/* $Id$ */ /** @file * VBox Qt GUI - UIVMLogViewer class implementation. */ /* * Copyright (C) 2010-2022 Oracle and/or its affiliates. * * This file is part of VirtualBox base platform packages, as * available from https://www.virtualbox.org. * * This program is free software; you can redistribute it and/or * modify it under the terms of the GNU General Public License * as published by the Free Software Foundation, in version 3 of the * License. * * This program is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, but * WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of * MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the GNU * General Public License for more details. * * You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License * along with this program; if not, see . * * SPDX-License-Identifier: GPL-3.0-only */ /* Qt includes: */ #include #include #include #if defined(RT_OS_SOLARIS) # include #endif #include #include #include #include #include #include /* GUI includes: */ #include "QIToolButton.h" #include "UIIconPool.h" #include "UISearchLineEdit.h" #include "UIVMLogPage.h" #include "UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel.h" #include "UIVMLogViewerWidget.h" #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC # include "VBoxUtils-darwin.h" #endif UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel(QWidget *pParent, UIVMLogViewerWidget *pViewer) : UIVMLogViewerPanel(pParent, pViewer) , m_pSearchEditor(0) , m_pNextButton(0) , m_pPreviousButton(0) , m_pCaseSensitiveCheckBox(0) , m_pMatchWholeWordCheckBox(0) , m_pHighlightAllCheckBox(0) { /* Prepare: */ prepare(); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::refresh() { /* We start the search from the end of the doc. assuming log's end is more interesting: */ if (isVisible()) performSearch(BackwardSearch, true); else reset(); emit sigHighlightingUpdated(); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::reset() { m_iSelectedMatchIndex = 0; m_matchLocationVector.clear(); m_matchedCursorPosition.clear(); if (m_pSearchEditor) m_pSearchEditor->reset(); emit sigHighlightingUpdated(); } const QVector &UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::matchLocationVector() const { return m_matchLocationVector; } QString UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::panelName() const { return "SearchPanel"; } int UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::matchCount() const { return m_matchedCursorPosition.size(); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::hideEvent(QHideEvent *pEvent) { /* Get focus-widget: */ QWidget *pFocus = QApplication::focusWidget(); /* If focus-widget is valid and child-widget of search-panel, * focus next child-widget in line: */ if (pFocus && pFocus->parent() == this) focusNextPrevChild(true); /* Call to base-class: */ UIVMLogViewerPanel::hideEvent(pEvent); reset(); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::sltSearchTextChanged(const QString &strSearchString) { /* Enable/disable Next-Previous buttons as per search-string validity: */ m_pNextButton->setEnabled(!strSearchString.isEmpty()); m_pPreviousButton->setEnabled(!strSearchString.isEmpty()); /* If search-string is not empty: */ if (!strSearchString.isEmpty()) { /* Reset the position to force the search restart from the document's end: */ performSearch(BackwardSearch, true); emit sigHighlightingUpdated(); return; } /* If search-string is empty, reset cursor position: */ if (!viewer()) return; QPlainTextEdit *pBrowser = textEdit(); if (!pBrowser) return; /* If cursor has selection: */ if (pBrowser->textCursor().hasSelection()) { /* Get cursor and reset position: */ QTextCursor cursor = pBrowser->textCursor(); cursor.setPosition(cursor.anchor()); pBrowser->setTextCursor(cursor); } m_matchedCursorPosition.clear(); m_matchLocationVector.clear(); clearHighlighting(); emit sigSearchUpdated(); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::sltHighlightAllCheckBox() { if (!viewer()) return; QTextDocument *pDocument = textDocument(); if (!pDocument) return; if (m_pHighlightAllCheckBox->isChecked()) { const QString &searchString = m_pSearchEditor->text(); if (searchString.isEmpty()) return; highlightAll(searchString); } else clearHighlighting(); emit sigHighlightingUpdated(); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::sltCaseSentitiveCheckBox() { refresh(); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::sltMatchWholeWordCheckBox() { refresh(); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::sltSelectNextPreviousMatch() { moveSelection(sender() == m_pNextButton); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::prepareWidgets() { if (!mainLayout()) return; /* Create search field layout: */ QHBoxLayout *pSearchFieldLayout = new QHBoxLayout; if (pSearchFieldLayout) { pSearchFieldLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); #ifdef VBOX_WS_MAC pSearchFieldLayout->setSpacing(5); #else pSearchFieldLayout->setSpacing(qApp->style()->pixelMetric(QStyle::PM_LayoutHorizontalSpacing) / 2); #endif /* Create search-editor: */ m_pSearchEditor = new UISearchLineEdit(0 /* parent */); if (m_pSearchEditor) { m_pSearchEditor->setSizePolicy(QSizePolicy::MinimumExpanding, QSizePolicy::Fixed); pSearchFieldLayout->addWidget(m_pSearchEditor); } /* Create search button layout: */ QHBoxLayout *pSearchButtonsLayout = new QHBoxLayout; if (pSearchButtonsLayout) { pSearchButtonsLayout->setContentsMargins(0, 0, 0, 0); pSearchButtonsLayout->setSpacing(0); /* Create Previous button: */ m_pPreviousButton = new QIToolButton; if (m_pPreviousButton) { m_pPreviousButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/log_viewer_search_backward_16px.png")); pSearchButtonsLayout->addWidget(m_pPreviousButton); } /* Create Next button: */ m_pNextButton = new QIToolButton; if (m_pNextButton) { m_pNextButton->setIcon(UIIconPool::iconSet(":/log_viewer_search_forward_16px.png")); pSearchButtonsLayout->addWidget(m_pNextButton); } pSearchFieldLayout->addLayout(pSearchButtonsLayout); } mainLayout()->addLayout(pSearchFieldLayout); } /* Create case-sensitive check-box: */ m_pCaseSensitiveCheckBox = new QCheckBox; if (m_pCaseSensitiveCheckBox) { mainLayout()->addWidget(m_pCaseSensitiveCheckBox); } /* Create whole-word check-box: */ m_pMatchWholeWordCheckBox = new QCheckBox; if (m_pMatchWholeWordCheckBox) { setFocusProxy(m_pMatchWholeWordCheckBox); mainLayout()->addWidget(m_pMatchWholeWordCheckBox); } /* Create highlight-all check-box: */ m_pHighlightAllCheckBox = new QCheckBox; if (m_pHighlightAllCheckBox) { mainLayout()->addWidget(m_pHighlightAllCheckBox); } } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::prepareConnections() { connect(m_pSearchEditor, &UISearchLineEdit::textChanged, this, &UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::sltSearchTextChanged); connect(m_pNextButton, &QIToolButton::clicked, this, &UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::sltSelectNextPreviousMatch); connect(m_pPreviousButton, &QIToolButton::clicked, this, &UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::sltSelectNextPreviousMatch); connect(m_pHighlightAllCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::sltHighlightAllCheckBox); connect(m_pCaseSensitiveCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::sltCaseSentitiveCheckBox); connect(m_pMatchWholeWordCheckBox, &QCheckBox::stateChanged, this, &UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::sltMatchWholeWordCheckBox); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::retranslateUi() { UIVMLogViewerPanel::retranslateUi(); m_pSearchEditor->setToolTip(UIVMLogViewerWidget::tr("Enter a search string here")); m_pNextButton->setToolTip(UIVMLogViewerWidget::tr("Search for the next occurrence of the string (F3)")); m_pPreviousButton->setToolTip(UIVMLogViewerWidget::tr("Search for the previous occurrence of the string (Shift+F3)")); m_pCaseSensitiveCheckBox->setText(UIVMLogViewerWidget::tr("C&ase