#!/usr/bin/python # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'committer', 'version': '1.0'} DOCUMENTATION = ''' --- module: efs short_description: create and maintain EFS file systems description: - Module allows create, search and destroy Amazon EFS file systems version_added: "2.2" requirements: [ boto3 ] author: - "Ryan Sydnor (@ryansydnor)" - "Artem Kazakov (@akazakov)" options: state: description: - Allows to create, search and destroy Amazon EFS file system required: false default: 'present' choices: ['present', 'absent'] name: description: - Creation Token of Amazon EFS file system. Required for create. Either name or ID required for delete. required: false default: None id: description: - ID of Amazon EFS. Either name or ID required for delete. required: false default: None performance_mode: description: - File system's performance mode to use. Only takes effect during creation. required: false default: 'general_purpose' choices: ['general_purpose', 'max_io'] tags: description: - "List of tags of Amazon EFS. Should be defined as dictionary In case of 'present' state with list of tags and existing EFS (matched by 'name'), tags of EFS will be replaced with provided data." required: false default: None targets: description: - "List of mounted targets. It should be a list of dictionaries, every dictionary should include next attributes: - subnet_id - Mandatory. The ID of the subnet to add the mount target in. - ip_address - Optional. A valid IPv4 address within the address range of the specified subnet. - security_groups - Optional. List of security group IDs, of the form 'sg-xxxxxxxx'. These must be for the same VPC as subnet specified This data may be modified for existing EFS using state 'present' and new list of mount targets." required: false default: None wait: description: - "In case of 'present' state should wait for EFS 'available' life cycle state (of course, if current state not 'deleting' or 'deleted') In case of 'absent' state should wait for EFS 'deleted' life cycle state" required: false default: "no" choices: ["yes", "no"] wait_timeout: description: - How long the module should wait (in seconds) for desired state before returning. Zero means wait as long as necessary. required: false default: 0 extends_documentation_fragment: - aws ''' EXAMPLES = ''' # EFS provisioning - efs: state: present name: myTestEFS tags: name: myTestNameTag purpose: file-storage targets: - subnet_id: subnet-748c5d03 security_groups: [ "sg-1a2b3c4d" ] # Modifying EFS data - efs: state: present name: myTestEFS tags: name: myAnotherTestTag targets: - subnet_id: subnet-7654fdca security_groups: [ "sg-4c5d6f7a" ] # Deleting EFS - efs: state: absent name: myTestEFS ''' RETURN = ''' creation_time: description: timestamp of creation date returned: type: datetime sample: 2015-11-16 07:30:57-05:00 creation_token: description: EFS creation token returned: type: UUID sample: console-88609e04-9a0e-4a2e-912c-feaa99509961 file_system_id: description: ID of the file system returned: type: unique ID sample: fs-xxxxxxxx life_cycle_state: description: state of the EFS file system returned: type: str sample: creating, available, deleting, deleted mount_point: description: url of file system returned: type: str sample: .fs-xxxxxxxx.efs.us-west-2.amazonaws.com:/ mount_targets: description: list of mount targets returned: type: list of dicts sample: [ { "file_system_id": "fs-a7ad440e", "ip_address": "", "life_cycle_state": "available", "mount_target_id": "fsmt-d8907871", "network_interface_id": "eni-6e387e26", "owner_id": "740748460359", "security_groups": [ "sg-a30b22c6" ], "subnet_id": "subnet-e265c895" }, ... ] name: description: name of the file system returned: type: str sample: my-efs number_of_mount_targets: description: the number of targets mounted returned: type: int sample: 3 owner_id: description: AWS account ID of EFS owner returned: type: str sample: XXXXXXXXXXXX size_in_bytes: description: size of the file system in bytes as of a timestamp returned: type: dict sample: { "timestamp": "2015-12-21 13:59:59-05:00", "value": 12288 } performance_mode: description: performance mode of the file system returned: type: str sample: "generalPurpose" tags: description: tags on the efs instance returned: type: dict sample: { "name": "my-efs", "key": "Value" } ''' import sys from time import sleep from time import time as timestamp from collections import defaultdict try: from botocore.exceptions import ClientError import boto3 HAS_BOTO3 = True except ImportError as e: HAS_BOTO3 = False class EFSConnection(object): DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS = 0 STATE_CREATING = 'creating' STATE_AVAILABLE = 'available' STATE_DELETING = 'deleting' STATE_DELETED = 'deleted' def __init__(self, module, region, **aws_connect_params): try: self.connection = boto3_conn(module, conn_type='client', resource='efs', region=region, **aws_connect_params) except Exception as e: module.fail_json(msg="Failed to connect to AWS: %s" % str(e)) self.region = region self.wait = module.params.get('wait') self.wait_timeout = module.params.get('wait_timeout') def get_file_systems(self, **kwargs): """ Returns generator of file systems including all attributes of FS """ items = iterate_all( 'FileSystems', self.connection.describe_file_systems, **kwargs ) for item in items: item['CreationTime'] = str(item['CreationTime']) """ Suffix of network path to be used as NFS device for mount. More detail here: http://docs.aws.amazon.com/efs/latest/ug/gs-step-three-connect-to-ec2-instance.html """ item['MountPoint'] = '.