diff options
authorRobin Roth <>2016-04-14 18:41:10 +0200
committerToshio Kuratomi <>2016-04-14 09:41:10 -0700
commit776bffb52b1640394584923f15bf56196b3c15f6 (patch)
parent4edeba9518915ba63b0125d212a7bcc23f0b7a8b (diff)
Expand git integration test (#15391)
* add testcases to git for depth * also in combination with refspec, which gets more tricky * add testcase for ansible/ansible-modules-core#527
1 files changed, 141 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/test/integration/roles/test_git/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/roles/test_git/tasks/main.yml
index e2e9e8bf3c..f895be638b 100644
--- a/test/integration/roles/test_git/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/test/integration/roles/test_git/tasks/main.yml
@@ -29,6 +29,7 @@
repo_submodule2: ''
repo_update_url_1: ''
repo_update_url_2: ''
+ repo_depth_url: ''
- "{{ lookup('env','HOME') }}/.ssh/known_hosts"
- '/etc/ssh/ssh_known_hosts'
@@ -43,6 +44,7 @@
# Test repo=
- name: initial checkout
git: repo={{ repo_format1 }} dest={{ checkout_dir }}
register: git_result
@@ -220,6 +222,39 @@
- 'git_result.stdout == "2cfde3668b8bb10fbe2b9d5cec486025ad8cc51b"'
+# try out combination of refspec and depth
+- name: clear checkout_dir
+ file: state=absent path={{ checkout_dir }}
+- name: update to revision by specifying the refspec with depth=1
+ git:
+ repo:
+ dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
+ version: 2cfde3668b8bb10fbe2b9d5cec486025ad8cc51b
+ refspec: refs/pull/7/merge
+ depth: 1
+- name: check HEAD after update with refspec
+ command: git rev-parse HEAD chdir="{{ checkout_dir }}"
+ register: git_result
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - 'git_result.stdout == "2cfde3668b8bb10fbe2b9d5cec486025ad8cc51b"'
+- name: try to access other commit
+ shell: git checkout 0ce1096
+ register: checkout_shallow
+ failed_when: False
+ args:
+ chdir: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
+- name: make sure the old commit was not fetched
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - checkout_shallow.rc == 1
+ - checkout_shallow|failed
- name: clear checkout_dir
file: state=absent path={{ checkout_dir }}
@@ -412,3 +447,109 @@
repo: '{{ checkout_dir}}/repo'
version: 'new-branch'
dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}/checkout'
+# Test the depth option and fetching revisions that were ignored first
+- name: clear checkout_dir
+ file: state=absent path={{ checkout_dir }}
+- name: Clone example git repo with depth=1
+ git:
+ repo: '{{ repo_depth_url }}'
+ dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
+ depth: 1
+- name: try to access earlier commit
+ shell: git checkout 79624b4
+ register: checkout_early
+ failed_when: False
+ args:
+ chdir: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
+- name: make sure the old commit was not fetched
+ assert:
+ that: checkout_early.rc == 1
+# tests
+- name: fetch repo again with depth=1
+ git:
+ repo: '{{ repo_depth_url }}'
+ dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
+ depth: 1
+ register: checkout2
+- assert:
+ that: "not checkout2|changed"
+- name: again try to access earlier commit
+ shell: git checkout 79624b4
+ register: checkout_early
+ failed_when: False
+ args:
+ chdir: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
+- name: again make sure the old commit was not fetched
+ assert:
+ that: checkout_early.rc == 1
+# make sure we are still able to fetch other versions
+- name: Clone same repo with older version
+ git:
+ repo: '{{ repo_depth_url }}'
+ dest: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
+ depth: 1
+ version: earlytag
+ register: cloneold
+- assert:
+ that: "cloneold|success"
+- name: try to access earlier commit
+ shell: git checkout 79624b4
+ args:
+ chdir: '{{ checkout_dir }}'
+# test for
+# clone a repo, add a tag to the same commit and try to checkout the new commit
+- name: clear checkout_dir
+ file: state=absent path={{ checkout_dir }}
+- name: checkout example repo
+ git: repo={{ repo_format1 }} dest={{ checkout_dir }}
+- name: clone example repo locally
+ git: repo={{ checkout_dir }} dest={{checkout_dir}}.copy
+- name: get tags of head
+ command: git tag --contains chdir="{{ checkout_dir }}.copy"
+ register: listoftags
+- name: make sure the tag does not yet exist
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "'newtag' not in listoftags.stdout_lines"
+- name: add tag in orig repo
+ command: git tag newtag chdir="{{ checkout_dir }}"
+- name: update copy with new tag
+ git: repo={{ checkout_dir }} dest={{checkout_dir}}.copy version=newtag
+ register: update_new_tag
+- name: get tags of new head
+ command: git tag --contains chdir="{{ checkout_dir }}.copy"
+ register: listoftags
+- name: check new head
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - not update_new_tag|changed
+ - "'newtag' in listoftags.stdout_lines"
+- name: clear checkout_dir
+ file: state=absent path={{ checkout_dir }}