path: root/source_control
diff options
Diffstat (limited to 'source_control')
1 files changed, 224 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/source_control/ b/source_control/
new file mode 100644
index 00000000..ef7ea59d
--- /dev/null
+++ b/source_control/
@@ -0,0 +1,224 @@
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+module: github_key
+short_description: Manage GitHub access keys.
+ - Creates, removes, or updates GitHub access keys.
+version_added: "2.0"
+ token:
+ description:
+ - GitHub Access Token with permission to list and create public keys.
+ required: true
+ name:
+ description:
+ - SSH key name
+ required: true
+ pubkey:
+ description:
+ - SSH public key value. Required when C(state=present).
+ required: false
+ default: none
+ state:
+ description:
+ - Whether to remove a key, ensure that it exists, or update its value.
+ choices: ['present', 'absent']
+ default: 'present'
+ required: false
+ force:
+ description:
+ - The default is C(yes), which will replace the existing remote key
+ if it's different than C(pubkey). If C(no), the key will only be
+ set if no key with the given C(name) exists.
+ required: false
+ choices: ['yes', 'no']
+ default: 'yes'
+author: Robert Estelle (@erydo)
+- name: Read SSH public key to authorize
+ shell: cat /home/foo/.ssh/
+ register: ssh_pub_key
+- name: Authorize key with GitHub
+ local_action:
+ module: github_key
+ name: 'Access Key for Some Machine'
+ token: '{{github_access_token}}'
+ pubkey: '{{ssh_pub_key.stdout}}'
+import sys # noqa
+import json
+import re
+API_BASE = ''
+class GitHubResponse(object):
+ def __init__(self, response, info):
+ self.content =
+ = info
+ def json(self):
+ return json.loads(self.content)
+ def links(self):
+ links = {}
+ if 'link' in
+ link_header =['link']
+ matches = re.findall('<([^>]+)>; rel="([^"]+)"', link_header)
+ for url, rel in matches:
+ links[rel] = url
+ return links
+class GitHubSession(object):
+ def __init__(self, module, token):
+ self.module = module
+ self.token = token
+ def request(self, method, url, data=None):
+ headers = {
+ 'Authorization': 'token {}'.format(self.token),
+ 'Content-Type': 'application/json',
+ 'Accept': 'application/vnd.github.v3+json',
+ }
+ response, info = fetch_url(
+ self.module, url, method=method, data=data, headers=headers)
+ if not (200 <= info['status'] < 400):
+ self.module.fail_json(
+ msg=(" failed to send request %s to %s: %s"
+ % (method, url, info['msg'])))
+ return GitHubResponse(response, info)
+def get_all_keys(session):
+ url = API_BASE + '/user/keys'
+ while url:
+ r = session.request('GET', url)
+ for key in r.json():
+ yield key
+ url = r.links().get('next')
+def create_key(session, name, pubkey, check_mode):
+ if check_mode:
+ from datetime import datetime
+ now = datetime.utcnow()
+ return {
+ 'id': 0,
+ 'key': pubkey,
+ 'title': name,
+ 'url': '',
+ 'created_at': datetime.strftime(now, '%Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%SZ'),
+ 'read_only': False,
+ 'verified': False
+ }
+ else:
+ return session.request(
+ 'POST',
+ API_BASE + '/user/keys',
+ data=json.dumps({'title': name, 'key': pubkey})).json()
+def delete_keys(session, to_delete, check_mode):
+ if check_mode:
+ return
+ for key in to_delete:
+ session.request('DELETE', API_BASE + '/user/keys/{[id]}'.format(key))
+def ensure_key_absent(session, name, check_mode):
+ to_delete = [key for key in get_all_keys(session) if key['title'] == name]
+ delete_keys(session, to_delete, check_mode=check_mode)
+ return {'changed': bool(to_delete), 'deleted_keys': to_delete}
+def ensure_key_present(session, name, pubkey, force, check_mode):
+ matching_keys = [k for k in get_all_keys(session) if k['title'] == name]
+ deleted_keys = []
+ if matching_keys and force and matching_keys[0]['key'] != pubkey:
+ delete_keys(session, matching_keys, check_mode=check_mode)
+ (deleted_keys, matching_keys) = (matching_keys, [])
+ if not matching_keys:
+ key = create_key(session, name, pubkey, check_mode=check_mode)
+ else:
+ key = matching_keys[0]
+ return {
+ 'changed': bool(deleted_keys or not matching_keys),
+ 'deleted_keys': deleted_keys,
+ 'matching_keys': matching_keys,
+ 'key': key
+ }
+def main():
+ argument_spec = {
+ 'token': {'required': True},
+ 'name': {'required': True},
+ 'pubkey': {},
+ 'state': {'choices': ['present', 'absent'], 'default': 'present'},
+ 'force': {'default': True, 'type': 'bool'},
+ }
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ )
+ token = module.params['token']
+ name = module.params['name']
+ state = module.params['state']
+ force = module.params['force']
+ pubkey = module.params.get('pubkey')
+ if pubkey:
+ pubkey_parts = pubkey.split(' ')
+ # Keys consist of a protocol, the key data, and an optional comment.
+ if len(pubkey_parts) < 2:
+ module.fail_json(msg='"pubkey" parameter has an invalid format')
+ # Strip out comment so we can compare to the keys GitHub returns.
+ pubkey = ' '.join(pubkey_parts[:2])
+ elif state == 'present':
+ module.fail_json(msg='"pubkey" is required when state=present')
+ session = GitHubSession(module, token)
+ if state == 'present':
+ result = ensure_key_present(session, name, pubkey, force=force,
+ check_mode=module.check_mode)
+ elif state == 'absent':
+ result = ensure_key_absent(session, name, check_mode=module.check_mode)
+ module.exit_json(**result)
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import * # noqa
+from ansible.module_utils.urls import * # noqa
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()