%s.efs.%s.amazonaws.com:/' % (item['FileSystemId'], self.region) if 'Timestamp' in item['SizeInBytes']: item['SizeInBytes']['Timestamp'] = str(item['SizeInBytes']['Timestamp']) if item['LifeCycleState'] == self.STATE_AVAILABLE: item['Tags'] = self.get_tags(FileSystemId=item['FileSystemId']) item['MountTargets'] = list(self.get_mount_targets(FileSystemId=item['FileSystemId'])) else: item['Tags'] = {} item['MountTargets'] = [] yield item def get_tags(self, **kwargs): """ Returns tag list for selected instance of EFS """ tags = iterate_all( 'Tags', self.connection.describe_tags, **kwargs ) return dict((tag['Key'], tag['Value']) for tag in tags) def get_mount_targets(self, **kwargs): """ Returns mount targets for selected instance of EFS """ targets = iterate_all( 'MountTargets', self.connection.describe_mount_targets, **kwargs ) for target in targets: if target['LifeCycleState'] == self.STATE_AVAILABLE: target['SecurityGroups'] = list(self.get_security_groups( MountTargetId=target['MountTargetId'] )) else: target['SecurityGroups'] = [] yield target def get_security_groups(self, **kwargs): """ Returns security groups for selected instance of EFS """ return iterate_all( 'SecurityGroups', self.connection.describe_mount_target_security_groups, **kwargs ) def get_file_system_id(self, name): """ Returns ID of instance by instance name """ info = first_or_default(iterate_all( 'FileSystems', self.connection.describe_file_systems, CreationToken=name )) return info and info['FileSystemId'] or None def get_file_system_state(self, name, file_system_id=None): """ Returns state of filesystem by EFS id/name """ info = first_or_default(iterate_all( 'FileSystems', self.connection.describe_file_systems, CreationToken=name, FileSystemId=file_system_id )) return info and info['LifeCycleState'] or self.STATE_DELETED def get_mount_targets_in_state(self, file_system_id, states=None): """ Returns states of mount targets of selected EFS with selected state(s) (optional) """ targets = iterate_all( 'MountTargets', self.connection.describe_mount_targets, FileSystemId=file_system_id ) if states: if not isinstance(states, list): states = [states] targets = filter(lambda target: target['LifeCycleState'] in states, targets) return list(targets) def create_file_system(self, name, performance_mode): """ Creates new filesystem with selected name """ changed = False state = self.get_file_system_state(name) if state in [self.STATE_DELETING, self.STATE_DELETED]: wait_for( lambda: self.get_file_system_state(name), self.STATE_DELETED ) self.connection.create_file_system(CreationToken=name, PerformanceMode=performance_mode) changed = True # we always wait for the state to be available when creating. # if we try to take any actions on the file system before it's available # we'll throw errors wait_for( lambda: self.get_file_system_state(name), self.STATE_AVAILABLE, self.wait_timeout ) return changed def converge_file_system(self, name, tags, targets): """ Change attributes (mount targets and tags) of filesystem by name """ result = False fs_id = self.get_file_system_id(name) if tags is not None: tags_to_create, _, tags_to_delete = dict_diff(self.get_tags(FileSystemId=fs_id), tags) if tags_to_delete: self.connection.delete_tags( FileSystemId=fs_id, TagKeys=[item[0] for item in tags_to_delete] ) result = True if tags_to_create: self.connection.create_tags( FileSystemId=fs_id, Tags=[{'Key': item[0], 'Value': item[1]} for item in tags_to_create] ) result = True if targets is not None: incomplete_states = [self.STATE_CREATING, self.STATE_DELETING] wait_for( lambda: len(self.get_mount_targets_in_state(fs_id, incomplete_states)), 0 ) index_by_subnet_id = lambda items: dict((item['SubnetId'], item) for item in items) current_targets = index_by_subnet_id(self.get_mount_targets(FileSystemId=fs_id)) targets = index_by_subnet_id(targets) targets_to_create, intersection, targets_to_delete = dict_diff(current_targets, targets, True) """ To modify mount target it should be deleted and created again """ changed = filter( lambda sid: not targets_equal(['SubnetId', 'IpAddress', 'NetworkInterfaceId'], current_targets[sid], targets[sid]), intersection) targets_to_delete = list(targets_to_delete) + changed targets_to_create = list(targets_to_create) + changed if targets_to_delete: for sid in targets_to_delete: self.connection.delete_mount_target( MountTargetId=current_targets[sid]['MountTargetId'] ) wait_for( lambda: len(self.get_mount_targets_in_state(fs_id, incomplete_states)), 0 ) result = True if targets_to_create: for sid in targets_to_create: self.connection.create_mount_target( FileSystemId=fs_id, **targets[sid] ) wait_for( lambda: len(self.get_mount_targets_in_state(fs_id, incomplete_states)), 0, self.wait_timeout ) result = True security_groups_to_update = filter( lambda sid: 