path: root/hacking/backport
diff options
authorRick Elrod <>2020-05-05 21:24:00 -0500
committerRick Elrod <>2020-05-07 21:44:13 -0500
commit96c56b119ddf31b735df5192e46c81d02558a431 (patch)
treeaf6955967fff032ae466078b997e3ce318639032 /hacking/backport
parent9579113941c3db4167daa83173d7e6088ce09f8c (diff)
Add a script for adding backport references
Change: - Add a place for adding backport-related scripts in the future - Add a script for adding backport references Test Plan: - Used it for this latest batch of PR reference-adding. Signed-off-by: Rick Elrod <>
Diffstat (limited to 'hacking/backport')
3 files changed, 309 insertions, 0 deletions
diff --git a/hacking/backport/ b/hacking/backport/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..587ae26450
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hacking/backport/
@@ -0,0 +1,34 @@
+# backport scripts
+This directory contains scripts useful for dealing with and maintaining
+backports. Scripts in it depend on pygithub, and expect a valid environment
+variable called `GITHUB_TOKEN`.
+To generate a Github token, go to
+### ``
+This script will attempt to add a reference line ("Backport of ...") to a new
+backport PR.
+It is called like this:
+./ <backport> <original PR>
+However, it contains some logic to try to automatically deduce the original PR
+for you. You can trigger that logic by making the second argument be `auto`.
+./ 12345 auto
+... for example, will look for an appropriate reference to add to backport PR
+The script will prompt you before making any changes, and give you a chance to
+review the PR that it is about to reference.
+It will add the reference right below the 'SUMMARY' header if it exists, or
+otherwise it will add it to the very bottom of the PR body.
diff --git a/hacking/backport/ b/hacking/backport/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..e69de29bb2
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hacking/backport/
diff --git a/hacking/backport/ b/hacking/backport/
new file mode 100755
index 0000000000..ef77ddcf40
--- /dev/null
+++ b/hacking/backport/
@@ -0,0 +1,275 @@
+#!/usr/bin/env python
+# (c) 2020, Red Hat, Inc. <>
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+# Make coding more python3-ish
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+from github.PullRequest import PullRequest
+from github import Github
+import os
+import re
+import sys
+PULL_URL_RE = re.compile(r'(?P<user>\S+)/(?P<repo>\S+)#(?P<ticket>\d+)')
+PULL_HTTP_URL_RE = re.compile(r'https?://(?:www\.|)<user>\S+)/(?P<repo>\S+)/pull/(?P<ticket>\d+)')
+PULL_BACKPORT_IN_TITLE = re.compile(r'.*\(#?(?P<ticket1>\d+)\)|\(backport of #?(?P<ticket2>\d+)\).*', re.I)
+PULL_CHERRY_PICKED_FROM = re.compile(r'\(?cherry(?:\-| )picked from(?: ?commit|) (?P<hash>\w+)(?:\)|\.|$)')
+TICKET_NUMBER = re.compile(r'(?:^|\s)#(\d+)')
+def normalize_pr_url(pr, allow_non_ansible_ansible=False, only_number=False):
+ '''
+ Given a PullRequest, or a string containing a PR number, PR URL,
+ or internal PR URL (e.g. ansible-collections/community.general#1234),
+ return either a full github URL to the PR (if only_number is False),
+ or an int containing the PR number (if only_number is True).
+ Throws if it can't parse the input.
+ '''
+ if isinstance(pr, PullRequest):
+ return pr.html_url
+ if pr.isnumeric():
+ if only_number:
+ return int(pr)
+ return '{0}'.format(pr)
+ # Allow for forcing ansible/ansible
+ if not allow_non_ansible_ansible and 'ansible/ansible' not in pr:
+ raise Exception('Non ansible/ansible repo given where not expected')
+ re_match = PULL_HTTP_URL_RE.match(pr)
+ if re_match:
+ if only_number:
+ return int('ticket'))
+ return pr
+ re_match = PULL_URL_RE.match(pr)
+ if re_match:
+ if only_number:
+ return int('ticket'))
+ return '{0}/{1}/pull/{2}'.format(
+ raise Exception('Did not understand given PR')
+def url_to_org_repo(url):
+ '''
+ Given a full Github PR URL, extract the user/org and repo name.
+ Return them in the form: "user/repo"
+ '''
+ match = PULL_HTTP_URL_RE.match(url)
+ if not match:
+ return ''
+ return '{0}/{1}'.format('user'),'repo'))
+def generate_new_body(pr, source_pr):
+ '''
+ Given the new PR (the backport) and the originating (source) PR,
+ construct the new body for the backport PR.
+ If the backport follows the usual ansible/ansible template, we look for the
+ '##### SUMMARY'-type line and add our "Backport of" line right below that.
+ If we can't find the SUMMARY line, we add our line at the very bottom.
+ This function does not side-effect, it simply returns the new body as a
+ string.
+ '''
+ backport_text = '\nBackport of {0}\n'.format(source_pr)
+ body_lines = pr.body.split('\n')
+ new_body_lines = []
+ added = False
+ for line in body_lines:
+ if 'Backport of http' in line:
+ raise Exception('Already has a backport line, aborting.')
+ new_body_lines.append(line)
+ if line.startswith('#') and line.strip().endswith('SUMMARY'):
+ # This would be a fine place to add it
+ new_body_lines.append(backport_text)
+ added = True
+ if not added:
+ # Otherwise, no '#### SUMMARY' line, so just add it at the bottom
+ new_body_lines.append(backport_text)
+ return '\n'.join(new_body_lines)
+def get_prs_for_commit(g, commit):
+ '''
+ Given a commit hash, attempt to find the hash in any repo in the
+ ansible orgs, and then use it to determine what, if any, PR it appeared in.
