path: root/files
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'files')
1 files changed, 292 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/files/ b/files/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..a8499547
--- /dev/null
+++ b/files/
@@ -0,0 +1,292 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# (c) 2014, 2015 YAEGASHI Takeshi <>
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+import re
+import os
+import tempfile
+module: blockinfile
+ - 'YAEGASHI Takeshi (@yaegashi)'
+ - files
+ - validate
+short_description: Insert/update/remove a text block
+ surrounded by marker lines.
+version_added: '2.0'
+ - This module will insert/update/remove a block of multi-line text
+ surrounded by customizable marker lines.
+ - This module supports check mode.
+ dest:
+ aliases: [ name, destfile ]
+ required: true
+ description:
+ - The file to modify.
+ state:
+ required: false
+ choices: [ present, absent ]
+ default: present
+ description:
+ - Whether the block should be there or not.
+ marker:
+ required: false
+ default: '# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK'
+ description:
+ - The marker line template.
+ "{mark}" will be replaced with "BEGIN" or "END".
+ block:
+ aliases: [ content ]
+ required: false
+ default: ''
+ description:
+ - The text to insert inside the marker lines.
+ If it's missing or an empty string,
+ the block will be removed as if C(state) were specified to C(absent).
+ insertafter:
+ required: false
+ default: EOF
+ description:
+ - If specified, the block will be inserted after the last match of
+ specified regular expression. A special value is available; C(EOF) for
+ inserting the block at the end of the file. If specified regular
+ expresion has no matches, C(EOF) will be used instead.
+ choices: [ 'EOF', '*regex*' ]
+ insertbefore:
+ required: false
+ default: None
+ description:
+ - If specified, the block will be inserted before the last match of
+ specified regular expression. A special value is available; C(BOF) for
+ inserting the block at the beginning of the file. If specified regular
+ expresion has no matches, the block will be inserted at the end of the
+ file.
+ choices: [ 'BOF', '*regex*' ]
+ create:
+ required: false
+ default: 'no'
+ choices: [ 'yes', 'no' ]
+ description:
+ - Create a new file if it doesn't exist.
+ backup:
+ required: false
+ default: 'no'
+ choices: [ 'yes', 'no' ]
+ description:
+ - Create a backup file including the timestamp information so you can
+ get the original file back if you somehow clobbered it incorrectly.
+EXAMPLES = r"""
+- name: insert/update "Match User" configuation block in /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+ blockinfile:
+ dest: /etc/ssh/sshd_config
+ block: |
+ Match User ansible-agent
+ PasswordAuthentication no
+- name: insert/update eth0 configuration stanza in /etc/network/interfaces
+ (it might be better to copy files into /etc/network/interfaces.d/)
+ blockinfile:
+ dest: /etc/network/interfaces
+ block: |
+ iface eth0 inet static
+ address
+ netmask
+- name: insert/update HTML surrounded by custom markers after <body> line
+ blockinfile:
+ dest: /var/www/html/index.html
+ marker: "<!-- {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK -->"
+ insertafter: "<body>"
+ content: |
+ <h1>Welcome to {{ansible_hostname}}</h1>
+ <p>Last updated on {{ansible_date_time.iso8601}}</p>
+- name: remove HTML as well as surrounding markers
+ blockinfile:
+ dest: /var/www/html/index.html
+ marker: "<!-- {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK -->"
+ content: ""
+def write_changes(module, contents, dest):
+ tmpfd, tmpfile = tempfile.mkstemp()
+ f = os.fdopen(tmpfd, 'wb')
+ f.write(contents)
+ f.close()
+ validate = module.params.get('validate', None)
+ valid = not validate
+ if validate:
+ if "%s" not in validate:
+ module.fail_json(msg="validate must contain %%s: %s" % (validate))
+ (rc, out, err) = module.run_command(validate % tmpfile)
+ valid = rc == 0
+ if rc != 0:
+ module.fail_json(msg='failed to validate: '
+ 'rc:%s error:%s' % (rc, err))
+ if valid:
+ module.atomic_move(tmpfile, dest)
+def check_file_attrs(module, changed, message):
+ file_args = module.load_file_common_arguments(module.params)
+ if module.set_file_attributes_if_different(file_args, False):
+ if changed:
+ message += " and "
+ changed = True
+ message += "ownership, perms or SE linux context changed"
+ return message, changed
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ dest=dict(required=True, aliases=['name', 'destfile']),
+ state=dict(default='present', choices=['absent', 'present']),
+ marker=dict(default='# {mark} ANSIBLE MANAGED BLOCK', type='str'),
+ block=dict(default='', type='str', aliases=['content']),
+ insertafter=dict(default=None),
+ insertbefore=dict(default=None),
+ create=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
+ backup=dict(default=False, type='bool'),
+ validate=dict(default=None, type='str'),
+ ),
+ mutually_exclusive=[['insertbefore', 'insertafter']],
+ add_file_common_args=True,
+ supports_check_mode=True
+ )
+ params = module.params
+ dest = os.path.expanduser(params['dest'])
+ if module.boolean(params.get('follow', None)):
+ dest = os.path.realpath(dest)
+ if os.path.isdir(dest):
+ module.fail_json(rc=256,
+ msg='Destination %s is a directory !' % dest)
+ if not os.path.exists(dest):
+ if not module.boolean(params['create']):
+ module.fail_json(rc=257,
+ msg='Destination %s does not exist !' % dest)
+ original = None
+ lines = []
+ else:
+ f = open(dest, 'rb')
+ original =
+ f.close()
+ lines = original.splitlines()
+ insertbefore = params['insertbefore']
+ insertafter = params['insertafter']
+ block = params['block']
+ marker = params['marker']
+ present = params['state'] == 'present'
+ if insertbefore is None and insertafter is None:
+ insertafter = 'EOF'
+ if insertafter not in (None, 'EOF'):
+ insertre = re.compile(insertafter)
+ elif insertbefore not in (None, 'BOF'):
+ insertre = re.compile(insertbefore)
+ else:
+ insertre = None
+ marker0 = re.sub(r'{mark}', 'BEGIN', marker)
+ marker1 = re.sub(r'{mark}', 'END', marker)
+ if present and block:
+ # Escape seqeuences like '\n' need to be handled in Ansible 1.x
+ if ANSIBLE_VERSION.startswith('1.'):
+ block = re.sub('', block, '')
+ blocklines = [marker0] + block.splitlines() + [marker1]
+ else:
+ blocklines = []
+ n0 = n1 = None
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+ if line.startswith(marker0):
+ n0 = i
+ if line.startswith(marker1):
+ n1 = i
+ if None in (n0, n1):
+ n0 = None
+ if insertre is not None:
+ for i, line in enumerate(lines):
+ if
+ n0 = i
+ if n0 is None:
+ n0 = len(lines)
+ elif insertafter is not None:
+ n0 += 1
+ elif insertbefore is not None:
+ n0 = 0 # insertbefore=BOF
+ else:
+ n0 = len(lines) # insertafter=EOF
+ elif n0 < n1:
+ lines[n0:n1+1] = []
+ else:
+ lines[n1:n0+1] = []
+ n0 = n1
+ lines[n0:n0] = blocklines
+ if lines:
+ result = '\n'.join(lines)+'\n'
+ else:
+ result = ''
+ if original == result:
+ msg = ''
+ changed = False
+ elif original is None:
+ msg = 'File created'
+ changed = True
+ elif not blocklines:
+ msg = 'Block removed'
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ msg = 'Block inserted'
+ changed = True
+ if changed and not module.check_mode:
+ if module.boolean(params['backup']) and os.path.exists(dest):
+ module.backup_local(dest)
+ write_changes(module, result, dest)
+ msg, changed = check_file_attrs(module, changed, msg)
+ module.exit_json(changed=changed, msg=msg)
+# import module snippets
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import *
+from ansible.module_utils.splitter import *
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()