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authorRené Moser <>2015-10-31 17:40:00 +0100
committerRené Moser <>2015-10-31 17:40:00 +0100
commit3f26b31e478475ee440d757f9349adf6ce7db6e5 (patch)
parent7368030651aaaf45d97d2935b9b8829ce3d510cc (diff)
Create guide_cloudstack.rst
1 files changed, 293 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docsite/rst/guide_cloudstack.rst b/docsite/rst/guide_cloudstack.rst
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index 0000000000..c001855b2c
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+CloudStack Cloud Guide
+.. _introduction:
+The purpose of this section is to explain how to put Ansible modules together to use Ansible in a CloudStack context. You will find more usage examples in the details section of each module.
+Ansible contains a number of core modules for interacting with CloudStack based clouds. All modules support check mode and are designed to use idempotence and have been created, tested and are maintained by the community.
+.. note:: Some of the modules will require domain admin or root admin priviledges.
+Prerequisites for using the CloudStack modules are minimal. In addition to ansible itself, all of the modules require the python library ``cs``
+You'll need this Python module installed on the execution host, usually your workstation.
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ pip install cs
+.. note:: cs also inludes a command line interface for ad-hoc ineraction with the CloudStack API e.g. ``$ cs listVirtualMachines state=Running``.
+Credentials File
+You can pass credentals and the endpoint of your cloud as module arguments, however in most cases it is
+a far less work to store your credentials in the cloudstack.ini file.
+The python library cs looks for the credentials file in the following order (last one wins):
+* A ``.cloudstack.ini`` (note the dot) file in the home directory.
+* A ``CLOUDSTACK_CONFIG`` environment variable pointing to an .ini file.
+* A ``cloudstack.ini`` (without the dot) file in the current working directory, same directory as your playbooks are located.
+The structure of the ini file must look like this:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cat $HOME/.cloudstack.ini
+ [cloudstack]
+ endpoint =
+ key = api key
+ secret = api secret
+.. Note:: The section ``[cloudstack]`` is the default section. ``CLOUDSTACK_REGION`` environment variable can be used to define the default region.
+If you use more than one CloudStack region, you can define as many
+sections as you want and name them as you like, e.g.:
+.. code-block:: bash
+ $ cat $HOME/.cloudstack.ini
+ [exoscale]
+ endpoint =
+ key = api key
+ secret = api secret
+ [exmaple_cloud_one]
+ endpoint =
+ key = api key
+ secret = api secret
+ [exmaple_cloud_two]
+ endpoint =
+ key = api key
+ secret = api secret
+.. Hint:: Of course this can also be used to for login into the same region using different accounts.
+By passing the argument ``api_region`` with the cloudstack modules, the region wanted will be selected.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ - name: ensure my ssh pubkey exists on all cloudstack regions
+ local_action: cs_sshkeypair
+ name: my-ssh-key
+ public_key: '{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}'
+ api_region: '{{ item }}'
+ with_items:
+ - exoscale
+ - exmaple_cloud_one
+ - exmaple_cloud_two
+Use Cases
+The follwoing should give you some ideas how to use the modules to provision VMs to the cloud. As always, there isn't only one way to do it. But as always: keep it simple for the beginning is always a good start.
+Use Case: Provisoning in a Advanced Networking CloudStack setup
+Our CloudStack cloud has an advanced networking setup, we would like to provision web servers, which get a static NAT and open firewall ports 80 and 443. Further we provision database servers, to which we do not give any access to. For accessing the VMs by SSH we use a SSH jump host.
+This is how our inventory looks like:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [cloud-vm:children]
+ webserver
+ db-server
+ jumphost
+ [webserver]
+ public_ip=
+ public_ip=
+ [db-server]
+ [jumphost]
+ public_ip=
+As you can see, the public IPs for our web servers and jumphost has been assigned as variable ``public_ip`` directly in the inventory.
+The configure the jumphost, web servers and database servers, we use ``group_vars``. The ``group_vars`` directory contains 4 files for configuration of the groups: cloud-vm, jumphost, webserver and db-server. The cloud-vm is there for specifing the defaults of our cloud infrastructure.
+Our database servers should get more CPU and RAM, so we define to use a ``Large`` offering for them. The web servers should get a ``Small offering`` as we would scale them horizontaly, which is also our default offering.
