diff options
authorTim Bielawa <>2012-03-10 14:02:25 -0500
committerTim Bielawa <>2012-03-10 14:22:11 -0500
commit3f245498c4ce279c8765f4fbed30bbe00a6e84cd (patch)
parent8808c814ea4b23d11d9451d5517191192101ef17 (diff)
Fixup RPM building: Makefile, Spec File, .gitignore
Fixup distutils: Clean old cruft: section 5 man pages
8 files changed, 74 insertions, 397 deletions
diff --git a/.gitignore b/.gitignore
index ff4333a6b3..52ff4ef62b 100644
--- a/.gitignore
+++ b/.gitignore
@@ -3,3 +3,7 @@ build
# Emacs backup files...
+# (s)rpm building stuff
diff --git a/Makefile b/Makefile
index cfbeaf4079..b5915ebc5c 100644
--- a/Makefile
+++ b/Makefile
@@ -1,9 +1,13 @@
+NAME = "ansible"
ASCII2MAN = a2x -D $(dir $@) -d manpage -f manpage $<
ASCII2HTMLMAN = a2x -D docs/html/man/ -d manpage -f xhtml
MANPAGES := docs/man/man1/ansible.1 docs/man/man1/ansible-playbook.1
SITELIB = $(shell python -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print get_python_lib()")
+RPMVERSION := $(shell awk '/Version/{print $$2; exit}' < ansible.spec | cut -d "%" -f1)
+RPMRELEASE := $(shell awk '/Release/{print $$2; exit}' < ansible.spec | cut -d "%" -f1)
all: clean python
@@ -45,8 +49,8 @@ clean:
find ./docs/man -type f \( -name "*.xml" -or -regex ".*\.[0-9]$$" \) -delete
@echo "Cleaning up output from test runs"
-rm -rf test/test_data
- @echo "Cleaning up RPM stuff"
+ @echo "Cleaning up RPM building stuff"
+ -rm -rf MANIFEST rpm-build
python: docs
python build
@@ -54,11 +58,38 @@ python: docs
install: docs
python install
- python sdist
- rpmbuild -ta dist/ansible-1.0.tar.gz
+sdist: clean
+ python ./ sdist
+rpmcommon: sdist
+ @mkdir -p rpm-build
+ @cp dist/*.gz rpm-build/
+srpm: rpmcommon
+ @rpmbuild --define "_topdir %(pwd)/rpm-build" \
+ --define "_builddir %{_topdir}" \
+ --define "_rpmdir %{_topdir}" \
+ --define "_srcrpmdir %{_topdir}" \
+ --define "_specdir %{_topdir}" \
+ --define "_sourcedir %{_topdir}" \
+ -bs ansible.spec
+ @echo "#############################################"
+ @echo "Ansible SRPM is built:"
+ @echo " rpm-build/$(RPMNVR).src.rpm"
+ @echo "#############################################"
+rpm: rpmcommon
+ @rpmbuild --define "_topdir %(pwd)/rpm-build" \
+ --define "_builddir %{_topdir}" \
+ --define "_rpmdir %{_topdir}" \
+ --define "_srcrpmdir %{_topdir}" \
+ --define "_specdir %{_topdir}" \
+ --define "_sourcedir %{_topdir}" \
+ -ba ansible.spec
+ @echo "#############################################"
+ @echo "Ansible RPM is built:"
+ @echo " rpm-build/noarch/$(RPMNVR).noarch.rpm"
+ @echo "#############################################"
.PHONEY: docs manual clean pep8
vpath %.asciidoc docs/man/man1
diff --git a/ansible.spec b/ansible.spec
index b8d36012c5..8bae80f8e4 100644
--- a/ansible.spec
+++ b/ansible.spec
@@ -1,17 +1,21 @@
%{!?python_sitelib: %global python_sitelib %(%{__python} -c "from distutils.sysconfig import get_python_lib; print(get_python_lib())")}
-Summary: Minimal SSH command and control
Name: ansible
-Version: 1.0
Release: 1
-Source0: ansible-%{version}.tar.gz
-License: GPLv3
-Group: Development/Libraries
+Summary: Minimal SSH command and control
+Version: 0.0.1
BuildRoot: %{_tmppath}/%{name}-%{version}-%{release}-buildroot
+Group: Development/Libraries
+License: GPLv3
Prefix: %{_prefix}
+Source0: ansible-%{version}.tar.gz
BuildArch: noarch
BuildRequires: asciidoc
+BuildRequires: python-devel
Requires: python-paramiko
Requires: python-jinja2
@@ -21,7 +25,7 @@ executing commands, running "modules", or executing larger 'playbooks' that
can serve as a configuration management or deployment system.
