diff options
33 files changed, 628 insertions, 675 deletions
diff --git a/ b/
index 49e7714efb..55a472eceb 100644
--- a/
+++ b/
@@ -13,7 +13,8 @@ Ansible Changes By Release
- ansible_date_time.iso8601 (changed to UTC instead of local time)
- ansible_distribution (now uses OS caption string, e.g.: "Microsoft Windows Server 2012 R2 Standard", version is still available on ansible_distribution_version)
- ansible_totalmem (renamed to ansible_memtotal_mb, units changed to MB instead of bytes)
-- Added the ability to specify serial batches as a list (`serial: [1, 5, 10]`), which allows for so-called "canary" actions in one play.
+* Added the ability to specify serial batches as a list (`serial: [1, 5, 10]`), which allows for so-called "canary" actions in one play.
+* Fixed 'local type' plugins and actions to have a more predictable relative path. Fixes a regression of 1.9 (PR #16805). Existing users of 2.x will need to adjust related tasks.
####New Modules:
- archive
diff --git a/docsite/rst/developing_modules.rst b/docsite/rst/developing_modules.rst
index 3875bbe415..aafe4a4c09 100644
--- a/docsite/rst/developing_modules.rst
+++ b/docsite/rst/developing_modules.rst
@@ -638,13 +638,13 @@ The following checklist items are important guidelines for people who want to c
* Documentation: Make sure it exists
* Module documentation should briefly and accurately define what each module and option does, and how it works with others in the underlying system. Documentation should be written for broad audience--readable both by experts and non-experts. This documentation is not meant to teach a total novice, but it also should not be reserved for the Illuminati (hard balance).
* If an argument takes both C(True)/C(False) and C(Yes)/C(No), the documentation should use C(True) and C(False).
- * Descriptions should always start with a Capital letter and end with a full stop. Consistency always helps.
+ * Descriptions should always start with a capital letter and end with a full stop. Consistency always helps.
* The `required` setting is only required when true, otherwise it is assumed to be false.
* If `required` is false/missing, `default` may be specified (assumed 'null' if missing). Ensure that the default parameter in docs matches default parameter in code.
* Documenting `default` is not needed for `required: true`.
* Remove unnecessary doc like `aliases: []` or `choices: []`.
- * Do not create choices that can be confused for booleans. choices: ['no', 'verify', 'always], 'no' will be seen as a boolean, check for BOOLEANS_* constantsto see the full lists. If your option IS a boolean, just use `type=bool`, there is no need to populate 'choices'.
- * The version is not a float number and value the current development version.
+ * Do not use Boolean values in a choice list . For example, in the list `choices: ['no', 'verify', 'always]`, 'no' will be interpreted as a Boolean value (you can check for BOOLEANS_* constants to see the full list of Boolean keywords). If your option actually is a boolean, just use `type=bool`; there is no need to populate 'choices'.
+ * For new modules or options in a module add version_added. The version should match the value of the current development version and is a string (not a float), so be sure to enclose it in quotes.
* Verify that arguments in doc and module spec dict are identical.
* For password / secret arguments no_log=True should be set.
* Requirements should be documented, using the `requirements=[]` field.
diff --git a/lib/ansible/executor/ b/lib/ansible/executor/
index 51d066ead3..d1366bbbc5 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/executor/
+++ b/lib/ansible/executor/
@@ -244,14 +244,14 @@ class PlayIterator:
if ra != rb:
return True
- return old_s.cur_dep_chain != task._block.get_dep_chain()
+ return old_s.cur_dep_chain != task.get_dep_chain()
if task and task._role:
# if we had a current role, mark that role as completed
if s.cur_role and _roles_are_different(task._role, s.cur_role) and in s.cur_role._had_task_run and not peek:
s.cur_role._completed[] = True
s.cur_role = task._role
- s.cur_dep_chain = task._block.get_dep_chain()
+ s.cur_dep_chain = task.get_dep_chain()
if not peek:
self._host_states[] = s
@@ -508,6 +508,12 @@ class PlayIterator:
the different processes, and not all data structures are preserved. This method
allows us to find the original task passed into the executor engine.
+ if isinstance(task, Task):
+ the_uuid = task._uuid
+ else:
+ the_uuid = task
def _search_block(block):
helper method to check a block's task lists (block/rescue/always)
@@ -521,7 +527,7 @@ class PlayIterator:
res = _search_block(t)
if res:
return res
- elif t._uuid == task._uuid:
+ elif t._uuid == the_uuid:
return t
return None
diff --git a/lib/ansible/executor/process/ b/lib/ansible/executor/process/
deleted file mode 100644
index da06710293..0000000000
--- a/lib/ansible/executor/process/
+++ /dev/null
@@ -1,196 +0,0 @@
-# (c) 2012-2014, Michael DeHaan <>
-# This file is part of Ansible
-# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
-# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
-# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
-# (at your option) any later version.
-# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
-# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
-# GNU General Public License for more details.
-# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
-# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
-# Make coding more python3-ish
-from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
-__metaclass__ = type
-from ansible.compat.six.moves import queue
-from ansible.compat.six import iteritems, text_type
-from ansible.vars import strip_internal_keys
-import multiprocessing
-import time
-import traceback
-# TODO: not needed if we use the cryptography library with its default RNG
-# engine
- from Crypto.Random import atfork
-except ImportError:
- from __main__ import display
-except ImportError:
- from ansible.utils.display import Display
- display = Display()
-__all__ = ['ResultProcess']
-class ResultProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
- '''
- The result worker thread, which reads results from the results
- queue and fires off callbacks/etc. as necessary.
- '''
- def __init__(self, final_q, workers):
- # takes a task queue manager as the sole param:
- self._final_q = final_q
- self._workers = workers
- self._cur_worker = 0
- self._terminated = False
- super(ResultProcess, self).__init__()
- def _send_result(self, result):
- display.debug(u"sending result: %s" % ([text_type(x) for x in result],))
- self._final_q.put(result)
- display.debug("done sending result")
- def _read_worker_result(self):
- result = None
- starting_point = self._cur_worker
- while True:
- (worker_prc, rslt_q) = self._workers[self._cur_worker]
- self._cur_worker += 1
- if self._cur_worker >= len(self._workers):
- self._cur_worker = 0
- try:
- if not rslt_q.empty():
- display.debug("worker %d has data to read" % self._cur_worker)
- result = rslt_q.get()
- display.debug("got a result from worker %d: %s" % (self._cur_worker, result))
- break
- except queue.Empty:
- pass
- if self._cur_worker == starting_point:
- break
- return result
- def terminate(self):
- self._terminated = True
- super(ResultProcess, self).terminate()
- def run(self):
- '''
- The main thread execution, which reads from the results queue
- indefinitely and sends callbacks/etc. when results are received.
- '''
- atfork()
- while True:
- try:
- result = self._read_worker_result()
- if result is None:
- time.sleep(0.005)
- continue
- # send callbacks for 'non final' results
- if '_ansible_retry' in result._result:
- self._send_result(('v2_runner_retry', result))
- continue
- elif '_ansible_item_result' in result._result:
- if result.is_failed() or result.is_unreachable():
- self._send_result(('v2_runner_item_on_failed', result))
- elif result.is_skipped():
- self._send_result(('v2_runner_item_on_skipped', result))
- else:
- self._send_result(('v2_runner_item_on_ok', result))
- if 'diff' in result._result:
- self._send_result(('v2_on_file_diff', result))
- continue
- clean_copy = strip_internal_keys(result._result)
- if 'invocation' in clean_copy:
- del clean_copy['invocation']
- # if this task is registering a result, do it now
- if result._task.register:
- self._send_result(('register_host_var', result._host, result._task, clean_copy))
- # send callbacks, execute other options based on the result status
- # TODO: this should all be cleaned up and probably moved to a sub-function.
- # the fact that this sometimes sends a TaskResult and other times
- # sends a raw dictionary back may be confusing, but the result vs.
- # results implementation for tasks with loops should be cleaned up
- # better than this
- if result.is_unreachable():
- self._send_result(('host_unreachable', result))
- elif result.is_failed():
- self._send_result(('host_task_failed', result))
- elif result.is_skipped():
- self._send_result(('host_task_skipped', result))
- else:
- if result._task.loop:
- # this task had a loop, and has more than one result, so
- # loop over all of them instead of a single result
- result_items = result._result.get('results', [])
- else:
- result_items = [ result._result ]
- for result_item in result_items:
- # if this task is notifying a handler, do it now
- if '_ansible_notify' in result_item:
- if result.is_changed():
- # The shared dictionary for notified handlers is a proxy, which
- # does not detect when sub-objects within the proxy are modified.
- # So, per the docs, we reassign the list so the proxy picks up and
- # notifies all other threads
- for notify in result_item['_ansible_notify']:
- self._send_result(('notify_handler', result, notify))
- if 'add_host' in result_item:
- # this task added a new host (add_host module)
- self._send_result(('add_host', result_item))
- elif 'add_group' in result_item:
- # this task added a new group (group_by module)
- self._send_result(('add_group', result._host, result_item))
- elif 'ansible_facts' in result_item:
- # if this task is registering facts, do that now
- loop_var = 'item'
- if result._task.loop_control:
- loop_var = result._task.loop_control.loop_var or 'item'
- item = result_item.get(loop_var, None)
- if result._task.action == 'include_vars':
- for (key, value) in iteritems(result_item['ansible_facts']):
- self._send_result(('set_host_var', result._host, result._task, item, key, value))
- else:
- self._send_result(('set_host_facts', result._host, result._task, item, result_item['ansible_facts']))
- # finally, send the ok for this task
- self._send_result(('host_task_ok', result))
- except queue.Empty:
- pass
- except (KeyboardInterrupt, SystemExit, IOError, EOFError):
- break
- except:
- # TODO: we should probably send a proper callback here instead of
- # simply dumping a stack trace on the screen
- traceback.print_exc()
- break
diff --git a/lib/ansible/executor/process/ b/lib/ansible/executor/process/
index d1bc56f637..aeab3e75a7 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/executor/process/
+++ b/lib/ansible/executor/process/
@@ -100,6 +100,10 @@ class WorkerProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
signify that they are ready for their next task.
