path: root/docsite
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authorToshio Kuratomi <>2015-12-09 16:43:24 -0800
committerJames Cammarata <>2015-12-16 16:37:55 -0500
commit4ad71356901b5f69a8c96ff2604303e5740c4b15 (patch)
tree206048ca95e4981a291022d41af5fe7fdd646927 /docsite
parentbf9f6ce09c0d41fd78382f4619ebfe4bf16bd7b5 (diff)
Add first draft of porting guide for 2.0
Diffstat (limited to 'docsite')
1 files changed, 160 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/docsite/rst/porting_guide_2.0.rst b/docsite/rst/porting_guide_2.0.rst
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..9c26a4b161
--- /dev/null
+++ b/docsite/rst/porting_guide_2.0.rst
@@ -0,0 +1,160 @@
+Porting Guide
+* backslash escapes When specifying parameters in jinja2 expressions in YAML
+ dicts, backslashes sometimes needed to be escaped twice. This has been fixed
+ in 2.0.x so that escaping once works. The following example shows how
+ playbooks must be modified::
+ # Syntax in 1.9.x
+ - debug:
+ msg: "{{ 'test1_junk 1\\\\3' | regex_replace('(.*)_junk (.*)', '\\\\1 \\\\2') }}"
+ # Syntax in 2.0.x
+ - debug:
+ msg: "{{ 'test1_junk 1\\3' | regex_replace('(.*)_junk (.*)', '\\1 \\2') }}"
+ # Output:
+ "msg": "test1 1\\3"
+To make an escaped string that will work on all versions you have two options::
+- debug: msg="{{ 'test1_junk 1\\3' | regex_replace('(.*)_junk (.*)', '\\1 \\2') }}"
+uses key=value escaping which has not changed. The other option is to check for the ansible version::
+"{{ (ansible_version|version_compare('ge', '2.0'))|ternary( 'test1_junk 1\\3' | regex_replace('(.*)_junk (.*)', '\\1 \\2') , 'test1_junk 1\\\\3' | regex_replace('(.*)_junk (.*)', '\\\\1 \\\\2') ) }}"
+* trailing newline When a string with a trailing newline was specified in the
+ playbook via yaml dict format, the trailing newline was stripped. When
+ specified in key=value format, the trailing newlines were kept. In v2, both
+ methods of specifying the string will keep the trailing newlines. If you
+ relied on the trailing newline being stripped, you can change your playbook
+ using the following as an example::
+ # Syntax in 1.9.x
+ vars:
+ message: >
+ Testing
+ some things
+ tasks:
+ - debug:
+ msg: "{{ message }}"
+ # Syntax in 2.0.x
+ vars:
+ old_message: >
+ Testing
+ some things
+ message: "{{ old_messsage[:-1] }}"
+ - debug:
+ msg: "{{ message }}"
+ # Output
+ "msg": "Testing some things"
+* porting task includes
+ * More dynamic. Corner-case formats that were not supposed to work now do not, as expected.
+ * variables defined in the yaml dict format
+ * variable precedence
+* templating (variables in playbooks and template lookups) has improved with regard to keeping the original instead of turning everything into a string.
+ If you need the old behavior, quote the value to pass it around as a string.
+ Empty variables and variables set to null in yaml are no longer converted to empty strings. They will retain the value of `None`.
+ You can override the `null_representation` setting to an empty string in your config file by setting the `ANSIBLE_NULL_REPRESENTATION` environment variable.
+* Extras callbacks must be whitelisted in ansible.cfg. Copying is no longer necessary but whitelisting in ansible.cfg must be completed.
+* dnf module has been rewritten. Some minor changes in behavior may be observed.
+* win_updates has been rewritten and works as expected now.
+While all items listed here will show a deprecation warning message, they still work as they did in 1.9.x. Please note that they will be removed in 2.2 (Ansible always waits two major releases to remove a deprecated feature).
+* Bare variables in with_ loops should instead use the “{{var}}” syntax, which helps eliminate ambiguity.
+* The ansible-galaxy text format requirements file. Users should use the YAML format for requirements instead.
+* Undefined variables within a with_ loop’s list currently do not interrupt the loop, but they do issue a warning; in the future, they will issue an error.
+* Using variables for task parameters is unsafe and will be removed in a future version. For example::
+ - hosts: localhost
+ gather_facts: no
+ vars:
+ debug_params:
+ msg: "hello there"
+ tasks:
+ - debug: "{{debug_params}}"
+* Host patterns should use a comma (,) or colon (:) instead of a semicolon (;) to separate hosts/groups in the pattern.
+* Ranges specified in host patterns should use the [x:y] syntax, instead of [x-y].
+* Playbooks using privilege escalation should always use “become*” options rather than the old su*/sudo* options.
+* The “short form” for vars_prompt is no longer supported.
+For example::
+ variable_name: "Prompt string"
+* Specifying variables at the top level of a task include statement is no longer supported. For example::
+ - include: foo.yml
+ a: 1
+Should now be::
+- include: foo.yml
+ args:
+ a: 1
+* Setting any_errors_fatal on a task is no longer supported. This should be set at the play level only.
+* Bare variables in the `environment` dictionary (for plays/tasks/etc.) are no longer supported. Variables specified there should use the full variable syntax: ‘{{foo}}’.
+* Tags should no longer be specified with other parameters in a task include. Instead, they should be specified as an option on the task.
+For example::
+ - include: foo.yml tags=a,b,c
+Should be::
+ - include: foo.yml
+ tags: [a, b, c]
+* The first_available_file option on tasks has been deprecated. Users should use the with_first_found option or lookup (‘first_found’, …) plugin.
+Porting plugins
+In ansible-1.9.x, you would generally copy an existing plugin to create a new one. Simply implementing the methods and attributes that the caller of the plugin expected made it a plugin of that type. In ansible-2.0, most plugins are implemented by subclassing a base class for each plugin type. This way the custom plugin does not need to contain methods which are not customized.
+.. note::
+Lookup plugins
+* lookup plugins ; import version
+Connection plugins
+* connection plugins
+Action plugins
+* action plugins
+Callback plugins
+* callback plugins
+Connection plugins
+* connection plugins
+Porting custom scripts
+Custom scripts that used the ``ansible.runner.Runner`` API in 1.x have to be ported in 2.x. Please refer to: