#!/usr/bin/python # (c) 2016, NetApp, Inc # # This file is part of Ansible # # Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify # it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by # the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or # (at your option) any later version. # # Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful, # but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of # MERCHANTABILITY or FITNESS FOR A PARTICULAR PURPOSE. See the # GNU General Public License for more details. # # You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License # along with Ansible. If not, see . # ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'status': ['preview'], 'supported_by': 'community', 'version': '1.0'} DOCUMENTATION = """ --- module: netapp_e_snapshot_group short_description: Manage snapshot groups description: - Create, update, delete snapshot groups for NetApp E-series storage arrays version_added: '2.2' author: Kevin Hulquest (@hulquest) options: api_username: required: true description: - The username to authenticate with the SANtricity WebServices Proxy or embedded REST API. api_password: required: true description: - The password to authenticate with the SANtricity WebServices Proxy or embedded REST API. api_url: required: true description: - The url to the SANtricity WebServices Proxy or embedded REST API. example: - https://prod-1.wahoo.acme.com/devmgr/v2 validate_certs: required: false default: true description: - Should https certificates be validated? state: description: - Whether to ensure the group is present or absent. required: True choices: - present - absent name: description: - The name to give the snapshot group required: True base_volume_name: description: - The name of the base volume or thin volume to use as the base for the new snapshot group. - If a snapshot group with an identical C(name) already exists but with a different base volume an error will be returned. required: True repo_pct: description: - The size of the repository in relation to the size of the base volume required: False default: 20 warning_threshold: description: - The repository utilization warning threshold, as a percentage of the repository volume capacity. required: False default: 80 delete_limit: description: - The automatic deletion indicator. - If non-zero, the oldest snapshot image will be automatically deleted when creating a new snapshot image to keep the total number of snapshot images limited to the number specified. - This value is overridden by the consistency group setting if this snapshot group is associated with a consistency group. required: False default: 30 full_policy: description: - The behavior on when the data repository becomes full. - This value is overridden by consistency group setting if this snapshot group is associated with a consistency group required: False default: purgepit choices: - purgepit - unknown - failbasewrites - __UNDEFINED storage_pool_name: required: True description: - The name of the storage pool on which to allocate the repository volume. rollback_priority: required: False description: - The importance of the rollback operation. - This value is overridden by consistency group setting if this snapshot group is associated with a consistency group choices: - highest - high - medium - low - lowest - __UNDEFINED default: medium """ EXAMPLES = """ - name: Configure Snapshot group netapp_e_snapshot_group: ssid: "{{ ssid }}" api_url: "{{ netapp_api_url }}" api_username: "{{ netapp_api_username }}" api_password: "{{ netapp_api_password }}" validate_certs: "{{ netapp_api_validate_certs }}" base_volume_name: SSGroup_test name=: OOSS_Group repo_pct: 20 warning_threshold: 85 delete_limit: 30 full_policy: purgepit storage_pool_name: Disk_Pool_1 rollback_priority: medium """ RETURN = """ msg: description: Success message returned: success type: string sample: json facts for newly created snapshot group. """ HEADERS = { "Content-Type": "application/json", "Accept": "application/json", } import json from ansible.module_utils.api import basic_auth_argument_spec from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule from ansible.module_utils.pycompat24 import get_exception from ansible.module_utils.urls import open_url from ansible.module_utils.six.moves.urllib.error import HTTPError def request(url, data=None, headers=None, method='GET', use_proxy=True, force=False, last_mod_time=None, timeout=10, validate_certs=True, url_username=None, url_password=None, http_agent=None, force_basic_auth=True, ignore_errors=False): try: r = open_url(url=url, data=data, headers=headers, method=method, use_proxy=use_proxy, force=force, last_mod_time=last_mod_time, timeout=timeout, validate_certs=validate_certs, url_username=url_username, url_password=url_password, http_agent=http_agent, force_basic_auth=force_basic_auth) except HTTPError: err = get_exception() r = err.fp try: raw_data = r.read() if raw_data: data = json.loads(raw_data) else: raw_data = None except: if ignore_errors: pass else: raise Exception(raw_data) resp_code = r.getcode() if resp_code >= 400 and not ignore_errors: raise Exception(resp_code, data) else: return resp_code, data class SnapshotGroup(object): def __init__(self): argument_spec = basic_auth_argument_spec() argument_spec.update( api_username=dict(type='str', required=True), api_password=dict(type='str', required=True, no_log=True), api_url=dict(type='str', required=True), state=dict(required=True, choices=['present', 'absent']), base_volume_name=dict(required=True), name=dict(required=True), repo_pct=dict(default=20, type='int'), warning_threshold=dict(default=80, type='int'), delete_limit=dict(default=30, type='int'), full_policy=dict(default='purgepit', choices=['unknown', 'failbasewrites', 