+ #import cProfile, pstats, StringIO
+ #pr = cProfile.Profile()
+ #pr.enable()
@@ -120,7 +124,7 @@ class WorkerProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
display.debug("done running TaskExecutor() for %s/%s" % (self._host, self._task))
self._host.vars = dict()
self._host.groups = []
- task_result = TaskResult(self._host, self._task, executor_result)
+ task_result = TaskResult(, self._task._uuid, executor_result)
# put the result on the result queue
display.debug("sending task result")
@@ -130,7 +134,7 @@ class WorkerProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
except AnsibleConnectionFailure:
self._host.vars = dict()
self._host.groups = []
- task_result = TaskResult(self._host, self._task, dict(unreachable=True))
+ task_result = TaskResult(, self._task._uuid, dict(unreachable=True))
self._rslt_q.put(task_result, block=False)
except Exception as e:
@@ -138,7 +142,7 @@ class WorkerProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
self._host.vars = dict()
self._host.groups = []
- task_result = TaskResult(self._host, self._task, dict(failed=True, exception=to_unicode(traceback.format_exc()), stdout=''))
+ task_result = TaskResult(, self._task._uuid, dict(failed=True, exception=to_unicode(traceback.format_exc()), stdout=''))
self._rslt_q.put(task_result, block=False)
display.debug(u"WORKER EXCEPTION: %s" % to_unicode(e))
@@ -146,3 +150,11 @@ class WorkerProcess(multiprocessing.Process):
+ #pr.disable()
+ #s = StringIO.StringIO()
+ #sortby = 'time'
+ #ps = pstats.Stats(pr, stream=s).sort_stats(sortby)
+ #ps.print_stats()
+ #with open('worker_%06d.stats' % os.getpid(), 'w') as f:
+ # f.write(s.getvalue())
diff --git a/lib/ansible/executor/ b/lib/ansible/executor/
index d08b867c2d..3faaee7e82 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/executor/
+++ b/lib/ansible/executor/
@@ -194,7 +194,7 @@ class TaskExecutor:
# give lookup task 'context' for subdir (mostly needed for first_found)
for subdir in ['template', 'var', 'file']: #TODO: move this to constants?
- if subdir in
+ if subdir in self._task.action:
setattr(mylookup,'_subdir', subdir + 's')
@@ -246,7 +246,8 @@ class TaskExecutor:
task_vars[loop_var] = item
- tmp_task = self._task.copy()
+ tmp_task = self._task.copy(exclude_parent=True, exclude_tasks=True)
+ tmp_task._parent = self._task._parent
tmp_play_context = self._play_context.copy()
except AnsibleParserError as e:
results.append(dict(failed=True, msg=to_unicode(e)))
@@ -265,7 +266,7 @@ class TaskExecutor:
res[loop_var] = item
res['_ansible_item_result'] = True
- self._rslt_q.put(TaskResult(self._host, self._task, res), block=False)
+ self._rslt_q.put(TaskResult(, self._task._uuid, res), block=False)
del task_vars[loop_var]
@@ -468,7 +469,7 @@ class TaskExecutor:
if self._task.async > 0:
if self._task.poll > 0:
- result = self._poll_async_result(result=result, templar=templar)
+ result = self._poll_async_result(result=result, templar=templar, task_vars=vars_copy)
# ensure no log is preserved
result["_ansible_no_log"] = self._play_context.no_log
@@ -516,7 +517,7 @@ class TaskExecutor:
result['_ansible_retry'] = True
result['retries'] = retries
display.debug('Retrying task, attempt %d of %d' % (attempt, retries))
- self._rslt_q.put(TaskResult(self._host, self._task, result), block=False)
+ self._rslt_q.put(TaskResult(, self._task._uuid, result), block=False)
if retries > 1:
@@ -552,11 +553,14 @@ class TaskExecutor:
display.debug("attempt loop complete, returning result")
return result
- def _poll_async_result(self, result, templar):
+ def _poll_async_result(self, result, templar, task_vars=None):
Polls for the specified JID to be complete
+ if task_vars is None:
+ task_vars = self._job_vars
async_jid = result.get('ansible_job_id')
if async_jid is None:
return dict(failed=True, msg="No job id was returned by the async task")
@@ -584,7 +588,7 @@ class TaskExecutor:
while time_left > 0:
- async_result =
+ async_result =
# We do not bail out of the loop in cases where the failure
# is associated with a parsing error. The async_runner can
# have issues which result in a half-written/unparseable result
diff --git a/lib/ansible/executor/ b/lib/ansible/executor/
index b59ca0ab88..7212b06aea 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/executor/
+++ b/lib/ansible/executor/
@@ -26,7 +26,6 @@ import tempfile
from ansible import constants as C
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
from ansible.executor.play_iterator import PlayIterator
-from ansible.executor.process.result import ResultProcess
from ansible.executor.stats import AggregateStats
from ansible.playbook.block import Block
from ansible.playbook.play_context import PlayContext
@@ -81,7 +80,6 @@ class TaskQueueManager:
self._callbacks_loaded = False
self._callback_plugins = []
self._start_at_done = False
- self._result_prc = None
# make sure the module path (if specified) is parsed and
# added to the module_loader object
@@ -113,9 +111,6 @@ class TaskQueueManager:
rslt_q = multiprocessing.Queue()
self._workers.append([None, rslt_q])
- self._result_prc = ResultProcess(self._final_q, self._workers)
- self._result_prc.start()
def _initialize_notified_handlers(self, play):
Clears and initializes the shared notified handlers dict with entries
@@ -299,9 +294,7 @@ class TaskQueueManager:
def _cleanup_processes(self):
- if self._result_prc:
- self._result_prc.terminate()
+ if hasattr(self, '_workers'):
for (worker_prc, rslt_q) in self._workers:
if worker_prc and worker_prc.is_alive():
diff --git a/lib/ansible/executor/ b/lib/ansible/executor/
index f7ba7d092c..0f1967fe5c 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/executor/
+++ b/lib/ansible/executor/
@@ -41,7 +41,7 @@ class TaskResult:
def is_skipped(self):
# loop results
- if 'results' in self._result and self._task.loop:
+ if 'results' in self._result:
results = self._result['results']
# Loop tasks are only considered skipped if all items were skipped.
# some squashed results (eg, yum) are not dicts and can't be skipped individually
@@ -62,7 +62,7 @@ class TaskResult:
return self._check_key('unreachable')
def _check_key(self, key):
- if self._result.get('results', []) and self._task.loop:
+ if self._result.get('results', []):
flag = False
for res in self._result.get('results', []):
if isinstance(res, dict):
diff --git a/lib/ansible/inventory/ b/lib/ansible/inventory/
index 36cc90f537..268eef2f46 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/inventory/
+++ b/lib/ansible/inventory/
@@ -64,12 +64,12 @@ class Host:
def deserialize(self, data):
- self.__init__()
+ self.__init__(gen_uuid=False) = data.get('name')
self.vars = data.get('vars', dict())
self.address = data.get('address', '')
- self._uuid = data.get('uuid', uuid.uuid4())
+ self._uuid = data.get('uuid', None)
self.implicit= data.get('implicit', False)
groups = data.get('groups', [])
@@ -78,7 +78,7 @@ class Host:
- def __init__(self, name=None, port=None):
+ def __init__(self, name=None, port=None, gen_uuid=True): = name
self.vars = {}
@@ -90,7 +90,9 @@ class Host:
self.set_variable('ansible_port', int(port))
self._gathered_facts = False
- self._uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ self._uuid = None
+ if gen_uuid:
+ self._uuid = uuid.uuid4()
self.implicit = False
def __repr__(self):
diff --git a/lib/ansible/module_utils/ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/
index 9b98b26dc8..c43723d079 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/module_utils/
+++ b/lib/ansible/module_utils/
@@ -1326,6 +1326,7 @@ class LinuxHardware(Hardware):
if not part['sectorsize']:
part['sectorsize'] = get_file_content(part_sysdir + "/queue/hw_sector_size",512)
part['size'] = self.module.pretty_bytes((float(part['sectors']) * float(part['sectorsize'])))
+ part['uuid'] = get_partition_uuid(partname)
self.get_holders(part, part_sysdir)
d['partitions'][partname] = part
@@ -3224,6 +3225,19 @@ def get_uname_version(module):
return out
return None
+def get_partition_uuid(partname):
+ try:
+ uuids = os.listdir("/dev/disk/by-uuid")
+ except OSError:
+ return
+ for uuid in uuids:
+ dev = os.path.realpath("/dev/disk/by-uuid/" + uuid)
+ if dev == ("/dev/" + partname):
+ return uuid
+ return None
def get_file_lines(path):
'''get list of lines from file'''
data = get_file_content(path)
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/core b/lib/ansible/modules/core
-Subproject c0d373f258b798c97cf7f97ab65a1a728201dbf
+Subproject 5d7b46e0ddb7f55f1dbc6f69b973f1bcd385102
diff --git a/lib/ansible/modules/extras b/lib/ansible/modules/extras
-Subproject 33716b18374059b18c08a8724b684ca48db3c41
+Subproject eaa71f51d652d803bff527a5941c027cb206d88
diff --git a/lib/ansible/playbook/ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
index 6bafe42844..c18dcb2aed 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/playbook/
+++ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
@@ -80,10 +80,13 @@ class Base:
# every object gets a random uuid:
self._uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ #self._uuid = 1
# and initialize the base attributes
+ self._cached_parent_attrs = dict()
# and init vars, avoid using defaults in field declaration as it lives across plays
self.vars = dict()
@@ -110,13 +113,21 @@ class Base:
def _generic_g(prop_name, self):
method = "_get_attr_%s" % prop_name
- if hasattr(self, method):
+ try:
value = getattr(self, method)()
- else:
+ except AttributeError:
value = self._attributes[prop_name]
- if value is None and hasattr(self, '_get_parent_attribute'):
- value = self._get_parent_attribute(prop_name)
+ if value is None:
+ try:
+ if prop_name in self._cached_parent_attrs:
+ value = self._cached_parent_attrs[prop_name]
+ else:
+ value = self._get_parent_attribute(prop_name)
+ # FIXME: temporarily disabling due to bugs
+ #self._cached_parent_attrs[prop_name] = value
+ except AttributeError:
+ pass
except KeyError:
raise AttributeError("'%s' object has no attribute '%s'" % (self.__class__.__name__, prop_name))
@@ -137,8 +148,8 @@ class Base:
# check cache before retrieving attributes
- if self.__class__ in BASE_ATTRIBUTES:
- return BASE_ATTRIBUTES[self.__class__]
+ if self.__class__.__name__ in BASE_ATTRIBUTES:
+ return BASE_ATTRIBUTES[self.__class__.__name__]
# Cache init
base_attributes = dict()
@@ -147,9 +158,23 @@ class Base:
if name.startswith('_'):
name = name[1:]
base_attributes[name] = value
- BASE_ATTRIBUTES[self.__class__] = base_attributes
+ BASE_ATTRIBUTES[self.__class__.__name__] = base_attributes
return base_attributes
+ def dump_me(self, depth=0):
+ if depth == 0:
+ print("DUMPING OBJECT ------------------------------------------------------")
+ print("%s- %s (%s)" % (" " * depth, self.__class__.__name__, self))
+ if hasattr(self, '_parent') and self._parent:
+ self._parent.dump_me(depth+2)
+ dep_chain = self._parent.get_dep_chain()
+ print("%s^ dep chain: %s" % (" "*(depth+2), dep_chain))
+ if dep_chain:
+ for dep in dep_chain:
+ dep.dump_me(depth+2)
+ if hasattr(self, '_play') and self._play:
+ self._play.dump_me(depth+2)
def _initialize_base_attributes(self):
# each class knows attributes set upon it, see for example
self._attributes = dict()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/playbook/ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
index 2994eadf56..493cec2b22 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/playbook/
+++ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
@@ -44,16 +44,15 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
def __init__(self, play=None, parent_block=None, role=None, task_include=None, use_handlers=False, implicit=False):
self._play = play
self._role = role
- self._task_include = None
- self._parent_block = None
+ self._parent = None
self._dep_chain = None
self._use_handlers = use_handlers
self._implicit = implicit
if task_include:
- self._task_include = task_include
+ self._parent = task_include
elif parent_block:
- self._parent_block = parent_block
+ self._parent = parent_block
super(Block, self).__init__()
@@ -65,10 +64,8 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
all_vars = self.vars.copy()
- if self._parent_block:
- all_vars.update(self._parent_block.get_vars())
- if self._task_include:
- all_vars.update(self._task_include.get_vars())
+ if self._parent:
+ all_vars.update(self._parent.get_vars())
return all_vars
@@ -109,7 +106,7 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
- task_include=self._task_include,
+ task_include=None,
@@ -124,7 +121,7 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
- task_include=self._task_include,
+ task_include=None,
@@ -139,7 +136,7 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
- task_include=self._task_include,
+ task_include=None,
@@ -149,10 +146,8 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
def get_dep_chain(self):
if self._dep_chain is None:
- if self._parent_block:
- return self._parent_block.get_dep_chain()
- elif self._task_include:
- return self._task_include._block.get_dep_chain()
+ if self._parent:
+ return self._parent.get_dep_chain()
return None
@@ -162,12 +157,18 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
def _dupe_task_list(task_list, new_block):
new_task_list = []
for task in task_list:
- if isinstance(task, Block):
- new_task = task.copy(exclude_parent=True)
- new_task._parent_block = new_block
+ new_task = task.copy(exclude_parent=True)
+ if task._parent:
+ new_task._parent = task._parent.copy(exclude_tasks=True)
+ # go up the parentage tree until we find an
+ # object without a parent and make this new
+ # block their parent
+ cur_obj = new_task
+ while cur_obj._parent:
+ cur_obj = cur_obj._parent
+ cur_obj._parent = new_block
- new_task = task.copy(exclude_block=True)
- new_task._block = new_block
+ new_task._parent = new_block
return new_task_list
@@ -175,27 +176,22 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
new_me._play = self._play
new_me._use_handlers = self._use_handlers
- if self._dep_chain:
+ if self._dep_chain is not None:
new_me._dep_chain = self._dep_chain[:]
+ new_me._parent = None
+ if self._parent and not exclude_parent:
+ new_me._parent = self._parent.copy(exclude_tasks=exclude_tasks)
if not exclude_tasks:
new_me.block = _dupe_task_list(self.block or [], new_me)
new_me.rescue = _dupe_task_list(self.rescue or [], new_me)
new_me.always = _dupe_task_list(self.always or [], new_me)
- new_me._parent_block = None
- if self._parent_block and not exclude_parent:
- new_me._parent_block = self._parent_block.copy(exclude_tasks=exclude_tasks)
new_me._role = None
if self._role:
new_me._role = self._role
- new_me._task_include = None
- if self._task_include:
- new_me._task_include = self._task_include.copy(exclude_block=True)
- new_me._task_include._block = self._task_include._block.copy(exclude_tasks=True)
return new_me
def serialize(self):
@@ -213,10 +209,9 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
if self._role is not None:
data['role'] = self._role.serialize()
- if self._task_include is not None:
- data['task_include'] = self._task_include.serialize()
- if self._parent_block is not None:
- data['parent_block'] = self._parent_block.copy(exclude_tasks=True).serialize()
+ if self._parent is not None:
+ data['parent'] = self._parent.copy(exclude_tasks=True).serialize()
+ data['parent_type'] = self._parent.__class__.__name__
return data
@@ -226,7 +221,10 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
serialize method
+ # import is here to avoid import loops
from ansible.playbook.task import Task
+ from ansible.playbook.task_include import TaskInclude
+ from ansible.playbook.handler_task_include import HandlerTaskInclude
# we don't want the full set of attributes (the task lists), as that
# would lead to a serialize/deserialize loop
@@ -243,19 +241,18 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
self._role = r
- # if there was a serialized task include, unpack it too
- ti_data = data.get('task_include')
- if ti_data:
- ti = Task()
- ti.deserialize(ti_data)
- self._task_include = ti
- pb_data = data.get('parent_block')
- if pb_data:
- pb = Block()
- pb.deserialize(pb_data)
- self._parent_block = pb
- self._dep_chain = self._parent_block.get_dep_chain()
+ parent_data = data.get('parent')
+ if parent_data:
+ parent_type = data.get('parent_type')
+ if parent_type == 'Block':
+ p = Block()
+ elif parent_type == 'TaskInclude':
+ p = TaskInclude()
+ elif parent_type == 'HandlerTaskInclude':
+ p = HandlerTaskInclude()
+ p.deserialize(pb_data)
+ self._parent = p
+ self._dep_chain = self._parent.get_dep_chain()
def evaluate_conditional(self, templar, all_vars):
dep_chain = self.get_dep_chain()
@@ -263,24 +260,18 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
for dep in dep_chain:
if not dep.evaluate_conditional(templar, all_vars):
return False
- if self._task_include is not None:
- if not self._task_include.evaluate_conditional(templar, all_vars):
- return False
- if self._parent_block is not None:
- if not self._parent_block.evaluate_conditional(templar, all_vars):
+ if self._parent is not None:
+ if not self._parent.evaluate_conditional(templar, all_vars):
return False
return super(Block, self).evaluate_conditional(templar, all_vars)
def set_loader(self, loader):
self._loader = loader
- if self._parent_block:
- self._parent_block.set_loader(loader)
+ if self._parent:
+ self._parent.set_loader(loader)
elif self._role:
- if self._task_include:
- self._task_include.set_loader(loader)
dep_chain = self.get_dep_chain()
if dep_chain:
for dep in dep_chain:
@@ -295,14 +286,8 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
value = self._attributes[attr]
- if self._parent_block and (value is None or extend):
- parent_value = getattr(self._parent_block, attr, None)
- if extend:
- value = self._extend_value(value, parent_value)
- else:
- value = parent_value
- if self._task_include and (value is None or extend):
- parent_value = getattr(self._task_include, attr, None)
+ if self._parent and (value is None or extend):
+ parent_value = getattr(self._parent, attr, None)
if extend:
value = self._extend_value(value, parent_value)
@@ -383,3 +368,8 @@ class Block(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
def has_tasks(self):
return len(self.block) > 0 or len(self.rescue) > 0 or len(self.always) > 0
+ def get_include_params(self):
+ if self._parent:
+ return self._parent.get_include_params()
+ else:
+ return dict()
diff --git a/lib/ansible/playbook/ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
index 4d14076643..c19db72894 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/playbook/
+++ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
@@ -46,9 +46,9 @@ def load_list_of_blocks(ds, play, parent_block=None, role=None, task_include=Non
block_list = []
if ds:
- for block in ds:
+ for block_ds in ds:
b = Block.load(
- block,
+ block_ds,
@@ -96,7 +96,7 @@ def load_list_of_tasks(ds, play, block=None, role=None, task_include=None, use_h
- task_include=None,
+ task_include=task_include,
@@ -105,9 +105,19 @@ def load_list_of_tasks(ds, play, block=None, role=None, task_include=None, use_h
if 'include' in task_ds:
if use_handlers:
- t = HandlerTaskInclude.load(task_ds, block=block, role=role, task_include=task_include, variable_manager=variable_manager, loader=loader)
+ include_class = HandlerTaskInclude
- t = TaskInclude.load(task_ds, block=block, role=role, task_include=task_include, variable_manager=variable_manager, loader=loader)
+ include_class = TaskInclude
+ t = include_class.load(
+ task_ds,
+ block=block,
+ role=role,
+ task_include=None,
+ variable_manager=variable_manager,
+ loader=loader
+ )
all_vars = variable_manager.get_vars(loader=loader, play=play, task=t)
templar = Templar(loader=loader, variables=all_vars)
@@ -134,6 +144,9 @@ def load_list_of_tasks(ds, play, block=None, role=None, task_include=None, use_h
parent_include = task_include
cumulative_path = None
while parent_include is not None:
+ if not isinstance(parent_include, TaskInclude):
+ parent_include = parent_include._parent
+ continue
parent_include_dir = templar.template(os.path.dirname(parent_include.args.get('_raw_params')))
if cumulative_path is None:
cumulative_path = parent_include_dir
@@ -149,7 +162,7 @@ def load_list_of_tasks(ds, play, block=None, role=None, task_include=None, use_h
if os.path.exists(include_file):
- parent_include = parent_include._task_include
+ parent_include = parent_include._parent
include_target = templar.template(t.args['_raw_params'])
@@ -195,8 +208,8 @@ def load_list_of_tasks(ds, play, block=None, role=None, task_include=None, use_h
included_blocks = load_list_of_blocks(
- parent_block=block,
- task_include=t,
+ parent_block=None,
+ task_include=t.copy(),
@@ -213,8 +226,8 @@ def load_list_of_tasks(ds, play, block=None, role=None, task_include=None, use_h
if len(tags) > 0:
if len(t.tags) > 0:
raise AnsibleParserError(
- "Include tasks should not specify tags in more than one way (both via args and directly on the task)." \
- " Mixing tag specify styles is prohibited for whole import hierarchy, not only for single import statement",
+ "Include tasks should not specify tags in more than one way (both via args and directly on the task). " \
+ "Mixing styles in which tags are specified is prohibited for whole import hierarchy, not only for single import statement",
diff --git a/lib/ansible/playbook/ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
index 23a1f7860a..8303537d82 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/playbook/
+++ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
@@ -22,6 +22,7 @@ __metaclass__ = type
import os
from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
+from ansible.playbook.task_include import TaskInclude
from ansible.template import Templar
@@ -60,8 +61,11 @@ class IncludedFile:
for res in results:
- if res._task.action == 'include':
- if res._task.loop:
+ original_host = res._host
+ original_task = res._task
+ if original_task.action == 'include':
+ if original_task.loop:
if 'results' not in res._result:
include_results = res._result['results']
@@ -73,29 +77,30 @@ class IncludedFile:
if 'skipped' in include_result and include_result['skipped'] or 'failed' in include_result:
- original_host = get_original_host(res._host)
- original_task = iterator.get_original_task(original_host, res._task)
task_vars = variable_manager.get_vars(loader=loader, play=iterator._play, host=original_host, task=original_task)
templar = Templar(loader=loader, variables=task_vars)
include_variables = include_result.get('include_variables', dict())
loop_var = 'item'
- if res._task.loop_control:
- loop_var = res._task.loop_control.loop_var or 'item'
+ if original_task.loop_control:
+ loop_var = original_task.loop_control.loop_var or 'item'
if loop_var in include_result:
task_vars[loop_var] = include_variables[loop_var] = include_result[loop_var]
+ include_file = None
if original_task:
if original_task.static:
- if original_task._task_include:
+ if original_task._parent:
# handle relative includes by walking up the list of parent include
# tasks and checking the relative result to see if it exists
- parent_include = original_task._task_include
+ parent_include = original_task._parent
cumulative_path = None
while parent_include is not None:
+ if not isinstance(parent_include, TaskInclude):
+ parent_include = parent_include._parent
+ continue
parent_include_dir = templar.template(os.path.dirname(parent_include.args.get('_raw_params')))
if cumulative_path is None:
cumulative_path = parent_include_dir
@@ -111,14 +116,14 @@ class IncludedFile:
if os.path.exists(include_file):
- parent_include = parent_include._task_include
- elif original_task._role:
+ parent_include = parent_include._parent
+ if include_file is None:
+ if original_task._role:
include_target = templar.template(include_result['include'])
include_file = loader.path_dwim_relative(original_task._role._role_path, 'tasks', include_target)
include_file = loader.path_dwim(include_result['include'])
- else:
- include_file = loader.path_dwim(include_result['include'])
include_file = templar.template(include_file)
inc_file = IncludedFile(include_file, include_variables, original_task)
diff --git a/lib/ansible/playbook/role/ b/lib/ansible/playbook/role/
index b1eb45f2e7..bccf860b26 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/playbook/role/
+++ b/lib/ansible/playbook/role/
@@ -353,7 +353,9 @@ class Role(Base, Become, Conditional, Taggable):
for task_block in self._task_blocks:
- new_task_block = task_block.copy()
+ new_task_block = task_block.copy(exclude_parent=True)
+ if task_block._parent:
+ new_task_block._parent = task_block._parent.copy()
new_task_block._dep_chain = new_dep_chain
new_task_block._play = play
diff --git a/lib/ansible/playbook/ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
index 53e8d5ee05..571bd223a8 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/playbook/
+++ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
@@ -92,9 +92,13 @@ class Task(Base, Conditional, Taggable, Become):
def __init__(self, block=None, role=None, task_include=None):
''' constructors a task, without the Task.load classmethod, it will be pretty blank '''
- self._block = block
- self._role = role
- self._task_include = task_include
+ self._role = role
+ self._parent = None
+ if task_include:
+ self._parent = task_include
+ else:
+ self._parent = block
super(Task, self).__init__()
@@ -242,10 +246,8 @@ class Task(Base, Conditional, Taggable, Become):
the block and task include (if any) to which this task belongs.
- if self._block:
- self._block.post_validate(templar)
- if self._task_include:
- self._task_include.post_validate(templar)
+ if self._parent:
+ self._parent.post_validate(templar)
super(Task, self).post_validate(templar)
@@ -304,10 +306,8 @@ class Task(Base, Conditional, Taggable, Become):
def get_vars(self):
all_vars = dict()
- if self._block:
- all_vars.update(self._block.get_vars())
- if self._task_include:
- all_vars.update(self._task_include.get_vars())
+ if self._parent:
+ all_vars.update(self._parent.get_vars())
@@ -320,55 +320,55 @@ class Task(Base, Conditional, Taggable, Become):
def get_include_params(self):
all_vars = dict()
- if self._task_include:
- all_vars.update(self._task_include.get_include_params())
+ if self._parent:
+ all_vars.update(self._parent.get_include_params())
if self.action == 'include':
return all_vars
- def copy(self, exclude_block=False):
+ def copy(self, exclude_parent=False, exclude_tasks=False):
new_me = super(Task, self).copy()
- new_me._block = None
- if self._block and not exclude_block:
- new_me._block = self._block.copy()
+ new_me._parent = None
+ if self._parent and not exclude_parent:
+ new_me._parent = self._parent.copy(exclude_tasks=exclude_tasks)
new_me._role = None
if self._role:
new_me._role = self._role
- new_me._task_include = None
- if self._task_include:
- new_me._task_include = self._task_include.copy(exclude_block=exclude_block)
return new_me
def serialize(self):
data = super(Task, self).serialize()
- if self._block:
- data['block'] = self._block.serialize()
+ if self._parent:
+ data['parent'] = self._parent.serialize()
+ data['parent_type'] = self._parent.__class__.__name__
if self._role:
data['role'] = self._role.serialize()
- if self._task_include:
- data['task_include'] = self._task_include.serialize()
return data
def deserialize(self, data):
# import is here to avoid import loops
- #from ansible.playbook.task_include import TaskInclude
- block_data = data.get('block')
- if block_data:
- b = Block()
- b.deserialize(block_data)
- self._block = b
- del data['block']
+ from ansible.playbook.task_include import TaskInclude
+ from ansible.playbook.handler_task_include import HandlerTaskInclude
+ parent_data = data.get('parent', None)
+ if parent_data:
+ parent_type = data.get('parent_type')
+ if parent_type == 'Block':
+ p = Block()
+ elif parent_type == 'TaskInclude':
+ p = TaskInclude()
+ elif parent_type == 'HandlerTaskInclude':
+ p = HandlerTaskInclude()
+ p.deserialize(parent_data)
+ self._parent = p
+ del data['parent']
role_data = data.get('role')
if role_data:
@@ -377,22 +377,11 @@ class Task(Base, Conditional, Taggable, Become):
self._role = r
del data['role']
- ti_data = data.get('task_include')
- if ti_data:
- #ti = TaskInclude()
- ti = Task()
- ti.deserialize(ti_data)
- self._task_include = ti
- del data['task_include']
super(Task, self).deserialize(data)
def evaluate_conditional(self, templar, all_vars):
- if self._block is not None:
- if not self._block.evaluate_conditional(templar, all_vars):
- return False
- if self._task_include is not None:
- if not self._task_include.evaluate_conditional(templar, all_vars):
+ if self._parent is not None:
+ if not self._parent.evaluate_conditional(templar, all_vars):
return False
return super(Task, self).evaluate_conditional(templar, all_vars)
@@ -405,10 +394,8 @@ class Task(Base, Conditional, Taggable, Become):
self._loader = loader
- if self._block:
- self._block.set_loader(loader)
- if self._task_include:
- self._task_include.set_loader(loader)
+ if self._parent:
+ self._parent.set_loader(loader)
def _get_parent_attribute(self, attr, extend=False):
@@ -418,14 +405,8 @@ class Task(Base, Conditional, Taggable, Become):
value = self._attributes[attr]
- if self._block and (value is None or extend):
- parent_value = getattr(self._block, attr, None)
- if extend:
- value = self._extend_value(value, parent_value)
- else:
- value = parent_value
- if self._task_include and (value is None or extend):
- parent_value = getattr(self._task_include, attr, None)
+ if self._parent and (value is None or extend):
+ parent_value = getattr(self._parent, attr, None)
if extend:
value = self._extend_value(value, parent_value)
@@ -457,6 +438,11 @@ class Task(Base, Conditional, Taggable, Become):
def _get_attr_loop_control(self):
return self._attributes['loop_control']
+ def get_dep_chain(self):
+ if self._parent:
+ return self._parent.get_dep_chain()
+ else:
+ return None
def get_search_path(self):
@@ -465,7 +451,7 @@ class Task(Base, Conditional, Taggable, Become):
path_stack = []
- dep_chain = self._block.get_dep_chain()
+ dep_chain = self.get_dep_chain()
# inside role: add the dependency chain from current to dependant
if dep_chain:
path_stack.extend(reversed([x._role_path for x in dep_chain]))
diff --git a/lib/ansible/playbook/ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
index 14fe36c3a1..0c6016c559 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/playbook/
+++ b/lib/ansible/playbook/
@@ -55,10 +55,8 @@ class TaskInclude(Task):
they are params to the included tasks.
all_vars = dict()
- if self._block:
- all_vars.update(self._block.get_vars())
- if self._task_include:
- all_vars.update(self._task_include.get_vars())
+ if self._parent:
+ all_vars.update(self._parent.get_vars())
diff --git a/lib/ansible/plugins/cache/ b/lib/ansible/plugins/cache/
index 1bf0ea10b6..1ee183e094 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/plugins/cache/
+++ b/lib/ansible/plugins/cache/
@@ -99,7 +99,7 @@ class CacheModule(BaseCacheModule):
display.warning("error while trying to write to %s : %s" % (cachefile, to_bytes(e)))
- f.write(jsonify(value))
+ f.write(jsonify(value, format=True))
diff --git a/lib/ansible/plugins/filter/ b/lib/ansible/plugins/filter/
new file mode 100644
index 0000000000..479721e9b7
--- /dev/null
+++ b/lib/ansible/plugins/filter/
@@ -0,0 +1,48 @@
+# (c) 2015, Filipe Niero Felisbino <>
+# This file is part of Ansible
+# Ansible is free software: you can redistribute it and/or modify
+# it under the terms of the GNU General Public License as published by
+# the Free Software Foundation, either version 3 of the License, or
+# (at your option) any later version.
