/* $Id$ */ /** @file * Host audio driver - DirectSound (Windows). */ /* * Copyright (C) 2006-2020 Oracle Corporation * * This file is part of VirtualBox Open Source Edition (OSE), as * available from http://www.virtualbox.org. This file is free software; * you can redistribute it and/or modify it under the terms of the GNU * General Public License (GPL) as published by the Free Software * Foundation, in version 2 as it comes in the "COPYING" file of the * VirtualBox OSE distribution. VirtualBox OSE is distributed in the * hope that it will be useful, but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY of any kind. */ /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Header Files * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ #define LOG_GROUP LOG_GROUP_DRV_HOST_AUDIO #define INITGUID #include #include #include #include #include #include /* WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE */ #include #include #include #include #include #include #include "VBoxDD.h" #ifdef VBOX_WITH_AUDIO_MMNOTIFICATION_CLIENT # include /* For bad_alloc. */ # include "DrvHostAudioDSoundMMNotifClient.h" #endif /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Defined Constants And Macros * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /* * Optional release logging, which a user can turn on with the * 'VBoxManage debugvm' command. * Debug logging still uses the common Log* macros from VBox. * Messages which always should go to the release log use LogRel. * * @deprecated Use LogRelMax, LogRel2 and LogRel3 directly. */ /** General code behavior. */ #define DSLOG(a) do { LogRel2(a); } while(0) /** Something which produce a lot of logging during playback/recording. */ #define DSLOGF(a) do { LogRel3(a); } while(0) /** Important messages like errors. Limited in the default release log to avoid log flood. */ #define DSLOGREL(a) \ do { \ static int8_t s_cLogged = 0; \ if (s_cLogged < 8) { \ ++s_cLogged; \ LogRel(a); \ } else DSLOG(a); \ } while (0) /** Maximum number of attempts to restore the sound buffer before giving up. */ #define DRV_DSOUND_RESTORE_ATTEMPTS_MAX 3 #if 0 /** @todo r=bird: What are these for? Nobody is using them... */ /** Default input latency (in ms). */ #define DRV_DSOUND_DEFAULT_LATENCY_MS_IN 50 /** Default output latency (in ms). */ #define DRV_DSOUND_DEFAULT_LATENCY_MS_OUT 50 #endif /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Structures and Typedefs * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /* Dynamically load dsound.dll. */ typedef HRESULT WINAPI FNDIRECTSOUNDENUMERATEW(LPDSENUMCALLBACKW pDSEnumCallback, PVOID pContext); typedef FNDIRECTSOUNDENUMERATEW *PFNDIRECTSOUNDENUMERATEW; typedef HRESULT WINAPI FNDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREENUMERATEW(LPDSENUMCALLBACKW pDSEnumCallback, PVOID pContext); typedef FNDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREENUMERATEW *PFNDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREENUMERATEW; typedef HRESULT WINAPI FNDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURECREATE8(LPCGUID lpcGUID, LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 *lplpDSC, LPUNKNOWN pUnkOuter); typedef FNDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURECREATE8 *PFNDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURECREATE8; #define VBOX_DSOUND_MAX_EVENTS 3 typedef enum DSOUNDEVENT { DSOUNDEVENT_NOTIFY = 0, DSOUNDEVENT_INPUT, DSOUNDEVENT_OUTPUT, } DSOUNDEVENT; typedef struct DSOUNDHOSTCFG { RTUUID uuidPlay; LPCGUID pGuidPlay; RTUUID uuidCapture; LPCGUID pGuidCapture; } DSOUNDHOSTCFG, *PDSOUNDHOSTCFG; typedef struct DSOUNDSTREAM { /** Common part. */ PDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM Core; /** Entry in DRVHOSTDSOUND::HeadStreams. */ RTLISTNODE ListEntry; /** The stream's acquired configuration. */ PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG Cfg; /** Buffer alignment. */ uint8_t uAlign; /** Whether this stream is in an enable state on the DirectSound side. */ bool fEnabled; bool afPadding[2]; /** Size (in bytes) of the DirectSound buffer. */ DWORD cbBufSize; union { struct { /** The actual DirectSound Buffer (DSB) used for the capturing. * This is a secondary buffer and is used as a streaming buffer. */ LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER8 pDSCB; /** Current read offset (in bytes) within the DSB. */ DWORD offReadPos; /** Number of buffer overruns happened. Used for logging. */ uint8_t cOverruns; } In; struct { /** The actual DirectSound Buffer (DSB) used for playback. * This is a secondary buffer and is used as a streaming buffer. */ LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER8 pDSB; /** Current write offset (in bytes) within the DSB. * @note This is needed as the current write position as kept by direct sound * will move ahead if we're too late. */ DWORD offWritePos; /** Offset of last play cursor within the DSB when checked for pending. */ DWORD offPlayCursorLastPending; /** Offset of last play cursor within the DSB when last played. */ DWORD offPlayCursorLastPlayed; /** Total amount (in bytes) written to our internal ring buffer. */ uint64_t cbWritten; /** Total amount (in bytes) played (to the DirectSound buffer). */ uint64_t cbTransferred; /** Flag indicating whether playback was just (re)started. */ bool fFirstTransfer; /** Flag indicating whether this stream is in draining mode, e.g. no new * data is being written to it but DirectSound still needs to be able to * play its remaining (buffered) data. */ bool fDrain; /** How much (in bytes) the last transfer from the internal buffer * to the DirectSound buffer was. */ uint32_t cbLastTransferred; /** The RTTimeMilliTS() deadline for the draining of this stream. */ uint64_t msDrainDeadline; } Out; }; /** Timestamp (in ms) of the last transfer from the internal buffer to/from the * DirectSound buffer. */ uint64_t msLastTransfer; /** The stream's critical section for synchronizing access. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** Used for formatting the current DSound status. */ char szStatus[127]; /** Fixed zero terminator. */ char const chStateZero; } DSOUNDSTREAM, *PDSOUNDSTREAM; /** * DirectSound-specific device entry. */ typedef struct DSOUNDDEV { PDMAUDIOHOSTDEV Core; /** The GUID if handy. */ GUID Guid; /** The GUID as a string (empty if default). */ char szGuid[RTUUID_STR_LENGTH]; } DSOUNDDEV; /** Pointer to a DirectSound device entry. */ typedef DSOUNDDEV *PDSOUNDDEV; /** * Structure for holding a device enumeration context. */ typedef struct DSOUNDENUMCBCTX { /** Enumeration flags. */ uint32_t fFlags; /** Pointer to device list to populate. */ PPDMAUDIOHOSTENUM pDevEnm; } DSOUNDENUMCBCTX, *PDSOUNDENUMCBCTX; typedef struct DRVHOSTDSOUND { /** Pointer to the driver instance structure. */ PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns; /** Our audio host audio interface. */ PDMIHOSTAUDIO IHostAudio; /** Critical section to serialize access. */ RTCRITSECT CritSect; /** DirectSound configuration options. */ DSOUNDHOSTCFG Cfg; /** List of devices of last enumeration. */ PDMAUDIOHOSTENUM DeviceEnum; /** Whether this backend supports any audio input. * @todo r=bird: This is not actually used for anything. */ bool fEnabledIn; /** Whether this backend supports any audio output. * @todo r=bird: This is not actually used for anything. */ bool fEnabledOut; /** The Direct Sound playback interface. */ LPDIRECTSOUND8 pDS; /** The Direct Sound capturing interface. */ LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 pDSC; /** List of streams (DSOUNDSTREAM). * Requires CritSect ownership. */ RTLISTANCHOR HeadStreams; #ifdef VBOX_WITH_AUDIO_MMNOTIFICATION_CLIENT DrvHostAudioDSoundMMNotifClient *m_pNotificationClient; #endif } DRVHOSTDSOUND, *PDRVHOSTDSOUND; /********************************************************************************************************************************* * Internal Functions * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ static HRESULT directSoundPlayRestore(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER8 pDSB); static int drvHostDSoundStreamStopPlayback(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS, bool fReset); static int dsoundDevicesEnumerate(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDMAUDIOHOSTENUM pDevEnm, uint32_t fEnum); static void dsoundUpdateStatusInternal(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis); #if defined(LOG_ENABLED) || defined(RTLOG_REL_ENABLED) /** * Gets the stream status as a string for logging purposes. * * @returns Status string (pStreamDS->szStatus). * @param pStreamDS The stream to get the status for. */ static const char *drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS) { /* * Out internal stream status first. */ size_t off; if (pStreamDS->fEnabled) { memcpy(pStreamDS->szStatus, RT_STR_TUPLE("ENABLED ")); off = sizeof("ENABLED ") - 1; } else { memcpy(pStreamDS->szStatus, RT_STR_TUPLE("DISABLED")); off = sizeof("DISABLED") - 1; } /* * Direction specific stuff, returning with a status DWORD and string mappings for it. */ typedef struct DRVHOSTDSOUNDSFLAGS2STR { const char *pszMnemonic; uint32_t cchMnemonic; uint32_t fFlag; } DRVHOSTDSOUNDSFLAGS2STR; static const DRVHOSTDSOUNDSFLAGS2STR s_aCaptureFlags[] = { { RT_STR_TUPLE(" CAPTURING"), DSCBSTATUS_CAPTURING }, { RT_STR_TUPLE(" LOOPING"), DSCBSTATUS_LOOPING }, }; static const DRVHOSTDSOUNDSFLAGS2STR s_aPlaybackFlags[] = { { RT_STR_TUPLE(" PLAYING"), DSBSTATUS_PLAYING }, { RT_STR_TUPLE(" BUFFERLOST"), DSBSTATUS_BUFFERLOST }, { RT_STR_TUPLE(" LOOPING"), DSBSTATUS_LOOPING }, { RT_STR_TUPLE(" LOCHARDWARE"), DSBSTATUS_LOCHARDWARE }, { RT_STR_TUPLE(" LOCSOFTWARE"), DSBSTATUS_LOCSOFTWARE }, { RT_STR_TUPLE(" TERMINATED"), DSBSTATUS_TERMINATED }, }; DRVHOSTDSOUNDSFLAGS2STR const *paMappings = NULL; size_t cMappings = 0; DWORD fStatus = 0; if (pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN) { if (pStreamDS->In.pDSCB) { HRESULT hrc = pStreamDS->In.pDSCB->GetStatus(&fStatus); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { paMappings = s_aCaptureFlags; cMappings = RT_ELEMENTS(s_aCaptureFlags); } else RTStrPrintf(&pStreamDS->szStatus[off], sizeof(pStreamDS->szStatus) - off, "GetStatus->%Rhrc", hrc); } else RTStrCopy(&pStreamDS->szStatus[off], sizeof(pStreamDS->szStatus) - off, "NO-DSCB"); } else if (pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_OUT) { if (pStreamDS->Out.fDrain) { memcpy(&pStreamDS->szStatus[off], RT_STR_TUPLE(" DRAINING")); off += sizeof(" DRAINING") - 1; } if (pStreamDS->Out.fFirstTransfer) { memcpy(&pStreamDS->szStatus[off], RT_STR_TUPLE(" NOXFER")); off += sizeof(" NOXFER") - 1; } if (pStreamDS->Out.pDSB) { HRESULT hrc = pStreamDS->Out.pDSB->GetStatus(&fStatus); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { paMappings = s_aPlaybackFlags; cMappings = RT_ELEMENTS(s_aPlaybackFlags); } else RTStrPrintf(&pStreamDS->szStatus[off], sizeof(pStreamDS->szStatus) - off, "GetStatus->%Rhrc", hrc); } else RTStrCopy(&pStreamDS->szStatus[off], sizeof(pStreamDS->szStatus) - off, "NO-DSB"); } else RTStrCopy(&pStreamDS->szStatus[off], sizeof(pStreamDS->szStatus) - off, "BAD-DIR"); /* Format flags. */ if (paMappings) { if (fStatus == 0) RTStrCopy(&pStreamDS->szStatus[off], sizeof(pStreamDS->szStatus) - off, " 0"); else { for (size_t i = 0; i < cMappings; i++) if (fStatus & paMappings[i].fFlag) { memcpy(&pStreamDS->szStatus[off], paMappings[i].pszMnemonic, paMappings[i].cchMnemonic); off += paMappings[i].cchMnemonic; fStatus &= ~paMappings[i].fFlag; if (!fStatus) break; } if (fStatus != 0) off += RTStrPrintf(&pStreamDS->szStatus[off], sizeof(pStreamDS->szStatus) - off, " %#x", fStatus); } } /* * Finally, terminate the string. By postponing it this long, it won't be * a big deal if two threads go thru here at the same time as long as the * status is the same. */ Assert(off < sizeof(pStreamDS->szStatus)); pStreamDS->szStatus[off] = '\0'; return pStreamDS->szStatus; } #endif /* LOG_ENABLED || RTLOG_REL_ENABLED */ static DWORD dsoundRingDistance(DWORD offEnd, DWORD offBegin, DWORD cSize) { AssertReturn(offEnd <= cSize, 0); AssertReturn(offBegin <= cSize, 0); return offEnd >= offBegin ? offEnd - offBegin : cSize - offBegin + offEnd; } static char *dsoundGUIDToUtf8StrA(LPCGUID pGUID) { if (pGUID) { LPOLESTR lpOLEStr; HRESULT hr = StringFromCLSID(*pGUID, &lpOLEStr); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { char *pszGUID; int rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8(lpOLEStr, &pszGUID); CoTaskMemFree(lpOLEStr); return RT_SUCCESS(rc) ? pszGUID : NULL; } } return RTStrDup("{Default device}"); } static HRESULT directSoundPlayRestore(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER8 pDSB) { RT_NOREF(pThis); HRESULT hr = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Restore(pDSB); if (FAILED(hr)) DSLOG(("DSound: Restoring playback buffer\n")); else DSLOGREL(("DSound: Restoring playback buffer failed with %Rhrc\n", hr)); return hr; } static HRESULT directSoundPlayUnlock(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER8 pDSB, PVOID pv1, PVOID pv2, DWORD cb1, DWORD cb2) { RT_NOREF(pThis); HRESULT hr = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Unlock(pDSB, pv1, cb1, pv2, cb2); if (FAILED(hr)) DSLOGREL(("DSound: Unlocking playback buffer failed with %Rhrc\n", hr)); return hr; } static HRESULT directSoundPlayLock(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS, DWORD dwOffset, DWORD dwBytes, PVOID *ppv1, PVOID *ppv2, DWORD *pcb1, DWORD *pcb2, DWORD dwFlags) { AssertReturn(dwBytes, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; AssertCompile(DRV_DSOUND_RESTORE_ATTEMPTS_MAX > 0); for (unsigned i = 0; i < DRV_DSOUND_RESTORE_ATTEMPTS_MAX; i++) { PVOID pv1, pv2; DWORD cb1, cb2; hr = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Lock(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, dwOffset, dwBytes, &pv1, &cb1, &pv2, &cb2, dwFlags); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if ( (!pv1 || !