diff options
authorAndrey Klychkov <>2019-02-25 17:08:04 +0300
committerJohn R Barker <>2019-02-25 14:08:04 +0000
commitbe75c799416064489b3f6ee57d45d7ab0c1109e6 (patch)
parent3ced545d06b7cfeb32e6379d7f70d6c63cb0d70d (diff)
New module postgresql_query (#52555)
* New module postgresql_query * New module postgresql_query: added tests * New module postgresql_query: added path_to_script * New module postgresql_query: fix doc * New module postgresql_query: fix autocommit * New module postgresql_query: added exception for centos6 tests * New module postgresql_query: fixes * New module postgresql_query: add psycopg2 check * New module postgresql_query: add psycopg2 check, fix * New module postgresql_query: add psycopg2 check, fix * New module postgresql_query: add psycopg2 check, fix * New module postgresql_query: fix a type
3 files changed, 613 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..206eff6459
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/modules/database/postgresql/
@@ -0,0 +1,360 @@
+# -*- coding: utf-8 -*-
+# Copyright: (c) 2017, Felix Archambault
+# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+ 'metadata_version': '1.1',
+ 'supported_by': 'community',
+ 'status': ['preview']
+module: postgresql_query
+short_description: Run PostgreSQL queries
+- Runs arbitraty PostgreSQL queries.
+- Can run queries from SQL script files.
+version_added: "2.8"
+ query:
+ description:
+ - SQL query to run. Variables can be escaped with psycopg2 syntax U(
+ type: str
+ positional_args:
+ description:
+ - List of values to be passed as positional arguments to the query.
+ - Mutually exclusive with I(named_args).
+ type: list
+ named_args:
+ description:
+ - Dictionary of key-value arguments to pass to the query.
+ - Mutually exclusive with I(positional_args).
+ type: dict
+ path_to_script:
+ description:
+ - Path to SQL script on the remote host.
+ - Returns result of the last query in the script.
+ - Mutually exclusive with I(query).
+ type: path
+ session_role:
+ description:
+ - Switch to session_role after connecting. The specified session_role must
+ be a role that the current login_user is a member of.
+ - Permissions checking for SQL commands is carried out as though
+ the session_role were the one that had logged in originally.
+ type: str
+ db:
+ description:
+ - Name of database to connect to and run queries against.
+ type: str
+ port:
+ description:
+ - Database port to connect.
+ type: int
+ default: 5432
+ login_user:
+ description:
+ - User (role) used to authenticate with PostgreSQL.
+ type: str
+ default: postgres
+ login_password:
+ description:
+ - Password used to authenticate with PostgreSQL.
+ type: str
+ login_host:
+ description:
+ - Host running PostgreSQL.
+ type: str
+ login_unix_socket:
+ description:
+ - Path to a Unix domain socket for local connections.
+ type: str
+ ssl_mode:
+ description:
+ - Determines whether or with what priority a secure SSL TCP/IP connection
+ will be negotiated with the server.
+ - See U( for
+ more information on the modes.
+ - Default of C(prefer) matches libpq default.
+ type: str
+ default: prefer
+ choices: [ allow, disable, prefer, require, verify-ca, verify-full ]
+ ssl_rootcert:
+ description:
+ - Specifies the name of a file containing SSL certificate authority (CA)
+ certificate(s).
+ - If the file exists, the server's certificate will be
+ verified to be signed by one of these authorities.
+ type: str
+- The default authentication assumes that you are either logging in as or
+ sudo'ing to the postgres account on the host.
+- To avoid "Peer authentication failed for user postgres" error,
+ use postgres user as a I(become_user).
+- This module uses psycopg2, a Python PostgreSQL database adapter. You must
+ ensure that psycopg2 is installed on the host before using this module. If
+ the remote host is the PostgreSQL server (which is the default case), then
+ PostgreSQL must also be installed on the remote host. For Ubuntu-based
+ systems, install the postgresql, libpq-dev, and python-psycopg2 packages
+ on the remote host before using this module.
+requirements: [ psycopg2 ]
+- Felix Archambault (@archf)
+- Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007)
+- Will Rouesnel (@wrouesnel)
+EXAMPLES = r'''
+- name: Simple select query to acme db
+ postgresql_query:
+ db: acme
+ query: SELECT version()
+- name: Select query to db acme with positional arguments and non-default credentials
+ postgresql_query:
+ db: acme
+ login_user: django
+ login_password: mysecretpass
+ query: SELECT * FROM acme WHERE id = %s AND story = %s
+ positional_args:
+ - 1
+ - test
+- name: Select query to test_db with named_args
+ postgresql_query:
+ db: test_db
+ query: SELECT * FROM test WHERE id = %(id_val)s AND story = %(story_val)s
+ named_args:
+ id_val: 1
+ story_val: test
+- name: Insert query to db test_db
+ postgresql_query:
+ db: test_db
+ query: INSERT INTO test_db (id, story) VALUES (2, 'my_long_story')
+- name: Run queries from SQL script
+ postgresql_query:
+ db: test_db
+ path_to_script: /var/lib/pgsql/test.sql
+ positional_args:
+ - 1
+RETURN = r'''
+ description: Query that was tried to be executed.