+# Ansible is distributed in the hope that it will be useful,
+# but WITHOUT ANY WARRANTY; without even the implied warranty of
+# GNU General Public License for more details.
+# You should have received a copy of the GNU General Public License
+# along with Ansible. If not, see <>.
+from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
+__metaclass__ = type
+from ansible.errors import AnsibleError
+from ansible.plugins.lookup import LookupBase
+from ansible.utils.listify import listify_lookup_plugin_terms
+ import jmespath
+ HAS_LIB = True
+except ImportError:
+ HAS_LIB = False
+def json_query(data, expr):
+ '''Query data using jmespath query language ( ). Example:
+ - debug: msg="{{ instance | json_query(tagged_instances[*].block_device_mapping.*.volume_id') }}"
+ '''
+ if not HAS_LIB:
+ raise AnsibleError('You need to install "jmespath" prior to running '
+ 'json_query filter')
+ return, data)
+class FilterModule(object):
+ ''' Query filter '''
+ def filters(self):
+ return {
+ 'json_query': json_query
+ }
diff --git a/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/ b/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/
index 8954d520e1..cba09588d5 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/
+++ b/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/
@@ -43,7 +43,8 @@ from ansible.plugins import action_loader, connection_loader, filter_loader, loo
from ansible.template import Templar
from ansible.utils.unicode import to_unicode
from ansible.vars.unsafe_proxy import wrap_var
-from ansible.vars import combine_vars
+from ansible.vars import combine_vars, strip_internal_keys
from __main__ import display
@@ -174,6 +175,7 @@ class StrategyBase:
# The next common higher level is and that has
# tasks inside of play_iterator so we'd have to extract them to do it
# there.
global action_write_locks
if task.action not in action_write_locks:
display.debug('Creating lock for %s' % task.action)
@@ -189,21 +191,22 @@ class StrategyBase:
shared_loader_obj = SharedPluginLoaderObj()
queued = False
+ starting_worker = self._cur_worker
while True:
(worker_prc, rslt_q) = self._workers[self._cur_worker]
if worker_prc is None or not worker_prc.is_alive():
- worker_prc = WorkerProcess(rslt_q, task_vars, host, task, play_context, self._loader, self._variable_manager, shared_loader_obj)
+ worker_prc = WorkerProcess(self._final_q, task_vars, host, task, play_context, self._loader, self._variable_manager, shared_loader_obj)
self._workers[self._cur_worker][0] = worker_prc
queued = True
self._cur_worker += 1
if self._cur_worker >= len(self._workers):
self._cur_worker = 0
- time.sleep(0.005)
if queued:
+ elif self._cur_worker == starting_worker:
+ time.sleep(0.0001)
- del task_vars
self._pending_results += 1
except (EOFError, IOError, AssertionError) as e:
# most likely an abort
@@ -219,222 +222,233 @@ class StrategyBase:
ret_results = []
+ def get_original_host(host_name):
+ host_name = to_unicode(host_name)
+ if host_name in self._inventory._hosts_cache:
+ return self._inventory._hosts_cache[host_name]
+ else:
+ return self._inventory.get_host(host_name)
+ def search_handler_blocks(handler_name, handler_blocks):
+ for handler_block in handler_blocks:
+ for handler_task in handler_block.block:
+ handler_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(loader=self._loader, play=iterator._play, task=handler_task)
+ templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=handler_vars)
+ try:
+ # first we check with the full result of get_name(), which may
+ # include the role name (if the handler is from a role). If that
+ # is not found, we resort to the simple name field, which doesn't
+ # have anything extra added to it.
+ target_handler_name = templar.template(
+ if target_handler_name == handler_name:
+ return handler_task
+ else:
+ target_handler_name = templar.template(handler_task.get_name())
+ if target_handler_name == handler_name:
+ return handler_task
+ except (UndefinedError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable) as e:
+ # We skip this handler due to the fact that it may be using
+ # a variable in the name that was conditionally included via
+ # set_fact or some other method, and we don't want to error
+ # out unnecessarily
+ continue
+ return None
while not self._final_q.empty() and not self._tqm._terminated:
- result = self._final_q.get()
- display.debug("got result from result worker: %s" % ([text_type(x) for x in result],))
- # helper method, used to find the original host from the one
- # returned in the result/message, which has been serialized and
- # thus had some information stripped from it to speed up the
- # serialization process
- def get_original_host(host):
- if in self._inventory._hosts_cache:
- return self._inventory._hosts_cache[]
+ task_result = self._final_q.get(block=False)
+ original_host = get_original_host(task_result._host)
+ original_task = iterator.get_original_task(original_host, task_result._task)
+ task_result._host = original_host
+ task_result._task = original_task
+ # send callbacks for 'non final' results
+ if '_ansible_retry' in task_result._result:
+ self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_retry', task_result)
+ continue
+ elif '_ansible_item_result' in task_result._result:
+ if task_result.is_failed() or task_result.is_unreachable():
+ self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_item_on_failed', task_result)
+ elif task_result.is_skipped():
+ self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_item_on_skipped', task_result)
- return self._inventory.get_host(
+ self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_item_on_ok', task_result)
+ continue
- # all host status messages contain 2 entries: (msg, task_result)
- if result[0] in ('host_task_ok', 'host_task_failed', 'host_task_skipped', 'host_unreachable'):
- task_result = result[1]
- host = get_original_host(task_result._host)
- task = task_result._task
- if result[0] == 'host_task_failed' or task_result.is_failed():
- if not task.ignore_errors:
- display.debug("marking %s as failed" %
- if task.run_once:
- # if we're using run_once, we have to fail every host here
- [iterator.mark_host_failed(h) for h in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
- else:
- iterator.mark_host_failed(host)
+ if original_task.register:
+ if original_task.run_once:
+ host_list = [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
+ else:
+ host_list = [original_host]
- # only add the host to the failed list officially if it has
- # been failed by the iterator
- if iterator.is_failed(host):
- self._tqm._failed_hosts[] = True
- self._tqm._stats.increment('failures',
- else:
- # otherwise, we grab the current state and if we're iterating on
- # the rescue portion of a block then we save the failed task in a
- # special var for use within the rescue/always
- state, _ = iterator.get_next_task_for_host(host, peek=True)
- if state.run_state == iterator.ITERATING_RESCUE:
- original_task = iterator.get_original_task(host, task)
- self._variable_manager.set_nonpersistent_facts(
- host,
- dict(
- ansible_failed_task=original_task.serialize(),
- ansible_failed_result=task_result._result,
- ),
- )
- else:
- self._tqm._stats.increment('ok',
- self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_failed', task_result, ignore_errors=task.ignore_errors)
- elif result[0] == 'host_unreachable':
- self._tqm._unreachable_hosts[] = True
- self._tqm._stats.increment('dark',
- self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_unreachable', task_result)
- elif result[0] == 'host_task_skipped':
- self._tqm._stats.increment('skipped',
- self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_skipped', task_result)
- elif result[0] == 'host_task_ok':
- if task.action != 'include':
- self._tqm._stats.increment('ok',
- if 'changed' in task_result._result and task_result._result['changed']:
- self._tqm._stats.increment('changed',
- self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_ok', task_result)
+ clean_copy = strip_internal_keys(task_result._result)
+ if 'invocation' in clean_copy:
+ del clean_copy['invocation']
- if self._diff:
- self._tqm.send_callback('v2_on_file_diff', task_result)
+ for target_host in host_list:
+ self._variable_manager.set_nonpersistent_facts(target_host, {original_task.register: clean_copy})
- self._pending_results -= 1
- if in self._blocked_hosts:
- del self._blocked_hosts[]
- # If this is a role task, mark the parent role as being run (if
- # the task was ok or failed, but not skipped or unreachable)
- if task_result._task._role is not None and result[0] in ('host_task_ok', 'host_task_failed'):
- # lookup the role in the ROLE_CACHE to make sure we're dealing
- # with the correct object and mark it as executed
- for (entry, role_obj) in iteritems(iterator._play.ROLE_CACHE[task_result._task._role._role_name]):
- if role_obj._uuid == task_result._task._role._uuid:
- role_obj._had_task_run[] = True
- ret_results.append(task_result)
- elif result[0] == 'add_host':
- result_item = result[1]
- new_host_info = result_item.get('add_host', dict())
- self._add_host(new_host_info, iterator)
- elif result[0] == 'add_group':
- host = get_original_host(result[1])
- result_item = result[2]
- self._add_group(host, result_item)
- elif result[0] == 'notify_handler':
- task_result = result[1]
- handler_name = result[2]
- original_host = get_original_host(task_result._host)
- original_task = iterator.get_original_task(original_host, task_result._task)
- def search_handler_blocks(handler_name, handler_blocks):
- for handler_block in handler_blocks:
- for handler_task in handler_block.block:
- handler_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(loader=self._loader, play=iterator._play, task=handler_task)
- templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=handler_vars)
- try:
- # first we check with the full result of get_name(), which may
- # include the role name (if the handler is from a role). If that
- # is not found, we resort to the simple name field, which doesn't
- # have anything extra added to it.