-%setup -n %{name}-%{version}
+%setup -q -n %{name}-%{version}
python build
@@ -38,13 +42,11 @@ rm -rf $RPM_BUILD_ROOT
-* Mon Mar 5 2012 Seth Vidal <skvidal at>
-- spec file
+* Sat Mar 10 2012 <> - 0.0.1-1
+- Release of 0.0.1
diff --git a/docs/man/man1/ansible-playbook.1.asciidoc b/docs/man/man1/ansible-playbook.1.asciidoc
index bc3cf9795c..cbeada15b9 100644
--- a/docs/man/man1/ansible-playbook.1.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/man/man1/ansible-playbook.1.asciidoc
@@ -82,6 +82,8 @@ Ansible is released under the terms of the GPLv3 License.
Extensive documentation as well as IRC and mailing list info
is available on the ansible home page: <>
diff --git a/docs/man/man1/ansible.1.asciidoc b/docs/man/man1/ansible.1.asciidoc
index 7c2f1f3eca..a5d70cf4f4 100644
--- a/docs/man/man1/ansible.1.asciidoc
+++ b/docs/man/man1/ansible.1.asciidoc
@@ -133,8 +133,7 @@ Ansible is released under the terms of the GPLv3 License.
Extensive documentation as well as IRC and mailing list info
is available on the ansible home page: <>
diff --git a/docs/man/man5/ansible-modules.5.asciidoc b/docs/man/man5/ansible-modules.5.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index afdd461b63..0000000000
--- a/docs/man/man5/ansible-modules.5.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,235 +0,0 @@
-:man source: Ansible-modules
-:man version: 0.0.1
-:man manual: Ansible
-ansible-modules - stock modules shipped with ansible
-Ansible ships with a number of modules that can be executed directly on remote hosts or through
-ansible playbooks.
-Most modules other than command are idempotent, meaning they will seek to avoid changes
-unless a change needs to be made. When using ansible playbooks, these modules can
-trigger change events, as described in *ansible-playbooks*(5).
-Unless otherwise noted, all modules support change hooks.
-The command module takes the command name followed by a list of arguments, space delimited.
-This is the only module that does not use key=value style parameters.
-Example usage::
-/sbin/shutdown -t now
-This module does not support change hooks.
-Returns the return code from the program as well as timing information.
-(Async command running and command execution time limits are in plan.)
-The copy module moves a file on the local box to remote locations.
-Local absolute path to a file to copy to the remote server
-Remote absolute path where the file should end up
-This module also returns md5sum information about the resultant file.
-Runs the discovery program 'facter' on the remote system, returning
-JSON data that can be useful for inventory purposes.
-Requires that 'facter' and 'ruby-json' be installed on the remote end.
-This module is informative only - it takes no parameters & does not support change hooks,
-nor does it make any changes on the system.
-Ensures the ownership and permissions of files are as desired.
-Use copy or template first if you need to make sure a file is on the box.
-In plan.
-Deploys software from git checkouts.
-git or http protocol address of the repo to checkout
-where to check it out, an absolute directory path
-what version to check out -- either the git SHA, the literal string 'HEAD', or a tag name
-Similar to the facter module, this returns JSON inventory data. Ohai
-data is a bit more verbose and nested than facter.
-Requires that 'ohai' be installed on the remote end.
-This module is information only - it takes no parameters & does not
-support change hooks, nor does it make any changes on the system.
-A trivial test module, this module always returns the integer '1' on
-successful contact.
-This module does not support change hooks.
-This module is informative only - it takes no parameters & does not
-support change hooks, nor does it make any changes on the system.
-Controls services on remote machines.
-Values are 'started', 'stopped', or 'restarted'. Started/stopped
-are idempotent actions that will not run commands unless neccessary.
-'restarted' will always bounce the service
-The name of the service
-Writes a JSON file containing key/value data, for use in templating.
-Call this once before using the template modules, usually as the very
-first step in your playbook.
-If facter or ohai are installed, variables from these programs will also
-be snapshotted into the JSON file for usage in templating. These variables
-are prefixed with 'facter_' and 'ohai_" so it's easy to tell their source.
-Optionally overrides the default JSON file location of /etc/ansible/setup.
-If used, also supply the metadata parameter to 'template'. Change if
-running as a non-root remote user who does not have permissions on /etc/ansible.
-any other parameters can be named basically anything, and set a key=value
-pair in the JSON file for use in templating.
-Templates a file out to a remote server. Call the setup module prior to usage.
