Files: Find the plugin code in src directory under gst-plugin folder. 1.gstavbsink.c 2.gstavbsink.h 3.gst_avb_playbin.c 4.gst_avb_playbin.h 5.gst_app_src.c To Compile the plugin: 1.Install autoconf tool. zypper in autoconf 2. Install libtool zypper in libtool Prerequisites: igb driver must be installed. Building plugins: In a weston terminal use following command to compile the plugin: Listener Side: Go to folder: cd /Open-AVB-master/examples/gstreamer-avb-plugins/gst-plugin/src and in file set libgstplugin_la_SOURCES = gst_avb_playbin.c gst_avb_playbin.h ../../../common/avb.c ../../../common/avb.h ../../../../lib/igb/igb.h gst_app_src.c Talker Side: Go to folder: cd /Open-AVB-master/examples/gstreamer-avb-plugins/gst-plugin/src and in file set libgstplugin_la_SOURCES = gstavbsink.c gstavbsink.h ../../../common/avb.c ../../../common/avb.h ../../../../lib/igb/igb.h To test the plugins: Listener Side: Go to folder: cd /Open-AVB-master/examples/gstreamer-avb-plugins/gst-plugin/ and type following commands in a weston terminal: LDFLAGS='-L/Open-AVB-master/lib/igb' CPPFLAGS='-I/Open-AVB-master/lib/igb' LIBS='-ligb -lpci -lrt -lpthread -lm -lgstapp-1.0' ./configure LDFLAGS='-L/Open-AVB-master/lib/igb' CPPFLAGS='-I/Open-AVB-master/lib/igb' LIBS='-ligb -lpci -lrt -lpthread -lm -lgstapp-1.0' ./ make export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/Open-AVB-master/examples/gstreamer-avb-plugins/gst-plugin/src/.libs Check weather gstreamer has installed the plugin or not: gst-inspect-1.0 avbplaybin Talker Side: Go to folder: cd /Open-AVB-master/examples/gstreamer-avb-plugins/gst-plugin/ and type following commands in a weston terminal: LDFLAGS='-L/Open-AVB-master/lib/igb' CPPFLAGS='-I/Open-AVB-master/lib/igb' LIBS='-ligb -lpci -lrt -lpthread -lm' ./configure LDFLAGS='-L/Open-AVB-master/lib/igb' CPPFLAGS='-I/Open-AVB-master/lib/igb' LIBS='-ligb -lpci -lrt -lpthread -lm' ./ make export GST_PLUGIN_PATH=/Open-AVB-master/examples/gstreamer-avb-plugins/gst-plugin/src/.libs Check weather gstreamer has installed the plugin or not: gst-inspect-1.0 avbsink To launch commands using gst-launch: After following above steps At listner end: gst-launch-1.0 avbplaybin talkerip= port=7600 interface= eg: gst-launch-1.0 avbplaybin talkerip= port=7600 interface=eth0 (Default port is 7600) At talker end: gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=test.mp4 blocksize=1024 ! avbsink interface= eg: gst-launch-1.0 filesrc location=test.mp4 blocksize=1024 ! avbsink interface=eth0