- target_handler_name = templar.template(
- if target_handler_name == handler_name:
- return handler_task
- else:
- target_handler_name = templar.template(handler_task.get_name())
- if target_handler_name == handler_name:
- return handler_task
- except (UndefinedError, AnsibleUndefinedVariable):
- # We skip this handler due to the fact that it may be using
- # a variable in the name that was conditionally included via
- # set_fact or some other method, and we don't want to error
- # out unnecessarily
- continue
- return None
- # Find the handler using the above helper. First we look up the
- # dependency chain of the current task (if it's from a role), otherwise
- # we just look through the list of handlers in the current play/all
- # roles and use the first one that matches the notify name
- if handler_name in self._listening_handlers:
- for listening_handler_name in self._listening_handlers[handler_name]:
- listening_handler = search_handler_blocks(listening_handler_name, iterator._play.handlers)
- if listening_handler is None:
- raise AnsibleError("The requested handler listener '%s' was not found in any of the known handlers" % listening_handler_name)
- if original_host not in self._notified_handlers[listening_handler]:
- self._notified_handlers[listening_handler].append(original_host)
- display.vv("NOTIFIED HANDLER %s" % (listening_handler_name,))
- else:
- target_handler = search_handler_blocks(handler_name, iterator._play.handlers)
- if target_handler is None:
- raise AnsibleError("The requested handler '%s' was not found in any of the known handlers" % handler_name)
- if target_handler in self._notified_handlers:
- if original_host not in self._notified_handlers[target_handler]:
- self._notified_handlers[target_handler].append(original_host)
- # FIXME: should this be a callback?
- display.vv("NOTIFIED HANDLER %s" % (handler_name,))
+ # all host status messages contain 2 entries: (msg, task_result)
+ role_ran = False
+ if task_result.is_failed():
+ role_ran = True
+ if not original_task.ignore_errors:
+ display.debug("marking %s as failed" %
+ if original_task.run_once:
+ # if we're using run_once, we have to fail every host here
+ [iterator.mark_host_failed(h) for h in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
- raise AnsibleError("The requested handler '%s' was found in neither the main handlers list nor the listening handlers list" % handler_name)
- elif result[0] == 'register_host_var':
- # essentially the same as 'set_host_var' below, however we
- # never follow the delegate_to value for registered vars and
- # the variable goes in the fact_cache
- host = get_original_host(result[1])
- task = result[2]
- var_value = wrap_var(result[3])
- var_name = task.register
- if task.run_once:
- host_list = [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
- else:
- host_list = [host]
+ iterator.mark_host_failed(original_host)
- for target_host in host_list:
- self._variable_manager.set_nonpersistent_facts(target_host, {var_name: var_value})
- elif result[0] in ('set_host_var', 'set_host_facts'):
- host = get_original_host(result[1])
- task = result[2]
- item = result[3]
- # find the host we're actually refering too here, which may
- # be a host that is not really in inventory at all
- if task.delegate_to is not None and task.delegate_facts:
- task_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(loader=self._loader, play=iterator._play, host=host, task=task)
- self.add_tqm_variables(task_vars, play=iterator._play)
- loop_var = 'item'
- if task.loop_control:
- loop_var = task.loop_control.loop_var or 'item'
- if item is not None:
- task_vars[loop_var] = item
- templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=task_vars)
- host_name = templar.template(task.delegate_to)
- actual_host = self._inventory.get_host(host_name)
- if actual_host is None:
- actual_host = Host(name=host_name)
+ # only add the host to the failed list officially if it has
+ # been failed by the iterator
+ if iterator.is_failed(original_host):
+ self._tqm._failed_hosts[] = True
+ self._tqm._stats.increment('failures',
+ else:
+ # otherwise, we grab the current state and if we're iterating on
+ # the rescue portion of a block then we save the failed task in a
+ # special var for use within the rescue/always
+ state, _ = iterator.get_next_task_for_host(original_host, peek=True)
+ if state.run_state == iterator.ITERATING_RESCUE:
+ self._variable_manager.set_nonpersistent_facts(
+ original_host,
+ dict(
+ ansible_failed_task=original_task.serialize(),
+ ansible_failed_result=task_result._result,
+ ),
+ )
- actual_host = host
+ self._tqm._stats.increment('ok',
+ self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_failed', task_result, ignore_errors=original_task.ignore_errors)
+ elif task_result.is_unreachable():
+ self._tqm._unreachable_hosts[] = True
+ self._tqm._stats.increment('dark',
+ self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_unreachable', task_result)
+ elif task_result.is_skipped():
+ self._tqm._stats.increment('skipped',
+ self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_skipped', task_result)
+ else:
+ role_ran = True
- if task.run_once:
- host_list = [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
+ if original_task.loop:
+ # this task had a loop, and has more than one result, so
+ # loop over all of them instead of a single result
+ result_items = task_result._result.get('results', [])
- host_list = [actual_host]
- if result[0] == 'set_host_var':
- var_name = result[4]
- var_value = result[5]
- for target_host in host_list:
- self._variable_manager.set_host_variable(target_host, var_name, var_value)
- elif result[0] == 'set_host_facts':
- facts = result[4]
- for target_host in host_list:
- if task.action == 'set_fact':
- self._variable_manager.set_nonpersistent_facts(target_host, facts.copy())
+ result_items = [ task_result._result ]
+ for result_item in result_items:
+ if '_ansible_notify' in result_item:
+ if task_result.is_changed():
+ # The shared dictionary for notified handlers is a proxy, which
+ # does not detect when sub-objects within the proxy are modified.
+ # So, per the docs, we reassign the list so the proxy picks up and
+ # notifies all other threads
+ for handler_name in result_item['_ansible_notify']:
+ # Find the handler using the above helper. First we look up the
+ # dependency chain of the current task (if it's from a role), otherwise
+ # we just look through the list of handlers in the current play/all
+ # roles and use the first one that matches the notify name
+ if handler_name in self._listening_handlers:
+ for listening_handler_name in self._listening_handlers[handler_name]:
+ listening_handler = search_handler_blocks(listening_handler_name, iterator._play.handlers)
+ if listening_handler is None:
+ raise AnsibleError("The requested handler listener '%s' was not found in any of the known handlers" % listening_handler_name)
+ if original_host not in self._notified_handlers[listening_handler]:
+ self._notified_handlers[listening_handler].append(original_host)
+ display.vv("NOTIFIED HANDLER %s" % (listening_handler_name,))
+ else:
+ target_handler = search_handler_blocks(handler_name, iterator._play.handlers)
+ if target_handler is None:
+ raise AnsibleError("The requested handler '%s' was not found in any of the known handlers" % handler_name)
+ if target_handler in self._notified_handlers:
+ if original_host not in self._notified_handlers[target_handler]:
+ self._notified_handlers[target_handler].append(original_host)
+ # FIXME: should this be a callback?
+ display.vv("NOTIFIED HANDLER %s" % (handler_name,))
+ else:
+ raise AnsibleError("The requested handler '%s' was found in neither the main handlers list nor the listening handlers list" % handler_name)
+ if 'add_host' in result_item:
+ # this task added a new host (add_host module)
+ new_host_info = result_item.get('add_host', dict())
+ self._add_host(new_host_info, iterator)
+ elif 'add_group' in result_item:
+ # this task added a new group (group_by module)
+ self._add_group(original_host, result_item)
+ elif 'ansible_facts' in result_item:
+ loop_var = 'item'
+ if original_task.loop_control:
+ loop_var = original_task.loop_control.loop_var or 'item'
+ item = result_item.get(loop_var, None)
+ if original_task.action == 'include_vars':
+ for (var_name, var_value) in iteritems(result_item['ansible_facts']):
+ # find the host we're actually refering too here, which may
+ # be a host that is not really in inventory at all
+ if original_task.delegate_to is not None and original_task.delegate_facts:
+ task_vars = self._variable_manager.get_vars(loader=self._loader, play=iterator._play, host=host, task=task)
+ self.add_tqm_variables(task_vars, play=iterator._play)
+ if item is not None:
+ task_vars[loop_var] = item
+ templar = Templar(loader=self._loader, variables=task_vars)
+ host_name = templar.template(original_task.delegate_to)
+ actual_host = self._inventory.get_host(host_name)
+ if actual_host is None:
+ actual_host = Host(name=host_name)
+ else:
+ actual_host = original_host
+ if original_task.run_once:
+ host_list = [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
+ else:
+ host_list = [actual_host]
+ for target_host in host_list:
+ self._variable_manager.set_host_variable(target_host, var_name, var_value)
- self._variable_manager.set_host_facts(target_host, facts.copy())
- elif result[0].startswith('v2_runner_item') or result[0] == 'v2_runner_retry':
- self._tqm.send_callback(result[0], result[1])
- elif result[0] == 'v2_on_file_diff':
- if self._diff:
- self._tqm.send_callback('v2_on_file_diff', result[1])
- else:
- raise AnsibleError("unknown result message received: %s" % result[0])
+ if original_task.run_once:
+ host_list = [host for host in self._inventory.get_hosts(iterator._play.hosts) if not in self._tqm._unreachable_hosts]
+ else:
+ host_list = [original_host]
+ for target_host in host_list:
+ if original_task.action == 'set_fact':
+ self._variable_manager.set_nonpersistent_facts(target_host, result_item['ansible_facts'].copy())
+ else:
+ self._variable_manager.set_host_facts(target_host, result_item['ansible_facts'].copy())
+ if 'diff' in task_result._result:
+ if self._diff:
+ self._tqm.send_callback('v2_on_file_diff', task_result)
+ if original_task.action != 'include':
+ self._tqm._stats.increment('ok',
+ if 'changed' in task_result._result and task_result._result['changed']:
+ self._tqm._stats.increment('changed',
+ # finally, send the ok for this task
+ self._tqm.send_callback('v2_runner_on_ok', task_result)
+ self._pending_results -= 1
+ if in self._blocked_hosts:
+ del self._blocked_hosts[]
+ # If this is a role task, mark the parent role as being run (if
+ # the task was ok or failed, but not skipped or unreachable)
+ if original_task._role is not None and role_ran:
+ # lookup the role in the ROLE_CACHE to make sure we're dealing
+ # with the correct object and mark it as executed
+ for (entry, role_obj) in iteritems(iterator._play.ROLE_CACHE[original_task._role._role_name]):
+ if role_obj._uuid == original_task._role._uuid:
+ role_obj._had_task_run[] = True
+ ret_results.append(task_result)
except Queue.Empty:
@@ -560,9 +574,9 @@ class StrategyBase:
block_list = load_list_of_blocks(
- play=included_file._task._block._play,
+ play=iterator._play,
- task_include=included_file._task,
+ task_include=None,
@@ -588,9 +602,9 @@ class StrategyBase:
# set the vars for this task from those specified as params to the include
for b in block_list:
# first make a copy of the including task, so that each has a unique copy to modify
- b._task_include = b._task_include.copy()
+ b._parent = included_file._task.copy()
# then we create a temporary set of vars to ensure the variable reference is unique
- temp_vars = b._task_include.vars.copy()
+ temp_vars = b._parent.vars.copy()
# pop tags out of the include args, if they were specified there, and assign
# them to the include. If the include already had tags specified, we raise an
@@ -599,12 +613,12 @@ class StrategyBase:
if isinstance(tags, string_types):
tags = tags.split(',')
if len(tags) > 0:
- if len(b._task_include.tags) > 0:
+ if len(b._parent.tags) > 0:
raise AnsibleParserError("Include tasks should not specify tags in more than one way (both via args and directly on the task). Mixing tag specify styles is prohibited for whole import hierarchy, not only for single import statement",
display.deprecated("You should not specify tags in the include parameters. All tags should be specified using the task-level option")
- b._task_include.tags = tags
- b._task_include.vars = temp_vars
+ b._parent.tags = tags
+ b._parent.vars = temp_vars
# finally, send the callback and return the list of blocks loaded
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_playbook_on_include', included_file)
diff --git a/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/ b/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/
index 89287c49ab..772db5cf5a 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/
+++ b/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/
@@ -146,6 +146,7 @@ class StrategyModule(StrategyBase):
display.warning("Using any_errors_fatal with the free strategy is not supported, as tasks are executed independently on each host")
self._tqm.send_callback('v2_playbook_on_task_start', task, is_conditional=False)
self._queue_task(host, task, task_vars, play_context)
+ del task_vars
display.debug("%s is blocked, skipping for now" % host_name)
diff --git a/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/ b/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/
index 50028fbe1c..c45af9b678 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/
+++ b/lib/ansible/plugins/strategy/
@@ -253,6 +253,7 @@ class StrategyModule(StrategyBase):
self._blocked_hosts[host.get_name()] = True
self._queue_task(host, task, task_vars, play_context)
+ del task_vars
# if we're bypassing the host loop, break out now
if run_once:
@@ -315,7 +316,7 @@ class StrategyModule(StrategyBase):
final_block = new_block.filter_tagged_tasks(play_context, task_vars)
display.debug("done filtering new block on tags")
- noop_block = Block(parent_block=task._block)
+ noop_block = Block(parent_block=task._parent)
noop_block.block = [noop_task for t in new_block.block]
noop_block.always = [noop_task for t in new_block.always]
noop_block.rescue = [noop_task for t in new_block.rescue]
diff --git a/lib/ansible/vars/ b/lib/ansible/vars/
index 686bd31b01..4975839d6b 100644
--- a/lib/ansible/vars/
+++ b/lib/ansible/vars/
@@ -237,7 +237,7 @@ class VariableManager:
# sure it sees its defaults above any other roles, as we previously
# (v1) made sure each task had a copy of its roles default vars
if task and task._role is not None:
- all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_default_vars(dep_chain=task._block.get_dep_chain()))
+ all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_default_vars(dep_chain=task.get_dep_chain()))
if host:
# next, if a host is specified, we load any vars from group_vars
@@ -334,7 +334,7 @@ class VariableManager:
# vars (which will look at parent blocks/task includes)
if task:
if task._role:
- all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_vars(task._block._dep_chain, include_params=False))
+ all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_vars(task.get_dep_chain(), include_params=False))
all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task.get_vars())
# next, we merge in the vars cache (include vars) and nonpersistent
@@ -346,7 +346,7 @@ class VariableManager:
# next, we merge in role params and task include params
if task:
if task._role:
- all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_role_params(task._block.get_dep_chain()))
+ all_vars = combine_vars(all_vars, task._role.get_role_params(task.get_dep_chain()))
# special case for include tasks, where the include params
# may be specified in the vars field for the task, which should
diff --git a/test/integration/Makefile b/test/integration/Makefile
index 070597ab1d..cc5d26a02e 100644
--- a/test/integration/Makefile
+++ b/test/integration/Makefile
@@ -49,21 +49,21 @@ includes: setup
pull: pull_run pull_no_127 pull_limit_inventory
- ansible-pull -d $(MYTMPDIR) -U | grep MAGICKEYWORD; \
+ ansible-pull -d $(MYTMPDIR) -U $(TEST_FLAGS) | grep MAGICKEYWORD; \
RC=$$? ; \
rm -rf $(MYTMPDIR); \
exit $$RC
# test for
- ansible-pull -d $(MYTMPDIR) -U | grep -v 127\.0\.0\.1; \
+ ansible-pull -d $(MYTMPDIR) -U $(TEST_FLAGS) | grep -v 127\.0\.0\.1; \
RC=$$? ; \
rm -rf $(MYTMPDIR); \
exit $$RC
# test for
- ansible-pull -d $(MYTMPDIR) -U; \
+ ansible-pull -d $(MYTMPDIR) -U $(TEST_FLAGS); \
RC=$$? ; \
rm -rf $(MYTMPDIR); \
exit $$RC
@@ -314,7 +314,7 @@ test_lookup_paths: setup
no_log: setup
# This test expects 7 loggable vars and 0 non loggable ones, if either mismatches it fails, run the ansible-playbook command to debug
- [ "$$(ansible-playbook no_log_local.yml -i $(INVENTORY) -e outputdir=$(TEST_DIR) -vvvvv | awk --source 'BEGIN { logme = 0; nolog = 0; } /LOG_ME/ { logme += 1;} /DO_NOT_LOG/ { nolog += 1;} END { printf "%d/%d", logme, nolog; }')" = "26/0" ]
+ [ "$$(ansible-playbook no_log_local.yml -i $(INVENTORY) -e outputdir=$(TEST_DIR) $(TEST_FLAGS) -vvvvv | awk --source 'BEGIN { logme = 0; nolog = 0; } /LOG_ME/ { logme += 1;} /DO_NOT_LOG/ { nolog += 1;} END { printf "%d/%d", logme, nolog; }')" = "26/0" ]
test_binary_modules_winrm: INVENTORY = inventory.winrm
test_binary_modules_winrm: test_binary_modules
diff --git a/test/integration/roles/test_filters/tasks/main.yml b/test/integration/roles/test_filters/tasks/main.yml
index 6d75c0d81c..3e500ae604 100644
--- a/test/integration/roles/test_filters/tasks/main.yml
+++ b/test/integration/roles/test_filters/tasks/main.yml
@@ -40,8 +40,8 @@
register: diff_result_9851
- name: 9851 - verify generated file matches known good
- assert:
- that:
+ assert:
+ that:
- 'diff_result_9851.stdout == ""'
- name: fill in a basic template
@@ -56,9 +56,9 @@
register: diff_result
- name: verify templated file matches known good
- assert:
- that:
- - 'diff_result.stdout == ""'
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - 'diff_result.stdout == ""'
- name: Verify human_readable
@@ -77,3 +77,9 @@
- "31 == ['x','y']|map('extract',{'x':42,'y':31})|list|last"
- "'local' == ['localhost']|map('extract',hostvars,'ansible_connection')|list|first"
- "'local' == ['localhost']|map('extract',hostvars,['ansible_connection'])|list|first"
+- name: Test json_query filter
+ assert:
+ that:
+ - "users | json_query('[*].hosts[].host') == ['host_a', 'host_b', 'host_c', 'host_d']"
diff --git a/test/integration/roles/test_filters/vars/main.yml b/test/integration/roles/test_filters/vars/main.yml
index 133c2b613b..7b9f609c95 100644
--- a/test/integration/roles/test_filters/vars/main.yml
+++ b/test/integration/roles/test_filters/vars/main.yml
@@ -1,6 +1,18 @@
- "this is a list element"
- -
+ -
this: "is a hash element in a list"
warp: 9
where: endor
+ - name: steve
+ hosts:
+ - host: host_a
+ password: abc
+ - host: host_b
+ - name: bill
+ hosts:
+ - host: host_c
+ password: default
+ - host: host_d
diff --git a/test/units/executor/ b/test/units/executor/
index 364ec54d43..c0f23e531d 100644
--- a/test/units/executor/
+++ b/test/units/executor/
@@ -121,7 +121,7 @@ class TestPlayIterator(unittest.TestCase):
# lookup up an original task
target_task = p._entries[0].tasks[0].block[0]
- task_copy = target_task.copy(exclude_block=True)
+ task_copy = target_task.copy(exclude_parent=True)
found_task = itr.get_original_task(hosts[0], task_copy)
self.assertEqual(target_task, found_task)
diff --git a/test/units/executor/ b/test/units/executor/
index 3f9a614dfb..60935692d5 100644
--- a/test/units/executor/
+++ b/test/units/executor/
@@ -139,7 +139,7 @@ class TestTaskExecutor(unittest.TestCase):
mock_host = MagicMock()
- def _copy():
+ def _copy(exclude_parent=False, exclude_tasks=False):
new_item = MagicMock()
return new_item
diff --git a/test/units/plugins/strategies/ b/test/units/plugins/strategies/
index 23c3ce40bb..46c3729fd2 100644
--- a/test/units/plugins/strategies/
+++ b/test/units/plugins/strategies/
@@ -19,6 +19,8 @@
from __future__ import (absolute_import, division, print_function)
__metaclass__ = type
+import uuid
from ansible.compat.tests import unittest
from ansible.compat.tests.mock import patch, MagicMock
@@ -27,6 +29,7 @@ from ansible.plugins.strategy import StrategyBase
