EXAMPLE APPLICATIONS The 'simple_talker' application illustrates the various steps to publish a stream and streaming 1722/61883 audio frames after a listener connects. The audio itself is a simple sine wave. It has been tested with other vendors listeners at AVNu plug-fests. The simple talker application requires root permissions to execute and attach to the driver. sudo ./simple_talker To exit the app, hit Ctrl-C. The application gracefully tears down the connection to the driver. If the application unexpectedly aborts the kernel-mode driver also reclaims the various buffers and attempts to clean up. The application should be able to re-initialize and use the transmit queues without restarting the driver. Note this application requires using the provided gptp timesync daemon to provide the 802.1AS presentation times included in the 1722 frames. This application also requires the mrpd daemon to be running to detect and establish various stream reservation parameters. Lastly, to build the application, you need to have the pciutils library installed. the latest version can be downloaded from: < ftp://ftp.kernel.org/pub/software/utils/pciutils/ >. Download and extract the library, and run 'make;make install;make install-lib'.