#!/bin/bash # Script to start the AVTP Pipeline talker/listener with 8-channel, 48K/24-bit IEC 61883-6 audio. # For more details, refer to the lib/avtp_pipeline/README.md file. if [ "$#" -eq "0" ]; then echo "Please enter network interface name as parameter. For example:" echo "sudo $0 eth1" echo "" exit -1 fi nic=$1 echo "Starting AVTP Pipeline on "$nic scriptdir="$( cd "$( dirname "${BASH_SOURCE[0]}" )" && pwd )" pushd . cd $scriptdir/lib/avtp_pipeline/build/bin ./openavb_avdecc -I pcap:$nic example_talker.ini example_listener.ini & sleep 5 ./openavb_host -I pcap:$nic example_talker.ini example_listener.ini & popd