#!/bin/sh exec 3>&2 2> /dev/null SRCDIR=$(dirname "$0") cd "$SRCDIR" CWD=$(realpath "$PWD") TOPLEVEL_WORKING_DIR=$(realpath "$(git rev-parse --show-toplevel)") exec 2>&3 # If it's not from a git checkout, assume it's from a tarball if [ "$TOPLEVEL_WORKING_DIR" != "$CWD" ]; then VERSION_FROM_DIR_NAME=$(basename "$CWD" | sed -n 's/^accountsservice-\([^-]*\)$/\1/p') if [ -n "$VERSION_FROM_DIR_NAME" ]; then echo "$VERSION_FROM_DIR_NAME" exit 0 fi echo "Source doesn't appear to come from an accountsservice git clone or tarball. Version unknown." exit 1 fi # If it is from a git checkout, derive the version from the date of the last commit, and the number # of commits since the last release. COMMITS_SINCE_LAST_RELEASE=$(git rev-list $(git describe --abbrev=0)..HEAD --count) date +%y.%V.${COMMITS_SINCE_LAST_RELEASE} -d "@$(git log -1 --pretty=format:%ct)"