(cb1 & pStreamDS->uAlign)) && (!pv2 || !(cb2 & pStreamDS->uAlign))) { if (ppv1) *ppv1 = pv1; if (ppv2) *ppv2 = pv2; if (pcb1) *pcb1 = cb1; if (pcb2) *pcb2 = cb2; return S_OK; } DSLOGREL(("DSound: Locking playback buffer returned misaligned buffer: cb1=%#RX32, cb2=%#RX32 (alignment: %#RX32)\n", *pcb1, *pcb2, pStreamDS->uAlign)); directSoundPlayUnlock(pThis, pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, pv1, pv2, cb1, cb2); return E_FAIL; } if (hr != DSERR_BUFFERLOST) break; LogFlowFunc(("Locking failed due to lost buffer, restoring ...\n")); directSoundPlayRestore(pThis, pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); } DSLOGREL(("DSound: Locking playback buffer failed with %Rhrc (dwOff=%ld, dwBytes=%ld)\n", hr, dwOffset, dwBytes)); return hr; } static HRESULT directSoundCaptureUnlock(LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER8 pDSCB, PVOID pv1, PVOID pv2, DWORD cb1, DWORD cb2) { HRESULT hr = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_Unlock(pDSCB, pv1, cb1, pv2, cb2); if (FAILED(hr)) DSLOGREL(("DSound: Unlocking capture buffer failed with %Rhrc\n", hr)); return hr; } static HRESULT directSoundCaptureLock(PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS, DWORD dwOffset, DWORD dwBytes, PVOID *ppv1, PVOID *ppv2, DWORD *pcb1, DWORD *pcb2, DWORD dwFlags) { PVOID pv1 = NULL; PVOID pv2 = NULL; DWORD cb1 = 0; DWORD cb2 = 0; HRESULT hr = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_Lock(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, dwOffset, dwBytes, &pv1, &cb1, &pv2, &cb2, dwFlags); if (FAILED(hr)) { DSLOGREL(("DSound: Locking capture buffer failed with %Rhrc\n", hr)); return hr; } if ( (pv1 && (cb1 & pStreamDS->uAlign)) || (pv2 && (cb2 & pStreamDS->uAlign))) { DSLOGREL(("DSound: Locking capture buffer returned misaligned buffer: cb1=%RI32, cb2=%RI32 (alignment: %RU32)\n", cb1, cb2, pStreamDS->uAlign)); directSoundCaptureUnlock(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, pv1, pv2, cb1, cb2); return E_FAIL; } *ppv1 = pv1; *ppv2 = pv2; *pcb1 = cb1; *pcb2 = cb2; return S_OK; } /* * DirectSound playback */ /** * Creates a DirectSound playback instance. * * @return HRESULT * @param pGUID GUID of device to create the playback interface for. NULL * for the default device. * @param ppDS Where to return the interface to the created instance. */ static HRESULT drvHostDSoundCreateDSPlaybackInstance(LPCGUID pGUID, LPDIRECTSOUND8 *ppDS) { LogFlowFuncEnter(); LPDIRECTSOUND8 pDS = NULL; HRESULT hrc = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectSound8, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDirectSound8, (void **)&pDS); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { hrc = IDirectSound8_Initialize(pDS, pGUID); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { HWND hWnd = GetDesktopWindow(); hrc = IDirectSound8_SetCooperativeLevel(pDS, hWnd, DSSCL_PRIORITY); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { *ppDS = pDS; LogFlowFunc(("LEAVE S_OK\n")); return S_OK; } LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Setting cooperative level for (hWnd=%p) failed: %Rhrc\n", hWnd, hrc)); } else if (hrc == DSERR_NODRIVER) /* Usually means that no playback devices are attached. */ LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: DirectSound playback is currently unavailable\n")); else LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: DirectSound playback initialization failed: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); IDirectSound8_Release(pDS); } else LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Creating playback instance failed: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); LogFlowFunc(("LEAVE %Rhrc\n", hrc)); return hrc; } #if 0 /* not used */ static HRESULT directSoundPlayGetStatus(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER8 pDSB, DWORD *pdwStatus) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, E_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pDSB, E_POINTER); AssertPtrNull(pdwStatus); DWORD dwStatus = 0; HRESULT hr = E_FAIL; for (unsigned i = 0; i < DRV_DSOUND_RESTORE_ATTEMPTS_MAX; i++) { hr = IDirectSoundBuffer8_GetStatus(pDSB, &dwStatus); if ( hr == DSERR_BUFFERLOST || ( SUCCEEDED(hr) && (dwStatus & DSBSTATUS_BUFFERLOST))) { LogFlowFunc(("Getting status failed due to lost buffer, restoring ...\n")); directSoundPlayRestore(pThis, pDSB); } else break; } if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { if (pdwStatus) *pdwStatus = dwStatus; } else DSLOGREL(("DSound: Retrieving playback status failed with %Rhrc\n", hr)); return hr; } #endif /* * DirectSoundCapture */ #if 0 /* unused */ static LPCGUID dsoundCaptureSelectDevice(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, NULL); AssertPtrReturn(pCfg, NULL); int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; LPCGUID pGUID = pThis->Cfg.pGuidCapture; if (!pGUID) { PDSOUNDDEV pDev = NULL; switch (pCfg->enmPath) { case PDMAUDIOPATH_IN_LINE: /* * At the moment we're only supporting line-in in the HDA emulation, * and line-in + mic-in in the AC'97 emulation both are expected * to use the host's mic-in as well. * * So the fall through here is intentional for now. */ case PDMAUDIOPATH_IN_MIC: pDev = (PDSOUNDDEV)DrvAudioHlpDeviceEnumGetDefaultDevice(&pThis->DeviceEnum, PDMAUDIODIR_IN); break; default: AssertFailedStmt(rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); break; } if ( RT_SUCCESS(rc) && pDev) { DSLOG(("DSound: Guest source '%s' is using host recording device '%s'\n", PDMAudioPathGetName(pCfg->enmPath), pDev->Core.szName)); pGUID = &pDev->Guid; } if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) { LogRel(("DSound: Selecting recording device failed with %Rrc\n", rc)); return NULL; } } /* This always has to be in the release log. */ char *pszGUID = dsoundGUIDToUtf8StrA(pGUID); LogRel(("DSound: Guest source '%s' is using host recording device with GUID '%s'\n", PDMAudioPathGetName(pCfg->enmPath), pszGUID ? pszGUID: "{?}")); RTStrFree(pszGUID); return pGUID; } #endif /** * Creates a DirectSound capture instance. * * @returns HRESULT * @param pGUID GUID of device to create the capture interface for. NULL * for default. * @param ppDSC Where to return the interface to the created instance. */ static HRESULT drvHostDSoundCreateDSCaptureInstance(LPCGUID pGUID, LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 *ppDSC) { LogFlowFuncEnter(); LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 pDSC = NULL; HRESULT hrc = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectSoundCapture8, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDirectSoundCapture8, (void **)&pDSC); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { hrc = IDirectSoundCapture_Initialize(pDSC, pGUID); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { *ppDSC = pDSC; LogFlowFunc(("LEAVE S_OK\n")); return S_OK; } if (hrc == DSERR_NODRIVER) /* Usually means that no capture devices are attached. */ LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Capture device currently is unavailable\n")); else LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Initializing capturing device failed: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); IDirectSoundCapture_Release(pDSC); } else LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Creating capture instance failed: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); LogFlowFunc(("LEAVE %Rhrc\n", hrc)); return hrc; } /** * Updates this host driver's internal status, according to the global, overall input/output * state and all connected (native) audio streams. * * @todo r=bird: This is a 'ing waste of 'ing time! We're doing this everytime * an 'ing stream is created and we doesn't 'ing use the information here * for any darn thing! Given the reported slowness of enumeration and * issues with the 'ing code the only appropriate response is: * AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAARG!!!!!!! * * @param pThis Host audio driver instance. */ static void dsoundUpdateStatusInternal(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis) { #if 0 /** @todo r=bird: This isn't doing *ANYTHING* useful. So, I've just disabled it. */ AssertPtrReturnVoid(pThis); LogFlowFuncEnter(); PDMAudioHostEnumDelete(&pThis->DeviceEnum); int rc = dsoundDevicesEnumerate(pThis, &pThis->DeviceEnum); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { #if 0 if ( pThis->fEnabledOut != RT_BOOL(cbCtx.cDevOut) || pThis->fEnabledIn != RT_BOOL(cbCtx.cDevIn)) { /** @todo Use a registered callback to the audio connector (e.g "OnConfigurationChanged") to * let the connector know that something has changed within the host backend. */ } #endif pThis->fEnabledIn = PDMAudioHostEnumCountMatching(&pThis->DeviceEnum, PDMAUDIODIR_IN) != 0; pThis->fEnabledOut = PDMAudioHostEnumCountMatching(&pThis->DeviceEnum, PDMAUDIODIR_OUT) != 0; } LogFlowFuncLeaveRC(rc); #else RT_NOREF(pThis); #endif } /********************************************************************************************************************************* * PDMIHOSTAUDIO * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnGetConfig} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostDSoundHA_GetConfig(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDCFG pBackendCfg) { RT_NOREF(pInterface); AssertPtrReturn(pInterface, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pBackendCfg, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); /* * Fill in the config structure. */ RTStrCopy(pBackendCfg->szName, sizeof(pBackendCfg->szName), "DirectSound"); pBackendCfg->cbStream = sizeof(DSOUNDSTREAM); pBackendCfg->fFlags = 0; pBackendCfg->cMaxStreamsIn = UINT32_MAX; pBackendCfg->cMaxStreamsOut = UINT32_MAX; return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Callback for the playback device enumeration. * * @return TRUE if continuing enumeration, FALSE if not. * @param pGUID Pointer to GUID of enumerated device. Can be NULL. * @param pwszDescription Pointer to (friendly) description of enumerated device. * @param pwszModule Pointer to module name of enumerated device. * @param lpContext Pointer to PDSOUNDENUMCBCTX context for storing the enumerated information. * * @note Carbon copy of drvHostDSoundEnumOldStyleCaptureCallback with OUT direction. */ static BOOL CALLBACK drvHostDSoundEnumOldStylePlaybackCallback(LPGUID pGUID, LPCWSTR pwszDescription, LPCWSTR pwszModule, PVOID lpContext) { PDSOUNDENUMCBCTX pEnumCtx = (PDSOUNDENUMCBCTX)lpContext; AssertPtrReturn(pEnumCtx, FALSE); PPDMAUDIOHOSTENUM pDevEnm = pEnumCtx->pDevEnm; AssertPtrReturn(pDevEnm, FALSE); AssertPtrNullReturn(pGUID, FALSE); /* pGUID can be NULL for default device(s). */ AssertPtrReturn(pwszDescription, FALSE); RT_NOREF(pwszModule); /* Do not care about pwszModule. */ int rc; size_t const cbName = RTUtf16CalcUtf8Len(pwszDescription) + 1; PDSOUNDDEV pDev = (PDSOUNDDEV)PDMAudioHostDevAlloc(sizeof(DSOUNDDEV), cbName, 0); if (pDev) { pDev->Core.enmUsage = PDMAUDIODIR_OUT; pDev->Core.enmType = PDMAUDIODEVICETYPE_BUILTIN; if (pGUID == NULL) pDev->Core.fFlags = PDMAUDIOHOSTDEV_F_DEFAULT_OUT; rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex(pwszDescription, RTSTR_MAX, &pDev->Core.pszName, cbName, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!pGUID) pDev->Core.fFlags |= PDMAUDIOHOSTDEV_F_DEFAULT_OUT; else { memcpy(&pDev->Guid, pGUID, sizeof(pDev->Guid)); rc = RTUuidToStr((PCRTUUID)pGUID, pDev->szGuid, sizeof(pDev->szGuid)); AssertRC(rc); } pDev->Core.pszId = &pDev->szGuid[0]; PDMAudioHostEnumAppend(pDevEnm, &pDev->Core); /* Note: Querying the actual device information will be done at some * later point in time outside this enumeration callback to prevent * DSound hangs. */ return TRUE; } PDMAudioHostDevFree(&pDev->Core); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; LogRel(("DSound: Error enumeration playback device '%ls': rc=%Rrc\n", pwszDescription, rc)); return FALSE; /* Abort enumeration. */ } /** * Callback for the capture device enumeration. * * @return TRUE if continuing enumeration, FALSE if not. * @param pGUID Pointer to GUID of enumerated device. Can be NULL. * @param pwszDescription Pointer to (friendly) description of enumerated device. * @param pwszModule Pointer to module name of enumerated device. * @param lpContext Pointer to PDSOUNDENUMCBCTX context for storing the enumerated information. * * @note Carbon copy of drvHostDSoundEnumOldStylePlaybackCallback with IN direction. */ static BOOL CALLBACK drvHostDSoundEnumOldStyleCaptureCallback(LPGUID pGUID, LPCWSTR pwszDescription, LPCWSTR pwszModule, PVOID lpContext) { PDSOUNDENUMCBCTX pEnumCtx = (PDSOUNDENUMCBCTX )lpContext; AssertPtrReturn(pEnumCtx, FALSE); PPDMAUDIOHOSTENUM pDevEnm = pEnumCtx->pDevEnm; AssertPtrReturn(pDevEnm, FALSE); AssertPtrNullReturn(pGUID, FALSE); /* pGUID can be NULL for default device(s). */ AssertPtrReturn(pwszDescription, FALSE); RT_NOREF(pwszModule); /* Do not care about pwszModule. */ int rc; size_t const cbName = RTUtf16CalcUtf8Len(pwszDescription) + 1; PDSOUNDDEV pDev = (PDSOUNDDEV)PDMAudioHostDevAlloc(sizeof(DSOUNDDEV), cbName, 0); if (pDev) { pDev->Core.enmUsage = PDMAUDIODIR_IN; pDev->Core.enmType = PDMAUDIODEVICETYPE_BUILTIN; rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex(pwszDescription, RTSTR_MAX, &pDev->Core.pszName, cbName, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { if (!pGUID) pDev->Core.fFlags |= PDMAUDIOHOSTDEV_F_DEFAULT_IN; else { memcpy(&pDev->Guid, pGUID, sizeof(pDev->Guid)); rc = RTUuidToStr((PCRTUUID)pGUID, pDev->szGuid, sizeof(pDev->szGuid)); AssertRC(rc); } pDev->Core.pszId = &pDev->szGuid[0]; PDMAudioHostEnumAppend(pDevEnm, &pDev->Core); /* Note: Querying the actual device information will be done at some * later point in time outside this enumeration callback to prevent * DSound hangs. */ return TRUE; } PDMAudioHostDevFree(&pDev->Core); } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; LogRel(("DSound: Error enumeration capture device '%ls', rc=%Rrc\n", pwszDescription, rc)); return FALSE; /* Abort enumeration. */ } /** * Queries information for a given (DirectSound) device. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pDev Audio device to query information for. */ static int drvHostDSoundEnumOldStyleQueryDeviceInfo(PDSOUNDDEV pDev) { AssertPtr(pDev); int rc; if (pDev->Core.enmUsage == PDMAUDIODIR_OUT) { LPDIRECTSOUND8 pDS; HRESULT hr = drvHostDSoundCreateDSPlaybackInstance(&pDev->Guid, &pDS); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DSCAPS DSCaps; RT_ZERO(DSCaps); DSCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DSCAPS); hr = IDirectSound_GetCaps(pDS, &DSCaps); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pDev->Core.cMaxOutputChannels = DSCaps.dwFlags & DSCAPS_PRIMARYSTEREO ? 2 : 1; DWORD dwSpeakerCfg; hr = IDirectSound_GetSpeakerConfig(pDS, &dwSpeakerCfg); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { unsigned uSpeakerCount = 0; switch (DSSPEAKER_CONFIG(dwSpeakerCfg)) { case DSSPEAKER_MONO: uSpeakerCount = 1; break; case DSSPEAKER_HEADPHONE: uSpeakerCount = 2; break; case DSSPEAKER_STEREO: uSpeakerCount = 2; break; case DSSPEAKER_QUAD: uSpeakerCount = 4; break; case DSSPEAKER_SURROUND: uSpeakerCount = 4; break; case DSSPEAKER_5POINT1: uSpeakerCount = 6; break; case DSSPEAKER_5POINT1_SURROUND: uSpeakerCount = 6; break; case DSSPEAKER_7POINT1: uSpeakerCount = 8; break; case DSSPEAKER_7POINT1_SURROUND: uSpeakerCount = 8; break; default: break; } if (uSpeakerCount) /* Do we need to update the channel count? */ pDev->Core.cMaxOutputChannels = uSpeakerCount; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { LogRel(("DSound: Error retrieving playback device speaker config, hr=%Rhrc\n", hr)); rc = VERR_ACCESS_DENIED; /** @todo Fudge! */ } } else { LogRel(("DSound: Error retrieving playback device capabilities, hr=%Rhrc\n", hr)); rc = VERR_ACCESS_DENIED; /** @todo Fudge! */ } IDirectSound8_Release(pDS); } else rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } else if (pDev->Core.enmUsage == PDMAUDIODIR_IN) { LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTURE8 pDSC; HRESULT hr = drvHostDSoundCreateDSCaptureInstance(&pDev->Guid, &pDSC); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { DSCCAPS DSCCaps; RT_ZERO(DSCCaps); DSCCaps.dwSize = sizeof(DSCCAPS); hr = IDirectSoundCapture_GetCaps(pDSC, &DSCCaps); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { pDev->Core.cMaxInputChannels = DSCCaps.dwChannels; rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else { LogRel(("DSound: Error retrieving capture device capabilities, hr=%Rhrc\n", hr)); rc = VERR_ACCESS_DENIED; /** @todo Fudge! */ } IDirectSoundCapture_Release(pDSC); } else rc = VERR_GENERAL_FAILURE; } else AssertFailedStmt(rc = VERR_NOT_SUPPORTED); return rc; } /** * Queries information for @a pDevice and adds an entry to the enumeration. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pDevEnm The enumeration to add the device to. * @param pDevice The device. * @param enmType The type of device. * @param fDefault Whether it's the default device. */ static int drvHostDSoundEnumNewStyleAdd(PPDMAUDIOHOSTENUM pDevEnm, IMMDevice *pDevice, EDataFlow enmType, bool fDefault) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; /* ignore most errors */ /* * Gather the necessary properties. */ IPropertyStore *pProperties = NULL; HRESULT hrc = pDevice->OpenPropertyStore(STGM_READ, &pProperties); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { /* Get the friendly name. */ PROPVARIANT VarName; PropVariantInit(&VarName); hrc = pProperties->GetValue(PKEY_Device_FriendlyName, &VarName); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { /* Get the DirectSound GUID. */ PROPVARIANT VarGUID; PropVariantInit(&VarGUID); hrc = pProperties->GetValue(PKEY_AudioEndpoint_GUID, &VarGUID); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { /* Get the device format. */ PROPVARIANT VarFormat; PropVariantInit(&VarFormat); hrc = pProperties->GetValue(PKEY_AudioEngine_DeviceFormat, &VarFormat); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { WAVEFORMATEX const * const pFormat = (WAVEFORMATEX const *)VarFormat.blob.pBlobData; AssertPtr(pFormat); /* * Create a enumeration entry for it. */ size_t const cbName = RTUtf16CalcUtf8Len(VarName.pwszVal) + 1; PDSOUNDDEV pDev = (PDSOUNDDEV)PDMAudioHostDevAlloc(sizeof(DSOUNDDEV), cbName, 0); if (pDev) { pDev->Core.enmUsage = enmType == eRender ? PDMAUDIODIR_OUT : PDMAUDIODIR_IN; pDev->Core.enmType = PDMAUDIODEVICETYPE_BUILTIN; if (fDefault) pDev->Core.fFlags |= enmType == eRender ? PDMAUDIOHOSTDEV_F_DEFAULT_OUT : PDMAUDIOHOSTDEV_F_DEFAULT_IN; if (enmType == eRender) pDev->Core.cMaxOutputChannels = pFormat->nChannels; else pDev->Core.cMaxInputChannels = pFormat->nChannels; //if (fDefault) rc = RTUuidFromUtf16((PRTUUID)&pDev->Guid, VarGUID.pwszVal); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTUuidToStr((PCRTUUID)&pDev->Guid, pDev->szGuid, sizeof(pDev->szGuid)); AssertRC(rc); pDev->Core.pszId = &pDev->szGuid[0]; rc = RTUtf16ToUtf8Ex(VarName.pwszVal, RTSTR_MAX, &pDev->Core.pszName, cbName, NULL); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) PDMAudioHostEnumAppend(pDevEnm, &pDev->Core); else PDMAudioHostDevFree(&pDev->Core); } else { LogFunc(("RTUuidFromUtf16(%ls): %Rrc\n", VarGUID.pwszVal, rc)); PDMAudioHostDevFree(&pDev->Core); } } else rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; PropVariantClear(&VarFormat); } else LogFunc(("Failed to get PKEY_AudioEngine_DeviceFormat: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); PropVariantClear(&VarGUID); } else LogFunc(("Failed to get PKEY_AudioEndpoint_GUID: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); PropVariantClear(&VarName); } else LogFunc(("Failed to get PKEY_Device_FriendlyName: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); pProperties->Release(); } else LogFunc(("OpenPropertyStore failed: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); if (hrc == E_OUTOFMEMORY && RT_SUCCESS_NP(rc)) rc = VERR_NO_MEMORY; return rc; } /** * Does a (Re-)enumeration of the host's playback + capturing devices. * * @return VBox status code. * @param pDevEnm Where to store the enumerated devices. */ static int drvHostDSoundEnumerateDevices(PPDMAUDIOHOSTENUM pDevEnm) { DSLOG(("DSound: Enumerating devices ...\n")); /* * Use the Vista+ API. */ IMMDeviceEnumerator *pEnumerator; HRESULT hrc = CoCreateInstance(__uuidof(MMDeviceEnumerator), 0, CLSCTX_ALL, __uuidof(IMMDeviceEnumerator), (void **)&pEnumerator); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; for (unsigned idxPass = 0; idxPass < 2 && RT_SUCCESS(rc); idxPass++) { EDataFlow const enmType = idxPass == 0 ? EDataFlow::eRender : EDataFlow::eCapture; /* Get the default device first. */ IMMDevice *pDefaultDevice = NULL; hrc = pEnumerator->GetDefaultAudioEndpoint(enmType, eMultimedia, &pDefaultDevice); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) rc = drvHostDSoundEnumNewStyleAdd(pDevEnm, pDefaultDevice, enmType, true); else pDefaultDevice = NULL; /* Enumerate the devices. */ IMMDeviceCollection *pCollection = NULL; hrc = pEnumerator->EnumAudioEndpoints(enmType, DEVICE_STATE_ACTIVE /*| DEVICE_STATE_UNPLUGGED?*/, &pCollection); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc) && pCollection != NULL) { UINT cDevices = 0; hrc = pCollection->GetCount(&cDevices); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { for (UINT idxDevice = 0; idxDevice < cDevices && RT_SUCCESS(rc); idxDevice++) { IMMDevice *pDevice = NULL; hrc = pCollection->Item(idxDevice, &pDevice); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc) && pDevice) { if (pDevice != pDefaultDevice) rc = drvHostDSoundEnumNewStyleAdd(pDevEnm, pDevice, enmType, false); pDevice->Release(); } } } pCollection->Release(); } else LogRelMax(10, ("EnumAudioEndpoints(%s) failed: %Rhrc\n", idxPass == 0 ? "output" : "input", hrc)); if (pDefaultDevice) pDefaultDevice->Release(); } pEnumerator->Release(); if (pDevEnm->cDevices > 0 || RT_FAILURE(rc)) { DSLOG(("DSound: Enumerating devices done - %u device (%Rrc)\n", pDevEnm->cDevices, rc)); return rc; } } /* * Fall back to dsound. */ /* Resolve symbols once. */ static PFNDIRECTSOUNDENUMERATEW volatile s_pfnDirectSoundEnumerateW = NULL; static PFNDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREENUMERATEW volatile s_pfnDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW = NULL; PFNDIRECTSOUNDENUMERATEW pfnDirectSoundEnumerateW = s_pfnDirectSoundEnumerateW; PFNDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREENUMERATEW pfnDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW = s_pfnDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW; if (!pfnDirectSoundEnumerateW || !pfnDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW) { RTLDRMOD hModDSound = NIL_RTLDRMOD; int rc = RTLdrLoadSystem("dsound.dll", true /*fNoUnload*/, &hModDSound); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hModDSound, "DirectSoundEnumerateW", (void **)&pfnDirectSoundEnumerateW); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) s_pfnDirectSoundEnumerateW = pfnDirectSoundEnumerateW; else LogRel(("DSound: Failed to get dsound.dll export DirectSoundEnumerateW: %Rrc\n", rc)); rc = RTLdrGetSymbol(hModDSound, "DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW", (void **)&pfnDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) s_pfnDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW = pfnDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW; else LogRel(("DSound: Failed to get dsound.dll export DirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW: %Rrc\n", rc)); RTLdrClose(hModDSound); } else LogRel(("DSound: Unable to load dsound.dll for enumerating devices: %Rrc\n", rc)); if (!pfnDirectSoundEnumerateW && !pfnDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW) return rc; } /* Common callback context for both playback and capture enumerations: */ DSOUNDENUMCBCTX EnumCtx; EnumCtx.fFlags = 0; EnumCtx.pDevEnm = pDevEnm; /* Enumerate playback devices. */ if (pfnDirectSoundEnumerateW) { DSLOG(("DSound: Enumerating playback devices ...