Sensitive")); m_pCaseSensitiveCheckBox->setToolTip(UIVMLogViewerWidget::tr("When checked, perform case sensitive search")); m_pMatchWholeWordCheckBox->setText(UIVMLogViewerWidget::tr("Ma&tch Whole Word")); m_pMatchWholeWordCheckBox->setToolTip(UIVMLogViewerWidget::tr("When checked, search matches only complete words")); m_pHighlightAllCheckBox->setText(UIVMLogViewerWidget::tr("&Highlight All")); m_pHighlightAllCheckBox->setToolTip(UIVMLogViewerWidget::tr("When checked, all occurence of the search text are highlighted")); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::keyPressEvent(QKeyEvent *pEvent) { switch (pEvent->key()) { /* Process Enter press as 'search-next', * performed for any search panel widget: */ case Qt::Key_Enter: case Qt::Key_Return: { if (pEvent->modifiers() == 0 || pEvent->modifiers() & Qt::KeypadModifier) { /* Animate click on 'Next' button: */ m_pNextButton->animateClick(); return; } break; } default: break; } /* Call to base-class: */ UIVMLogViewerPanel::keyPressEvent(pEvent); } bool UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::eventFilter(QObject *pObject, QEvent *pEvent) { /* Handle only events sent to viewer(): */ if (pObject != viewer()) return UIVMLogViewerPanel::eventFilter(pObject, pEvent); /* Depending on event-type: */ switch (pEvent->type()) { /* Process key press only: */ case QEvent::KeyPress: { /* Cast to corresponding key press event: */ QKeyEvent *pKeyEvent = static_cast(pEvent); /* Handle F3/Shift+F3 as search next/previous shortcuts: */ if (pKeyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_F3) { /* If there is no modifier 'Key-F3' is pressed: */ if (pKeyEvent->QInputEvent::modifiers() == 0) { /* Animate click on 'Next' button: */ m_pNextButton->animateClick(); return true; } /* If there is 'ShiftModifier' 'Shift + Key-F3' is pressed: */ else if (pKeyEvent->QInputEvent::modifiers() == Qt::ShiftModifier) { /* Animate click on 'Prev' button: */ m_pPreviousButton->animateClick(); return true; } } /* Handle Ctrl+F key combination as a shortcut to focus search field: */ else if (pKeyEvent->QInputEvent::modifiers() == Qt::ControlModifier && pKeyEvent->key() == Qt::Key_F) { /* Make sure current log-page is visible: */ emit sigShowPanel(this); /* Set focus on search-editor: */ m_pSearchEditor->setFocus(); return true; } /* Handle alpha-numeric keys to implement the "find as you type" feature: */ else if ((pKeyEvent->QInputEvent::modifiers() & ~Qt::ShiftModifier) == 0 && pKeyEvent->key() >= Qt::Key_Exclam && pKeyEvent->key() <= Qt::Key_AsciiTilde) { /* Make sure current log-page is visible: */ emit sigShowPanel(this); /* Set focus on search-editor: */ m_pSearchEditor->setFocus(); /* Insert the text to search-editor, which triggers the search-operation for new text: */ m_pSearchEditor->insert(pKeyEvent->text()); return true; } break; } default: break; } /* Call to base-class: */ return UIVMLogViewerPanel::eventFilter(pObject, pEvent); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::showEvent(QShowEvent *pEvent) { /* Call to base-class: */ UIVMLogViewerPanel::showEvent(pEvent); if (m_pSearchEditor) { /* Set focus on search-editor: */ m_pSearchEditor->setFocus(); /* Select all the text: */ m_pSearchEditor->selectAll(); m_pSearchEditor->setMatchCount(m_matchedCursorPosition.size()); } } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::performSearch(SearchDirection , bool ) { QPlainTextEdit *pTextEdit = textEdit(); if (!pTextEdit) return; QTextDocument *pDocument = textDocument(); if (!pDocument) return; if (!m_pSearchEditor) return; const QString &searchString = m_pSearchEditor->text(); emit sigSearchUpdated(); if (searchString.isEmpty()) return; findAll(pDocument, searchString); m_iSelectedMatchIndex = 0; selectMatch(m_iSelectedMatchIndex, searchString); if (m_pSearchEditor) { m_pSearchEditor->setMatchCount(m_matchedCursorPosition.size()); m_pSearchEditor->setScrollToIndex(m_matchedCursorPosition.empty() ? -1 : 0); } if (m_pHighlightAllCheckBox->isChecked()) highlightAll(searchString); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::clearHighlighting() { QPlainTextEdit *pTextEdit = textEdit(); if (pTextEdit) pTextEdit->setExtraSelections(QList()); emit sigHighlightingUpdated(); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::highlightAll(const QString &searchString) { clearHighlighting(); QPlainTextEdit *pTextEdit = textEdit(); if (!pTextEdit) return; QList extraSelections; for (int i = 0; i < m_matchedCursorPosition.size(); ++i) { QTextEdit::ExtraSelection selection; QTextCursor cursor = pTextEdit->textCursor(); cursor.setPosition(m_matchedCursorPosition[i]); cursor.setPosition(m_matchedCursorPosition[i] + searchString.length(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); QTextCharFormat format = cursor.charFormat(); format.setBackground(Qt::yellow); selection.cursor = cursor; selection.format = format; extraSelections.append(selection); } pTextEdit->setExtraSelections(extraSelections); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::findAll(QTextDocument *pDocument, const QString &searchString) { if (!pDocument) return; m_matchedCursorPosition.clear(); m_matchLocationVector.clear(); if (searchString.isEmpty()) return; QTextCursor cursor(pDocument); QTextDocument::FindFlags flags = constructFindFlags(ForwardSearch); int blockCount = pDocument->blockCount(); while (!cursor.isNull() && !cursor.atEnd()) { cursor = pDocument->find(searchString, cursor, flags); if (!cursor.isNull()) { m_matchedCursorPosition << cursor.position() - searchString.length(); /* The following assumes we have single line blocks only: */ int cursorLine = pDocument->findBlock(cursor.position()).blockNumber(); if (blockCount != 0) m_matchLocationVector.push_back(cursorLine / static_cast(blockCount)); } } } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::selectMatch(int iMatchIndex, const QString &searchString) { if (!textEdit()) return; if (searchString.isEmpty()) return; if (iMatchIndex < 0 || iMatchIndex >= m_matchedCursorPosition.size()) return; QTextCursor cursor = textEdit()->textCursor(); /* Move the cursor to the beginning of the matched string: */ cursor.setPosition(m_matchedCursorPosition.at(iMatchIndex), QTextCursor::MoveAnchor); /* Move the cursor to the end of the matched string while keeping the anchor at the begining thus selecting the text: */ cursor.setPosition(m_matchedCursorPosition.at(iMatchIndex) + searchString.length(), QTextCursor::KeepAnchor); textEdit()->ensureCursorVisible(); textEdit()->setTextCursor(cursor); } void UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::moveSelection(bool fForward) { if (matchCount() == 0) return; if (fForward) m_iSelectedMatchIndex = m_iSelectedMatchIndex >= m_matchedCursorPosition.size() - 1 ? 0 : (m_iSelectedMatchIndex + 1); else m_iSelectedMatchIndex = m_iSelectedMatchIndex <= 0 ? m_matchedCursorPosition.size() - 1 : (m_iSelectedMatchIndex - 1); selectMatch(m_iSelectedMatchIndex, m_pSearchEditor->text()); if (m_pSearchEditor) m_pSearchEditor->setScrollToIndex(m_iSelectedMatchIndex); } int UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::countMatches(QTextDocument *pDocument, const QString &searchString) const { if (!pDocument) return 0; if (searchString.isEmpty()) return 0; int count = 0; QTextCursor cursor(pDocument); QTextDocument::FindFlags flags = constructFindFlags(ForwardSearch); while (!cursor.isNull() && !cursor.atEnd()) { cursor = pDocument->find(searchString, cursor, flags); if (!cursor.isNull()) ++count; } return count; } QTextDocument::FindFlags UIVMLogViewerSearchPanel::constructFindFlags(SearchDirection eDirection) const { QTextDocument::FindFlags findFlags; if (eDirection == BackwardSearch) findFlags = findFlags | QTextDocument::FindBackward; if (m_pCaseSensitiveCheckBox->isChecked()) findFlags = findFlags | QTextDocument::FindCaseSensitively; if (m_pMatchWholeWordCheckBox->isChecked()) findFlags = findFlags | QTextDocument::FindWholeWords; return findFlags; }