'purgepit']), rollback_priority=dict(default='medium', choices=['highest', 'high', 'medium', 'low', 'lowest']), storage_pool_name=dict(type='str'), ssid=dict(required=True), ) self.module = AnsibleModule(argument_spec=argument_spec) self.post_data = dict() self.warning_threshold = self.module.params['warning_threshold'] self.base_volume_name = self.module.params['base_volume_name'] self.name = self.module.params['name'] self.repo_pct = self.module.params['repo_pct'] self.delete_limit = self.module.params['delete_limit'] self.full_policy = self.module.params['full_policy'] self.rollback_priority = self.module.params['rollback_priority'] self.storage_pool_name = self.module.params['storage_pool_name'] self.state = self.module.params['state'] self.url = self.module.params['api_url'] self.user = self.module.params['api_username'] self.pwd = self.module.params['api_password'] self.certs = self.module.params['validate_certs'] self.ssid = self.module.params['ssid'] if not self.url.endswith('/'): self.url += '/' self.changed = False @property def pool_id(self): pools = 'storage-systems/%s/storage-pools' % self.ssid url = self.url + pools try: (rc, data) = request(url, headers=HEADERS, url_username=self.user, url_password=self.pwd) except: err = get_exception() self.module.fail_json(msg="Snapshot group module - Failed to fetch storage pools. " + "Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, str(err))) for pool in data: if pool['name'] == self.storage_pool_name: self.pool_data = pool return pool['id'] self.module.fail_json(msg="No storage pool with the name: '%s' was found" % self.name) @property def volume_id(self): volumes = 'storage-systems/%s/volumes' % self.ssid url = self.url + volumes try: rc, data = request(url, headers=HEADERS, url_username=self.user, url_password=self.pwd, validate_certs=self.certs) except: err = get_exception() self.module.fail_json(msg="Snapshot group module - Failed to fetch volumes. " + "Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, str(err))) qty = 0 for volume in data: if volume['name'] == self.base_volume_name: qty += 1 if qty > 1: self.module.fail_json(msg="More than one volume with the name: %s was found, " "please ensure your volume has a unique name" % self.base_volume_name) else: Id = volume['id'] self.volume = volume try: return Id except NameError: self.module.fail_json(msg="No volume with the name: %s, was found" % self.base_volume_name) @property def snapshot_group_id(self): url = self.url + 'storage-systems/%s/snapshot-groups' % self.ssid try: rc, data = request(url, headers=HEADERS, url_username=self.user, url_password=self.pwd, validate_certs=self.certs) except: err = get_exception() self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to fetch snapshot groups. " + "Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.ssid, str(err))) for ssg in data: if ssg['name'] == self.name: self.ssg_data = ssg return ssg['id'] return None @property def ssg_needs_update(self): if self.ssg_data['fullWarnThreshold'] != self.warning_threshold or \ self.ssg_data['autoDeleteLimit'] != self.delete_limit or \ self.ssg_data['repFullPolicy'] != self.full_policy or \ self.ssg_data['rollbackPriority'] != self.rollback_priority: return True else: return False def create_snapshot_group(self): self.post_data = dict( baseMappableObjectId=self.volume_id, name=self.name, repositoryPercentage=self.repo_pct, warningThreshold=self.warning_threshold, autoDeleteLimit=self.delete_limit, fullPolicy=self.full_policy, storagePoolId=self.pool_id, ) snapshot = 'storage-systems/%s/snapshot-groups' % self.ssid url = self.url + snapshot try: rc, self.ssg_data = request(url, data=json.dumps(self.post_data), method='POST', headers=HEADERS, url_username=self.user, url_password=self.pwd, validate_certs=self.certs) except: err = get_exception() self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to create snapshot group. " + "Snapshot group [%s]. Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.name, self.ssid, str(err))) if not self.snapshot_group_id: self.snapshot_group_id = self.ssg_data['id'] if self.ssg_needs_update: self.update_ssg() else: self.module.exit_json(changed=True, **self.ssg_data) def update_ssg(self): self.post_data = dict( warningThreshold=self.warning_threshold, autoDeleteLimit=self.delete_limit, fullPolicy=self.full_policy, rollbackPriority=self.rollback_priority ) url = self.url + "storage-systems/%s/snapshot-groups/%s" % (self.ssid, self.snapshot_group_id) try: rc, self.ssg_data = request(url, data=json.dumps(self.post_data), method='POST', headers=HEADERS, url_username=self.user, url_password=self.pwd, validate_certs=self.certs) except: err = get_exception() self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to update snapshot group. " + "Snapshot group [%s]. Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.name, self.ssid, str(err))) def apply(self): if self.state == 'absent': if self.snapshot_group_id: try: rc, resp = request( self.url + 'storage-systems/%s/snapshot-groups/%s' % (self.ssid, self.snapshot_group_id), method='DELETE', headers=HEADERS, url_password=self.pwd, url_username=self.user, validate_certs=self.certs) except: err = get_exception() self.module.fail_json(msg="Failed to delete snapshot group. " + "Snapshot group [%s]. Id [%s]. Error [%s]." % (self.name, self.ssid, str(err))) self.module.exit_json(changed=True, msg="Snapshot group removed", **self.ssg_data) else: self.module.exit_json(changed=False, msg="Snapshot group absent") elif self.snapshot_group_id: if self.ssg_needs_update: self.update_ssg() self.module.exit_json(changed=True, **self.ssg_data) else: self.module.exit_json(changed=False, **self.ssg_data) else: self.create_snapshot_group() def main(): vg = SnapshotGroup() vg.apply() if __name__ == '__main__': main()