'SecurityGroups' in targets[sid] and current_targets[sid]['SecurityGroups'] != targets[sid]['SecurityGroups'], intersection ) if security_groups_to_update: for sid in security_groups_to_update: self.connection.modify_mount_target_security_groups( MountTargetId=current_targets[sid]['MountTargetId'], SecurityGroups=targets[sid]['SecurityGroups'] ) result = True return result def delete_file_system(self, name, file_system_id=None): """ Removes EFS instance by id/name """ result = False state = self.get_file_system_state(name, file_system_id) if state in [self.STATE_CREATING, self.STATE_AVAILABLE]: wait_for( lambda: self.get_file_system_state(name), self.STATE_AVAILABLE ) if not file_system_id: file_system_id = self.get_file_system_id(name) self.delete_mount_targets(file_system_id) self.connection.delete_file_system(FileSystemId=file_system_id) result = True if self.wait: wait_for( lambda: self.get_file_system_state(name), self.STATE_DELETED, self.wait_timeout ) return result def delete_mount_targets(self, file_system_id): """ Removes mount targets by EFS id """ wait_for( lambda: len(self.get_mount_targets_in_state(file_system_id, self.STATE_CREATING)), 0 ) targets = self.get_mount_targets_in_state(file_system_id, self.STATE_AVAILABLE) for target in targets: self.connection.delete_mount_target(MountTargetId=target['MountTargetId']) wait_for( lambda: len(self.get_mount_targets_in_state(file_system_id, self.STATE_DELETING)), 0 ) return len(targets) > 0 def iterate_all(attr, map_method, **kwargs): """ Method creates iterator from boto result set """ args = dict((key, value) for (key, value) in kwargs.items() if value is not None) wait = 1 while True: try: data = map_method(**args) for elm in data[attr]: yield elm if 'NextMarker' in data: args['Marker'] = data['Nextmarker'] continue break except ClientError as e: if e.response['Error']['Code'] == "ThrottlingException" and wait < 600: sleep(wait) wait = wait * 2 continue def targets_equal(keys, a, b): """ Method compare two mount targets by specified attributes """ for key in keys: if key in b and a[key] != b[key]: return False return True def dict_diff(dict1, dict2, by_key=False): """ Helper method to calculate difference of two dictionaries """ keys1 = set(dict1.keys() if by_key else dict1.items()) keys2 = set(dict2.keys() if by_key else dict2.items()) intersection = keys1 & keys2 return keys2 ^ intersection, intersection, keys1 ^ intersection def first_or_default(items, default=None): """ Helper method to fetch first element of list (if exists) """ for item in items: return item return default def wait_for(callback, value, timeout=EFSConnection.DEFAULT_WAIT_TIMEOUT_SECONDS): """ Helper method to wait for desired value returned by callback method """ wait_start = timestamp() while True: if callback() != value: if timeout != 0 and (timestamp() - wait_start > timeout): raise RuntimeError('Wait timeout exceeded (' + str(timeout) + ' sec)') else: sleep(5) continue break def main(): """ Module action handler """ argument_spec = ec2_argument_spec() argument_spec.update(dict( state=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=["present", "absent"], default="present"), id=dict(required=False, type='str', default=None), name=dict(required=False, type='str', default=None), tags=dict(required=False, type="dict", default={}), targets=dict(required=False, type="list", default=[]), performance_mode=dict(required=False, type='str', choices=["general_purpose", "max_io"], default="general_purpose"), wait=dict(required=False, type="bool", default=False), wait_timeout=dict(required=False, type="int", default=0) )) module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec) if not HAS_BOTO3: module.fail_json(msg='boto3 required for this module') region, _, aws_connect_params = get_aws_connection_info(module, boto3=True) connection = EFSConnection(module, region, **aws_connect_params) name = module.params.get('name') fs_id = module.params.get('id') tags = module.params.get('tags') target_translations = { 'ip_address': 'IpAddress', 'security_groups': 'SecurityGroups', 'subnet_id': 'SubnetId' } targets = [dict((target_translations[key], value) for (key, value) in x.items()) for x in module.params.get('targets')] performance_mode_translations = { 'general_purpose': 'generalPurpose', 'max_io': 'maxIO' } performance_mode = performance_mode_translations[module.params.get('performance_mode')] changed = False state = str(module.params.get('state')).lower() if state == 'present': if not name: module.fail_json(msg='Name parameter is required for create') changed = connection.create_file_system(name, performance_mode) changed = connection.converge_file_system(name=name, tags=tags, targets=targets) or changed result = first_or_default(connection.get_file_systems(CreationToken=name)) elif state == 'absent': if not name and not fs_id: module.fail_json(msg='Either name or id parameter is required for delete') changed = connection.delete_file_system(name, fs_id) result = None if result: result = camel_dict_to_snake_dict(result) module.exit_json(changed=changed, efs=result) from ansible.module_utils.basic import * from ansible.module_utils.ec2 import * if __name__ == '__main__': main()