from ansible.executor.process.worker import WorkerProcess
from ansible.executor.task_queue_manager import TaskQueueManager
from ansible.executor.task_result import TaskResult
+from ansible.playbook.block import Block
from ansible.playbook.handler import Handler
from import Host
@@ -183,11 +186,6 @@ class TestStrategyBase(unittest.TestCase):
mock_play = MagicMock()
- mock_iterator = MagicMock()
- mock_iterator._play = mock_play
- mock_iterator.mark_host_failed.return_value = None
- mock_iterator.get_next_task_for_host.return_value = (None, None)
mock_host = MagicMock() = 'test01'
mock_host.vars = dict()
@@ -196,6 +194,8 @@ class TestStrategyBase(unittest.TestCase):
mock_task = MagicMock()
mock_task._role = None
mock_task.ignore_errors = False
+ mock_task._uuid = uuid.uuid4()
+ mock_task.loop = None
mock_handler_task = MagicMock(Handler) = 'test handler'
@@ -203,8 +203,16 @@ class TestStrategyBase(unittest.TestCase):
mock_handler_task.get_name.return_value = "test handler"
mock_handler_task.has_triggered.return_value = False
+ mock_iterator = MagicMock()
+ mock_iterator._play = mock_play
+ mock_iterator.mark_host_failed.return_value = None
+ mock_iterator.get_next_task_for_host.return_value = (None, None)
+ mock_iterator.get_original_task.return_value = mock_task
mock_handler_block = MagicMock()
mock_handler_block.block = [mock_handler_task]
+ mock_handler_block.rescue = []
+ mock_handler_block.always = []
mock_play.handlers = [mock_handler_block]
mock_tqm._notified_handlers = {mock_handler_task: []}
@@ -245,8 +253,8 @@ class TestStrategyBase(unittest.TestCase):
results = strategy_base._wait_on_pending_results(iterator=mock_iterator)
self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
- task_result = TaskResult(host=mock_host, task=mock_task, return_data=dict(changed=True))
- queue_items.append(('host_task_ok', task_result))
+ task_result = TaskResult(, task=mock_task._uuid, return_data=dict(changed=True))
+ queue_items.append(task_result)
strategy_base._blocked_hosts['test01'] = True
strategy_base._pending_results = 1
results = strategy_base._wait_on_pending_results(iterator=mock_iterator)
@@ -255,10 +263,11 @@ class TestStrategyBase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(strategy_base._pending_results, 0)
self.assertNotIn('test01', strategy_base._blocked_hosts)
- task_result = TaskResult(host=mock_host, task=mock_task, return_data='{"failed":true}')
- queue_items.append(('host_task_failed', task_result))
+ task_result = TaskResult(, task=mock_task._uuid, return_data='{"failed":true}')
+ queue_items.append(task_result)
strategy_base._blocked_hosts['test01'] = True
strategy_base._pending_results = 1
+ mock_iterator.is_failed.return_value = True
results = strategy_base._process_pending_results(iterator=mock_iterator)
self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
self.assertEqual(results[0], task_result)
@@ -266,9 +275,10 @@ class TestStrategyBase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertNotIn('test01', strategy_base._blocked_hosts)
self.assertIn('test01', mock_tqm._failed_hosts)
del mock_tqm._failed_hosts['test01']
+ mock_iterator.is_failed.return_value = False
- task_result = TaskResult(host=mock_host, task=mock_task, return_data='{}')
- queue_items.append(('host_unreachable', task_result))
+ task_result = TaskResult(, task=mock_task._uuid, return_data='{"unreachable": true}')
+ queue_items.append(task_result)
strategy_base._blocked_hosts['test01'] = True
strategy_base._pending_results = 1
results = strategy_base._wait_on_pending_results(iterator=mock_iterator)
@@ -279,8 +289,8 @@ class TestStrategyBase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertIn('test01', mock_tqm._unreachable_hosts)
del mock_tqm._unreachable_hosts['test01']
- task_result = TaskResult(host=mock_host, task=mock_task, return_data='{}')
- queue_items.append(('host_task_skipped', task_result))
+ task_result = TaskResult(, task=mock_task._uuid, return_data='{"skipped": true}')
+ queue_items.append(task_result)
strategy_base._blocked_hosts['test01'] = True
strategy_base._pending_results = 1
results = strategy_base._wait_on_pending_results(iterator=mock_iterator)
@@ -289,42 +299,44 @@ class TestStrategyBase(unittest.TestCase):
self.assertEqual(strategy_base._pending_results, 0)
self.assertNotIn('test01', strategy_base._blocked_hosts)
+ queue_items.append(TaskResult(, task=mock_task._uuid, return_data=dict(add_host=dict(host_name='newhost01', new_groups=['foo']))))
strategy_base._blocked_hosts['test01'] = True
strategy_base._pending_results = 1
- queue_items.append(('add_host', dict(add_host=dict(host_name='newhost01', new_groups=['foo']))))
results = strategy_base._process_pending_results(iterator=mock_iterator)
- self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
- self.assertEqual(strategy_base._pending_results, 1)
- self.assertIn('test01', strategy_base._blocked_hosts)
+ self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(strategy_base._pending_results, 0)
+ self.assertNotIn('test01', strategy_base._blocked_hosts)
- queue_items.append(('add_group', mock_host, dict(add_group=dict(group_name='foo'))))
+ queue_items.append(TaskResult(, task=mock_task._uuid, return_data=dict(add_group=dict(group_name='foo'))))
+ strategy_base._blocked_hosts['test01'] = True
+ strategy_base._pending_results = 1
results = strategy_base._process_pending_results(iterator=mock_iterator)
- self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
- self.assertEqual(strategy_base._pending_results, 1)
- self.assertIn('test01', strategy_base._blocked_hosts)
+ self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(strategy_base._pending_results, 0)
+ self.assertNotIn('test01', strategy_base._blocked_hosts)
- task_result = TaskResult(host=mock_host, task=mock_task, return_data=dict(changed=True))
- queue_items.append(('notify_handler', task_result, 'test handler'))
+ queue_items.append(TaskResult(, task=mock_task._uuid, return_data=dict(changed=True, _ansible_notify=['test handler'])))
+ strategy_base._blocked_hosts['test01'] = True
+ strategy_base._pending_results = 1
results = strategy_base._process_pending_results(iterator=mock_iterator)
- self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
- self.assertEqual(strategy_base._pending_results, 1)
- self.assertIn('test01', strategy_base._blocked_hosts)
+ self.assertEqual(len(results), 1)
+ self.assertEqual(strategy_base._pending_results, 0)
+ self.assertNotIn('test01', strategy_base._blocked_hosts)
self.assertIn(mock_handler_task, strategy_base._notified_handlers)
self.assertIn(mock_host, strategy_base._notified_handlers[mock_handler_task])
- queue_items.append(('set_host_var', mock_host, mock_task, None, 'foo', 'bar'))
- results = strategy_base._process_pending_results(iterator=mock_iterator)
- self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
- self.assertEqual(strategy_base._pending_results, 1)
+ #queue_items.append(('set_host_var', mock_host, mock_task, None, 'foo', 'bar'))
+ #results = strategy_base._process_pending_results(iterator=mock_iterator)
+ #self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
+ #self.assertEqual(strategy_base._pending_results, 1)
- queue_items.append(('set_host_facts', mock_host, mock_task, None, 'foo', dict()))
- results = strategy_base._process_pending_results(iterator=mock_iterator)
- self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
- self.assertEqual(strategy_base._pending_results, 1)
+ #queue_items.append(('set_host_facts', mock_host, mock_task, None, 'foo', dict()))
+ #results = strategy_base._process_pending_results(iterator=mock_iterator)
+ #self.assertEqual(len(results), 0)
+ #self.assertEqual(strategy_base._pending_results, 1)
- queue_items.append(('bad'))
- self.assertRaises(AnsibleError, strategy_base._process_pending_results, iterator=mock_iterator)
+ #queue_items.append(('bad'))
+ #self.assertRaises(AnsibleError, strategy_base._process_pending_results, iterator=mock_iterator)
def test_strategy_base_load_included_file(self):
fake_loader = DictDataLoader({
@@ -377,6 +389,8 @@ class TestStrategyBase(unittest.TestCase):
mock_handler_task.action = 'foo'
mock_handler_task.get_name.return_value = "test handler"
mock_handler_task.has_triggered.return_value = False
+ mock_handler_task.listen = None
+ mock_handler_task._role = None
mock_handler = MagicMock()
mock_handler.block = [mock_handler_task]
@@ -395,8 +409,9 @@ class TestStrategyBase(unittest.TestCase):
mock_var_mgr = MagicMock()
mock_var_mgr.get_vars.return_value = dict()
- mock_iterator = MagicMock
+ mock_iterator = MagicMock()
mock_iterator._play = mock_play
+ mock_iterator.get_original_task.return_value = mock_handler_task
fake_loader = DictDataLoader()
mock_options = MagicMock()
@@ -420,7 +435,7 @@ class TestStrategyBase(unittest.TestCase):
strategy_base._notified_handlers = {mock_handler_task: [mock_host]}
task_result = TaskResult(Host('host01'), Handler(), dict(changed=False))
- tqm._final_q.put(('host_task_ok', task_result))
+ tqm._final_q.put(task_result)
result = strategy_base.run_handlers(iterator=mock_iterator, play_context=mock_play_context)
diff --git a/test/utils/shippable/ b/test/utils/shippable/
index eea87b465c..c74ba35883 100755
--- a/test/utils/shippable/
+++ b/test/utils/shippable/
@@ -85,6 +85,8 @@ container_id=$(docker run -d \
+docker exec "${container_id}" pip install jmespath
if [ "${copy_source}" ]; then
docker exec "${container_id}" cp -a "${test_shared_dir}" "${test_ansible_dir}"
diff --git a/test/utils/shippable/ b/test/utils/shippable/
index 3f7663029a..639f2be310 100644
--- a/test/utils/shippable/
+++ b/test/utils/shippable/
@@ -44,7 +44,8 @@ pkg install -y \
# TODO: should install these
pip install \
junit-xml \
- virtualenv
+ virtualenv \
+ jmespath
# FIXME: tests assume bash is in /bin/bash
if [ ! -f /bin/bash ]; then
@@ -61,11 +62,6 @@ if [ ! -f /usr/local/bin/sha1sum ]; then
ln -s /usr/local/bin/shasum /usr/local/bin/sha1sum
-# FIXME: async doesn't work with ansible_python_interpreter, see:
-if [ ! -f /usr/bin/python ]; then
- ln -s /usr/local/bin/python /usr/bin/python
# Tests assume loopback addresses other than will work.
# Add aliases for loopback addresses used by tests.