+Futher we provision a jump host which has only port 22 opened for accessing the VMs from our office IPv4 network.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # file: group_vars/cloud-vm
+ ---
+ cs_offering: Small
+ cs_firewall: []
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # file: group_vars/jumphost
+ ---
+ cs_firewall:
+ - { port: 22, cidr: "" }
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # file: group_vars/db-server
+ ---
+ cs_offering: Large
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # file: group_vars/webserver
+ ---
+ cs_firewall:
+ - { port: 80 }
+ - { port: 443 }
+Now to the fun part. We create a playbook to create our infrastructure we call it ``infra.yml``:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # file: infra.yaml
+ ---
+ - name: provision our VMs
+ hosts: cloud-vm
+ connection: local
+ tasks:
+ - name: ensure VMs are created and running
+ cs_instance:
+ name: "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}"
+ template: Linux Debian 7 64-bit 20GB Disk
+ service_offering: "{{ cs_offering }}"
+ state: running
+ - name: ensure firewall ports opened
+ cs_firewall:
+ ip_address: {{ public_ip }}
+ port: {{ item.port }}
+ cidr: "{{ item.cidr | default('') }}"
+ with_items: cs_firewall
+ when: public_ip is defined
+ - name: ensure static NATs
+ cs_staticnat: vm="{{ inventory_hostname_short }}" ip_address="{{ public_ip }}"
+ when: public_ip is defined
+In the above play, we use the group ``cloud-vm`` to handle all VMs in the cloud but use ``connetion=local`` because we want the modules to be executed locally.
+Note that for some modules, e.g. ``cs_sshkeypair`` you usually want this to be executed only once, not for every VM. Therefore you would make a separate play for this targeting localhost.
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ - name: configure ssh keys
+ hosts: localhost
+ connection: local
+ tasks:
+ - name: ensure my ssh pubkey exists
+ cs_sshkeypair: name=my_key public_key="{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
+Use Case: Provisioning on a Basic Networking CloudStack setup
+A basic networking CloudStack setup is slightly different: Every VM gets a public IP directly assigned and security groups are used for access restriction policy.
+This is how our inventory looks like:
+.. code-block:: ini
+ [cloud-vm:children]
+ webserver
+ [webserver]
+The default for your VMs looks like this:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # file: group_vars/cloud-vm
+ ---
+ cs_offering: Small
+ cs_securitygroups: [ 'default']
+Our webserver will also be in security group ``web``:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # file: group_vars/webserver
+ ---
+ cs_securitygroups: [ 'default', 'web' ]
+The playbook looks like the following:
+.. code-block:: yaml
+ # file: infra.yaml
+ ---
+ - name: cloud base setup
+ hosts: localhost
+ connection: local
+ tasks:
+ - name: upload ssh public key
+ cs_sshkeypair:
+ name: defaultkey
+ public_key: "{{ lookup('file', '~/.ssh/') }}"
+ - name: ensure security groups exist
+ cs_securitygroup:
+ name: "{{ item }}"
+ with_items:
+ - default
+ - web
+ - name: add inbound SSH to security group default
+ cs_securitygroup_rule:
+ security_group: default
+ start_port: "{{ item }}"
+ end_port: "{{ item }}"
+ with_items:
+ - 22
+ - name: add inbound TCP rules to security group search
+ cs_securitygroup_rule:
+ security_group: web
+ start_port: "{{ item }}"
+ end_port: "{{ item }}"
+ with_items:
+ - 80
+ - 443
+ - name: install VMs in the cloud
+ hosts: cloud-vm
+ connection: local
+ tasks:
+ - name: create and run VMs on cloudstack
+ cs_instance:
+ name: "{{ inventory_hostname_short }}"
+ template: Linux Debian 7 64-bit 20GB Disk
+ service_offering: "{{ cs_offering }}"
+ security_groups: "{{ cs_securitygroups }}"
+ ssh_key: defaultkey
+ state: Running
+ register: vm
+ - name: show VM IP
+ debug: msg="VM {{ inventory_hostname }} {{ vm.default_ip }}"
+ - name: assing IP to the inventory
+ set_fact: ansible_ssh_host={{ vm.default_ip }}
+ - name: waiting for SSH to come up
+ wait_for: port=22 host={{ vm.default_ip }} delay=5
+In the first play we setup the security groups, in the second play the VMs will created be assigned to these groups. Further you see, that we assign the public IP returned from the modules to the host inventory. This is needed as we do not know the IPs we will get in advance. In a next step you would configure the DNS servers with these IPs for accassing the VMs with their DNS name.
+In the last task we wait for SSH to be accessable, so any later play would be able to access the VM by SSH without failure.