diff options
authorRhys Campbell <>2019-02-25 11:52:07 +0100
committerDag Wieers <>2019-02-25 11:52:07 +0100
commit7f50f467fee95be0fc290af5e4cb6a80a37ec1c8 (patch)
parent46d869e7bdc8ef45a9ccc8059b60e7a10da50ece (diff)
mongodb_replicaset module and test exception (#49690)
* Clean up from previous fork * Minor doc update * Fix doc string return type * Minor doc updates * Keeping fresh * Various changes to documentation, cosmetics and code logic Please test :-) * Fix typo * Various small changes as requested * Remove traceback ref * try catch changes * Tidy description * Correct data type in documentation * Fix for 4.0
2 files changed, 416 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/mongodb/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/mongodb/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..a8ed2a0bb4
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/mongodb/
@@ -0,0 +1,415 @@
+# Copyright: (c) 2018, Rhys Campbell <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import absolute_import, division, print_function
+__metaclass__ = type
+ANSIBLE_METADATA = {'metadata_version': '1.1',
+ 'status': ['preview'],
+ 'supported_by': 'community'}
+module: mongodb_replicaset
+short_description: Initialises a MongoDB replicaset.
+- Initialises a MongoDB replicaset in a new deployment.
+- Validates the replicaset name for existing deployments.
+author: Rhys Campbell (@rhysmeister)
+version_added: "2.8"
+ login_user:
+ description:
+ - The username to authenticate with.
+ type: str
+ login_password:
+ description:
+ - The password to authenticate with.
+ type: str
+ login_database:
+ description:
+ - The database where login credentials are stored.
+ type: str
+ default: admin
+ login_host:
+ description:
+ - The MongoDB hostname.
+ type: str
+ default: localhost
+ login_port:
+ description:
+ - The MongoDB port to login to.
+ type: int
+ default: 27017
+ replica_set:
+ description:
+ - Replicaset name.
+ type: str
+ default: rs0
+ members:
+ description:
+ - A comma-separated string or a yaml list consisting of the replicaset members.
+ - Supply as a simple csv string, i.e. mongodb1:27017,mongodb2:27017,mongodb3:27017.
+ - If a port number is not provided then 27017 is assumed.
+ type: list
+ validate:
+ description:
+ - Performs some basic validation on the provided replicaset config.
+ type: bool
+ default: yes
+ ssl:
+ description:
+ - Whether to use an SSL connection when connecting to the database
+ type: bool
+ default: no
+ ssl_cert_reqs:
+ description:
+ - Specifies whether a certificate is required from the other side of the connection, and whether it will be validated if provided.
+ type: str
+ default: CERT_REQUIRED
+ arbiter_at_index:
+ description:
+ - Identifies the position of the member in the array that is an arbiter.
+ type: int
+ chaining_allowed:
+ description:
+ - When I(settings.chaining_allowed=true), the replicaset allows secondary members to replicate from other
+ secondary members.
+ - When I(settings.chaining_allowed=false), secondaries can replicate only from the primary.
+ type: bool
+ default: yes
+ heartbeat_timeout_secs:
+ description:
+ - Number of seconds that the replicaset members wait for a successful heartbeat from each other.
+ - If a member does not respond in time, other members mark the delinquent member as inaccessible.
+ - The setting only applies when using I(protocol_version=0). When using I(protocol_version=1) the relevant
+ setting is I(settings.election_timeout_millis).
+ type: int
+ default: 10
+ election_timeout_millis:
+ description:
+ - The time limit in milliseconds for detecting when a replicaset's primary is unreachable.
+ type: int
+ default: 10000
+ protocol_version:
+ description: Version of the replicaset election protocol.
+ type: int
+ choices: [ 0, 1 ]
+ default: 1
+- Requires the pymongo Python package on the remote host, version 2.4.2+. This
+ can be installed using pip or the OS package manager. @see U(
+- pymongo
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+# Create a replicaset called 'rs0' with the 3 provided members
+- name: Ensure replicaset rs0 exists
+ mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: admin
+ replica_set: rs0
+ members:
+ - mongodb1:27017
+ - mongodb2:27017
+ - mongodb3:27017
+ when: groups.mongod.index(inventory_hostname) == 0
+# Create two single-node replicasets on the localhost for testing
+- name: Ensure replicaset rs0 exists
+ mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_port: 3001
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ login_database: admin
+ replica_set: rs0
+ members: localhost:3001
+ validate: no
+- name: Ensure replicaset rs1 exists
+ mongodb_replicaset:
+ login_host: localhost
+ login_port: 3002
+ login_user: admin
+ login_password: secret
+ login_database: admin
+ replica_set: rs1
+ members: localhost:3002
+ validate: no
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: The name of the replicaset that has been created.