\n")); HRESULT hr = pfnDirectSoundEnumerateW(&drvHostDSoundEnumOldStylePlaybackCallback, &EnumCtx); if (FAILED(hr)) LogRel(("DSound: Error enumerating host playback devices: %Rhrc\n", hr)); } /* Enumerate capture devices. */ if (pfnDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW) { DSLOG(("DSound: Enumerating capture devices ...\n")); HRESULT hr = pfnDirectSoundCaptureEnumerateW(&drvHostDSoundEnumOldStyleCaptureCallback, &EnumCtx); if (FAILED(hr)) LogRel(("DSound: Error enumerating host capture devices: %Rhrc\n", hr)); } /* * Query Information for all enumerated devices. * Note! This is problematic to do from the enumeration callbacks. */ PDSOUNDDEV pDev; RTListForEach(&pDevEnm->LstDevices, pDev, DSOUNDDEV, Core.ListEntry) { drvHostDSoundEnumOldStyleQueryDeviceInfo(pDev); /* ignore rc */ } DSLOG(("DSound: Enumerating devices done\n")); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnGetDevices} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostDSoundHA_GetDevices(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOHOSTENUM pDeviceEnum) { RT_NOREF(pInterface); AssertPtrReturn(pDeviceEnum, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); PDMAudioHostEnumInit(pDeviceEnum); int rc = drvHostDSoundEnumerateDevices(pDeviceEnum); if (RT_FAILURE(rc)) PDMAudioHostEnumDelete(pDeviceEnum); LogFlowFunc(("Returning %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnGetStatus} */ static DECLCALLBACK(PDMAUDIOBACKENDSTS) drvHostDSoundHA_GetStatus(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PDMAUDIODIR enmDir) { RT_NOREF(pInterface, enmDir); return PDMAUDIOBACKENDSTS_RUNNING; } /** * Converts from PDM stream config to windows WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE struct. * * @param pCfg The PDM audio stream config to convert from. * @param pFmt The windows structure to initialize. */ static void dsoundWaveFmtFromCfg(PCPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfg, PWAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE pFmt) { RT_ZERO(*pFmt); pFmt->Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_PCM; pFmt->Format.nChannels = PDMAudioPropsChannels(&pCfg->Props); pFmt->Format.wBitsPerSample = PDMAudioPropsSampleBits(&pCfg->Props); pFmt->Format.nSamplesPerSec = PDMAudioPropsHz(&pCfg->Props); pFmt->Format.nBlockAlign = PDMAudioPropsFrameSize(&pCfg->Props); pFmt->Format.nAvgBytesPerSec = PDMAudioPropsFramesToBytes(&pCfg->Props, PDMAudioPropsHz(&pCfg->Props)); pFmt->Format.cbSize = 0; /* No extra data specified. */ /* * We need to use the extensible structure if there are more than two channels * or if the channels have non-standard assignments. */ if ( pFmt->Format.nChannels > 2 || ( pFmt->Format.nChannels == 1 ? pCfg->Props.aidChannels[0] != PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_MONO : pCfg->Props.aidChannels[0] != PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_FRONT_LEFT || pCfg->Props.aidChannels[1] != PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_FRONT_RIGHT)) { pFmt->Format.wFormatTag = WAVE_FORMAT_EXTENSIBLE; pFmt->Format.cbSize = sizeof(*pFmt) - sizeof(pFmt->Format); pFmt->Samples.wValidBitsPerSample = PDMAudioPropsSampleBits(&pCfg->Props); pFmt->SubFormat = KSDATAFORMAT_SUBTYPE_PCM; pFmt->dwChannelMask = 0; unsigned const cSrcChannels = pFmt->Format.nChannels; for (unsigned i = 0; i < cSrcChannels; i++) if ( pCfg->Props.aidChannels[i] >= PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_FIRST_STANDARD && pCfg->Props.aidChannels[i] < PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_END_STANDARD) pFmt->dwChannelMask |= RT_BIT_32(pCfg->Props.aidChannels[i] - PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_FIRST_STANDARD); else pFmt->Format.nChannels -= 1; } } /** * Resets the state of a DirectSound stream, clearing the buffer content. * * @param pThis Host audio driver instance. * @param pStreamDS Stream to reset state for. */ static void drvHostDSoundStreamReset(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS) { RT_NOREF(pThis); LogFunc(("Resetting %s\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN ? "capture" : "playback")); if (pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN) { /* * Input streams. */ LogFunc(("Resetting capture stream '%s'\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName)); /* Reset the state: */ pStreamDS->msLastTransfer = 0; /** @todo r=bird: We set the read position to zero here, but shouldn't we query it * from the buffer instead given that there isn't any interface for repositioning * to the start of the buffer as with playback buffers? */ pStreamDS->In.offReadPos = 0; pStreamDS->In.cOverruns = 0; /* Clear the buffer content: */ AssertPtr(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB); if (pStreamDS->In.pDSCB) { PVOID pv1 = NULL; DWORD cb1 = 0; PVOID pv2 = NULL; DWORD cb2 = 0; HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_Lock(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, 0, pStreamDS->cbBufSize, &pv1, &cb1, &pv2, &cb2, 0 /*fFlags*/); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { PDMAudioPropsClearBuffer(&pStreamDS->Cfg.Props, pv1, cb1, PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_B2F(&pStreamDS->Cfg.Props, cb1)); if (pv2 && cb2) PDMAudioPropsClearBuffer(&pStreamDS->Cfg.Props, pv2, cb2, PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_B2F(&pStreamDS->Cfg.Props, cb2)); hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_Unlock(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, pv1, cb1, pv2, cb2); if (FAILED(hrc)) LogRelMaxFunc(64, ("DSound: Unlocking capture buffer '%s' after reset failed: %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); } else LogRelMaxFunc(64, ("DSound: Locking capture buffer '%s' for reset failed: %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); } } else { /* * Output streams. */ Assert(pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_OUT); LogFunc(("Resetting playback stream '%s'\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName)); /* If draining was enagaged, make sure dsound has stopped playing: */ if (pStreamDS->Out.fDrain && pStreamDS->Out.pDSB) pStreamDS->Out.pDSB->Stop(); /* Reset the internal state: */ pStreamDS->msLastTransfer = 0; pStreamDS->Out.fFirstTransfer = true; pStreamDS->Out.fDrain = false; pStreamDS->Out.cbLastTransferred = 0; pStreamDS->Out.cbTransferred = 0; pStreamDS->Out.cbWritten = 0; pStreamDS->Out.offWritePos = 0; pStreamDS->Out.offPlayCursorLastPending = 0; pStreamDS->Out.offPlayCursorLastPlayed = 0; /* Reset the buffer content and repositioning the buffer to the start of the buffer. */ AssertPtr(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); if (pStreamDS->Out.pDSB) { HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_SetCurrentPosition(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, 0); if (FAILED(hrc)) LogRelMaxFunc(64, ("DSound: Failed to set buffer position for '%s': %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); PVOID pv1 = NULL; DWORD cb1 = 0; PVOID pv2 = NULL; DWORD cb2 = 0; hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Lock(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, 0, pStreamDS->cbBufSize, &pv1, &cb1, &pv2, &cb2, 0 /*fFlags*/); if (hrc == DSERR_BUFFERLOST) { directSoundPlayRestore(pThis, pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Lock(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, 0, pStreamDS->cbBufSize, &pv1, &cb1, &pv2, &cb2, 0 /*fFlags*/); } if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { PDMAudioPropsClearBuffer(&pStreamDS->Cfg.Props, pv1, cb1, PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_B2F(&pStreamDS->Cfg.Props, cb1)); if (pv2 && cb2) PDMAudioPropsClearBuffer(&pStreamDS->Cfg.Props, pv2, cb2, PDMAUDIOPCMPROPS_B2F(&pStreamDS->Cfg.Props, cb2)); hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Unlock(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, pv1, cb1, pv2, cb2); if (FAILED(hrc)) LogRelMaxFunc(64, ("DSound: Unlocking playback buffer '%s' after reset failed: %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); } else LogRelMaxFunc(64, ("DSound: Locking playback buffer '%s' for reset failed: %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); } } } /** * Worker for drvHostDSoundHA_StreamCreate that creates caputre stream. * * @returns Windows COM status code. * @param pThis The DSound instance data. * @param pStreamDS The stream instance data. * @param pCfgReq The requested stream config (input). * @param pCfgAcq Where to return the actual stream config. This is a * copy of @a *pCfgReq when called. * @param pWaveFmtExt On input the requested stream format. Updated to the * actual stream format on successful return. */ static HRESULT drvHostDSoundStreamCreateCapture(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS, PCPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgReq, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq, WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *pWaveFmtExt) { Assert(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB == NULL); HRESULT hrc; /* * Create, initialize and set up a IDirectSoundCapture instance the first time * we go thru here. */ /** @todo bird: Or should we rather just throw this away after we've gotten the * capture buffer? Old code would just leak it... */ if (pThis->pDSC == NULL) { hrc = drvHostDSoundCreateDSCaptureInstance(pThis->Cfg.pGuidCapture, &pThis->pDSC); if (FAILED(hrc)) return hrc; /* The worker has complained to the release log already. */ } /* * Create the capture buffer. */ DSCBUFFERDESC BufferDesc = { /*.dwSize = */ sizeof(BufferDesc), /*.dwFlags = */ 0, /*.dwBufferBytes =*/ PDMAudioPropsFramesToBytes(&pCfgReq->Props, pCfgReq->Backend.cFramesBufferSize), /*.dwReserved = */ 0, /*.lpwfxFormat = */ &pWaveFmtExt->Format, /*.dwFXCount = */ 0, /*.lpDSCFXDesc = */ NULL }; LogRel2(("DSound: Requested capture buffer is %#x B / %u B / %RU64 ms\n", BufferDesc.dwBufferBytes, BufferDesc.dwBufferBytes, PDMAudioPropsBytesToMilli(&pCfgReq->Props, BufferDesc.dwBufferBytes))); LPDIRECTSOUNDCAPTUREBUFFER pLegacyDSCB = NULL; hrc = IDirectSoundCapture_CreateCaptureBuffer(pThis->pDSC, &BufferDesc, &pLegacyDSCB, NULL); if (FAILED(hrc)) { LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Creating capture buffer for '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pCfgReq->szName, hrc)); return hrc; } /* Get the IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8 version of the interface. */ hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_QueryInterface(pLegacyDSCB, IID_IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8, (void **)&pStreamDS->In.pDSCB); IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Release(pLegacyDSCB); if (FAILED(hrc)) { LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Querying IID_IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8 for '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pCfgReq->szName, hrc)); return hrc; } /* * Query the actual stream configuration. */ #if 0 /** @todo r=bird: WTF was this for? */ DWORD offByteReadPos = 0; hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_GetCurrentPosition(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, NULL, &offByteReadPos); if (FAILED(hrc)) { offByteReadPos = 0; DSLOGREL(("DSound: Getting capture position failed with %Rhrc\n", hr)); } #endif RT_ZERO(*pWaveFmtExt); hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_GetFormat(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, &pWaveFmtExt->Format, sizeof(*pWaveFmtExt), NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { /** @todo r=bird: We aren't converting/checking the pWaveFmtX content... */ DSCBCAPS BufferCaps = { /*.dwSize = */ sizeof(BufferCaps), 0, 0, 0 }; hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_GetCaps(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, &BufferCaps); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { LogRel2(("DSound: Acquired capture buffer capabilities for '%s':\n" "DSound: dwFlags = %#RX32\n" "DSound: dwBufferBytes = %#RX32 B / %RU32 B / %RU64 ms\n" "DSound: dwReserved = %#RX32\n", pCfgReq->szName, BufferCaps.dwFlags, BufferCaps.dwBufferBytes, BufferCaps.dwBufferBytes, PDMAudioPropsBytesToMilli(&pCfgReq->Props, BufferCaps.dwBufferBytes), BufferCaps.dwReserved )); /* Update buffer related stuff: */ pStreamDS->In.offReadPos = 0; /** @todo shouldn't we use offBytReadPos here to "read at the initial capture position"? */ pStreamDS->cbBufSize = BufferCaps.dwBufferBytes; pCfgAcq->Backend.cFramesBufferSize = PDMAudioPropsBytesToFrames(&pCfgAcq->Props, BufferCaps.dwBufferBytes); #if 0 /** @todo r=bird: uAlign isn't set anywhere, so this hasn't been checking anything for a while... */ if (bc.dwBufferBytes & pStreamDS->uAlign) DSLOGREL(("DSound: Capture GetCaps returned misaligned buffer: size %RU32, alignment %RU32\n", bc.dwBufferBytes, pStreamDS->uAlign + 1)); #endif LogFlow(("returns S_OK\n")); return S_OK; } LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Getting capture buffer capabilities for '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pCfgReq->szName, hrc)); } else LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Getting capture format for '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pCfgReq->szName, hrc)); IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_Release(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB); pStreamDS->In.pDSCB = NULL; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rhrc\n", hrc)); return hrc; } /** * Worker for drvHostDSoundHA_StreamCreate that creates playback stream. * * @returns Windows COM status code. * @param pThis The DSound instance data. * @param pStreamDS The stream instance data. * @param pCfgReq The requested stream config (input). * @param pCfgAcq Where to return the actual stream config. This is a * copy of @a *pCfgReq when called. * @param pWaveFmtExt On input the requested stream format. * Updated to the actual stream format on successful * return. */ static HRESULT drvHostDSoundStreamCreatePlayback(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS, PCPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgReq, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq, WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE *pWaveFmtExt) { Assert(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB == NULL); HRESULT hrc; /* * Create, initialize and set up a DirectSound8 instance the first time * we go thru here. */ /** @todo bird: Or should we rather just throw this away after we've gotten the * sound buffer? Old code would just leak it... */ if (pThis->pDS == NULL) { hrc = drvHostDSoundCreateDSPlaybackInstance(pThis->Cfg.pGuidPlay, &pThis->pDS); if (FAILED(hrc)) return hrc; /* The worker has complained to the release log already. */ } /* * As we reuse our (secondary) buffer for playing out data as it comes in, * we're using this buffer as a so-called streaming buffer. * * See https://msdn.microsoft.com/en-us/library/windows/desktop/ee419014(v=vs.85).aspx * * However, as we do not want to use memory on the sound device directly * (as most modern audio hardware on the host doesn't have this anyway), * we're *not* going to use DSBCAPS_STATIC for that. * * Instead we're specifying DSBCAPS_LOCSOFTWARE, as this fits the bill * of copying own buffer data to our secondary's Direct Sound buffer. */ DSBUFFERDESC BufferDesc = { /*.dwSize = */ sizeof(BufferDesc), /*.dwFlags = */ DSBCAPS_GLOBALFOCUS | DSBCAPS_GETCURRENTPOSITION2 | DSBCAPS_LOCSOFTWARE, /*.dwBufferBytes = */ PDMAudioPropsFramesToBytes(&pCfgReq->Props, pCfgReq->Backend.cFramesBufferSize), /*.dwReserved = */ 0, /*.lpwfxFormat = */ &pWaveFmtExt->Format, /*.guid3DAlgorithm = {0, 0, 0, {0,0,0,0, 0,0,0,0}} */ }; LogRel2(("DSound: Requested playback buffer is %#x B / %u B / %RU64 ms\n", BufferDesc.dwBufferBytes, BufferDesc.dwBufferBytes, PDMAudioPropsBytesToMilli(&pCfgReq->Props, BufferDesc.dwBufferBytes))); LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER pLegacyDSB = NULL; hrc = IDirectSound8_CreateSoundBuffer(pThis->pDS, &BufferDesc, &pLegacyDSB, NULL); if (FAILED(hrc)) { LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Creating playback sound buffer for '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pCfgReq->szName, hrc)); return hrc; } /* Get the IDirectSoundBuffer8 version of the interface. */ hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer_QueryInterface(pLegacyDSB, IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8, (PVOID *)&pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); IDirectSoundBuffer_Release(pLegacyDSB); if (FAILED(hrc)) { LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Querying IID_IDirectSoundBuffer8 for '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pCfgReq->szName, hrc)); return hrc; } /* * Query the actual stream parameters, they may differ from what we requested. */ RT_ZERO(*pWaveFmtExt); hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_GetFormat(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, &pWaveFmtExt->Format, sizeof(*pWaveFmtExt), NULL); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { /** @todo r=bird: We aren't converting/checking the pWaveFmtX content... */ DSBCAPS BufferCaps = { /*.dwSize = */ sizeof(BufferCaps), 0, 0, 0, 0 }; hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_GetCaps(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, &BufferCaps); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { LogRel2(("DSound: Acquired playback buffer capabilities for '%s':\n" "DSound: dwFlags = %#RX32\n" "DSound: dwBufferBytes = %#RX32 B / %RU32 B / %RU64 ms\n" "DSound: dwUnlockTransferRate = %RU32 KB/s\n" "DSound: dwPlayCpuOverhead = %RU32%%\n", pCfgReq->szName, BufferCaps.dwFlags, BufferCaps.dwBufferBytes, BufferCaps.dwBufferBytes, PDMAudioPropsBytesToMilli(&pCfgReq->Props, BufferCaps.dwBufferBytes), BufferCaps.dwUnlockTransferRate, BufferCaps.dwPlayCpuOverhead)); /* Update buffer related stuff: */ pStreamDS->cbBufSize = BufferCaps.dwBufferBytes; pCfgAcq->Backend.cFramesBufferSize = PDMAudioPropsBytesToFrames(&pCfgAcq->Props, BufferCaps.dwBufferBytes); pCfgAcq->Backend.cFramesPeriod = pCfgAcq->Backend.cFramesBufferSize / 4; /* total fiction */ pCfgAcq->Backend.cFramesPreBuffering = pCfgReq->Backend.cFramesPreBuffering * pCfgAcq->Backend.cFramesBufferSize / RT_MAX(pCfgReq->Backend.cFramesBufferSize, 1); #if 0 /** @todo r=bird: uAlign isn't set anywhere, so this hasn't been checking anything for a while... */ if (bc.dwBufferBytes & pStreamDS->uAlign) DSLOGREL(("DSound: Playback capabilities returned misaligned buffer: size %RU32, alignment %RU32\n", bc.dwBufferBytes, pStreamDS->uAlign + 1)); #endif LogFlow(("returns S_OK\n")); return S_OK; } LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Getting playback buffer capabilities for '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pCfgReq->szName, hrc)); } else LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Getting playback format for '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pCfgReq->szName, hrc)); IDirectSoundBuffer8_Release(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); pStreamDS->Out.pDSB = NULL; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rhrc\n", hrc)); return hrc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamCreate} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamCreate(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream, PCPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgReq, PPDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG pCfgAcq) { PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTDSOUND, IHostAudio); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; AssertPtrReturn(pStreamDS, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfgReq, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pCfgAcq, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(pCfgReq->enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN || pCfgReq->enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_OUT, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); Assert(PDMAudioStrmCfgEquals(pCfgReq, pCfgAcq)); const char * const pszStreamType = pCfgReq->enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN ? "capture" : "playback"; RT_NOREF(pszStreamType); LogFlowFunc(("enmPath=%s '%s'\n", PDMAudioPathGetName(pCfgReq->enmPath), pCfgReq->szName)); RTListInit(&pStreamDS->ListEntry); /* paranoia */ /* For whatever reason: */ dsoundUpdateStatusInternal(pThis); /* * DSound has different COM interfaces for working with input and output * streams, so we'll quickly part ways here after some common format * specification setup and logging. */ #if defined(RTLOG_REL_ENABLED) || defined(LOG_ENABLED) char szTmp[64]; #endif LogRel2(("DSound: Opening %s stream '%s' (%s)\n", pCfgReq->szName, pszStreamType, PDMAudioPropsToString(&pCfgReq->Props, szTmp, sizeof(szTmp)))); WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE WaveFmtExt; dsoundWaveFmtFromCfg(pCfgReq, &WaveFmtExt); LogRel2(("DSound: Requested %s format for '%s':\n" "DSound: wFormatTag = %RU16\n" "DSound: nChannels = %RU16\n" "DSound: nSamplesPerSec = %RU32\n" "DSound: nAvgBytesPerSec = %RU32\n" "DSound: nBlockAlign = %RU16\n" "DSound: wBitsPerSample = %RU16\n" "DSound: cbSize = %RU16\n", pszStreamType, pCfgReq->szName, WaveFmtExt.Format.wFormatTag, WaveFmtExt.Format.nChannels, WaveFmtExt.Format.nSamplesPerSec, WaveFmtExt.Format.nAvgBytesPerSec, WaveFmtExt.Format.nBlockAlign, WaveFmtExt.Format.wBitsPerSample, WaveFmtExt.Format.cbSize)); if (WaveFmtExt.Format.cbSize != 0) LogRel2(("DSound: dwChannelMask = %#RX32\n" "DSound: wValidBitsPerSample = %RU16\n", WaveFmtExt.dwChannelMask, WaveFmtExt.Samples.wValidBitsPerSample)); HRESULT hrc; if (pCfgReq->enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN) hrc = drvHostDSoundStreamCreateCapture(pThis, pStreamDS, pCfgReq, pCfgAcq, &WaveFmtExt); else hrc = drvHostDSoundStreamCreatePlayback(pThis, pStreamDS, pCfgReq, pCfgAcq, &WaveFmtExt); int rc; if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { LogRel2(("DSound: Acquired %s format for '%s':\n" "DSound: wFormatTag = %RU16\n" "DSound: nChannels = %RU16\n" "DSound: nSamplesPerSec = %RU32\n" "DSound: nAvgBytesPerSec = %RU32\n" "DSound: nBlockAlign = %RU16\n" "DSound: wBitsPerSample = %RU16\n" "DSound: cbSize = %RU16\n", pszStreamType, pCfgReq->szName, WaveFmtExt.Format.wFormatTag, WaveFmtExt.Format.nChannels, WaveFmtExt.Format.nSamplesPerSec, WaveFmtExt.Format.nAvgBytesPerSec, WaveFmtExt.Format.nBlockAlign, WaveFmtExt.Format.wBitsPerSample, WaveFmtExt.Format.cbSize)); if (WaveFmtExt.Format.cbSize != 0) { LogRel2(("DSound: dwChannelMask = %#RX32\n" "DSound: wValidBitsPerSample = %RU16\n", WaveFmtExt.dwChannelMask, WaveFmtExt.Samples.wValidBitsPerSample)); /* Update the channel count and map here. */ PDMAudioPropsSetChannels(&pCfgAcq->Props, WaveFmtExt.Format.nChannels); uint8_t idCh = 0; for (unsigned iBit = 0; iBit < 32 && idCh < WaveFmtExt.Format.nChannels; iBit++) if (WaveFmtExt.dwChannelMask & RT_BIT_32(iBit)) { pCfgAcq->Props.aidChannels[idCh] = (unsigned)PDMAUDIOCHANNELID_FIRST_STANDARD + iBit; idCh++; } Assert(idCh == WaveFmtExt.Format.nChannels); } /* * Copy the acquired config and reset the stream (clears the buffer). */ PDMAudioStrmCfgCopy(&pStreamDS->Cfg, pCfgAcq); drvHostDSoundStreamReset(pThis, pStreamDS); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); RTListAppend(&pThis->HeadStreams, &pStreamDS->ListEntry); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); rc = VINF_SUCCESS; } else rc = VERR_AUDIO_STREAM_COULD_NOT_CREATE; LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamDestroy} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamDestroy(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream, bool fImmediate) { PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTDSOUND, IHostAudio); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; AssertPtrReturn(pStreamDS, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); LogFlowFunc(("Stream '%s' {%s}\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); RT_NOREF(fImmediate); RTCritSectEnter(&pThis->CritSect); RTListNodeRemove(&pStreamDS->ListEntry); RTCritSectLeave(&pThis->CritSect); if (pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN) { /* * Input. */ if (pStreamDS->In.pDSCB) { HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Stop(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB); if (FAILED(hrc)) LogFunc(("IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Stop failed: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); drvHostDSoundStreamReset(pThis, pStreamDS); IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_Release(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB); pStreamDS->In.pDSCB = NULL; } } else { /* * Output. */ if (pStreamDS->Out.pDSB) { drvHostDSoundStreamStopPlayback(pThis, pStreamDS, true /*fReset*/); IDirectSoundBuffer8_Release(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); pStreamDS->Out.pDSB = NULL; } } if (RTCritSectIsInitialized(&pStreamDS->CritSect)) RTCritSectDelete(&pStreamDS->CritSect); return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * Worker for drvHostDSoundHA_StreamEnable and drvHostDSoundHA_StreamResume. * * This will try re-open the capture device if we're having trouble starting it. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pThis The DSound host audio driver instance data. * @param pStreamDS The stream instance data. */ static int drvHostDSoundStreamCaptureStart(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS) { /* * Check the stream status first. */ int rc = VERR_AUDIO_STREAM_NOT_READY; if (pStreamDS->In.pDSCB) { DWORD fStatus = 0; HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_GetStatus(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, &fStatus); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { /* * Try start capturing if it's not already doing so. */ if (!(fStatus & DSCBSTATUS_CAPTURING)) { LogRel2(("DSound: Starting capture on '%s' ... \n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName)); hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_Start(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, DSCBSTART_LOOPING); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else { /* * Failed to start, try re-create the capture buffer. */ LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Starting to capture on '%s' failed: %Rhrc - will try re-open it ...\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_Release(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB); pStreamDS->In.pDSCB = NULL; PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG CfgReq = pStreamDS->Cfg; PDMAUDIOSTREAMCFG CfgAcq = pStreamDS->Cfg; WAVEFORMATEXTENSIBLE WaveFmtExt; dsoundWaveFmtFromCfg(&pStreamDS->Cfg, &WaveFmtExt); hrc = drvHostDSoundStreamCreateCapture(pThis, pStreamDS, &CfgReq, &CfgAcq, &WaveFmtExt); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { PDMAudioStrmCfgCopy(&pStreamDS->Cfg, &CfgAcq); /* * Try starting capture again. */ LogRel2(("DSound: Starting capture on re-opened '%s' ... \n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName)); hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer8_Start(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, DSCBSTART_LOOPING); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) rc = VINF_SUCCESS; else LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Starting to capture on re-opened '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); } else LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Re-opening '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); } } else { LogRel2(("DSound: Already capturing (%#x)\n", fStatus)); AssertFailed(); } } else LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Retrieving capture status for '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); } LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamEnable} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamEnable(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTDSOUND, IHostAudio); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; LogFlowFunc(("Stream '%s' {%s}\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); /* * We always reset the buffer before enabling the stream (normally never necessary). */ drvHostDSoundStreamReset(pThis, pStreamDS); pStreamDS->fEnabled = true; /* * Input streams will start capturing, while output streams will only start * playing once we get some audio data to play. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN) rc = drvHostDSoundStreamCaptureStart(pThis, pStreamDS); else Assert(pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_OUT); LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc\n", rc)); return rc; } /** * Worker for drvHostDSoundHA_StreamDestroy, drvHostDSoundHA_StreamDisable and * drvHostDSoundHA_StreamPause. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pThis The DSound host audio driver instance data. * @param pStreamDS The stream instance data. * @param fReset Whether to reset the buffer and state. */ static int drvHostDSoundStreamStopPlayback(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS, bool fReset) { if (!pStreamDS->Out.pDSB) return VINF_SUCCESS; LogRel2(("DSound: Stopping playback of '%s'...\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName)); HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Stop(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); if (FAILED(hrc)) { LogFunc(("IDirectSoundBuffer8_Stop -> %Rhrc; will attempt restoring the stream...\n", hrc)); directSoundPlayRestore(pThis, pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Stop(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); if (FAILED(hrc)) LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: %s playback of '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", fReset ? "Stopping" : "Pausing", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); } LogRel2(("DSound: Stopped playback of '%s': %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); if (fReset) drvHostDSoundStreamReset(pThis, pStreamDS); return SUCCEEDED(hrc) ? VINF_SUCCESS : VERR_AUDIO_STREAM_NOT_READY; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamDisable} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamDisable(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTDSOUND, IHostAudio); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; LogFlowFunc(("cMsLastTransfer=%RI64 ms, stream '%s' {%s} \n", pStreamDS->msLastTransfer ? RTTimeMilliTS() - pStreamDS->msLastTransfer : -1, pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS) )); /* * Change the state. */ pStreamDS->fEnabled = false; /* * Stop the stream and maybe reset the buffer. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN) { if (pStreamDS->In.pDSCB) { HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Stop(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) LogRel3(("DSound: Stopped capture on '%s'.\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName)); else { LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Stopping capture on '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); /* Don't report errors up to the caller, as it might just be a capture device change. */ } /* This isn't strictly speaking necessary since StreamEnable does it too... */ drvHostDSoundStreamReset(pThis, pStreamDS); } } else { Assert(pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_OUT); if (pStreamDS->Out.pDSB) { rc = drvHostDSoundStreamStopPlayback(pThis, pStreamDS, true /*fReset*/); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) LogRel3(("DSound: Stopped playback on '%s'.\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName)); } } LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc {%s}\n", rc, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamPause} * * @note Basically the same as drvHostDSoundHA_StreamDisable, just w/o the * buffer resetting and fEnabled change. */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamPause(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTDSOUND, IHostAudio); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; LogFlowFunc(("cMsLastTransfer=%RI64 ms, stream '%s' {%s} \n", pStreamDS->msLastTransfer ? RTTimeMilliTS() - pStreamDS->msLastTransfer : -1, pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS) )); /* * Stop the stream and maybe reset the buffer. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN) { if (pStreamDS->In.pDSCB) { HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_Stop(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) LogRel3(("DSound: Stopped capture on '%s'.\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName)); else { LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Stopping capture on '%s' failed: %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); /* Don't report errors up to the caller, as it might just be a capture device change. */ } } } else { Assert(pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_OUT); if (pStreamDS->Out.pDSB) { /* Don't stop draining buffers, we won't be resuming them right. They'll stop by themselves anyway. */ if (pStreamDS->Out.fDrain) LogFunc(("Stream '%s' is draining\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName)); else { rc = drvHostDSoundStreamStopPlayback(pThis, pStreamDS, false /*fReset*/); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) LogRel3(("DSound: Stopped playback on '%s'.\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName)); } } } LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc {%s}\n", rc, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); return rc; } /** * Worker for drvHostDSoundHA_StreamResume and drvHostDSoundHA_StreamPlay that * starts playing the DirectSound Buffer. * * @returns VBox status code. * @param pThis Host audio driver instance. * @param pStreamDS Stream to start playing. */ static int directSoundPlayStart(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS) { if (!pStreamDS->Out.pDSB) return VERR_AUDIO_STREAM_NOT_READY; LogRel2(("DSound: Starting playback of '%s' ...\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName)); HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Play(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, 0, 0, DSCBSTART_LOOPING); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) return VINF_SUCCESS; for (unsigned i = 0; hrc == DSERR_BUFFERLOST && i < DRV_DSOUND_RESTORE_ATTEMPTS_MAX; i++) { LogFunc(("Restarting playback failed due to lost buffer, restoring ...\n")); directSoundPlayRestore(pThis, pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Play(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, 0, 0, DSCBSTART_LOOPING); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) return VINF_SUCCESS; } LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Failed to start playback of '%s': %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); return VERR_AUDIO_STREAM_NOT_READY; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamResume} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamResume(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTDSOUND, IHostAudio); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; LogFlowFunc(("Stream '%s' {%s}\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); /* * Input streams will start capturing, while output streams will only start * playing if we're past the pre-buffering state. */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN) rc = drvHostDSoundStreamCaptureStart(pThis, pStreamDS); else { Assert(pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_OUT); if (!pStreamDS->Out.fFirstTransfer) rc = directSoundPlayStart(pThis, pStreamDS); } LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc {%s}\n", rc, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); return rc; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamDrain} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamDrain(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTDSOUND, IHostAudio); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; AssertReturn(pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_OUT, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); LogFlowFunc(("cMsLastTransfer=%RI64 ms, stream '%s' {%s} \n", pStreamDS->msLastTransfer ? RTTimeMilliTS() - pStreamDS->msLastTransfer : -1, pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS) )); /* * We've started the buffer in looping mode, try switch to non-looping... */ int rc = VINF_SUCCESS; if (pStreamDS->Out.pDSB && !pStreamDS->Out.fDrain) { LogRel2(("DSound: Switching playback stream '%s' to drain mode...