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ sample: 'SELECT * FROM bar'
+ description: Attribute containing the message returned by the command.
+ returned: always
+ type: str
+ sample: 'INSERT 0 1'
+ description:
+ - List of dictionaries in column:value form representing returned rows.
+ returned: changed
+ type: list
+ sample: [{"Column": "Value1"},{"Column": "Value2"}]
+ description: Number of affected rows.
+ returned: changed
+ type: int
+ sample: 5
+import os
+ import psycopg2
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_PSYCOPG2 = False
+import ansible.module_utils.postgres as pgutils
+from ansible.module_utils.basic import AnsibleModule, missing_required_lib
+from ansible.module_utils.database import SQLParseError
+from ansible.module_utils.postgres import postgres_common_argument_spec
+from ansible.module_utils._text import to_native
+from ansible.module_utils.six import iteritems
+def connect_to_db(module, kw, autocommit=False):
+ try:
+ db_connection = psycopg2.connect(**kw)
+ if autocommit:
+ if psycopg2.__version__ >= '2.4.2':
+ db_connection.set_session(autocommit=True)
+ else:
+ db_connection.set_isolation_level(psycopg2.extensions.ISOLATION_LEVEL_AUTOCOMMIT)
+ except TypeError as e:
+ if 'sslrootcert' in e.args[0]:
+ module.fail_json(msg='Postgresql server must be at least '
+ 'version 8.4 to support sslrootcert')
+ module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database: %s" % to_native(e))
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg="unable to connect to database: %s" % to_native(e))
+ return db_connection
+# ===========================================
+# Module execution.
+def main():
+ argument_spec = postgres_common_argument_spec()
+ argument_spec.update(
+ query=dict(type='str'),
+ db=dict(type='str'),
+ ssl_mode=dict(type='str', default='prefer', choices=['allow', 'disable', 'prefer', 'require', 'verify-ca', 'verify-full']),
+ ssl_rootcert=dict(type='str'),
+ positional_args=dict(type='list'),
+ named_args=dict(type='dict'),
+ session_role=dict(type='str'),
+ path_to_script=dict(type='path'),
+ )
+ module = AnsibleModule(
+ argument_spec=argument_spec,
+ mutually_exclusive=(('positional_args', 'named_args'),),
+ supports_check_mode=True,
+ )
+ if not HAS_PSYCOPG2:
+ module.fail_json(msg=missing_required_lib('psycopg2'))
+ query = module.params["query"]
+ positional_args = module.params["positional_args"]
+ named_args = module.params["named_args"]
+ sslrootcert = module.params["ssl_rootcert"]
+ session_role = module.params["session_role"]
+ path_to_script = module.params["path_to_script"]
+ if positional_args and named_args:
+ module.fail_json(msg="positional_args and named_args params are mutually exclusive")
+ if path_to_script and query:
+ module.fail_json(msg="path_to_script is mutually exclusive with query")
+ if path_to_script:
+ try:
+ query = open(path_to_script, 'r').read()
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Cannot read file '%s' : %s" % (path_to_script, to_native(e)))
+ # To use defaults values, keyword arguments must be absent, so
+ # check which values are empty and don't include in the **kw
+ # dictionary
+ params_map = {
+ "login_host": "host",
+ "login_user": "user",
+ "login_password": "password",
+ "port": "port",
+ "db": "database",
+ "ssl_mode": "sslmode",
+ "ssl_rootcert": "sslrootcert"
+ }
+ kw = dict((params_map[k], v) for (k, v) in iteritems(module.params)
+ if k in params_map and v != '' and v is not None)
+ # If a login_unix_socket is specified, incorporate it here.