+ returned: success
+ type: str
+from copy import deepcopy
+import os
+import ssl as ssl_lib
+from distutils.version import LooseVersion
+ from pymongo.errors import ConnectionFailure
+ from pymongo.errors import OperationFailure
+ from pymongo import version as PyMongoVersion
+ from pymongo import MongoClient
+except ImportError:
+ try: # for older PyMongo 2.2
+ from pymongo import Connection as MongoClient
+ except ImportError:
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule
+from ansible.module_utils.six import binary_type, text_type
+from ansible.module_utils.six.moves import configparser
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+# =========================================
+# MongoDB module specific support methods.
+def check_compatibility(module, client):
+ """Check the compatibility between the driver and the database.
+ See:
+ Args:
+ module: Ansible module.
+ client (cursor): Mongodb cursor on admin database.
+ """
+ loose_srv_version = LooseVersion(client.server_info()['version'])
+ loose_driver_version = LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion)
+ if loose_srv_version >= LooseVersion('3.2') and loose_driver_version < LooseVersion('3.2'):
+ module.fail_json(msg=' (Note: you must use pymongo 3.2+ with MongoDB >= 3.2)')
+ elif loose_srv_version >= LooseVersion('3.0') and loose_driver_version <= LooseVersion('2.8'):
+ module.fail_json(msg=' (Note: you must use pymongo 2.8+ with MongoDB 3.0)')
+ elif loose_srv_version >= LooseVersion('2.6') and loose_driver_version <= LooseVersion('2.7'):
+ module.fail_json(msg=' (Note: you must use pymongo 2.7+ with MongoDB 2.6)')
+ elif LooseVersion(PyMongoVersion) <= LooseVersion('2.5'):
+ module.fail_json(msg=' (Note: you must be on mongodb 2.4+ and pymongo 2.5+ to use the roles param)')
+def replicaset_find(client):
+ """Check if a replicaset exists.
+ Args:
+ client (cursor): Mongodb cursor on admin database.
+ replica_set (str): replica_set to check.
+ Returns:
+ dict: when user exists, False otherwise.
+ """
+ for rs in client["local"].system.replset.find({}):
+ return rs["_id"]
+ return False
+def replicaset_add(module, client, replica_set, members, arbiter_at_index, protocol_version,
+ chaining_allowed, heartbeat_timeout_secs, election_timeout_millis):
+ try:
+ from collections import OrderedDict
+ except ImportError as excep:
+ try:
+ from ordereddict import OrderedDict
+ except ImportError as excep:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Cannot import OrderedDict class. You can probably install with: pip install ordereddict: %s'
+ % to_native(excep))
+ members_dict_list = []
+ index = 0
+ settings = {
+ "chainingAllowed": bool(chaining_allowed),
+ }
+ if protocol_version == 0:
+ settings['heartbeatTimeoutSecs'] = heartbeat_timeout_secs
+ else:
+ settings['electionTimeoutMillis'] = election_timeout_millis
+ for member in members:
+ if ':' not in member: # No port supplied. Assume 27017
+ member += ":27017"
+ members_dict_list.append(OrderedDict([("_id", index), ("host", member)]))
+ if index == arbiter_at_index:
+ members_dict_list[index]['arbiterOnly'] = True
+ index += 1
+ conf = OrderedDict([("_id", replica_set),
+ ("protocolVersion", protocol_version),
+ ("members", members_dict_list),
+ ("settings", settings)])
+ client["admin"].command('replSetInitiate', conf)
+def replicaset_remove(module, client, replica_set):
+ raise NotImplementedError
+ # exists = replicaset_find(client, replica_set)
+ # if exists:
+ # if module.check_mode:
+ # module.exit_json(changed=True, replica_set=replica_set)
+ # db = client[db_name]
+ # db.remove_user(replica_set)
+ # else:
+ # module.exit_json(changed=False, user=user)
+def load_mongocnf():
+ config = configparser.RawConfigParser()
+ mongocnf = os.path.expanduser('~/.mongodb.cnf')
+ try:
+ config.readfp(open(mongocnf))
+ except (configparser.NoOptionError, IOError):
+ return False
+ creds = dict(
+ user=config.get('client', 'user'),
+ password=config.get('client', 'pass')
+ )
+ return creds
+# =========================================
+# Module execution.
+def main():
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=dict(
+ login_user=dict(type='str'),
+ login_password=dict(type='str', no_log=True),
+ login_database=dict(type='str', default="admin"),
+ login_host=dict(type='str', default="localhost"),
+ login_port=dict(type='int', default=27017),
+ replica_set=dict(type='str', default="rs0"),
+ members=dict(type='list'),
+ arbiter_at_index=dict(type='int'),
+ validate=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+ ssl=dict(type='bool', default=False),
+ ssl_cert_reqs=dict(type='str', default='CERT_REQUIRED', choices=['CERT_NONE', 'CERT_OPTIONAL', 'CERT_REQUIRED']),
+ protocol_version=dict(type='int', default=1, choices=[0, 1]),
+ chaining_allowed=dict(type='bool', default=True),
+ heartbeat_timeout_secs=dict(type='int', default=10),
+ election_timeout_millis=dict(type='int', default=10000)
+ ),
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ )
+ if not HAS_PYMONGO:
+ module.fail_json(msg='the python pymongo module is required')
+ login_user = module.params['login_user']
+ login_password = module.params['login_password']
+ login_database = module.params['login_database']
+ login_host = module.params['login_host']
+ login_port = module.params['login_port']
+ replica_set = module.params['replica_set']
+ members = module.params['members']
+ arbiter_at_index = module.params['arbiter_at_index']
+ validate = module.params['validate']
+ ssl = module.params['ssl']
+ protocol_version = module.params['protocol_version']
+ chaining_allowed = module.params['chaining_allowed']
+ heartbeat_timeout_secs = module.params['heartbeat_timeout_secs']
+ election_timeout_millis = module.params['election_timeout_millis']
+ if validate:
+ if len(members) <= 2 or len(members) % 2 == 0:
+ module.fail_json(msg="MongoDB Replicaset validation failed. Invalid number of replicaset members.")
+ if arbiter_at_index is not None and len(members) - 1 > arbiter_at_index:
+ module.fail_json(msg="MongoDB Replicaset validation failed. Invalid arbiter index.")
+ result = dict(
+ changed=False,
+ replica_set=replica_set,
+ )
+ connection_params = dict(
+ host=login_host,
+ port=int(login_port),
+ )
+ if ssl:
+ connection_params["ssl"] = ssl
+ connection_params["ssl_cert_reqs"] = getattr(ssl_lib, module.params['ssl_cert_reqs'])
+ try:
+ client = MongoClient(**connection_params)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to connect to database: %s' % to_native(e))
+ try:
+ check_compatibility(module, client)
+ except Exception as excep:
+ if "not authorized on" not in str(excep) and "there are no users authenticated" not in str(excep):
+ raise excep
+ if login_user is None or login_password is None:
+ raise excep
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ check_compatibility(module, client)
+ if login_user is None and login_password is None:
+ mongocnf_creds = load_mongocnf()
+ if mongocnf_creds is not False:
+ login_user = mongocnf_creds['user']
+ login_password = mongocnf_creds['password']
+ elif login_password is None or login_user is None:
+ module.fail_json(msg="When supplying login arguments, both 'login_user' and 'login_password' must be provided")
+ try:
+ client['admin'].command('listDatabases', 1.0) # if this throws an error we need to authenticate
+ except Exception as excep:
+ if "not authorized on" not in str(excep) and "command listDatabases requires authentication" not in str(excep):
+ raise excep
+ if login_user is None or login_password is None:
+ raise excep
+ client.admin.authenticate(login_user, login_password, source=login_database)
+ if len(replica_set) == 0:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Parameter 'replica_set' must not be an empty string")
+ try:
+ rs = replicaset_find(client)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to query replica_set info: %s' % to_native(e))
+ if not rs:
+ if not module.check_mode:
+ try:
+ replicaset_add(module, client, replica_set, members, arbiter_at_index, protocol_version,
+ chaining_allowed, heartbeat_timeout_secs, election_timeout_millis)
+ result['changed'] = True
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to create replica_set: %s' % to_native(e))
+ else:
+ if not module.check_mode:
+ try:
+ rs = replicaset_find(client)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Unable to query replica_set info: %s' % to_native(e))
+ if rs is not None and rs != replica_set:
+ module.fail_json(msg="The replica_set name of '{0}' does not match the expected: '{1}'".format(rs, replica_set))
+ result['changed'] = False
+ module.exit_json(**result)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/test/sanity/code-smell/ b/test/sanity/code-smell/
index b6e61d60bf..058f9f9ff5 100755
--- a/test/sanity/code-smell/
+++ b/test/sanity/code-smell/
@@ -11,6 +11,7 @@ def main():
+ 'lib/ansible/modules/database/mongodb/',