-path of a Jinja2 formatted template on the local server
-location to render the template on the remote server
-location of a JSON file to use to supply template data. Default is /etc/ansible/setup
-which is the same as the default for the setup module. Change if running as a non-root
-remote user who does not have permissions on /etc/ansible.
-This module also returns md5sum information about the resultant file.
-This module is in plan.
-This module is in plan.
-To write your own modules, simply follow the convention of those already available in
-/usr/share/ansible. Modules must return JSON but can be written in any language.
-To support change hooks, modules should return hashes, with a changed: True/False
-element at the top level. Modules can also choose to indicate a failure scenario
-by returning a top level 'failure' element with a True value.
-ANSIBLE_LIBRARY -- Override the default ansible module library path
-Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan. See the AUTHORS file
-for a complete list of contributors.
-Ansible home page: <>
diff --git a/docs/man/man5/ansible-playbook.5.asciidoc b/docs/man/man5/ansible-playbook.5.asciidoc
deleted file mode 100644
index 9bbcf9a9f7..0000000000
--- a/docs/man/man5/ansible-playbook.5.asciidoc
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,123 +0,0 @@
-:man source: Ansible-playbook
-:man version: 0.0.1
-:man manual: Ansible
-ansible-playbook - format and function of an ansible playbook file
-Ansible ships with 'ansible-playbook', a tool for running playbooks.
-Playbooks can represent frequent tasks, desired system configurations,
-or deployment processes.
-Playbooks are written in YAML.
-Here's what playbook.yml (above) will do.
-The first pattern will select all hosts. The patterns are the same
-as supported by /usr/bin/ansible.
-First, it will run all the modules specified in base.yml. Includes can
-be used to implement classes of things, and if you wanted, a playbook
-could consist of nothing but include files. This is an example of an
-After processing base.yml, on each host we'll write for
-a JSON file into /etc/ansible/setup on each remote system with the
-values max_clients and http_port.
-Next, we'll use a Jinja2 template locally residing at
-/srv/templates/httpd.j2 to write the Apache config file on each host,
-using the previous values in that setup file.
-Next, We'll ensure that apache is running if stopped.
-The template task set up a notifier, which means if the configuration
-file actually changed, we have a named handler, in this case, 'restart apache'
-to run. In this case, all the notifiers come from handlers.yml, though it's
-also ok to express handlers directly in the main yaml file too. Using
-the include promotes reuse.
-What does the handler say? If and only if the config file changed, note that we need to restart
-apache at the end of the run, otherwise, don't bother because we
-already know it is running.
-Playbooks are executed top down and can contain multiple references to
-patterns. For instance, a playbook could do something to all
-webservers, then do something to all database servers, then do
-something different to all webservers again.
-For each pattern, the tasks in the 'tasks' list are executed in order
-for all hosts in the host file matching the pattern.
-For each task, a name/action pair describes what the task is and what
-ansible module to use to accomplish the task, along with any
-arguments. Additional fields like 'comment:' can be added and will
-be ignored, so feel free to take notes in the file.
-Most modules accept key=value format arguments.
-Handlers are like tasks, but are conditionally executed. If a module
-reports a 'change', it can notify one or more handler by name. If
-notified, it will run only for hosts that changed.
-If a host has a failure, the host will be ignored for the remainder
-of the playbook execution.
-ANSIBLE_LIBRARY -- Override the default ansible module library path
-Ansible was originally written by Michael DeHaan. See the AUTHORS file
-for a complete list of contributors.
-Ansible home page: <>
diff --git a/ b/
index c70aa34796..c15e8a7831 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -1,34 +1,31 @@
#!/usr/bin/env python
+import glob
+import os
+import sys
+sys.path.insert(0, os.path.abspath('lib'))
+from ansible import __version__, __author__
from distutils.core import setup
- version='1.0',
+ version=__version__,
description='Minimal SSH command and control',
- author='Michael DeHaan',
+ author=__author__,
- url='',
+ url='',
package_dir = { 'ansible' : 'lib/ansible' },
- ('/usr/share/ansible', [
- 'library/ping',
- 'library/command',
- 'library/facter',
- 'library/ohai',
- 'library/copy',
- 'library/setup',
- 'library/service',
- 'library/template',
- 'library/git',
- ]),
- ('/usr/share/man/man1', [
- 'docs/man/man1/ansible.1',
- 'docs/man/man1/ansible-playbook.1'
- ]),
+ ('/usr/share/ansible',
+ glob.glob('library/*')
+ ),
+ ('/usr/share/man/man1',
+ glob.glob('docs/man/man1/*.1')
+ ),