\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName)); HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Stop(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Play(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, 0, 0, 0); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { uint64_t const msNow = RTTimeMilliTS(); pStreamDS->Out.msDrainDeadline = PDMAudioPropsBytesToMilli(&pStreamDS->Cfg.Props, pStreamDS->cbBufSize) + msNow; pStreamDS->Out.fDrain = true; } else LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Failed to restart '%s' in drain mode: %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); } else { Log2Func(("drain: IDirectSoundBuffer8_Stop failed: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); directSoundPlayRestore(pThis, pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); HRESULT hrc2 = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Stop(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc2)) LogFunc(("Successfully stopped the stream after restoring it. (hrc=%Rhrc)\n", hrc)); else { LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Failed to stop playback stream '%s' for putting into drain mode: %Rhrc (initial), %Rhrc (after restore)\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc, hrc2)); rc = VERR_AUDIO_STREAM_NOT_READY; } } } LogFlowFunc(("returns %Rrc {%s}\n", rc, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); return rc; } /** * Retrieves the number of free bytes available for writing to a DirectSound output stream. * * @return VBox status code. VERR_NOT_AVAILABLE if unable to determine or the * buffer was not recoverable. * @param pThis Host audio driver instance. * @param pStreamDS DirectSound output stream to retrieve number for. * @param pdwFree Where to return the free amount on success. * @param poffPlayCursor Where to return the play cursor offset. */ static int dsoundGetFreeOut(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS, DWORD *pdwFree, DWORD *poffPlayCursor) { AssertPtrReturn(pThis, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pStreamDS, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pdwFree, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtr(poffPlayCursor); Assert(pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_OUT); /* Paranoia. */ LPDIRECTSOUNDBUFFER8 pDSB = pStreamDS->Out.pDSB; AssertPtrReturn(pDSB, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); HRESULT hr = S_OK; /* Get the current play position which is used for calculating the free space in the buffer. */ for (unsigned i = 0; i < DRV_DSOUND_RESTORE_ATTEMPTS_MAX; i++) { DWORD offPlayCursor = 0; DWORD offWriteCursor = 0; hr = IDirectSoundBuffer8_GetCurrentPosition(pDSB, &offPlayCursor, &offWriteCursor); if (SUCCEEDED(hr)) { int32_t cbDiff = offWriteCursor - offPlayCursor; if (cbDiff < 0) cbDiff += pStreamDS->cbBufSize; int32_t cbFree = offPlayCursor - pStreamDS->Out.offWritePos; if (cbFree < 0) cbFree += pStreamDS->cbBufSize; if (cbFree > (int32_t)pStreamDS->cbBufSize - cbDiff) { /** @todo count/log these. */ pStreamDS->Out.offWritePos = offWriteCursor; cbFree = pStreamDS->cbBufSize - cbDiff; } /* When starting to use a DirectSound buffer, offPlayCursor and offWriteCursor * both point at position 0, so we won't be able to detect how many bytes * are writable that way. * * So use our per-stream written indicator to see if we just started a stream. */ if (pStreamDS->Out.cbWritten == 0) cbFree = pStreamDS->cbBufSize; LogRel3(("DSound: offPlayCursor=%RU32, offWriteCursor=%RU32, offWritePos=%RU32 -> cbFree=%RI32\n", offPlayCursor, offWriteCursor, pStreamDS->Out.offWritePos, cbFree)); *pdwFree = cbFree; *poffPlayCursor = offPlayCursor; return VINF_SUCCESS; } if (hr != DSERR_BUFFERLOST) /** @todo MSDN doesn't state this error for GetCurrentPosition(). */ break; LogFunc(("Getting playing position failed due to lost buffer, restoring ...\n")); directSoundPlayRestore(pThis, pDSB); } if (hr != DSERR_BUFFERLOST) /* Avoid log flooding if the error is still there. */ DSLOGREL(("DSound: Getting current playback position failed with %Rhrc\n", hr)); LogFunc(("Failed with %Rhrc\n", hr)); *poffPlayCursor = pStreamDS->cbBufSize; return VERR_NOT_AVAILABLE; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamGetState} */ static DECLCALLBACK(PDMHOSTAUDIOSTREAMSTATE) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamGetState(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { RT_NOREF(pInterface); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; AssertPtrReturn(pStreamDS, PDMHOSTAUDIOSTREAMSTATE_INVALID); if ( pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir != PDMAUDIODIR_OUT || !pStreamDS->Out.fDrain) { LogFlowFunc(("returns OKAY for '%s' {%s}\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); return PDMHOSTAUDIOSTREAMSTATE_OKAY; } LogFlowFunc(("returns DRAINING for '%s' {%s}\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); return PDMHOSTAUDIOSTREAMSTATE_DRAINING; } #if 0 /* This isn't working as the write cursor is more a function of time than what we do. Previously we only reported the pre-buffering status anyway, so no harm. */ /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamGetPending} */ static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamGetPending(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { /*PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTDSOUND, IHostAudio); */ RT_NOREF(pInterface); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; AssertPtrReturn(pStreamDS, 0); LogFlowFunc(("Stream '%s' {%s}\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); if (pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_OUT) { /* This is a similar calculation as for StreamGetReadable, only for an output buffer. */ AssertPtr(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB); DWORD offPlayCursor = 0; DWORD offWriteCursor = 0; HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_GetCurrentPosition(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, &offPlayCursor, &offWriteCursor); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { uint32_t cbPending = dsoundRingDistance(offWriteCursor, offPlayCursor, pStreamDS->cbBufSize); Log3Func(("cbPending=%RU32\n", cbPending)); return cbPending; } AssertMsgFailed(("hrc=%Rhrc\n", hrc)); } /* else: For input streams we never have any pending data. */ return 0; } #endif /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamGetWritable} */ static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamGetWritable(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTDSOUND, IHostAudio); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; AssertPtrReturn(pStreamDS, 0); LogFlowFunc(("Stream '%s' {%s}\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); DWORD cbFree = 0; DWORD offIgn = 0; int rc = dsoundGetFreeOut(pThis, pStreamDS, &cbFree, &offIgn); AssertRCReturn(rc, 0); return cbFree; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamPlay} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamPlay(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream, const void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbWritten) { PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTDSOUND, IHostAudio); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; AssertPtrReturn(pStreamDS, 0); if (cbBuf) AssertPtrReturn(pvBuf, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertPtrReturn(pcbWritten, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); if (pStreamDS->fEnabled) AssertReturn(pStreamDS->cbBufSize, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_2); else { Log2Func(("Skipping disabled stream {%s}\n", drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); return VINF_SUCCESS; } Log4Func(("cbBuf=%#x stream '%s' {%s}\n", cbBuf, pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS) )); /** @todo Any condition under which we should call dsoundUpdateStatusInternal(pThis) here? * The old code thought it did so in case of failure, only it couldn't ever fails, so it never did. */ /* * Transfer loop. */ uint32_t cbWritten = 0; while (cbBuf > 0) { /* * Figure out how much we can possibly write. */ DWORD offPlayCursor = 0; DWORD cbWritable = 0; int rc = dsoundGetFreeOut(pThis, pStreamDS, &cbWritable, &offPlayCursor); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); if (cbWritable < pStreamDS->Cfg.Props.cbFrame) break; uint32_t const cbToWrite = RT_MIN(cbWritable, cbBuf); Log3Func(("offPlay=%#x offWritePos=%#x -> cbWritable=%#x cbToWrite=%#x {%s}\n", offPlayCursor, pStreamDS->Out.offWritePos, cbWritable, cbToWrite, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS) )); /* * Lock that amount of buffer. */ PVOID pv1 = NULL; DWORD cb1 = 0; PVOID pv2 = NULL; DWORD cb2 = 0; HRESULT hrc = directSoundPlayLock(pThis, pStreamDS, pStreamDS->Out.offWritePos, cbToWrite, &pv1, &pv2, &cb1, &cb2, 0 /*dwFlags*/); AssertMsgReturn(SUCCEEDED(hrc), ("%Rhrc\n", hrc), VERR_ACCESS_DENIED); /** @todo translate these status codes already! */ //AssertMsg(cb1 + cb2 == cbToWrite, ("%#x + %#x vs %#x\n", cb1, cb2, cbToWrite)); /* * Copy over the data. */ memcpy(pv1, pvBuf, cb1); pvBuf = (uint8_t *)pvBuf + cb1; cbBuf -= cb1; cbWritten += cb1; if (pv2) { memcpy(pv2, pvBuf, cb2); pvBuf = (uint8_t *)pvBuf + cb2; cbBuf -= cb2; cbWritten += cb2; } /* * Unlock and update the write position. */ directSoundPlayUnlock(pThis, pStreamDS->Out.pDSB, pv1, pv2, cb1, cb2); /** @todo r=bird: pThis + pDSB parameters here for Unlock, but only pThis for Lock. Why? */ pStreamDS->Out.offWritePos = (pStreamDS->Out.offWritePos + cb1 + cb2) % pStreamDS->cbBufSize; /* * If this was the first chunk, kick off playing. */ if (!pStreamDS->Out.fFirstTransfer) { /* likely */ } else { *pcbWritten = cbWritten; rc = directSoundPlayStart(pThis, pStreamDS); AssertRCReturn(rc, rc); pStreamDS->Out.fFirstTransfer = false; } } /* * Done. */ *pcbWritten = cbWritten; pStreamDS->Out.cbTransferred += cbWritten; if (cbWritten) { uint64_t const msPrev = pStreamDS->msLastTransfer; RT_NOREF(msPrev); pStreamDS->Out.cbLastTransferred = cbWritten; pStreamDS->msLastTransfer = RTTimeMilliTS(); LogFlowFunc(("cbLastTransferred=%RU32, msLastTransfer=%RU64 msNow=%RU64 cMsDelta=%RU64 {%s}\n", cbWritten, msPrev, pStreamDS->msLastTransfer, msPrev ? pStreamDS->msLastTransfer - msPrev : 0, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS) )); } else if ( pStreamDS->Out.fDrain && RTTimeMilliTS() >= pStreamDS->Out.msDrainDeadline) { LogRel2(("DSound: Stopping draining of '%s' {%s} ...