+ '''
+ commits = g.search_commits(
+ 'hash:{0} org:ansible org:ansible-collections is:public'.format(commit)
+ ).get_page(0)
+ if not commits or len(commits) == 0:
+ return []
+ pulls = commits[0].get_pulls().get_page(0)
+ if not pulls or len(pulls) == 0:
+ return []
+ return pulls
+def search_backport(pr, g, ansible_ansible):
+ '''
+ Do magic. This is basically the "brain" of 'auto'.
+ It will search the PR (the newest PR - the backport) and try to find where
+ it originated.
+ First it will search in the title. Some titles include things like
+ "foo bar change (#12345)" or "foo bar change (backport of #54321)"
+ so we search for those and pull them out.
+ Next it will scan the body of the PR and look for:
+ - cherry-pick reference lines (e.g. "cherry-picked from commit XXXXX")
+ - other PRs (#nnnnnn) and (foo/bar#nnnnnnn)
+ - full URLs to other PRs
+ It will take all of the above, and return a list of "possibilities",
+ which is a list of PullRequest objects.
+ '''
+ possibilities = []
+ # 1. Try searching for it in the title.
+ title_search = PULL_BACKPORT_IN_TITLE.match(pr.title)
+ if title_search:
+ ticket ='ticket1')
+ if not ticket:
+ ticket ='ticket2')
+ try:
+ possibilities.append(ansible_ansible.get_pull(int(ticket)))
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ # 2. Search for clues in the body of the PR
+ body_lines = pr.body.split('\n')
+ for line in body_lines:
+ # a. Try searching for a `git cherry-pick` line
+ cherrypick = PULL_CHERRY_PICKED_FROM.match(line)
+ if cherrypick:
+ prs = get_prs_for_commit(g,'hash'))
+ possibilities.extend(prs)
+ continue
+ # b. Try searching for other referenced PRs (by #nnnnn or full URL)
+ tickets = [('ansible', 'ansible', ticket) for ticket in TICKET_NUMBER.findall(line)]
+ tickets.extend(PULL_HTTP_URL_RE.findall(line))
+ tickets.extend(PULL_URL_RE.findall(line))
+ if tickets:
+ for ticket in tickets:
+ # Is it a PR (even if not in ansible/ansible)?
+ # TODO: As a small optimization/to avoid extra calls to GitHub,
+ # we could limit this check to non-URL matches. If it's a URL,
+ # we know it's definitely a pull request.
+ try:
+ repo_path = '{0}/{1}'.format(ticket[0], ticket[1])
+ repo = ansible_ansible
+ if repo_path != 'ansible/ansible':
+ repo = g.get_repo(repo_path)
+ ticket_pr = repo.get_pull(int(ticket))
+ possibilities.append(ticket_pr)
+ except Exception:
+ pass
+ continue # Future-proofing
+ return possibilities
+def prompt_add():
+ '''
+ Prompt the user and return whether or not they agree.
+ '''
+ res = input('Shall I add the reference? [Y/n]: ')
+ return res.lower() in ('', 'y', 'yes')
+def commit_edit(new_pr, pr):
+ '''
+ Given the new PR (the backport), and the "possibility" that we have decided
+ on, prompt the user and then add the reference to the body of the new PR.
+ This method does the actual "destructive" work of editing the PR body.
+ '''
+ print('I think this PR might have come from:')
+ print(pr.title)
+ print('-' * 50)
+ print(pr.html_url)
+ if prompt_add():
+ new_body = generate_new_body(new_pr, pr.html_url)
+ new_pr.edit(body=new_body)
+ print('I probably added the reference successfully.')
+if __name__ == '__main__':
+ if (
+ len(sys.argv) != 3 or
+ not sys.argv[1].isnumeric()
+ ):
+ print('Usage: <new backport PR> <already merged PR, or "auto">')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ token = os.environ.get('GITHUB_TOKEN')
+ if not token:
+ print('Go to and generate a '
+ 'token with "repo" access, then set GITHUB_TOKEN to that token.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ #
+ g = Github(token)
+ ansible_ansible = g.get_repo('ansible/ansible')
+ try:
+ pr_num = normalize_pr_url(sys.argv[1], only_number=True)
+ new_pr = ansible_ansible.get_pull(pr_num)
+ except Exception:
+ print('Could not load PR {0}'.format(sys.argv[1]))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ if sys.argv[2] == 'auto':
+ print('Trying to find originating PR...')
+ possibilities = search_backport(new_pr, g, ansible_ansible)
+ if not possibilities:
+ print('No match found, manual review required.')
+ sys.exit(1)
+ # TODO: Logic above can return multiple possibilities/guesses, but we
+ # only handle one here. We can cycle/prompt through them or something.
+ # For now, use the first match, which is also the most likely
+ # candidate.
+ pr = possibilities[0]
+ commit_edit(new_pr, pr)
+ else:
+ try:
+ # TODO: Fix having to call this twice to save some regex evals
+ pr_num = normalize_pr_url(sys.argv[2], only_number=True, allow_non_ansible_ansible=True)
+ pr_url = normalize_pr_url(sys.argv[2], allow_non_ansible_ansible=True)
+ pr_repo = g.get_repo(url_to_org_repo(pr_url))
+ pr = pr_repo.get_pull(pr_num)
+ except Exception as e:
+ print(e)
+ print('Could not load PR {0}'.format(sys.argv[2]))
+ sys.exit(1)
+ commit_edit(new_pr, pr)