+ is_localhost = "host" not in kw or kw["host"] is None or kw["host"] == "localhost"
+ if is_localhost and module.params["login_unix_socket"] != "":
+ kw["host"] = module.params["login_unix_socket"]
+ if psycopg2.__version__ < '2.4.3' and sslrootcert:
+ module.fail_json(msg='psycopg2 must be at least 2.4.3 '
+ 'in order to user the ssl_rootcert parameter')
+ db_connection = connect_to_db(module, kw)
+ cursor = db_connection.cursor(cursor_factory=psycopg2.extras.DictCursor)
+ # Switch role, if specified:
+ if session_role:
+ try:
+ cursor.execute('SET ROLE %s' % session_role)
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Could not switch role: %s" % to_native(e))
+ # Prepare args:
+ if module.params["positional_args"]:
+ arguments = module.params["positional_args"]
+ elif module.params["named_args"]:
+ arguments = module.params["named_args"]
+ else:
+ arguments = None
+ # Set defaults:
+ changed = False
+ # Execute query:
+ try:
+ cursor.execute(query, arguments)
+ except Exception as e:
+ cursor.close()
+ db_connection.close()
+ module.fail_json(msg="Cannot execute SQL '%s' %s: %s" % (query, arguments, to_native(e)))
+ statusmessage = cursor.statusmessage
+ rowcount = cursor.rowcount
+ try:
+ query_result = [dict(row) for row in cursor.fetchall()]
+ except psycopg2.ProgrammingError as e:
+ if to_native(e) == 'no results to fetch':
+ query_result = {}
+ except Exception as e:
+ module.fail_json(msg="Cannot fetch rows from cursor: %s" % to_native(e))
+ if 'SELECT' not in statusmessage:
+ if 'UPDATE' in statusmessage or 'INSERT' in statusmessage or 'DELETE' in statusmessage:
+ s = statusmessage.split()
+ if len(s) == 3:
+ if statusmessage.split()[2] != '0':
+ changed = True
+ elif len(s) == 2:
+ if statusmessage.split()[1] != '0':
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ changed = True
+ else:
+ changed = True
+ if module.check_mode:
+ db_connection.rollback()
+ else:
+ db_connection.commit()
+ kw = dict(
+ changed=changed,
+ query=cursor.query,
+ statusmessage=statusmessage,
+ query_result=query_result,
+ rowcount=rowcount if rowcount >= 0 else 0,
+ )
+ cursor.close()
+ db_connection.close()
+ module.exit_json(**kw)
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ main()
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/postgresql/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/targets/postgresql/tasks/main.yml
index cd82b33a52..3f35d44ee8 100644
--- a/test/integration/targets/postgresql/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/test/integration/targets/postgresql/tasks/main.yml
@@ -768,6 +768,9 @@
# Test postgresql_idx module
- include: postgresql_idx.yml
+# Test postgresql_query module
+- include: postgresql_query.yml
# dump/restore tests per format
# ============================================================
- include: state_dump_restore.yml test_fixture=user file=dbdata.sql
diff --git a/test/integration/targets/postgresql/tasks/postgresql_query.yml b/test/integration/targets/postgresql/tasks/postgresql_query.yml
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..5a8cb82f68
--- /dev/null
+++ b/test/integration/targets/postgresql/tasks/postgresql_query.yml
@@ -0,0 +1,250 @@
+# Copyright: (c) 2019, Andrew Klychkov (@Andersson007) <>
+# GNU General Public License v3.0+ (see COPYING or
+# Prepare for tests:
+- name: postgresql_query - drop test table if exists
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ shell: psql postgres -U "{{ pg_user }}" -t -c "DROP TABLE IF EXISTS test_table;"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+# Create test_table:
+- name: postgresql_query - create test table called test_table
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ shell: psql postgres -U "{{ pg_user }}" -t -c "CREATE TABLE test_table (id int, story text);"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- name: postgresql_query - insert some data into test_table
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ shell: psql postgres -U "{{ pg_user }}" -t -c "INSERT INTO test_table (id, story) VALUES (1, 'first'), (2, 'second'), (3, 'third');"
+ ignore_errors: yes
+# Prepare SQL script:
+- name: postgresql_query - remove SQL script if exists
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ file:
+ path: '~{{ pg_user}}/test.sql'
+ state: absent
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- name: postgresql_query - prepare SQL script
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ shell: 'echo "{{ item }}" >> ~{{ pg_user}}/test.sql'
+ ignore_errors: yes
+ with_items:
+ - SELECT version();
+ - SELECT story FROM test_table
+ - WHERE id = %s;
+# Start tests:
+# Run ANALYZE command:
+- name: postgresql_query - analyze test_table
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ postgresql_query:
+ login_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ db: postgres
+ query: ANALYZE test_table
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == true
+ - result.query == 'ANALYZE test_table'
+ - result.rowcount == 0
+ - result.statusmessage == 'ANALYZE'
+ - result.query_result == {}
+# Run queries from SQL script:
+- name: postgresql_query - run queries from SQL script
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ postgresql_query:
+ login_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ db: postgres
+ path_to_script: '~{{ pg_user }}/test.sql'
+ positional_args:
+ - 1
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == false
+ - result.query == 'SELECT version();\nSELECT story FROM test_table\nWHERE id = 1;\n'
+ - result.rowcount == 1
+ - result.statusmessage == 'SELECT 1' or result.statusmessage == 'SELECT'
+ - result.query_result[0].story == 'first'
+# Simple select query:
+- name: postgresql_query - simple select query to test_table
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ postgresql_query:
+ login_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ db: postgres
+ query: SELECT * FROM test_table
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == false
+ - result.query == 'SELECT * FROM test_table'
+ - result.rowcount == 3
+ - result.statusmessage == 'SELECT 3' or result.statusmessage == 'SELECT'
+ - result.query_result[0].id == 1
+ - result.query_result[1].id == 2
+ - result.query_result[2].id == 3
+ - result.query_result[0].story == 'first'
+ - result.query_result[1].story == 'second'
+ - result.query_result[2].story == 'third'
+# Select query with named_args:
+- name: postgresql_query - select query with named args
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ postgresql_query:
+ login_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ db: postgres
+ query: SELECT id FROM test_table WHERE id = %(id_val)s AND story = %(story_val)s
+ named_args:
+ id_val: 1
+ story_val: first
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == false
+ - result.query == "SELECT id FROM test_table WHERE id = 1 AND story = 'first'" or result.query == "SELECT id FROM test_table WHERE id = 1 AND story = E'first'"
+ - result.rowcount == 1
+ - result.statusmessage == 'SELECT 1' or result.statusmessage == 'SELECT'
+ - result.query_result[0].id == 1
+# Select query with positional arguments:
+- name: postgresql_query - select query with positional arguments
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ postgresql_query:
+ login_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ db: postgres
+ query: SELECT story FROM test_table WHERE id = %s AND story = %s
+ positional_args:
+ - 2
+ - second
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == false
+ - result.query == "SELECT story FROM test_table WHERE id = 2 AND story = 'second'" or result.query == "SELECT story FROM test_table WHERE id = 2 AND story = E'second'"
+ - result.rowcount == 1
+ - result.statusmessage == 'SELECT 1' or result.statusmessage == 'SELECT'
+ - result.query_result[0].story == 'second'
+# Simple update query (positional_args and named args were checked by the previous tests):
+- name: postgresql_query - simple update query
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ postgresql_query:
+ login_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ db: postgres
+ query: UPDATE test_table SET story = 'new' WHERE id = 3
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == true
+ - result.query == "UPDATE test_table SET story = 'new' WHERE id = 3"
+ - result.rowcount == 1
+ - result.statusmessage == 'UPDATE 1'
+ - result.query_result == {}
+# Try to update not existing row:
+- name: postgresql_query - try to update not existing row
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ postgresql_query:
+ login_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ db: postgres
+ query: UPDATE test_table SET story = 'new' WHERE id = 100
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == false
+ - result.query == "UPDATE test_table SET story = 'new' WHERE id = 100"
+ - result.rowcount == 0
+ - result.statusmessage == 'UPDATE 0'
+ - result.query_result == {}
+# Simple insert query positional_args:
+- name: postgresql_query - insert query
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ postgresql_query:
+ login_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ db: postgres
+ query: INSERT INTO test_table (id, story) VALUES (%s, %s)
+ positional_args:
+ - 4
+ - fourth
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == true
+ - result.query == "INSERT INTO test_table (id, story) VALUES (4, 'fourth')" or result.query == "INSERT INTO test_table (id, story) VALUES (4, E'fourth')"
+ - result.rowcount == 1
+ - result.statusmessage == 'INSERT 0 1'
+ - result.query_result == {}
+# Truncate table:
+- name: postgresql_query - truncate test_table
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ postgresql_query:
+ login_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ db: postgres
+ query: TRUNCATE test_table
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == true
+ - result.query == "TRUNCATE test_table"
+ - result.rowcount == 0
+ - result.statusmessage == 'TRUNCATE TABLE'
+ - result.query_result == {}
+# Try DDL query:
+- name: postgresql_query - alter test_table
+ become_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ become: yes
+ postgresql_query:
+ login_user: "{{ pg_user }}"
+ db: postgres
+ query: ALTER TABLE test_table ADD COLUMN foo int
+ register: result
+ ignore_errors: yes
+- assert:
+ that:
+ - result.changed == true
+ - result.query == "ALTER TABLE test_table ADD COLUMN foo int"
+ - result.rowcount == 0
+ - result.statusmessage == 'ALTER TABLE'