\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); if (pStreamDS->Out.pDSB) { HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundBuffer8_Stop(pStreamDS->Out.pDSB); if (FAILED(hrc)) LogRelMax(64, ("DSound: Failed to stop draining stream '%s': %Rhrc\n", pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, hrc)); } pStreamDS->Out.fDrain = false; pStreamDS->fEnabled = false; } return VINF_SUCCESS; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamGetReadable} */ static DECLCALLBACK(uint32_t) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamGetReadable(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream) { /*PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTDSOUND, IHostAudio); */ RT_NOREF(pInterface); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; AssertPtrReturn(pStreamDS, 0); Assert(pStreamDS->Cfg.enmDir == PDMAUDIODIR_IN); if (pStreamDS->fEnabled) { /* This is the same calculation as for StreamGetPending. */ AssertPtr(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB); DWORD offCaptureCursor = 0; DWORD offReadCursor = 0; HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_GetCurrentPosition(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, &offCaptureCursor, &offReadCursor); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { uint32_t cbPending = dsoundRingDistance(offCaptureCursor, offReadCursor, pStreamDS->cbBufSize); Log3Func(("cbPending=%RU32\n", cbPending)); return cbPending; } AssertMsgFailed(("hrc=%Rhrc\n", hrc)); } return 0; } /** * @interface_method_impl{PDMIHOSTAUDIO,pfnStreamCapture} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostDSoundHA_StreamCapture(PPDMIHOSTAUDIO pInterface, PPDMAUDIOBACKENDSTREAM pStream, void *pvBuf, uint32_t cbBuf, uint32_t *pcbRead) { /*PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = RT_FROM_MEMBER(pInterface, DRVHOSTDSOUND, IHostAudio);*/ RT_NOREF(pInterface); PDSOUNDSTREAM pStreamDS = (PDSOUNDSTREAM)pStream; AssertPtrReturn(pStreamDS, 0); AssertPtrReturn(pvBuf, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); AssertReturn(cbBuf, VERR_INVALID_PARAMETER); AssertPtrReturn(pcbRead, VERR_INVALID_POINTER); #if 0 /** @todo r=bird: shouldn't we do the same check as for output streams? */ if (pStreamDS->fEnabled) AssertReturn(pStreamDS->cbBufSize, VERR_INTERNAL_ERROR_2); else { Log2Func(("Stream disabled, skipping\n")); return VINF_SUCCESS; } #endif Log4Func(("cbBuf=%#x stream '%s' {%s}\n", cbBuf, pStreamDS->Cfg.szName, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS) )); /* * Read loop. */ uint32_t cbRead = 0; while (cbBuf > 0) { /* * Figure out how much we can read. */ DWORD offCaptureCursor = 0; DWORD offReadCursor = 0; HRESULT hrc = IDirectSoundCaptureBuffer_GetCurrentPosition(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, &offCaptureCursor, &offReadCursor); AssertMsgReturn(SUCCEEDED(hrc), ("%Rhrc\n", hrc), VERR_ACCESS_DENIED); /** @todo translate these status codes already! */ //AssertMsg(offReadCursor == pStreamDS->In.offReadPos, ("%#x %#x\n", offReadCursor, pStreamDS->In.offReadPos)); uint32_t const cbReadable = dsoundRingDistance(offCaptureCursor, pStreamDS->In.offReadPos, pStreamDS->cbBufSize); if (cbReadable >= pStreamDS->Cfg.Props.cbFrame) { /* likely */ } else { if (cbRead > 0) { /* likely */ } else if (pStreamDS->In.cOverruns < 32) { pStreamDS->In.cOverruns++; DSLOG(("DSound: Warning: Buffer full (size is %zu bytes), skipping to record data (overflow #%RU32)\n", pStreamDS->cbBufSize, pStreamDS->In.cOverruns)); } break; } uint32_t const cbToRead = RT_MIN(cbReadable, cbBuf); Log3Func(("offCapture=%#x offRead=%#x/%#x -> cbWritable=%#x cbToWrite=%#x {%s}\n", offCaptureCursor, offReadCursor, pStreamDS->In.offReadPos, cbReadable, cbToRead, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS))); /* * Lock that amount of buffer. */ PVOID pv1 = NULL; DWORD cb1 = 0; PVOID pv2 = NULL; DWORD cb2 = 0; hrc = directSoundCaptureLock(pStreamDS, pStreamDS->In.offReadPos, cbToRead, &pv1, &pv2, &cb1, &cb2, 0 /*dwFlags*/); AssertMsgReturn(SUCCEEDED(hrc), ("%Rhrc\n", hrc), VERR_ACCESS_DENIED); /** @todo translate these status codes already! */ AssertMsg(cb1 + cb2 == cbToRead, ("%#x + %#x vs %#x\n", cb1, cb2, cbToRead)); /* * Copy over the data. */ memcpy(pvBuf, pv1, cb1); pvBuf = (uint8_t *)pvBuf + cb1; cbBuf -= cb1; cbRead += cb1; if (pv2) { memcpy(pvBuf, pv2, cb2); pvBuf = (uint8_t *)pvBuf + cb2; cbBuf -= cb2; cbRead += cb2; } /* * Unlock and update the write position. */ directSoundCaptureUnlock(pStreamDS->In.pDSCB, pv1, pv2, cb1, cb2); /** @todo r=bird: pDSB parameter here for Unlock, but pStreamDS for Lock. Why? */ pStreamDS->In.offReadPos = (pStreamDS->In.offReadPos + cb1 + cb2) % pStreamDS->cbBufSize; } /* * Done. */ *pcbRead = cbRead; if (cbRead) { uint64_t const msPrev = pStreamDS->msLastTransfer; RT_NOREF(msPrev); pStreamDS->msLastTransfer = RTTimeMilliTS(); LogFlowFunc(("cbRead=%RU32, msLastTransfer=%RU64 msNow=%RU64 cMsDelta=%RU64 {%s}\n", cbRead, msPrev, pStreamDS->msLastTransfer, msPrev ? pStreamDS->msLastTransfer - msPrev : 0, drvHostDSoundStreamStatusString(pStreamDS) )); } #ifdef VBOX_AUDIO_DEBUG_DUMP_PCM_DATA_PATH if (cbRead) { RTFILE hFile; int rc2 = RTFileOpen(&hFile, VBOX_AUDIO_DEBUG_DUMP_PCM_DATA_PATH "dsoundCapture.pcm", RTFILE_O_OPEN_CREATE | RTFILE_O_APPEND | RTFILE_O_WRITE | RTFILE_O_DENY_NONE); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc2)) { RTFileWrite(hFile, (uint8_t *)pvBuf - cbRead, cbRead, NULL); RTFileClose(hFile); } } #endif return VINF_SUCCESS; } /********************************************************************************************************************************* * PDMDRVINS::IBase Interface * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * @callback_method_impl{PDMIBASE,pfnQueryInterface} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void *) drvHostDSoundQueryInterface(PPDMIBASE pInterface, const char *pszIID) { PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns = PDMIBASE_2_PDMDRV(pInterface); PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVHOSTDSOUND); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIBASE, &pDrvIns->IBase); PDMIBASE_RETURN_INTERFACE(pszIID, PDMIHOSTAUDIO, &pThis->IHostAudio); return NULL; } /********************************************************************************************************************************* * PDMDRVREG Interface * *********************************************************************************************************************************/ /** * @callback_method_impl{FNPDMDRVDESTRUCT, pfnDestruct} */ static DECLCALLBACK(void) drvHostDSoundDestruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns) { PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVHOSTDSOUND); PDMDRV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN_VOID(pDrvIns); LogFlowFuncEnter(); #ifdef VBOX_WITH_AUDIO_MMNOTIFICATION_CLIENT if (pThis->m_pNotificationClient) { pThis->m_pNotificationClient->Unregister(); pThis->m_pNotificationClient->Release(); pThis->m_pNotificationClient = NULL; } #endif PDMAudioHostEnumDelete(&pThis->DeviceEnum); int rc2 = RTCritSectDelete(&pThis->CritSect); AssertRC(rc2); LogFlowFuncLeave(); } static LPCGUID dsoundConfigQueryGUID(PCFGMNODE pCfg, const char *pszName, RTUUID *pUuid) { LPCGUID pGuid = NULL; char *pszGuid = NULL; int rc = CFGMR3QueryStringAlloc(pCfg, pszName, &pszGuid); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) { rc = RTUuidFromStr(pUuid, pszGuid); if (RT_SUCCESS(rc)) pGuid = (LPCGUID)&pUuid; else DSLOGREL(("DSound: Error parsing device GUID for device '%s': %Rrc\n", pszName, rc)); RTStrFree(pszGuid); } return pGuid; } static void dsoundConfigInit(PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis, PCFGMNODE pCfg) { pThis->Cfg.pGuidPlay = dsoundConfigQueryGUID(pCfg, "DeviceGuidOut", &pThis->Cfg.uuidPlay); pThis->Cfg.pGuidCapture = dsoundConfigQueryGUID(pCfg, "DeviceGuidIn", &pThis->Cfg.uuidCapture); DSLOG(("DSound: Configuration: DeviceGuidOut {%RTuuid}, DeviceGuidIn {%RTuuid}\n", &pThis->Cfg.uuidPlay, &pThis->Cfg.uuidCapture)); } /** * @callback_method_impl{FNPDMDRVCONSTRUCT, * Construct a DirectSound Audio driver instance.} */ static DECLCALLBACK(int) drvHostDSoundConstruct(PPDMDRVINS pDrvIns, PCFGMNODE pCfg, uint32_t fFlags) { PDMDRV_CHECK_VERSIONS_RETURN(pDrvIns); PDRVHOSTDSOUND pThis = PDMINS_2_DATA(pDrvIns, PDRVHOSTDSOUND); RT_NOREF(fFlags); LogRel(("Audio: Initializing DirectSound audio driver\n")); /* * Init basic data members and interfaces. */ RTListInit(&pThis->HeadStreams); pThis->pDrvIns = pDrvIns; /* IBase */ pDrvIns->IBase.pfnQueryInterface = drvHostDSoundQueryInterface; /* IHostAudio */ pThis->IHostAudio.pfnGetConfig = drvHostDSoundHA_GetConfig; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnGetDevices = drvHostDSoundHA_GetDevices; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnSetDevice = NULL; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnGetStatus = drvHostDSoundHA_GetStatus; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnDoOnWorkerThread = NULL; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamConfigHint = NULL; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamCreate = drvHostDSoundHA_StreamCreate; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamInitAsync = NULL; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamDestroy = drvHostDSoundHA_StreamDestroy; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamNotifyDeviceChanged = NULL; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamEnable = drvHostDSoundHA_StreamEnable; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamDisable = drvHostDSoundHA_StreamDisable; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamPause = drvHostDSoundHA_StreamPause; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamResume = drvHostDSoundHA_StreamResume; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamDrain = drvHostDSoundHA_StreamDrain; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamGetState = drvHostDSoundHA_StreamGetState; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamGetPending = NULL; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamGetWritable = drvHostDSoundHA_StreamGetWritable; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamPlay = drvHostDSoundHA_StreamPlay; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamGetReadable = drvHostDSoundHA_StreamGetReadable; pThis->IHostAudio.pfnStreamCapture = drvHostDSoundHA_StreamCapture; /* * Init the static parts. */ PDMAudioHostEnumInit(&pThis->DeviceEnum); pThis->fEnabledIn = false; pThis->fEnabledOut = false; /* * Verify that IDirectSound is available. */ LPDIRECTSOUND pDirectSound = NULL; HRESULT hrc = CoCreateInstance(CLSID_DirectSound, NULL, CLSCTX_ALL, IID_IDirectSound, (void **)&pDirectSound); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) IDirectSound_Release(pDirectSound); else { LogRel(("DSound: DirectSound not available: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); return VERR_AUDIO_BACKEND_INIT_FAILED; } #ifdef VBOX_WITH_AUDIO_MMNOTIFICATION_CLIENT /* * Set up WASAPI device change notifications (Vista+). */ if (RTSystemGetNtVersion() >= RTSYSTEM_MAKE_NT_VERSION(6, 0, 0)) { /* Get the notification interface (from DrvAudio). */ # ifdef VBOX_WITH_AUDIO_CALLBACKS PPDMIHOSTAUDIOPORT pIHostAudioPort = PDMIBASE_QUERY_INTERFACE(pDrvIns->pUpBase, PDMIHOSTAUDIOPORT); Assert(pIHostAudioPort); # else PPDMIHOSTAUDIOPORT pIHostAudioPort = NULL; # endif try { pThis->m_pNotificationClient = new DrvHostAudioDSoundMMNotifClient(pIHostAudioPort, pThis->Cfg.pGuidCapture == NULL, pThis->Cfg.pGuidPlay == NULL); } catch (std::bad_alloc &) { return VERR_NO_MEMORY; } hrc = pThis->m_pNotificationClient->Initialize(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) { hrc = pThis->m_pNotificationClient->Register(); if (SUCCEEDED(hrc)) LogRel2(("DSound: Notification client is enabled (ver %#RX64)\n", RTSystemGetNtVersion())); else { LogRel(("DSound: Notification client registration failed: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); return VERR_AUDIO_BACKEND_INIT_FAILED; } } else { LogRel(("DSound: Notification client initialization failed: %Rhrc\n", hrc)); return VERR_AUDIO_BACKEND_INIT_FAILED; } } else LogRel2(("DSound: Notification client is disabled (ver %#RX64)\n", RTSystemGetNtVersion())); #endif /* * Initialize configuration values and critical section. */ dsoundConfigInit(pThis, pCfg); return RTCritSectInit(&pThis->CritSect); } /** * PDM driver registration. */ const PDMDRVREG g_DrvHostDSound = { /* u32Version */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION, /* szName */ "DSoundAudio", /* szRCMod */ "", /* szR0Mod */ "", /* pszDescription */ "DirectSound Audio host driver", /* fFlags */ PDM_DRVREG_FLAGS_HOST_BITS_DEFAULT, /* fClass. */ PDM_DRVREG_CLASS_AUDIO, /* cMaxInstances */ ~0U, /* cbInstance */ sizeof(DRVHOSTDSOUND), /* pfnConstruct */ drvHostDSoundConstruct, /* pfnDestruct */ drvHostDSoundDestruct, /* pfnRelocate */ NULL, /* pfnIOCtl */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOn */ NULL, /* pfnReset */ NULL, /* pfnSuspend */ NULL, /* pfnResume */ NULL, /* pfnAttach */ NULL, /* pfnDetach */ NULL, /* pfnPowerOff */ NULL, /* pfnSoftReset */ NULL, /* u32EndVersion */ PDM_DRVREG_VERSION };