " "command line\n" ); } } else if( strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "G") == 0 ) { if( i+1 < argc ) { ipc_arg = new LinuxIPCArg(argv[++i]); } else { printf( "Must specify group name on the command line\n" ); } } else if( strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "P") == 0 ) { pps = true; } else if( strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "H") == 0 ) { print_usage( argv[0] ); GPTP_LOG_UNREGISTER(); return 0; } else if( strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "R") == 0 ) { if( i+1 >= argc ) { printf( "Priority 1 value must be specified on " "command line, using default value\n" ); } else { unsigned long tmp = strtoul( argv[i+1], NULL, 0 ); ++i; if( tmp == 0 ) { printf( "Invalid priority 1 value, using " "default value\n" ); } else { priority1 = (uint8_t) tmp; } } } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "D") == 0) { int phy_delay[4]; input_delay=true; int delay_count=0; char *cli_inp_delay = strtok(argv[i+1],","); while (cli_inp_delay != NULL) { if(delay_count>3) { printf("Too many values\n"); print_usage( argv[0] ); GPTP_LOG_UNREGISTER(); return 0; } phy_delay[delay_count]=atoi(cli_inp_delay); delay_count++; cli_inp_delay = strtok(NULL,","); } if (delay_count != 4) { printf("All four delay values must be specified\n"); print_usage( argv[0] ); GPTP_LOG_UNREGISTER(); return 0; } ether_phy_delay[LINKSPEED_1G].set_delay ( phy_delay[0], phy_delay[1] ); ether_phy_delay[LINKSPEED_100MB].set_delay ( phy_delay[2], phy_delay[3] ); } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "V") == 0) { portInit.automotive_profile = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "GM") == 0) { portInit.isGM = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "E") == 0) { portInit.testMode = true; } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "INITSYNC") == 0) { portInit.initialLogSyncInterval = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "OPERSYNC") == 0) { portInit.operLogSyncInterval = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "INITPDELAY") == 0) { portInit.initialLogPdelayReqInterval = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "OPERPDELAY") == 0) { portInit.operLogPdelayReqInterval = atoi(argv[++i]); } else if (strcmp(argv[i] + 1, "F") == 0) { if( i+1 < argc ) { use_config_file = true; strcpy(config_file_path, argv[i+1]); } else { fprintf(stderr, "config file must be specified.\n"); } } } } if (!input_delay) { ether_phy_delay[LINKSPEED_1G].set_delay ( PHY_DELAY_GB_TX_I20, PHY_DELAY_GB_RX_I20 ); ether_phy_delay[LINKSPEED_100MB].set_delay ( PHY_DELAY_MB_TX_I20, PHY_DELAY_MB_RX_I20 ); } portInit.phy_delay = ðer_phy_delay; if( !ipc->init( ipc_arg ) ) { delete ipc; ipc = NULL; } if( ipc_arg != NULL ) delete ipc_arg; if( pGPTPPersist ) { uint32_t bufSize = 0; if (!pGPTPPersist->readStorage(&restoredata, &bufSize)) GPTP_LOG_ERROR("Failed to stat restore file"); restoredatalength = bufSize; restoredatacount = restoredatalength; restoredataptr = (char *)restoredata; } #ifdef ARCH_INTELCE EtherTimestamper *timestamper = new LinuxTimestamperIntelCE(); #else EtherTimestamper *timestamper = new LinuxTimestamperGeneric(); #endif sigemptyset(&set); sigaddset(&set, SIGINT); sigaddset( &set, SIGTERM ); sigaddset(&set, SIGHUP); sigaddset(&set, SIGUSR2); if (pthread_sigmask(SIG_BLOCK, &set, NULL) != 0) { perror("pthread_sigmask()"); GPTP_LOG_UNREGISTER(); return -1; } pClock = new IEEE1588Clock ( false, syntonize, priority1, timerq_factory, ipc, lock_factory ); if( restoredataptr != NULL ) { if( !restorefailed ) restorefailed = !pClock->restoreSerializedState( restoredataptr, &restoredatacount ); restoredataptr = ((char *)restoredata) + (restoredatalength - restoredatacount); } // TODO: The setting of values into temporary variables should be changed to // just set directly into the portInit struct. portInit.clock = pClock; portInit.index = 1; portInit.timestamper = timestamper; portInit.net_label = ifname; portInit.condition_factory = condition_factory; portInit.thread_factory = thread_factory; portInit.timer_factory = timer_factory; portInit.lock_factory = lock_factory; if(use_config_file) { GptpIniParser iniParser(config_file_path); if (iniParser.parserError() < 0) { GPTP_LOG_ERROR("Cant parse ini file. Aborting file reading."); } else { GPTP_LOG_INFO("priority1 = %d", iniParser.getPriority1()); GPTP_LOG_INFO("announceReceiptTimeout: %d", iniParser.getAnnounceReceiptTimeout()); GPTP_LOG_INFO("syncReceiptTimeout: %d", iniParser.getSyncReceiptTimeout()); iniParser.print_phy_delay(); GPTP_LOG_INFO("neighborPropDelayThresh: %ld", iniParser.getNeighborPropDelayThresh()); GPTP_LOG_INFO("syncReceiptThreshold: %d", iniParser.getSyncReceiptThresh()); /* If using config file, set the neighborPropDelayThresh. * Otherwise it will use its default value (800ns) */ portInit.neighborPropDelayThreshold = iniParser.getNeighborPropDelayThresh(); /* If using config file, set the syncReceiptThreshold, otherwise * it will use the default value (SYNC_RECEIPT_THRESH) */ portInit.syncReceiptThreshold = iniParser.getSyncReceiptThresh(); if( strnlen( iniParser.getSystemClockDesc(), MAX_CLOCK_DESC_LEN ) != 0 ) systemClockDesc = iniParser.getSystemClockDesc(); /*Only overwrites phy_delay default values if not input_delay switch enabled*/ if(!input_delay) { ether_phy_delay = iniParser.getPhyDelay(); } } } if( systemClockDesc != NULL ) { if( timestamper->HWTimestamper_setsystemclock ( systemClockDesc )) GPTP_LOG_INFO ( "Using system Clock: %s", systemClockDesc ); } pPort = new EtherPort(&portInit); if (!pPort->init_port()) { GPTP_LOG_ERROR("failed to initialize port"); GPTP_LOG_UNREGISTER(); return -1; } if( restoredataptr != NULL ) { if( !restorefailed ) { restorefailed = !pPort->restoreSerializedState( restoredataptr, &restoredatacount ); GPTP_LOG_INFO("Persistent port data restored: asCapable:%d, port_state:%d, one_way_delay:%lld", pPort->getAsCapable(), pPort->getPortState(), pPort->getLinkDelay()); } restoredataptr = ((char *)restoredata) + (restoredatalength - restoredatacount); } if (portInit.automotive_profile) { if (portInit.isGM) { port_state = PTP_MASTER; } else { port_state = PTP_SLAVE; } override_portstate = true; } if( override_portstate ) { pPort->setPortState( port_state ); } // Start PPS if requested if( pps ) { if( !timestamper->HWTimestamper_PPS_start()) { GPTP_LOG_ERROR("Failed to start pulse per second I/O"); } } // Configure persistent write if (pGPTPPersist) { off_t len = 0; restoredatacount = 0; pClock->serializeState(NULL, &len); restoredatacount += len; pPort->serializeState(NULL, &len); restoredatacount += len; pGPTPPersist->setWriteSize((uint32_t)restoredatacount); pGPTPPersist->registerWriteCB(gPTPPersistWriteCB); } pPort->processEvent(POWERUP); do { sig = 0; if (sigwait(&set, &sig) != 0) { perror("sigwait()"); GPTP_LOG_UNREGISTER(); return -1; } if (sig == SIGHUP) { if (pGPTPPersist) { // If port is either master or slave, save clock and then port state if (pPort->getPortState() == PTP_MASTER || pPort->getPortState() == PTP_SLAVE) { pGPTPPersist->triggerWriteStorage(); } } } if (sig == SIGUSR2) { pPort->logIEEEPortCounters(); } } while (sig == SIGHUP || sig == SIGUSR2); GPTP_LOG_ERROR("Exiting on %d", sig); if (pGPTPPersist) { pGPTPPersist->closeStorage(); } // Stop PPS if previously started if( pps ) { if( !timestamper->HWTimestamper_PPS_stop()) { GPTP_LOG_ERROR("Failed to stop pulse per second I/O"); } } if( ipc ) delete ipc; GPTP_LOG_UNREGISTER(); return 0; } void gPTPPersistWriteCB(char *bufPtr, uint32_t bufSize) { off_t restoredatalength = bufSize; off_t restoredatacount = restoredatalength; char *restoredataptr = NULL; GPTP_LOG_INFO("Signal received to write restore data"); restoredataptr = (char *)bufPtr; pClock->serializeState(restoredataptr, &restoredatacount); restoredataptr = ((char *)bufPtr) + (restoredatalength - restoredatacount); pPort->serializeState(restoredataptr, &restoredatacount); restoredataptr = ((char *)bufPtr) + (restoredatalength - restoredatacount); }